Bewise Inc. Reference source from the internet.
e h welding 躺焊
earing 出耳子
early slag 初渣
earth metal 稀土金属
earthy browncoal 土状褐煤
earthy iron ore 泥状铁矿
easy magnetization axis 易磁化方向
ebr 电子束重熔
eccentric bottom tapping 偏心炉底出钢
eccentric converter 偏心炉口转炉
eccentric covering 偏心被覆
eccentric press 偏心压机
eccentric tapping 偏心出钢
economizer 节约装置
eddy current flaw detection 涡帘陷探测
eddy currents 涡流
eddy mill 旋涡研磨机
eddy mill powder 旋涡研磨粉
eddy motion 涡了动
eddyloss 涡琉耗
edenborn reel 伊登堡式线材卷取机
edge beveling 边缘倒棱
edge chamfering 边缘倒棱
edge crack 边裂
edge dislocation 刃型位错
edge planer 刨边机
edge preparation 边缘加工
edge runner mill 刃型连续研磨机
edge shaver 刨边机
edge stability 棱边强度
edge strength 棱边强度
edge trimmers 剪边机
edge trimming 切边
edge waviness 边缘波纹
edger 立辊轧机
edging 侧压下量
edging groove 立轧孔型
edging pass 立轧道次
edging roll 立辊
edging stand 立辊轧机
eduction pipe 排气管
effective area 有效面积
effective diameter 有效直径
effective distribution coefficient 有效分布系数
effective particle density 颗粒有效密度
effective porosity 有效孔隙度
effective pressure 有效压力
effective stress 有效应力
effervescent deep drawing steel 深冲用沸腾钢
effervescent steel 沸腾钢
effervescing steel 沸腾钢
efficiency 效率
efficient deformation 有效形变
efflorescence 风化
effluents 废水
effusion 瘤
effusion method 隙透法
einsteinium 锿
ejection force 推顶力
ejection pressure 脱模压力
ejector 喷射器
elastic aftereffect 弹性后效
elastic afterworking 弹性后效
elastic body 弹性体
elastic constant 弹性常数
elastic deformation 弹性变形
elastic energy 弹性能
elastic fatigue 弹性疲劳
elastic force 弹力
elastic hysteresis 弹性滞后
elastic limit 弹性极限
elastic modulus 弹性模数
elastic plastic fracture mechanics 弹性 塑性断裂力学
elastic range 弹性区
elastic region 弹性区
elastic strain 弹性变形
elastic stress 弹性应力
elasticity 弹性
elbow 弯管
electric arc 电弧
electric arc furnace 电弧炉
electric arc welding 电弧焊
electric brazing 电热钎焊
electric conduction 电导
electric conductivity 导电率
electric corundum 电熔刚玉
electric energy 电能
electric furnace 电炉
electric furnace brazing 电炉内钎焊
electric furnace shop 电炉车间
electric furnace slag 电炉渣
electric heating 电加热
electric melting 电热熔炼
electric pig iron 电炉生铁
electric pig iron furnace 炼铁电炉
electric power 电力
electric power consumption 电力消耗量
electric precipitator 电气集尘器
electric reduction furnace 电热还原炉
electric reduction process 电热还原法
electric resistance 电阻
electric resistance annealing 电阻退火
electric resistance brazing 电阻钎焊
electric resistance thermometer 电阻温度计
electric resistance welding 电阻焊
electric smelting 电炉熔炼
electric steel 电炉钢
electric steel plant 电炉炼钢车间
electric steelmaking furnace 电气炼钢炉
electric vacuum furnace 真空电炉
electric weld pipe mill 电焊钢管轧管机
electric welded pipe 电焊管
electric welding 电焊
electric welding machine 电焊机
electrical contact alloy 电气接点合金
electrical properties 电气性质
electrical sheet 电工钢板
electroanalysis 电解分析
electrobrightening 电解抛光
electrocapillarity 电毛细现象
electrochemical action 电化酌
electrochemical analysis 电化分析
electrochemical corrosion 电解腐蚀
electrochemical equivalent 电化当量
electrochemical polarization 电化学极化
electrochemical potential 电化学势
electrochemical reduction 电化还原
electrochemical series 电化序
electrochemistry 电化学
electrocolor process 电解着色法
electrocrystallization 电结晶
electrode 电极;焊条
electrode coke 电极焦
electrode crater 电极端弧坑
electrode for cast iron 铸铁焊条
electrode for underwater cutting 水中割条
electrode force 电极压力
electrode holder 电焊钳
electrode potential 电极电势
electrode reaction 电极反应
electrode stub 焊条残头
electrode tip 电极端
electrode welding 手工电弧焊
electrode wire 焊丝
electrodeposit 电镀层
electrodeposited alloy 电解沉积合金
electrodeposited coating 电镀层
electrodeposition 电解沉积
electrodes circle diameter 电极圆直径
electrodiffusion 电扩散
electroerosion machining 电侵蚀加工
electroextraction 电解提取
electrofilter 电过滤器
electrogalvanizing 电解镀锌
electrogalvanizing line 电镀锌椎线
electrogas arc welding 气电焊
electrogranodising 电解磷酸盐处理
electroless plating 非电解浸镀
electrolysis 电解
electrolyte 电解液
electrolytic analysis 电解分析
electrolytic bath 电解浴
electrolytic cell 电解槽
electrolytic cleaning 电解清洗
electrolytic cleaning line 电解清洗椎线
electrolytic coloring 电解着色
electrolytic copper 电解铜
electrolytic copper refining 铜的电解精炼
electrolytic corrosion 电解腐蚀
electrolytic degreasing 电解脱脂
electrolytic deposit 电解沉积物
electrolytic deposition 电解沉积
electrolytic dissociation 电离
electrolytic dissolution 电解溶解
electrolytic etching 电解浸蚀
electrolytic extraction 电解提取
electrolytic furnace 电解炉
electrolytic iron 电解铁
electrolytic leaching 电解浸出
electrolytic lead 电解铅
electrolytic lead refining 铅电解精炼
electrolytic manganese 电解锰
electrolytic metal 电解金属
electrolytic nickel 电解镍
electrolytic oxidation 电解氧化
electrolytic parting 电解分离
electrolytic pickling 电解酸洗
electrolytic plant 电解车间
electrolytic polarization 电解极化
electrolytic polishing 电解抛光
electrolytic powder 电解粉末
electrolytic process 电解法
electrolytic rectifier 电解用整流
electrolytic reduction 电解还原
electrolytic refining 电解精炼
electrolytic separation 电解分离
electrolytic slime 电解泥
electrolytic solution 电解溶液
electrolytic solution tension 电溶压
electrolytic stripping 电解剥离
electrolytic tinning 电解镀锡
electrolytic tinning line 电镀锡椎线
electrolytic tinplate 电镀锡板
electrolytic zinc 电解锌
electrolytic zinc plating line 电镀锌椎线
electrolyzer 电解槽
electromagnet 电磁铁
electromagnetic coagulation 电磁凝结
electromagnetic field 电磁场
electromagnetic forming 电磁成形
electromagnetic lens 电磁透镜
electromagnetic radiation 电磁辐射
electromagnetic separation 电磁分离
electromagnetic stirring 电磁搅拌
electromagnetism 电磁学
electromechanical scale 机电天平
electrometallurgy 电冶金
electrometer 静电计
electromotive force 电动势
electron 电子;埃雷克特龙镁基合金
electron affinity 电子亲和力
electron beam 电子束
electron beam furnace 电子束熔炼炉
electron beam gun 电子枪
electron beam hardening 电子束淬火
electron beam melting 电子束熔炼
electron beam microprobe 电子束显微探头
electron beam remelting 电子束重熔
electron beam welding 电子线束焊接
electron bombardment 电子轰击
electron diffraction 电子衍射
electron diffraction analysis 电子衍射分析
electron diffraction pattern 电子衍射图
electron emission microscopy 电子发射显微镜检查法
electron microprobe analyser 电子显微探针分析仪
electron microprobe analysis 电子探针分析
electron microscope 电子显微镜
electron microscopy 电子显微镜检查法
electron optics 电子光学
electron probe analyzer 电子探针分析器
electron probe microanalysis 电子探针分析
electron shell 电子壳
electron spectroscopy 电子光谱学
electronegative element 阴电性元素
electronegativity 负电性
electronic computer 电脑
electropercussive welding 电冲桓接
electrophoresis 电泳
electroplating 电镀
electroplating bath 电镀槽
electropolishing 电解抛光
electropositive element 阳电性元素
electropositive metal 正电性金属
electroreduction 电解还原
electrorefining 电解精炼
electroslag process 电渣法
electroslag refining furnace 电渣重熔炉
electroslag remelting 电渣重熔
electroslag remelting furnace 电渣重熔炉
electroslag remelting process 电渣重熔法
electroslag resistance furnace 电渣电阻炉
electroslag topping process 电渣顶部加热法
electroslag welding 电渣焊
electrospark machining 电火花加工
electrostatic cleaning 静电除尘
electrostatic potential 静电位
electrostatic precipitator 静电集尘器
electrostatic separation 静电选矿
electrostatic welding 静电焊
electrostriction 电致伸缩
electrothermal furnace 电热炉
electrothermal oven 电热炉
electrothermal process 电热法
electrothermics 电热学
electrothermy 电热学
electrotype metal 电铸极金属
electrovalent linkage 离子键
electrum 埃列克特鲁金银合金
element 元素
elemental body 单质体
elementary analysis 元素分析
elementary cell 单位晶胞
elevating piler 升降堆垛台
elevator 升降机
elin hafergut welding 躺焊
elinvar 埃林瓦合金
elongated grain 伸长晶粒
elongating mill 延伸轧管机
elongation 延伸
elongation at rupture 破断伸长
elongator 延伸轧管机
elred process 电热还原法
eluate 洗出液
eluent 洗提液
elution 洗提
elution process 洗提法
elutriation 淘析
elutriator 淘析器
embolite 氯溴银矿
embossing 压纹
embrittlement 脆化
embrittlement temperature 脆化温度
emergency ladle 备用罐
emergency repair 紧急修理
emergency shears 事故剪切机
emergency taphole 备用紧急出铁口
emergency tuyere 备用紧急风口
emery 刚砂
emery cloth 刚砂布
emery paper 砂纸
emery wheel 砂轮
emf method 电动势法
emissary dislocations 发射位错
emission 放射
emission analysis 放射分析
emissive power 辐射本领
emissivity 辐射系数;辐射本领
emplectite 硫铜苍铅矿
emplectum 硫铜苍铅矿
emulsification 乳化
emulsified oil quenching 乳化油淬火
emulsifier 乳化剂
emulsifying agent 乳化剂
emulsion 乳浊液
emulsoid 乳胶体
enamel 瓷漆
enameled wire 漆包线
enameling 搪瓷
enameling sheet 搪瓷钢板
enantiotropism 互变现象
enargite 硫砷铜矿
enclosure 夹杂物
end cropping 切头
end product 最终产物
end quench curve 乔米尼曲线
end quench hardenability test 末端淬透性试验
end quenching 顶端淬火
end return 端部周边焊
end shears 剪头机
end sizing 最终定径
end tab 引出板
endless mill 无头轧机
endless rolling 无头轧制
endogenous inclusion 内生夹杂物
endoscope 内视镜
endothermic reaction 吸热反应
endurance 耐久性
endurance bending strength 弯曲疲劳强度
endurance failure 疲劳断裂
endurance limit 疲劳极限
endurance ratio 疲劳比
endurance test 疲劳试验
endurance testing machine 疲劳试验机
energizer 活化剂
energy 能
energy balance 能量平衡
energy band 能带
energy barrier 能垒
energy conservation 能量守恒
energy density 能量密度
energy distribution 能量分布
energy efficiency 能效率
energy exchange 能量交换
energy hill 能垒
energy level 能级
energy loss 能量损失
energy spectrum 能谱
energy state 能态
energy transfer 能量传移
engineering cast iron 机破造用铸铁
enriched element 富集元素
enriched uranium 浓缩铀
enrichment 富集
enthalpy 焓
enthalpy of formation 生成焓
enthalpy of fusion 熔化焓
enthalpy of melting 熔化焓
enthalpy of mixing 混合焓
entropy 熵
entry accumulator 入口贮料坑
entry guide 进口导板
entry guide box 进口导极盒
entry roll cone 进口辊圆锥
entry side 进料侧
entry table 输入辊道
envelope 外壳;保护介质
environment protection 环境保护
environmental pollution 环境污染
epitaxial film 外延生长膜
epitaxial layer 外延生长膜
epitaxy 外延生长
epoxy coat 环氧涂层
epoxy resin 环氧尸
epsomite 泻利盐
equal angle 等边角钢
equation of state 状态方程式
equiaxed crystal 等轴晶体
equicohesive temperature 等内聚温度
equilibrium 平衡
equilibrium blast cupola 平衡鼓风化铁炉
equilibrium concentration 平衡浓度
equilibrium conditions 平衡条件
equilibrium constant 平衡常数
equilibrium diagram 平衡状态图
equilibrium electrode potential 平衡电极电位
equilibrium phase 平衡相
equilibrium pressure 平衡压力
equilibrium state 平衡状态
equilibrium system 平衡系
equipartition 平匀分配
equipment 设备
equipotential line 等势线
equipotential surface 等位面
equivalence point 当量点
equivalent 当量
equivalent carbon content 碳当量
equivalent concentration 当量浓度
equivalent conductivity 当量导电率
equivalent diameter 等效直径
equivalent fuel 等价燃料
equivalent weight 当量
erbium 铒
erection welding 工地焊接
erichsen test 埃里克森杯突试验
erosion 侵蚀
erosion resistance 抗腐蚀性
erythrite 钴华
esr 电渣重熔
esr process 电渣重熔法
etch figure 侵蚀图
etch pit 蚀坑
etch test 腐蚀试验
etch test cut 腐蚀试片
etchant 腐蚀剂
etched slice 腐蚀试片
etching 腐蚀
etching crack 腐蚀裂纹
etching pattern 侵蚀图
etching reagent 腐蚀剂
ether 醚
ethyl alcohol 乙醇
euchroite 翠砷铜矿
europium 铕
eutectic 共晶体
eutectic alloy 共晶合金
eutectic carbides 共晶碳化物
eutectic cast iron 共晶铸铁
eutectic cementite 共晶渗碳体
eutectic composition 共晶成分
eutectic line 共晶线
eutectic melting 共晶熔化
eutectic mixture 共晶混合物
eutectic point 共晶点
eutectic reaction 共晶反应
eutectic solder 共晶软焊料
eutectic structure 共晶组织
eutectic temperature 共晶温度
eutectic transformation 共晶转变
eutectic trough 共晶谷
eutectic valley 共晶谷
eutectoid 共析体
eutectoid alloy 共析合金
eutectoid cementite 共析渗碳体
eutectoid composition 共析成分
eutectoid decomposition 共析分解
eutectoid horizontal 共析线
eutectoid line 共析线
eutectoid point 共析点
eutectoid reaction 共析反应
eutectoid steel 共析钢
eutectoid structure 共析组织
eutectoid transformation 共析转变
evacuation 抽空
evaporating dish 蒸发皿
evaporation 蒸发
evaporation coating 蒸发镀层
evaporation concentration 蒸发浓缩
evaporation cooling 汽化冷却
evaporation loss 蒸发损失
evaporation residue 蒸发残渣
evaporator 蒸发器
even fracture 平坦断口
examination 试验
excess air 过剩空气
excess air coefficient 过剩空气系数
excess enthalpy 过剩焓
excess free energy 过剩自由能
excess oxygen flame 过剩氧火焰
excess vacancy 过剩空位
exchange energy 交换能
exchange reaction 交换反应
exchanger 交换器换热器
excitation 激励
excitation energy 激励能
excitation level 激励能级
excitation potential 激励电位
excited atom 受激原子
excited state 激励状态
exfoliation 剥落
exhaust 排气
exhaust fan 抽风机
exhaust gas 排出的气体
exhaust heat boiler 废热锅炉
exhaust pipe 排气管
exhaust steam 排汽
exhaust valve 排气阀
exhauster 抽风机
exit accumulator 出口贮料坑
exit gas 出口气体
exit guide 出口导板
exit roll cone 轧辊出口圆锥
exit side 出料侧
exogas 放热型气体
exogenous inclusion 处来夹杂
exothermal reaction 放热反应
exothermic ferroalloy 放热性铁合金
exothermic gas 放热型气体
expanded blister 扩张气泡
expanded crack 扩大裂纹
expanded skin 轧制氧化皮
expander 扩管装置
expanding bar 扩孔锻造用心轴
expanding machine 扩管装置
expanding mill 扩径机
expansibility 膨胀性
expansion 膨胀
expansion joint 伸缩缝
expansion test 扩口试验
experimental furnace 试验炉
experimental plant 试验装置
explosion 爆发
explosion forming 爆炸成形
explosion welding 爆炸焊接
explosion working 爆炸加工
explosive compacting 爆炸压制
explosive hardening treatment 爆炸硬化处理
explosivity 爆炸性
exponent 指数
exponent curve 指数曲线
exponential function 指数函数
exsiccator 保干器
extended dislocation 扩展位错
extensibility 延伸性
extension 延伸
extensometer 延伸仪
extent 范围
external combustion stove 外燃式热风炉
external defect 外部缺陷
external desulfurization 炉外脱硫
external force 外力
external resistance 外电阻
extra deep drawing 极深冲
extra deep drawing steel 极深冲钢
extra furnace dephosphorization 炉外脱磷
extra half plane 多余的半原子平面
extract 提取物
extractability 可萃性
extraction 萃取
extraction agent 提取剂
extraction column 萃取塔
extraction liquid 萃取液
extraction method 萃取法
extractive distillation 萃取蒸馏镏
extractive matter 萃取物
extractive metallurgy 提炼冶金
extractive solvent 萃取溶剂
extractor 萃取器
extrahard steel 极硬钢
extrasoft steel 特软钢
extrinsic stacking fault 外来层错
extrolling 挤压延
extruded electrode 机械压涂的焊条
extruded section 挤压型材
extruded tube 挤压管
extruder 挤压机
extruding 挤压
extruding press 挤压机
extrusion 挤压
extrusion die 挤压模
extrusion ram 挤压杆
extrusion stem 挤压杆
exudate 渗出物
exudation 渗出
eyesight 观察孔
歡迎來到Bewise Inc.的世界,首先恭喜您來到這接受新的資訊讓產業更有競爭力,我們是提供專業刀具製造商,應對客戶高品質的刀具需求,我們可以協助客戶滿足您對產業的不同要求,我們有能力達到非常卓越的客戶需求品質,這是現有相關技術無法比擬的,我們成功的滿足了各行各業的要求,包括:精密HSS DIN切削刀具、協助客戶設計刀具流程、DIN or JIS 鎢鋼切削刀具設計、NAS986 NAS965 NAS897 NAS937orNAS907 航太切削刀具,NAS航太刀具設計、超高硬度的切削刀具、醫療配件刀具設計、汽車業刀具設計、電子產業鑽石刀具、木工產業鑽石刀具等等。我們的產品涵蓋了從民生刀具到工業級的刀具設計;從微細刀具到大型刀具;從小型生產到大型量產;全自動整合;我們的技術可提供您連續生產的效能,我們整體的服務及卓越的技術,恭迎您親自體驗!!
BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan
Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy users’ demand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting tool、aerospace tool .HSS DIN Cutting tool、Carbide end mills、Carbide cutting tool、NAS Cutting tool、NAS986 NAS965 NAS897 NAS937orNAS907 Cutting Tools,Carbide end mill、disc milling cutter,Aerospace cutting tool、hss drill’Фрезеры’Carbide drill、High speed steel、Milling cutter、CVDD(Chemical Vapor Deposition Diamond )’PCBN (Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride) ’Core drill、Tapered end mills、CVD Diamond Tools Inserts’PCD Edge-Beveling Cutter(Golden Finger’PCD V-Cutter’PCD Wood tools’PCD Cutting tools’PCD Circular Saw Blade’PVDD End Mills’diamond tool ‘Single Crystal Diamond ‘Metric end mills、Miniature end mills、Специальные режущие инструменты ‘Пустотелое сверло ‘Pilot reamer、Fraises’Fresas con mango’ PCD (Polycrystalline diamond) ‘Frese’Electronics cutter、Step drill、Metal cutting saw、Double margin drill、Gun barrel、Angle milling cutter、Carbide burrs、Carbide tipped cutter、Chamfering tool、IC card engraving cutter、Side cutter、NAS tool、DIN or JIS tool、Special tool、Metal slitting saws、Shell end mills、Side and face milling cutters、Side chip clearance saws、Long end mills、Stub roughing end mills、Dovetail milling cutters、Carbide slot drills、Carbide torus cutters、Angel carbide end mills、Carbide torus cutters、Carbide ball-nosed slot drills、Mould cutter、Tool manufacturer.
ようこそBewise Inc.の世界へお越し下さいませ、先ず御目出度たいのは新たな
BW специализируется в научных исследованиях и разработках, и снабжаем самым высокотехнологичным карбидовым материалом для поставки режущих / фрезеровочных инструментов для почвы, воздушного пространства и электронной индустрии. В нашу основную продукцию входит твердый карбид / быстрорежущая сталь, а также двигатели, микроэлектрические дрели, IC картонорезальные машины, фрезы для гравирования, режущие пилы, фрезеры-расширители, фрезеры-расширители с резцом, дрели, резаки форм для шлицевого вала / звездочки роликовой цепи, и специальные нано инструменты. Пожалуйста, посетите сайт для получения большей информации.
BW is specialized in R&D and sourcing the most advanced carbide material with high-tech coating to supply cutting / milling tool for mould & die, aero space and electronic industry. Our main products include solid carbide / HSS end mills, micro electronic drill, IC card cutter, engraving cutter, shell end mills, cutting saw, reamer, thread reamer, leading drill, involute gear cutter for spur wheel, rack and worm milling cutter, thread milling cutter, form cutters for spline shaft/roller chain sprocket, and special tool, with nano grade. Please visit our web for more info.