Bewise Inc. Reference source from the internet.
2007.05.13 04:48 am
執 行長落實願景,提出致勝手段,打贏競爭對手;社會、股東、員工以及自身的福祉雖然不盡相同,他卻能同時兼顧(self interest is a shared interest)。成功的執行長以行動接受市場考驗,光說不練(untested bond)必會遭致失敗。
光說不練 必遭失敗
例: “In the mid 1800s many people traveled west in search of gold. There were many challenges on this voyage and many helped each other along the way as self interest is a shared interest.”「淘金客發財夢有志一同,在西進的路上彼此扶持,渡過難關。」
“Our unsaid agreement with the bank is an untested bond as we will see if they're really willing to help when we need a loan and are close to bankruptcy.”「如果我們瀕臨破產而銀行拒絕我們的貸款申請,就表示銀行的默契只是口惠,根本不想幫忙。」
優秀的執行長能讓企 業起死回生,因此企業主或董事會無不使出渾身解數,千方百計(offer him“their first born ”)想將他們挖角過來。薪資談判不但有求必應(“you ask and I give”or“no matter what”),其他各方面的福利(loose change)也應有盡有。
例:“IBM really wanted John to work for them. John told them that he already had a very well paying job but they offered him their first born so he couldn't resist!”「雖然約翰現在的工作待遇優渥,不過IBM還是以重金將他挖角過去。」
百計千方 搞定合約
“Our company is about to go bankrupt and we will all lose our jobs if we don't make this deal tomorrow. I need you to get that contract signed no matter what!”「這個合約簽不下來,明天大家都要失業。不論任何代價,都要把它簽成功!」
“Michael Jordan was not paid much his first year but the loose change he was getting from interviews and commercials was more than enough to compensate.”「喬登第一年的待遇差強人意,但他接受專訪和廣告的收入卻相當豐碩。」
華爾街日報曾有一篇報導質疑:CEO如此 搶手,企業可以抗拒薪酬節節上升的壓力,且留住優秀主管嗎?除了同行挖角壓力,董事會如何根據CEO業績表現,來酬庸他的表現(everyone wants their piece of pie),但不讓他予取予求(want more than their fair share ),並且制止他得了便宜還賣乖(Appeasement be damned!)的想法,是一大考驗。
論功行賞 堅持原則
例: “The salesman quit his job after the company wouldn't give him his percentage on the big sales he made. He went somewhere else where he could get his piece of the pie.”「得不到應有的業績獎金,那業務員憤而離職,並跳槽到公平對待他的公司去。」
“Rob doesn't do much work and always insists on getting more than his fair share of the credit and pay.”「羅伯不做事又愛搶功。」
企業酬庸CEO顯然不能通通有獎、皆大歡喜,必須擇善固執、論功行賞。英文說「你不能取悅所有人」(You can't please everyone.)除提醒想討好所有人是不可行的,更建議要善待追隨你、有傑出表現的人,否則遲早他也會因你沒有原則而離去。
例: “I've increased sales, brought more profit,and paid more dividends to my investors yet I'm still getting com-plaints about working conditions and production! I guess you can't please everybody.”「我盡了全力增加業績、提高利潤,還分更多股利給投資人。不過,我還是被批評漠視員工的工作環境和產品品質。我想,你總不能取悅所 有人。」
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Bewise Inc.
- May 14 Mon 2007 11:10