
Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com Reference source from the internet.

Diagram of a gas turbine jet engine

Diagram of a gas turbine jet engine

Turbojets are the oldest kind of general purpose jet engines. Two engineers, Frank Whittle in the United Kingdom and Hans von Ohain in Germany, developed the concept independently during the late 1930s, although credit for the first turbojet is given to Whittle.

Turbojets consist of an air inlet, an air compressor, a combustion chamber, a gas turbine (that drives the air compressor) and a nozzle. The air is compressed into the chamber, heated and expanded by the fuel combustion and then allowed to expand out through the turbine into the nozzle where it is accelerated to high speed to provide propulsion.

Turbojets are quite inefficient (if flown below about Mach 2) and very noisy. Most modern aircraft use turbofans instead for economic reasons. Turbojets are still very common in medium range cruise missiles, due to their high speed, low frontal area and relative simplicity.

[edit] History

Heinkel He 178, the world's first aircraft to fly purely on turbojet power

Heinkel He 178, the world's first aircraft to fly purely on turbojet power

On 27 August 1939 the Heinkel He 178 became the world's first aircraft to fly under turbojet power, thus becoming the first practical jet plane. The first two operational turbojet aircraft, the Messerschmitt Me 262 and the Gloster Meteor entered service towards the end of World War II in 1944.

A turbojet engine is used primarily to propel aircraft. Air is drawn into the rotating compressor via the intake and is compressed to a higher pressure before entering the combustion chamber. Fuel is mixed with the compressed air and ignited by a flame in the eddy of a flame holder. This combustion process significantly raises the temperature of the gas. Hot combustion products leaving the combustor expand through the turbine where power is extracted to drive the compressor. Although this expansion process reduces the turbine exit gas temperature and pressure, both parameters are usually still well above ambient conditions. The gas stream exiting the turbine expands to ambient pressure via the propelling nozzle, producing a high velocity jet in the exhaust plume. If the momentum of the exhaust stream exceeds the momentum of the intake stream, the impulse is positive, thus, there is a net forward thrust upon the airframe.

Early generation jet engines were pure turbojets with either an axial or centrifugal compressor. They were used because they were able to achieve very high altitudes and speeds, much higher than propeller engines, because of a better compression ratio. However they were not very fuel efficient. Modern jet engines are mainly turbofans, where a proportion of the air entering the intake bypasses the combustor; this proportion depends on the engine's bypass ratio. This makes turbofans much more efficient than turbojets.

Although ramjet engines are simpler in design as they have virtually no moving parts, they are incapable of operating at low flight speeds.

[edit] Air intake

An animation of an axial compressor. The darker colored blades are the stators.

An animation of an axial compressor. The darker colored blades are the stators.
Schematic diagram showing the operation of a centrifugal flow turbojet engine. The compressor is driven via the turbine stage and throws the air outwards, requiring it to be redirected parallel to the axis of thrust.

Schematic diagram showing the operation of a centrifugal flow turbojet engine. The compressor is driven via the turbine stage and throws the air outwards, requiring it to be redirected parallel to the axis of thrust.
Schematic diagram showing the operation of an axial flow turbojet engine. Here, the compressor is again driven by the turbine, but the air flow remains parallel to the axis of thrust.

Schematic diagram showing the operation of an axial flow turbojet engine. Here, the compressor is again driven by the turbine, but the air flow remains parallel to the axis of thrust.

Preceding the compressor is the air intake (or inlet). It is designed to be as efficient as possible at recovering the ram pressure of the air streamtube approaching the intake. The air leaving the intake then enters the compressor. The stators (stationary blades) guide the airflow of the compressed gases.

[edit] Compressor

The compressor is driven by the turbine. The compressor rotates at very high speed, adding energy to the airflow and at the same time squeezing (compressing) it into a smaller space. Compressing the air increases its pressure and temperature.

In most turbojet-powered aircraft, bleed air is extracted from the compressor section at various stages to perform a variety of jobs including air conditioning/pressurization, engine inlet anti-icing and turbine cooling. Bleeding air off decreases the overall efficiency of the engine, but the usefulness of the compressed air outweighs the loss in efficiency.

Several types of compressor are used in turbojets and gas turbines in general: axial, centrifugal, axial-centrifugal, double-centrifugal, etc.

Early turbojet compressors had overall pressure ratios as low as 5:1 (as do a lot of simple auxiliary power units and small propulsion turbojets today). Aerodynamic improvements, plus splitting the compression system into two separate units and/or incorporating variable compressor geometry, enabled later turbojets to have overall pressure ratios of 15:1 or more. For comparison, modern civil turbofan engines have overall pressure ratios as high as 44:1 or more.

After leaving the compressor section, the compressed air enters the combustion chamber.

[edit] Combustion chamber

The burning process in the combustor is significantly different from that in a piston engine. In a piston engine the burning gases are confined to a small volume and, as the fuel burns, the pressure increases dramatically. In a turbojet the air and fuel mixture passes unconfined through the combustion chamber. As the mixture burns its temperature increases dramatically, but the pressure actually decreases a few percent.

The fuel-air mixture must be brought almost to a stop so that a stable flame can be maintained.
This occurs just after the start of the combustion chamber. The aft part of this flame front is allowed to progress rearward. This ensures that all of the fuel is burned, as the flame becomes hotter when it leans out, and because of the shape of the combustion chamber the flow is accelerated rearwards. Some pressure drop is required, as it is the reason why the expanding gases travel out the rear of the engine rather than out the front. Less than 25% of the air is involved in combustion, in some engines as little as 12%, the rest acting as a reservoir to absorb the heating effects of the burning fuel.

Another difference between piston engines and jet engines is that the peak flame temperature in a piston engine is experienced only momentarily in a small portion of the full cycle. The combustor in a jet engine is exposed to the peak flame temperature continuously and operates at a pressure high enough that a stoichiometric fuel-air ratio would melt the can and everything downstream. Instead, jet engines run a very lean mixture, so lean that it would not normally support combustion. A central core of the flow (primary airflow) is mixed with enough fuel to burn readily. The cans are carefully shaped to maintain a layer of fresh unburned air between the metal surfaces and the central core. This unburned air (secondary airflow) mixes into the burned gases to bring the temperature down to something a turbine can tolerate.

[edit] Turbine

Hot gases leaving the combustor are allowed to expand through the turbine. In the first stage the turbine is largely an impulse turbine (similar to a pelton wheel) and rotates because of the impact of the hot gas stream. Later stages are convergent ducts that accelerate the gas rearward and gain energy from that process. Pressure drops, and energy is transferred into the shaft. The turbine's rotational energy is used primarily to drive the compressor. Some shaft power is extracted to drive accessories, like fuel, oil, and hydraulic pumps. Because of its significantly higher entry temperature, the turbine pressure ratio is much lower than that of the compressor. In a turbojet almost two thirds of all the power generated by burning fuel is used by the compressor to compress the air for the engine.

[edit] Nozzle

After the turbine, the gases are allowed to expand through the exhaust nozzle to atmospheric pressure, producing a high velocity jet in the exhaust plume. In a convergent nozzle, the ducting narrows progressively to a throat. The nozzle pressure ratio on a turbojet is usually high enough for the expanding gases to reach Mach 1.0 and choke the throat. Normally, the flow will go supersonic in the exhaust plume outside the engine.

If, however, a convergent-divergent "de Laval" nozzle is fitted, the divergent (increasing flow area) section allows the gases to reach supersonic velocity within the nozzle itself. This is slightly more efficient on thrust than using a convergent nozzle. There is, however, the added weight and complexity, since the con-di nozzle must be fully variable to cope basically with engine throttling.

[edit] Net thrust

An equation for calculating the approximate net thrust of a turbojet is given by:

F_n = \dot{m} (V_{jfe} - V_a)


\dot{m} is the intake mass flow rate
Vjfe is the fully-expanded jet velocity (in the exhaust plume)

\dot{m} V_{jfe} represents the nozzle gross thrust

\dot{m} V_a represents the ram drag of the intake.

Obviously, the jet velocity must exceed that of the flight velocity if there is to be a net forward thrust on the airframe.

[edit] Thrust to power ratio

A simple turbojet engine will produce thrust of approximately: 2.5 pounds force per horsepower (15 mN/W).

[edit] Afterburner

An afterburner or "reheat jetpipe" is a device added to the rear of the jet engine. It provides a means of spraying fuel directly into the hot exhaust, where it ignites and boosts available thrust significantly; a drawback is its very high fuel consumption rate. Afterburners are used mostly on military aircraft, but the two supersonic civilian transports, the Concorde and the TU-144, also utilized afterburners, as does Scaled Composites White Knight, a carrier aircraft for the experimental SpaceShipOne suborbital spacecraft.

[edit] Thrust reverser

A thrust reverser is, essentially, a pair of clamshell doors mounted at the rear of the engine which, when deployed, divert thrust normal to the jet engine flow to help slow an aircraft upon landing. They are often used in conjunction with spoilers. The accidental deployment of a thrust reverser during flight is a dangerous event that can lead to loss of control and destruction of the aircraft. Thrust reversers are more convenient than drogue parachutes.

[edit] Cycle improvements

Thermodynamics of a Jet Engine is modelled approximately by a Brayton Cycle.

Increasing the overall pressure ratio of the compression system raises the combustor entry temperature. Therefore, at a fixed fuel flow and airflow, there is an increase in turbine inlet temperature. Although the higher temperature rise across the compression system, implies a larger temperature drop over the turbine system, the nozzle temperature is unaffected, because the same amount of heat is being added to the system. There is, however, a rise in nozzle pressure, because overall pressure ratio increases faster than the turbine expansion ratio. Consequently, net thrust increases, while specific fuel consumption (fuel flow/net thrust) decreases.

Thus turbojets can be made more fuel efficient by raising overall pressure ratio and turbine inlet temperature in union. However, better turbine materials and/or improved vane/blade cooling are required to cope with increases in both turbine inlet temperature and compressor delivery temperature. Increasing the latter requires better compressor materials.

By Increasing the useful work to system , by minimizing the heat losses by conduction etc and minimizing the inlet temperature ratio up to a certain level will increase the themal efficiency of the turbo jet engine.

[edit] Early designs

Early German engines had serious problems controlling the turbine inlet temperature. A lack of suitable alloys due to war shortages meant the turbine rotor and stator blades would sometimes disintegrate on first operation and never lasted long. Their early engines averaged 10-25 hours of operation before failing—often with chunks of metal flying out the back of the engine when the turbine overheated. British engines tended to fare better, running for 150 hours between overhauls. A few of the original fighters still exist with their original engines, but many have been re-engined with more modern engines with greater fuel efficiency and a longer TBO (such as the reproduction Me-262 powered by General Electric J85s).

The United States had the best materials because of their reliance on turbo/supercharging in high altitude bombers of World War II. For a time some US jet engines included the ability to inject water into the engine to cool the compressed flow before combustion, usually during takeoff. The water would tend to prevent complete combustion and as a result the engine ran cooler again, but the planes would take off leaving a huge plume of smoke.

Today these problems are much better handled, but temperature still limits turbojet airspeeds in supersonic flight. At the very highest speeds, the compression of the intake air raises the temperatures throughout the engine to the point that the turbine blades would melt, forcing a reduction in fuel flow to lower temperatures, but giving a reduced thrust and thus limiting the top speed. Ramjets and scramjets do not have turbine blades; therefore they are able to fly faster.

At lower speeds, better materials have increased the critical temperature, and automatic fuel management controls have made it nearly impossible to overheat the engine.

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Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com Reference source from the internet.

A jet aircraft is an aircraft propelled by jet engines. Jet aircraft fly much faster than propeller-powered aircraft and at higher altitudes -- as high as 10,000 to 15,000 meters, about 33,000 to 49,000 feet (14,900 m). At these altitudes, jet engines achieve maximum efficiency over long distances. The engines in propeller powered aircraft achieve their maximum efficiency at much lower altitudes.

[edit] Historical examples

Heinkel He 178, the world's first aircraft to fly purely on turbojet power

Heinkel He 178, the world's first aircraft to fly purely on turbojet power
Frank Whittle's memorial showing a full-scale model of the Gloster E28/39

Frank Whittle's memorial showing a full-scale model of the Gloster E28/39

The first aircraft to incorporate the principles of the jet engine was the Coanda-1910, piloted by its Romanian inventor Henri Coandă in 1910. Its engine, unlike modern jet engines, used a piston engine rather than a turbine to drive its compressor. The aircraft crashed during its first and only demonstration but remained intact.

The first true turbine-equipped jetplane was the Heinkel He 178 (Germany), piloted by Erich Warsitz on August 27, 1939.

The British flew their Gloster E.28/39 powered by Sir Frank Whittle's turbojet on May 15, 1941, and piloted by Flt Lt PG Sayer. When the United States, learned of the British work, it produced the Bell XP-59, with a version of the Whittle engine built by General Electric which flew on September 12, 1942 piloted by Col L. Craigie.

The first operational jet fighter was the Messerschmitt Me 262, piloted by Fritz Wendel. It was the fastest conventional aircraft of World War II - only the rocket-powered Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet was faster. Mass production started in 1944, too late for a decisive impact on the outcome of the war. About the same time, the United Kingdom's Gloster Meteor was limited to defense of the UK against the V1 flying bomb and in ground-attack operations over Europe in the last months of the war. The Imperial Japanese Navy also developed jet aircraft in 1945, including the Nakajima J9Y Kikka, partially inspired by German designs.

On November 8, 1950, during the Korean War, United States Air Force Lt. Russell J. Brown, flying in an F-80, intercepted two North Korean MiG-15s near the Yalu River and shot them down in the first jet-to-jet dogfight in history.

BOAC operated the first commercial jet service, from London to Johannesburg, in 1952 with the de Havilland Comet jetliner.

The fastest military jet plane was the SR-71 Blackbird at Mach 3.2. The fastest commercial jet plane was the Tupolev Tu-144 at Mach 2.35.

Bahrain Royal Flight Boeing 747SP

Bahrain Royal Flight Boeing 747SP

[edit] Modern jets

Modern jets cruise at speeds of 0.75 to 0.85 Mach, or 75% to 85% of the speed of sound (420 to 580 mph/ 680-900 km/h). The speed of sound predominantly depends on air temperature (hardly at all on pressure), so the speed of a jet also varies with atmospheric conditions. NASA and the US Federal Aviation Administration have been promoting Very Light Jets, small general aviation aircraft seating 4 to 8 passengers.

[edit] Other jets

Most people use the term 'jet aircraft' to denote gas turbine based airbreathing jet engines, but rockets and scramjets are both also propelled by jets.

The fastest airbreathing jet aircraft is the unmanned X-43 scramjet at around Mach 9-10.

The fastest manned (rocket) aircraft is the X-15 at Mach 6.85.

The Space Shuttle, while far faster than the X-43 or X-15, is not regarded as an aircraft during ascent (although aerodynamic lift is used during some parts of this phase of operation[citation needed]), and is unpowered when flying as an aircraft during reentry and landing. Thus it is not considered a jet aircraft at either time.

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BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen willy@tool-tool.com bw@tool-tool.com www.tool-tool.com skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 http://www.tool-tool..com / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy users demand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting toolaerospace tool .HSS DIN Cutting toolCarbide end millsCarbide cutting toolNAS Cutting toolNAS986 NAS965 NAS897 NAS937orNAS907 Cutting Tools,Carbide end milldisc milling cutter,Aerospace cutting toolhss drillФрезерыCarbide drillHigh speed steelMilling cutterCVDD(Chemical Vapor Deposition Diamond )’PCBN (Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride) Core drillTapered end millsCVD Diamond Tools Inserts’PCD Edge-Beveling Cutter(Golden FingerEdge modifying knifeSolid carbide saw blade-V typeV-type locking-special use for PC boardMetal Slitting SawaCarbide Side milling CuttersCarbide Side Milling Cutters With Staggered TeethCarbide T-Slot Milling CuttersCarbide T-Slot Milling Cutters With Staggered TeethCarbide Machine ReamersHigh speed reamer-standard typeHigh speed reamer-long type’’PCD V-CutterPCD Wood toolsPCD Cutting toolsPCD Circular Saw BladePVDD End Millsdiamond tool V-type locking-special use for PC board Single Crystal Diamond Metric end millsMiniature end millsСпециальные режущие инструменты Пустотелое сверло Pilot reamerFraisesFresas con mango PCD (Polycrystalline diamond) ‘FreseElectronics cutterStep drillMetal cutting sawDouble margin drillGun barrelAngle milling cutterCarbide burrsCarbide tipped cutterChamfering toolIC card engraving cutterSide cutterNAS toolDIN or JIS toolSpecial toolMetal slitting sawsShell end millsSide and face milling cuttersSide chip clearance sawsLong end millsStub roughing end millsDovetail milling cuttersCarbide slot drillsCarbide torus cuttersAngel carbide end millsCarbide torus cuttersCarbide ball-nosed slot drills

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Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com Reference source from the internet.
DSV Alvin in 1978, a year after first exploring hydrothermal vents.

DSV Alvin in 1978, a year after first exploring hydrothermal vents.
German UC-1 class World War I submarine

German UC-1 class World War I submarine
Experimental sub with hydrofoils in Monterey Bay

Experimental sub with hydrofoils in Monterey Bay

A submarine is a watercraft that can operate independently underwater, as distinct from a submersible that has only limited underwater capability. The term submarine most commonly refers to large manned autonomous vessels, however historically or more casually, submarine can also refer to medium sized or smaller vessels, (midget submarines, wet subs), Remotely Operated Vehicles or robots. The word submarine was originally an adjective meaning "under the sea", and so consequently other uses such as 'submarine engineering' or 'submarine cable' may not actually refer to submarines at all. Submarine was shortened from the term 'submarine boat'.

Submarines are referred to as "boats" for historical reasons because vessels deployed from a ship are referred to as boats. The first submarines were launched in such a manner. The English term U-Boat for a German submarine comes from the German word for submarine, `U-Boot`, itself an abbreviation for Unterseeboot ('undersea boat').

Although experimental submarines had been built before, submarine design took off during the 19th century. Submarines were first widely used in World War I, and feature in many large navies. Military usage ranges from attacking enemy ships or submarines, aircraft carrier protection, blockade running, ballistic missile submarines as part of a nuclear strike force, reconnaissance and covert insertion of special forces. Civilian uses for submarines include marine science, salvage, exploration and facility inspection/maintenance. Submarines can also be specialised to a function such as search and rescue, or undersea cable repair. Submarines are also used in tourism and for academic research.

Submarines have one of the largest ranges in capabilities of any vessel, ranging from small autonomous or one- or two-man vessels operating for a few hours, to vessels which can remain submerged for 6 months such as the Russian Typhoon class. Submarines can work at greater depths than are survivable or practical for human divers. Modern deep diving submarines are derived from the bathyscaphe, which in turn was an evolution of the diving bell.

Most large submarines comprise a cylindrical body with conical ends and a vertical structure, usually located amidships, which houses communications and sensing devices as well as periscopes. In modern submarines this structure is the "sail" in American usage ("fin" in European usage). A "conning tower" was a feature of earlier designs: a separate pressure hull above the main body of the boat that allowed the use of shorter periscopes. There is a propeller (or pump jet) at the rear and various hydrodynamic control fins as well as ballast tanks. Smaller, deep diving and specialty submarines may deviate significantly from this traditional layout.

[edit] Military usage

A model of Günther Prien's Unterseeboot 47 (U-47), German WWII Type VII diesel-electric hunter

A model of Günther Prien's Unterseeboot 47 (U-47), German WWII Type VII diesel-electric hunter

Until the development of the homing torpedo in World War Two, the primary role of the diesel/electric submarine was anti-ship warfare, inserting and removing covert agents and military forces, and intelligence-gathering and was generally not used against other submarines (although British developed an anti-submarine submarine in World War I, dubbed the "R1"). The impact-detonated torpedoes of the era were difficult to use against a submarine because they ran a fixed course at a fixed depth and were relatively easy for the small submarines to avoid with three dimensional maneuvers. Submarines were also used in limited roles for artillery support or raids, and rescuing aircrews during large-scale air attacks on islands, where the aircrewmen would be told of safe places to crash-land damaged aircraft so the submarine crew could rescue them.

With the development of the homing torpedo, better sonar systems, and nuclear propulsion, submarines also became able to effectively hunt each other as well as surface ships. The development of submarine-launched nuclear missiles and submarine-launched cruise missiles gave submarines a substantial and long-ranged ability to attack both land and sea targets with a variety of weapons ranging from cluster bombs to nuclear weapons.

Mine laying submarines were developed in the early part of the 20th century. The facility has been used in both World Wars. Such capabilities continue today.

The primary defensive power of a submarine lies in its ability to remain concealed in the depths of the ocean. Modern submarines are built with an emphasis on stealth. Advanced propeller designs, extensive sound-reducing insulation, and special machinery allow a submarine to be as quiet as ambient ocean noise, making them extremely difficult to detect. Such submarines can launch an attack on land targets, surface ships, and other submarines from seemingly nowhere, and require specialized equipment to find and attack in retaliation. Water is an excellent conductor of sound, and submarines have excellent sonars that can detect and track comparatively noisy surface ships from long distances. This allows an attacking sub, at its discretion, to quietly maneuver to and attack from the best possible position at the best possible time.

A concealed military submarine is a real threat and, because of its stealth, it can force an enemy navy to waste resources searching large areas of ocean and protecting all ships against possible attack, while in reality only threatening a small area. This advantage was vividly demonstrated in the 1982 Falklands War when the British SSN HMS Conqueror sank the Argentine cruiser General Belgrano. After the sinking the Argentine Navy realized that they were vulnerable to submarine attack, and that they had no defense from it. Thus the Argentinian surface fleet withdrew to port for the remainder of the war, though an Argentinian submarine remained at sea.

During World War II some military submarines were used as supply vessels for U-boats.

[edit] Anti-submarine net

One of the defenses against submarines is an antisubmarine net that blocks the passage, e.g. at the entrance of a harbor. It can sometimes be lowered to let friendly ships pass. See antisubmarine nets at Pearl Harbor or net laying ship.

[edit] Civil uses

Although the majority of the world's submarines are military ones, there are some civil submarines. They have a variety of uses, including tourism, exploration, oil and gas platform inspections and pipeline surveys.

A semi-civilian use was the adaption of U-boats for cargo carrying during both the First and Second World Wars. Another is that of submarine crew rescue.

[edit] Technology

[edit] Submersion and trimming

Control surfaces

Control surfaces
Submerged submarine seen from a plane

Submerged submarine seen from a plane

All surface ships, as well as surfaced submarines, are in a positively buoyant condition, weighing less than the volume of water they would displace if fully submerged. To submerge hydrostatically, a ship must have negative buoyancy, either by increasing its own weight or decreasing displacement of the water. To control their weight, submarines are equipped with ballast tanks, which can be filled with either outside water or pressurized air.

For general submersion or surfacing, submarines use the forward and aft tanks, called Main Ballast Tanks or MBTs, which are opened and completely filled with water to submerge, or filled by pressurized air to surface. Under submerged conditions, MBTs generally always stay flooded, which simplifies their design, so on many submarines these tanks are simply a section of interhull space. For more precise and quick control of depth, submarines use smaller Depth Control Tanks or DCTs, also called hard tanks due to their ability to withstand higher pressure. The amount of water in depth control tanks can be controlled either to reflect changes in outside conditions or change submersion depth. Depth control tanks can be located either near the submarine's center of gravity, or separated along the submarine body to prevent affecting trim.

When submerged, the water pressure on submarine's hull can reach 4 MPa for steel submarines and up to 10 MPa for titanium submarines like Komsomolets, while the pressure inside stays the same. This difference results in hull compression, which decreases displacement. Water density also increases, as the salinity and pressure are higher, but this does not compensate for hull compression, so buoyancy falls with depth. A submerged submarine is in an unstable equilibrium, having a tendency to either fall down to the ocean floor or float up to the surface. Keeping a constant depth requires continual operation of either the depth control tanks or control surfaces.[1]

Submarines in a neutral buoyancy condition are not intrinsically stable in trim. To sustain desired trim, submarines use specialized forward and aft trim tanks. Pumps can move water between these tanks, changing the weight distribution and therefore creating a moment to turn the sub upwards or downwards. A similar system is sometimes used to maintain stability.

Sail of the French nuclear submarine Casabianca; note the diving planes, camouflaged masts, periscope, electronic warfare masts, door and windows.

Sail of the French nuclear submarine Casabianca; note the diving planes, camouflaged masts, periscope, electronic warfare masts, door and windows.

The hydrostatic effect of variable ballast tanks is not the only way to control the submarine underwater. Hydrodynamic maneuvering is done by several surfaces, which can be turned to create corresponding hydrodynamic forces when a submarine moves at sufficient speed. The stern planes, located near the propeller and normally oriented horizontally, serve the same purpose as the trim tanks, controlling the trim, and are commonly used, while other control surfaces may not be present on many submarines. The fairwater planes on the sail and/or bow planes on the main body, both also horizontal, are located closer to the centre of gravity, and are used to control depth with less effect on the trim.

When a submarine performs an emergency surfacing, all depth and trim methods are used simultaneously, together with propelling the boat upwards. Such surfacing is very quick, so the sub may even partially jump out of the water, but it inflicts serious damage on some submarine systems, primarily pipes.

[edit] Submarine hull

Main article: Submarine hull

[edit] Overview

The Los Angeles class attack submarine USS Greeneville in dry dock, showing typical cigar-shaped hull.

The Los Angeles class attack submarine USS Greeneville in dry dock, showing typical cigar-shaped hull.

Modern submarines are usually cigar-shaped. This design, already visible on very early submarines (see below) is sometimes called a "teardrop hull". It significantly reduces the hydrodynamic drag on the sub when submerged, but decreases the sea-keeping capabilities and increases the drag while surfaced. Since the limitations of the propulsion systems of early military submarines forced them to operate on the surface most of the time, their hull designs were a compromise. Because of the slow submerged speeds of those subs, usually well below 10kt (18 km·h−1), the increased drag for underwater travel was considered acceptable. Only late in World War II, when technology allowed faster and longer submerged operations and increased surveillance by enemy aircraft forced submarines to stay submerged, did hull designs become teardrop shaped again, to reduce drag and noise. On modern military submarines the outer hull is covered with a thick layer of special sound-absorbing rubber, or anechoic plating, to make the submarine quieter.

The human-occupied pressure hulls of extremely deep diving submarines such as DSV Alvin are spherical instead of the more traditional cylinder. This allows for a more even distribution of the stress at the great depths such subs operate at. A titanium frame is usually welded or bolted to the pressure hull to provide attachment points for ballast and trim systems, scientific instrumentation, battery packs, syntactic flotation foam, and lighting.

A raised tower on top of a submarine accommodates the length of the periscope and electronics masts, which can include radio, radar, electronic warfare, and other systems including the snorkel mast. In many early classes of submarines (see history), the Control Room, or "Conn", was located inside this tower, which was known as the "conning tower". Since that time, however, the Conn has been located within the hull of the submarine, and the tower is more commonly called the "sail" today. The Conn should not be confused with the "bridge", which is a small, open platform set into the top of the sail used for visual observation while operating on the surface.

"Bathtubs" are related to conning towers but are only for smaller submarines. A bathtub, in the context of smaller submarines, is a metal cylinder attached to the hull which surrounds the hatch and prevents waves from breaking directly into the cabin. It is needed because submarines on the surface don't have a lot of freeboard, i.e., they lie very low in the water, and were waves to break into the cabin, are in serious danger of sinking.

[edit] Single / double hull

U-995, Type VIIC/41 U-Boat of WWII, showing the typical combination of ship-like non-watertight outer hull with bulky strong hull below

U-995, Type VIIC/41 U-Boat of WWII, showing the typical combination of ship-like non-watertight outer hull with bulky strong hull below
Type XXI U-Boat, late WWII, with pressure hull almost fully enclosed inside the light hull

Type XXI U-Boat, late WWII, with pressure hull almost fully enclosed inside the light hull

Modern submarines and submersibles, as well as the oldest ones, often have a single hull. Large submarines generally have an additional hull or hull sections outside. This external hull, which actually forms the shape of submarine, is called the outer hull (casing in the Royal Navy) or light hull, as it does not have to withstand any pressure difference. Inside the outer hull there is a strong hull, or pressure hull, which withstands sea pressure and has normal atmospheric pressure inside.

As early as World War I, it was realized that the optimal shape for withstanding pressure conflicted with the optimal shape for seaworthiness and minimized water resistance, and construction difficulties further complicated the problem. This was solved either by a compromise shape, or by using two hulls; internal for holding pressure, and external for optimal shape. Until the end of World War II, most submarines had an additional partial cover on the top, bow and stern, built of thinner metal, which was flooded when submerged. Germany went further with the Type XXI, the general predecessor of modern submarines, in which the pressure hull was fully enclosed inside the light hull, but optimised for submerged navigation, unlike earlier designs that were optimised for surface operation.

After World War II, approaches split. The Soviet Union changed its designs, basing them on the latest German developments. All post-WWII heavy Soviet and Russian submarines are built with a double hull structure. American and most other Western submarines switched to a primarily single-hull approach. They still have light hull sections in the bow and stern, which house main ballast tanks and provide a hydrodynamically optimized shape, but the main cylindrical hull section has only a single plating layer. However, the double-hull approach is today being considered for future submarines in the United States as a means to improve payload capacity, stealth and operational reach.[2]

[edit] Pressure hull

The pressure hull is generally constructed of thick high-strength steel with a complex structure and high strength reserve, and is separated with watertight bulkheads into several compartments. There are also examples of more than two hulls in a submarine, like the Typhoon class, which has two main pressure hulls and three smaller ones for control room, torpedoes and steering gear, while the missile launch system is located between the main hulls.

The dive depth cannot be increased easily. Simply making the hull thicker increases the weight and requires reduction of the weight of onboard equipment, ultimately resulting in a bathyscaphe. This is affordable for civilian research submersibles, but not military submarines, so their dive depth was always bound by current technology.

WW1 submarines had their hulls built of carbon steel, and could not submerge below 100 meters. During World War Two, high-strength alloyed steel was introduced, allowing for dive depths of up to 200 meters. High-strength alloyed steel is still the main material for submarines today, with 250-400 meters depth limit, which cannot be exceeded on a military submarine without sacrificing other characteristics. To exceed that limit, a few submarines were built with titanium hulls. Titanium is almost as strong as steel, but lighter, and is also not ferromagnetic, which is important for stealth. Titanium submarines were favored by the Soviet Union, which developed specialized high-strength alloys and built an industry capable of producing titanium at an affordable cost. It has produced several types of titanium submarines. Titanium alloys allow a major increase in depth, but other systems need to be redesigned to cope, so test depth was limited to 1000 meters for K-278 Komsomolets, the deepest-diving combat submarine. An Alfa class submarine may have successfully operated at 1300 meters,[3] though continuous operation at such depths would be an excessive stress for many submarine systems. Titanium also does not flex as easily as steel, and may be come brittle over many cycles of diving and surfacing. Despite its benefits, the high cost of titanium construction led to the abandonment of titanium submarine construction as the Cold War ended.

Deep diving civilian submarines have used thick glass pressure hulls.

The task of building a pressure hull is very difficult, as it must withstand pressures up to that of its required diving depth. When the hull is perfectly round in cross-section, the pressure is evenly distributed, and causes only hull compression. If the shape is not perfect, the hull is bent, with several points heavily strained. Inevitable minor deviations are resisted by the stiffener rings, but even a one inch (25 mm) deviation from roundness results in over 30 percent decrease of maximal hydrostatic load and consequently dive depth.[4] The hull must therefore be constructed with very high precision. All hull parts must be welded without defects, and all joints are checked several times using different methods. This contributes to the very high cost of modern submarines. (For example, each Virginia-class attack submarine costs 2.6 billion dollars, over $200,000 per ton of displacement.)

[edit] Propulsion

HMCS Windsor, a Victoria-class diesel-electric hunter-killer submarine

HMCS Windsor, a Victoria-class diesel-electric hunter-killer submarine
German Type 212 submarine with AIP propulsion of the German Navy in dock at HDW/Kiel

German Type 212 submarine with AIP propulsion of the German Navy in dock at HDW/Kiel
German Type XXI submarines, also known as "Elektroboote", were the first submarines designed to operate entirely submerged

German Type XXI submarines, also known as "Elektroboote", were the first submarines designed to operate entirely submerged

Originally submarines were human propelled. The first mechanically driven submarine was the 1863 French Plongeur, which used compressed air for propulsion, and anaerobic propulsion was first employed by the Spanish Ictineo II in 1864. Ictineo's engine used a chemical mix containing a peroxide compound to generate heat for steam propulsion while also providing oxygen for the crew. The system was not employed again until 1940 when the German Navy tested a system employing the same principles, the Walter turbine, on the experimental V-80 submarine and later on the naval U-791 submarine.

Until the advent of nuclear marine propulsion, most 20th century submarines used batteries for running underwater and gasoline (petrol) or diesel engines on the surface and to recharge the batteries. Early submarines used gasoline, but this quickly gave way to paraffin, then diesel, because of reduced flammability. Diesel-electric became the standard means of propulsion. The diesel or gasoline engine and the electric motor, separated by clutches, were initially on the same shaft and drove the propeller. This allowed the engine to drive the electric motor as a generator to recharge the batteries and also propel the submarine if required. The clutch between the motor and the engine would be disengaged when the submarine dove so that the motor could be used to turn the propeller. The motor could have more than one armature on the shaft, and these could be electrically coupled in series for slow speed and in parallel for high speed. (These alternative connections were known as "group down" and "group up", respectively.)

The principle was modified for some submarine designs in the 1930s, particularly those of the U.S. Navy and the British U class submarines. The engine was no longer attached to the motor/propeller drive shaft, but drove a separate generator to drive the motors on the surface while recharging the batteries. This diesel-electric propulsion allowed much more flexibility; for example, the submarine could travel slowly while the engines were running at full power to recharge the batteries as quickly as possible, reducing time spent on the surface, or use its snorkel. It was then possible to insulate the noisy diesel engines from the pressure hull, making the submarine quieter.

Other power sources were attempted. Oil-fired steam turbines powered the British "K" class submarines, built during the first World War and in the following years, with the intent of giving them the necessary surface speed to keep up with the British battle fleet. The "K" class subs were not very successful, however. (The design was also over-endowed with hatches, which proved troublesome in service.) German Type XXI submarines attempted the application of hydrogen peroxide to provide long-term, fast air-independent propulsion, but were ultimately built with very large batteries instead.

At the end of the Second World War, the British and Russians experimented with hydrogen peroxide/kerosene (paraffin) engines which could be used both above and below the surface. The results were not encouraging enough for this technique to be adopted at the time, and although the Russians deployed a class of submarines with this engine type (codenamed Quebec by NATO), they were considered unsuccessful. Today several navies use air-independent propulsion. Notably Sweden uses Stirling technology on the Gotland class and Södermanland class series of submarines. The Stirling engine is heated by burning diesel fuel with liquid oxygen stored in cryogenic tanks. A newer development in air-independent propulsion is the use of hydrogen fuel cells, first applied in series on the German Type 212 submarine, with nine 34 kW or two 120-kilowatt cells.

Steam power was resurrected in the 1950s with the advent of the nuclear-powered steam turbine driving a generator. By removing the requirement for atmospheric oxygen, these submarines can remain submerged indefinitely. (Air is recycled and fresh water is distilled from seawater.) These vessels always have a small battery and diesel engine/generator installation for emergency use if the reactors have to be shut down.

Nuclear power is now used in all large submarines, but due to the high cost and large size of nuclear reactors, smaller submarines still use diesel-electric propulsion. The ratio of larger to smaller submarines depends on strategic needs; for instance, the US Navy and the Royal Navy operate only nuclear submarines,[5] which is usually explained by the need for overseas operations. Other major operators rely on a mix of nuclear submarines for strategic purposes and diesel-electric submarines for defensive needs. Most fleets have no nuclear submarines at all, due to the limited availability of nuclear power and submarine technology. Diesel-electric submarines also have a distinct advantage over their nuclear cousins in terms of stealth. Nuclear submarines are always generating noise from the coolant pumps and turbo-machinery needed to operate the reactor, even at low power levels. A conventional submarine operating on its batteries is almost completely silent, the only noise coming from the shaft bearings and flow noise around the hull, all of which stops when the sub hovers in mid water to listen. Commercial submarines usually rely only on batteries, as they are never expected to operate independently of a mother ship.

Toward the end of the 20th century, some submarines, such as the British Vanguard class, began to be fitted with pump-jet propulsors instead of propellers. Although these are heavier, more expensive, and less efficient than a propeller, they are significantly quieter, giving an important tactical advantage.

The magnetohydrodynamic drive, or "caterpillar drive", which has no moving parts was popularized as a submarine propulsion system by the movie version of The Hunt for Red October, written by Tom Clancy, which portrayed it as a virtually silent system.

Although experimental surface ships have been built with this propulsion system, speeds have not been as high as expected. In addition, the drive system can induce bubbles to form, compromising stealth, and the low efficiency leads to very high required reactor powers. These factors make it unlikely to be considered for any military purpose.

[edit] Armament

A sequence of photos showing the decommissioned Australian warship HMAS Torrens sinking after being used as a target for a submarine-launched torpedo.

A sequence of photos showing the decommissioned Australian warship HMAS Torrens sinking after being used as a target for a submarine-launched torpedo.
The forward torpedo tubes on HMS Ocelot

The forward torpedo tubes on HMS Ocelot

The success of the submarine is inextricably linked to the development of the torpedo, invented by the English engineer Robert Whitehead in 1866. His invention is essentially the same today as it was 100 years ago. Only with the arrival of self propelled torpedoes could the submarine make the leap from mechanical novelty into a weapon of war. Until the perfection of the guided torpedo, multiple torpedoes of the straight running kind were required to attack a target. With at most 20 to 25 torpedoes stored onboard, the number of attacks that could be made was limited. To increase combat endurance most submarines of the First World War functioned as submersible gunboats, using their deck guns against unarmed targets and diving to escape and engage enemy warships. The importance of guns encouraged the development of the unsuccessful Submarine Cruiser such as the French Surcouf and the Royal navy's X1 and M class submarines. With the arrival of ASW aircraft, guns became more of means of defence than of attack. A more practical method of increasing combat endurance was the external torpedo tube which could only be loaded in port.

The ability of submarines to approach enemy harbors covertly led to their use as minelayers. Minelaying submarines of the First and Second World War were specially built for that purpose. Modern submarine-laid mines, such as the British Mark 6 Sea Urchin, are designed to be deployed by a submarine's torpedo tubes.

After World War II, both the USA and the USSR experimented with submarine launched cruise missiles such as the SSM-N-8 Regulus and P-5 Pyatyorka however with such missiles the submarine had to surface to fire its missiles. Such missiles were the forerunners of modern submarine launched cruise missiles which can be fired from the torpedo tubes of submerged submarines e.g. the US BGM-109 Tomahawk and Russian RPK-2 Viyuga. Ballistic missiles can also be fired from a submarine's torpedo tubes, for example missiles such as the anti-submarine SUBROC, and versions of surface to surface anti-ship missiles such as the Exocet and Harpoon, encapsulated for submarine launch. With internal volume as limited as ever and the desire to carry heavier warloads, the idea of the external launch tube was revived, usually for the encapsulated missiles and such tubes being placed in the space between the internal pressure and outer streamlined hulls.

The strategic mission of the SSM-N-8 and the P-5 were taken up by submarine-launched ballistic missile beginning with the US Navy's Polaris missile, then the Poseidon and Trident missiles.

[edit] Sensors

A submarine will have a range of sensor types that depends on its purpose. Modern military submarines rely almost entirely on an extremely sensitive suite of passive and active sonars to find their prey. Active sonar relies on an audible "ping" to generate echoes revealing objects around the transmitting submarine. Active systems are rarely used, as the transmitting submarine will invariably reveal its own position to its target. Passive sonar is literally a set of extremely sensitive hydrophones set into the submarine's hull or trailed behind said submarine in a towed array, generally several hundred feet long, if not more. The towed array is the mainstay of NATO submarine detection systems, as it reduces the amount of flow noise that is heard by the operators. Hull mounted sonar is employed to back up the towed array, and in confined coastal waters where a towed array could be fouled by sea floor obstacles.

Submarines also carry radar equipment for detection of surface ships and aircraft. Again, sub captains are more likely to use radar detection gear rather than active radar to detect targets, as radar energy can be detected far beyond its own return range, revealing the transmitting submarine's position. Periscopes are hardly ever used except to take position fixes and to verify the identity of a contact.

Civilian submarines, such as Alvin or the Russian Mir submersibles, rely on small active sonar sets and viewing ports to navigate. Light does not penetrate beyond about 300 feet (91 m), so high intensity lights must be carried to illuminate the area around the submersible.

[edit] Navigation

Although early submarines had very little in the way of navigation aids, modern submarines have a variety of navigation systems. Modern military submarines use an inertial guidance system for navigation while submerged, but drift error unavoidably builds up over time. To counter this, the Global Positioning System will occasionally be used to obtain an accurate position. The periscope - a retractable tube with prisms allowing a view to the surface - is only used occasionally in modern submarines, since the range of visibility is short. The Virginia-class submarines and Astute Class submarines have "photonics masts" rather than hull-penetrating optical tube periscopes. These masts must still be hoisted above the surface, and employ electronic sensors for visible light, infrared, laser range-finding, and electromagnetic surveillance.

[edit] Communication

Military submarines have several systems for communicating with distant command centers or other ships. One is the VLF radio, which can reach a submarine either on the surface or submerged up to a fairly shallow depth, usually less than 250 feet (76 m) or so. ELF frequencies can reach a submarine at much greater depths, but has a very low bandwidth and is generally only used to call a submerged sub to a shallower depth where VLF signals can reach. A submarine also has the option of floating a long, buoyant wire to a shallower depth, allowing VLF transmissions to be made by even a deeply submerged boat.

By extending a radio mast, a submarine can also use a "burst transmission" technique. A burst transmission takes only a fraction of a second, minimizing a submarine's risk of detection. To communicate with other submarines, a system known as Gertrude is used. Gertrude is basically a sonar telephone. Voice communication from one submarine is transmitted by low power speakers into the water, where it is detected by passive sonars on the receiving submarine. The range of this system is probably very short, and using it radiates sound into the water, which can be heard by enemy submarines, surface ships and aircraft.

Civilian submarines can use similar, albeit less powerful systems to communicate with support ships or other submersibles in the area.

[edit] Command and control

All submarines need facilities to control their motion. Military submarines also need facilities to operate their sensors and weapons.

[edit] Crew

[edit] Overview

With nuclear power, submarines can remain submerged for months at a time. Diesel submarines must periodically resurface or snorkel to recharge their batteries. Most modern military submarines are able to generate oxygen for their crew by electrolysis of water. Atmosphere control equipment includes a CO2 scrubber, which uses an amine absorbent to remove the gas from air and diffuse it into waste pumped overboard. A machine that uses a catalyst to convert carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide (removed by the CO2 scrubber) and bonds hydrogen produced from the ship's storage battery with oxygen in the atmosphere to produce water, also found its use. An atmosphere monitoring system samples the air from different areas of the ship for nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, R12 and R114 refrigerant, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and others. Poisonous gases are removed

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HMS Invincible, a British Invincible-class aircraft carrier

HMS Invincible, a British Invincible-class aircraft carrier
F221 Hessen, a Sachsen-class frigate of the German Navy

F221 Hessen, a Sachsen-class frigate of the German Navy
HMCS Algonquin, a Canadian Iroquois-class destroyer

HMCS Algonquin, a Canadian Iroquois-class destroyer
HMAS Darwin, an Australian Adelaide-class frigate

HMAS Darwin, an Australian Adelaide-class frigate

A naval ship is a ship (or sometimes boat, depending on classification) used for combat purposes, commonly by a navy. Naval ships are differentiated from civilian ships by construction and purpose. Generally, naval ships are damage resilient and armed with various weapon systems, though armament on troop transports is light or non-existent.

The term "warship" is usually used to identify the subclass of naval ships designed primarily as combatants, as opposed to support or yard operations.

[edit] Naval ship classification

Naval ship classification is a field that has changed over time, and is not an area of wide international agreement, so this article currently uses the system as currently used by the United States Navy.

  • Aircraft carrier - ships that serve as mobile seaborne airfields, designed primarily for the purpose of conducting combat operations by aircraft which engage in attacks against airborne, surface, sub-surface and shore targets.
  • Submarine - self-propelled submersible types regardless of whether they are employed as combatant, auxiliary, or research and development vehicles which have at least a residual combat capability.
  • Patrol Combatant - combatants whose mission may extend beyond coastal duties and whose characteristics include adequate endurance and sea keeping providing a capability for operations exceeding 48 hours on the high seas without support.
  • Amphibious Warfare - ships having organic capability for amphibious assault and which have characteristics enabling long duration operations on the high seas.
  • Combat Logistics - ships that have the capability to provide underway replenishment to fleet units.
  • Mine Warfare - ships whose primary function is mine warfare on the high seas.
  • Coastal Defense - ships whose primary function is coastal patrol and interdiction.
  • Mobile Logistics - ships that have the capability to provide direct material support to other deployed units operating far from home base.
  • Support - ships designed to operate in the open ocean in a variety of sea states to provide general support to either combatant forces or shore based establishments. (Includes smaller auxiliaries which by the nature of their duties, leave inshore waters).
  • Service Type Craft - navy-subordinated craft (including non-self-propelled) designed to provide general support to either combatant forces or shore-based establishments.

See also Hull classification symbol

[edit] Size

In rough order of tonnage (largest to smallest), modern surface naval ships are commonly divided into the following different classes. The larger ships in the list can also be classed as capital ships:

Some classes above may now be considered obsolete as no ships matching the class are in current service. There is also much blurring / gray areas between the classes, depending on their intended use, history, and interpretation of the class by different navies.

歡迎來到Bewise Inc.的世界,首先恭喜您來到這接受新的資訊讓產業更有競爭力,我們是提供專業刀具製造商,應對客戶高品質的刀具需求,我們可以協助客戶滿足您對產業的不同要求,我們有能力達到非常卓越的客戶需求品質,這是現有相關技術無法比擬的,我們成功的滿足了各行各業的要求,包括:精密HSS DIN切削刀具協助客戶設計刀具流程DIN or JIS 鎢鋼切削刀具設計NAS986 NAS965 NAS897 NAS937orNAS907 航太切削刀具,NAS航太刀具設計超高硬度的切削刀具BW捨棄式鑽石V卡刀BW捨棄式金屬圓鋸片木工捨棄式金屬圓鋸片PCD木工圓鋸片醫療配件刀具設計汽車業刀具設計電子產業鑽石刀具全鎢鋼V卡刀-電路版專用全鎢鋼鋸片焊刃式側銑刀焊刃式千鳥側銑刀焊刃式T型銑刀焊刃式千鳥T型銑刀焊刃式螺旋機械鉸刀全鎢鋼斜邊刀電路版專用鎢鋼焊刃式高速鉸刀超微粒鎢鋼機械鉸刀超微粒鎢鋼定點鑽焊刃式帶柄角度銑刀焊刃式螺旋立銑刀焊刃式帶柄倒角銑刀焊刃式角度銑刀焊刃式筒型平面銑刀木工產業鑽石刀具等等。我們的產品涵蓋了從民生刀具到工業級的刀具設計;從微細刀具到大型刀具;從小型生產到大型量產;全自動整合;我們的技術可提供您連續生產的效能,我們整體的服務及卓越的技術,恭迎您親自體驗!!

BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen willy@tool-tool.com bw@tool-tool.com www.tool-tool.com skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 http://www.tool-tool..com / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy users demand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting toolaerospace tool .HSS DIN Cutting toolCarbide end millsCarbide cutting toolNAS Cutting toolNAS986 NAS965 NAS897 NAS937orNAS907 Cutting Tools,Carbide end milldisc milling cutter,Aerospace cutting toolhss drillФрезерыCarbide drillHigh speed steelMilling cutterCVDD(Chemical Vapor Deposition Diamond )’PCBN (Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride) Core drillTapered end millsCVD Diamond Tools Inserts’PCD Edge-Beveling Cutter(Golden FingerEdge modifying knifeSolid carbide saw blade-V typeV-type locking-special use for PC boardMetal Slitting SawaCarbide Side milling CuttersCarbide Side Milling Cutters With Staggered TeethCarbide T-Slot Milling CuttersCarbide T-Slot Milling Cutters With Staggered TeethCarbide Machine ReamersHigh speed reamer-standard typeHigh speed reamer-long type’’PCD V-CutterPCD Wood toolsPCD Cutting toolsPCD Circular Saw BladePVDD End Millsdiamond tool V-type locking-special use for PC board Single Crystal Diamond Metric end millsMiniature end millsСпециальные режущие инструменты Пустотелое сверло Pilot reamerFraisesFresas con mango PCD (Polycrystalline diamond) ‘FreseElectronics cutterStep drillMetal cutting sawDouble margin drillGun barrelAngle milling cutterCarbide burrsCarbide tipped cutterChamfering toolIC card engraving cutterSide cutterNAS toolDIN or JIS toolSpecial toolMetal slitting sawsShell end millsSide and face milling cuttersSide chip clearance sawsLong end millsStub roughing end millsDovetail milling cuttersCarbide slot drillsCarbide torus cuttersAngel carbide end millsCarbide torus cuttersCarbide ball-nosed slot drillsMould cutterTool manufacturer.

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com

ようこそBewise Inc.

beeway 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com Reference source from the internet.

JIS では鉄鋼を次にように区別しています。鉄は前述した銑鉄、合金鉄、鋳鉄の3つ、鋼は普通鋼、特殊鋼、鋳鍛鋼です。さらに普通鋼は条鋼、厚板、薄板、鋼管、 線材、線のような形状別に、また、特殊鋼は合金鋼、工具鋼、特殊用途鋼などのように性状別に分類されています。このように種々分類されていますが、基本的 には前述したC量によって鉄、鋼、鋳鉄の3つに分けているに過ぎません。鉄にC、Si、Mn、P、Sの5元素が含まれた鋼を炭素鋼又は普通鋼と云います。 この普通鋼にNi、Cr、Moなどの特殊元素が添加されて、特殊な性質を示すような鋼を特殊鋼と呼んでいます。特殊鋼の内、焼入れ・高温焼戻し(調質)を 行って使用するものを合金鋼、工具に用いるものを工具鋼、特殊用途に使う鋼を特殊用途鋼と云っています。表7は鉄鋼材料を分類したものです。以下各種の鋼材について、その特徴を概略解説しましょう。



こ の鋼はJISで決められている鋼材の内で、最も多く使用されているものです。特にSS400の使用量が多く、主要部材を除くほかは、多くの機械及び構造部 材として鋼板、平鋼、棒鋼、形鋼などとして用いられています。最近では製鋼の技術レベルアップから品質も安定し、溶接性においてもSS410は板厚 50mm以内ではそれほど問題になることはありません。ただ、溶接性や低温じん性について保証する検査が行われていませんので、粗悪品が混入する危険性が あります。SS500、550は原則として溶接をしない部分に使用するのが安全です。SS材はPとSが規定されているだけで、他の元素は規定されていませ ん。したがって、実際に使用する場合には、次式によって計算をします。




SS 材の次に多く用いられている鋼種です。SM材の特徴は溶接性に優れていることです。そのため、C、Si、Mn%を規定しています。BとC種は衝撃試験を 行って、ある値の低温じん性を保証していますので、心配する必要はありません。しかしながら、SM500以上では溶接に十分な注意と熱処理が必要です。





炭 素鋼はSS材よりも不純物が少なく、製鋼法にも注意をし、熱処理をして用いることになっています。熱処理には焼ならし、焼入れ・焼戻し(調質)、高周波焼 入れ、浸炭焼入れなどがあります。S-C材のC%は0.08~0.61%まで、つまり、S10C~S58Cまでの鋼です。これより高いC%量になるとSK 材になります。また、S9CK、S15CKが浸炭用として規定されていますが、Kとは高級(Kokyu)のKです。


  この種の鋼は種類も多く、一般的には調質あるいは浸炭、窒化などを施して用います。つまり、熱処理による機械的性質の改善効果は、化学成分や部品の大きさ などによって異なりますので、目的とする性質と大きさなどの点を考慮し、適当な鋼種を選ぶことが大切です。CrやMo、B(ボロン)を含むものは、焼入性 が良いので大型部品用に、また、Niを含むものはじん性が要求される場合に適しています。なお、この種のグループには焼入性を保証したH鋼があります。調 質を行って用いるSA材は、単に化学成分のみが指定されているのではなく、焼入性も指定して適材適所に使用しています。H鋼は所要の焼入硬さが確実に得ら れる鋼として保証されているのです。また、この種の鋼には非調質鋼と云うのがあります。これは熱処理加工専門メーカにとっては大変な痛手です。熱処理が必 要ない鋼なのです。一般的にSC材やSA材は調質を行って用いますので、調質鋼と云いますが、この鋼にV、Nb(ニオブ)、Tiなど少量添加(これをマイ クロアロイと云います)し、圧延の時冷却速度を調整すると所要の強度が得られるのです。調質がいらない鋼と云うことで非調質鋼と呼んでいます。省エネ、コ ストダウン用材料として自動車、建設機械用部品などに賞用されています。まだJIS化はされていません。



こ の種の鋼は機械構造用部材としては殆ど用いられず、多くの場合耐摩耗用部材として使用されています。SK材はC%によってSK1~SK7まで規定され、C 量が多いほど小さい数字です。一番使いやすいのがSK5です。これは一番焼きが入りやすく、耐摩耗やじん性に優れているからです。いずれの鋼種において も、素材の状態では球状化焼なまし材であり、耐摩耗の場合は焼入れ後低温焼戻し、また、強じん性が必要な場合は高温焼戻しで用います。


SK 材にW、Cr、Mo、Vなどの特殊元素を添加した鋼です。添加されている元素の種類と量の相違によって、耐摩耗用、耐衝撃用、耐不変形用、耐熱用などに分 けられています。いずれの場合も球状化焼なましの状態で納入され、硬い複炭化物が存在しています。主に金型や工具類に多用されています。


W 系(Tタイプ)とMo系(Mタイプ)の2種類があります。以前はW系が主流でしたが、最近では耐摩耗性、耐熱性、強じん性ともに備わったMo系が多く用い られています。焼入温度は鋼種によって若干異なりますが、高いのが欠点です。しかしながら、優れた焼戻し軟化抵抗やじん性が得られるため、高級な金型や工 具として広く用いられています。










オー ステナイト系のステンレス鋼は、耐食性が最も優れています。-150℃以下の温度でサブゼロ処理するとマルテンサイトに変態し硬化します。代表的な SUS304は約1050℃から水中急冷を行うと、組織がオーステナイトとなりますが、450~850℃で再加熱すると、耐食性が劣り粒界腐食を起こすよ うになりますので要注意です。また、本来は非磁性ですが、常温で冷間加工を行うと、磁性を持つようになります。磁性を嫌うような場合は100~150℃で 温間加工を行えば大丈夫です。







一 般の鋼よりも快削性を向上させた鋼を快削鋼と云います。快削性を上げる元素には種々なものがありますが。快削鋼として用いられているのはS、Te(テル ル)、Pb(鉛)、Se(セシウム)などです。これらを単独にあるいは2種以上を添加して用いています。低C鋼をベースとしたものが多いため、主に快削性 が主体で、強度の高い部材にはあまり使用されていません。


歡迎來到Bewise Inc.的世界,首先恭喜您來到這接受新的資訊讓產業更有競爭力,我們是提供專業刀具製造商,應對客戶高品質的刀具需求,我們可以協助客戶滿足您對產業的不同要求,我們有能力達到非常卓越的客戶需求品質,這是現有相關技術無法比擬的,我們成功的滿足了各行各業的要求,包括:精密HSS DIN切削刀具協助客戶設計刀具流程DIN or JIS 鎢鋼切削刀具設計NAS986 NAS965 NAS897 NAS937orNAS907 航太切削刀具,NAS航太刀具設計超高硬度的切削刀具BW捨棄式鑽石V卡刀BW捨棄式金屬圓鋸片木工捨棄式金屬圓鋸片PCD木工圓鋸片醫療配件刀具設計汽車業刀具設計電子產業鑽石刀具全鎢鋼V卡刀-電路版專用全鎢鋼鋸片焊刃式側銑刀焊刃式千鳥側銑刀焊刃式T型銑刀焊刃式千鳥T型銑刀焊刃式螺旋機械鉸刀全鎢鋼斜邊刀電路版專用鎢鋼焊刃式高速鉸刀超微粒鎢鋼機械鉸刀超微粒鎢鋼定點鑽焊刃式帶柄角度銑刀焊刃式螺旋立銑刀焊刃式帶柄倒角銑刀焊刃式角度銑刀焊刃式筒型平面銑刀木工產業鑽石刀具等等。我們的產品涵蓋了從民生刀具到工業級的刀具設計;從微細刀具到大型刀具;從小型生產到大型量產;全自動整合;我們的技術可提供您連續生產的效能,我們整體的服務及卓越的技術,恭迎您親自體驗!!

BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen willy@tool-tool.com bw@tool-tool.com www.tool-tool.com skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 http://www.tool-tool..com / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy users demand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting toolaerospace tool .HSS DIN Cutting toolCarbide end millsCarbide cutting toolNAS Cutting toolNAS986 NAS965 NAS897 NAS937orNAS907 Cutting Tools,Carbide end milldisc milling cutter,Aerospace cutting toolhss drillФрезерыCarbide drillHigh speed steelMilling cutterCVDD(Chemical Vapor Deposition Diamond )’PCBN (Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride) Core drillTapered end millsCVD Diamond Tools Inserts’PCD Edge-Beveling Cutter(Golden FingerEdge modifying knifeSolid carbide saw blade-V typeV-type locking-special use for PC boardMetal Slitting SawaCarbide Side milling CuttersCarbide Side Milling Cutters With Staggered TeethCarbide T-Slot Milling CuttersCarbide T-Slot Milling Cutters With Staggered TeethCarbide Machine ReamersHigh speed reamer-standard typeHigh speed reamer-long type’’PCD V-CutterPCD Wood toolsPCD Cutting toolsPCD Circular Saw BladePVDD End Millsdiamond tool V-type locking-special use for PC board Single Crystal Diamond Metric end millsMiniature end millsСпециальные режущие инструменты Пустотелое сверло Pilot reamerFraisesFresas con mango PCD (Polycrystalline diamond) ‘FreseElectronics cutterStep drillMetal cutting sawDouble margin drillGun barrelAngle milling cutterCarbide burrsCarbide tipped cutterChamfering toolIC card engraving cutterSide cutterNAS toolDIN or JIS toolSpecial toolMetal slitting sawsShell end millsSide and face milling cuttersSide chip clearance sawsLong end millsStub roughing end millsDovetail milling cuttersCarbide slot drillsCarbide torus cuttersAngel carbide end millsCarbide torus cuttersCarbide ball-nosed slot drillsMould cutterTool manufacturer.

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com

ようこそBewise Inc.の世界へお越し下さいませ、先ず御目出度たいのは新たな






(2)Carbide Cutting tools設計



beeway 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com Reference source from the internet.





顏 色

其 他 性 質

應 用




















化 學 氣 相 蒸 鍍 之 應 用 與 壽 命 提 升例:

工 件

材 質

鍍 層

應 用 於










AISI4630 料齒輪之滾齒



























化 學 蒸 鍍 處 理 之 優 點:

1. 附著性高,與母材形成滲透層,鍍層不脫落

2. 提高模具使用壽命,減少開模成本

3. 可重複作披覆處理,減輕生產線的維修成本

4. 製品的加工面光澤佳,加工精度提高

5. 脫模性佳,製品品質提昇

6. 耐氧化、耐腐蝕性佳、模具管理容易

7. 複雜形狀、深孔內部均可披覆

化 學 蒸 鍍 處 理 適 用 之 鋼 材:

· 冷工具鋼﹝例如SKD11、DC53、SLD等)

· 熱工具鋼﹝例如SKD6、SKD61等)

· 高速工具鋼﹝例如SKH9、SKH55等)

· 粉末合金鋼﹝例如ASP23、ASP30、ASP60等)

· 碳化鎢超硬合金

· 不銹鋼﹝例如SUS420、SUS314等﹞

歡迎來到Bewise Inc.的世界,首先恭喜您來到這接受新的資訊讓產業更有競爭力,我們是提供專業刀具製造商,應對客戶高品質的刀具需求,我們可以協助客戶滿足您對產業的不同要求,我們有能力達到非常卓越的客戶需求品質,這是現有相關技術無法比擬的,我們成功的滿足了各行各業的要求,包括:精密HSS DIN切削刀具協助客戶設計刀具流程DIN or JIS 鎢鋼切削刀具設計NAS986 NAS965 NAS897 NAS937orNAS907 航太切削刀具,NAS航太刀具設計超高硬度的切削刀具BW捨棄式鑽石V卡刀BW捨棄式金屬圓鋸片木工捨棄式金屬圓鋸片PCD木工圓鋸片醫療配件刀具設計汽車業刀具設計電子產業鑽石刀具全鎢鋼V卡刀-電路版專用全鎢鋼鋸片焊刃式側銑刀焊刃式千鳥側銑刀焊刃式T型銑刀焊刃式千鳥T型銑刀焊刃式螺旋機械鉸刀全鎢鋼斜邊刀電路版專用鎢鋼焊刃式高速鉸刀超微粒鎢鋼機械鉸刀超微粒鎢鋼定點鑽焊刃式帶柄角度銑刀焊刃式螺旋立銑刀焊刃式帶柄倒角銑刀焊刃式角度銑刀焊刃式筒型平面銑刀木工產業鑽石刀具等等。我們的產品涵蓋了從民生刀具到工業級的刀具設計;從微細刀具到大型刀具;從小型生產到大型量產;全自動整合;我們的技術可提供您連續生產的效能,我們整體的服務及卓越的技術,恭迎您親自體驗!!

BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen willy@tool-tool.com bw@tool-tool.com www.tool-tool.com skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 http://www.tool-tool..com / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy users demand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting toolaerospace tool .HSS DIN Cutting toolCarbide end millsCarbide cutting toolNAS Cutting toolNAS986 NAS965 NAS897 NAS937orNAS907 Cutting Tools,Carbide end milldisc milling cutter,Aerospace cutting toolhss drillФрезерыCarbide drillHigh speed steelMilling cutterCVDD(Chemical Vapor Deposition Diamond )’PCBN (Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride) Core drillTapered end millsCVD Diamond Tools Inserts’PCD Edge-Beveling Cutter(Golden FingerEdge modifying knifeSolid carbide saw blade-V typeV-type locking-special use for PC boardMetal Slitting SawaCarbide Side milling CuttersCarbide Side Milling Cutters With Staggered TeethCarbide T-Slot Milling CuttersCarbide T-Slot Milling Cutters With Staggered TeethCarbide Machine ReamersHigh speed reamer-standard typeHigh speed reamer-long type’’PCD V-CutterPCD Wood toolsPCD Cutting toolsPCD Circular Saw BladePVDD End Millsdiamond tool V-type locking-special use for PC board Single Crystal Diamond Metric end millsMiniature end millsСпециальные режущие инструменты Пустотелое сверло Pilot reamerFraisesFresas con mango PCD (Polycrystalline diamond) ‘FreseElectronics cutterStep drillMetal cutting sawDouble margin drillGun barrelAngle milling cutterCarbide burrsCarbide tipped cutterChamfering toolIC card engraving cutterSide cutterNAS toolDIN or JIS toolSpecial toolMetal slitting sawsShell end millsSide and face milling cuttersSide chip clearance sawsLong end millsStub roughing end millsDovetail milling cuttersCarbide slot drillsCarbide torus cuttersAngel carbide end millsCarbide torus cuttersCarbide ball-nosed slot drillsMould cutterTool manufacturer.

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com

ようこそBewise Inc.の世界へお越し下さいませ、先ず御目出度たいのは新たな

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Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com Reference source from the internet.

   本体聚合是单体在引发剂或热、光、辐射的作用下,不加其他介质进行的聚合过程。特点是产品纯洁,不需复杂的分离、提纯,操作较简单,生产设备利用率高。 可以直接生产管材、板材等质品,故又称块状聚合。缺点是物料粘度随着聚和反应的进行而不断增加,混合和传热困难,反应器温度不易控制。本体聚合法常用于聚 加基丙烯酸甲酯 (俗称有机玻璃)、聚苯乙烯、低密度聚乙烯、聚丙烯、聚酯和聚酰胺等树酯的生产。
  悬浮聚合是指单体在机械搅拌或振荡和分 散剂的作用下,单体分散成液滴,通常悬浮于水中进行的聚合过程, 故又称珠状聚合。特点是:反应器内有大量水,物料粘度低,容易传热和控制;聚合后只需经 过简单的分离、 洗涤 、干燥等工序,即得树脂产品,可直接用于成型加工;产品较纯净、均匀。缺点是反应器生产能力和产品纯度不及本体聚合法,而且,不能 采用连续法进行生产。悬浮聚合在工业上应用很广。75%的聚氯乙稀树脂采用悬浮聚合法,聚苯乙烯也主要采用悬浮聚合法生产。反应器也逐渐大型化。
   乳液聚合是指借助乳化剂的作用,在机械搅拌或振荡下,单体在水中形成乳液而进行的聚合.乳液聚合反应产物为胶乳,可直接应用,也可以把胶乳破坏,经洗 涤、干燥等后处理工序,得粉状或针状聚合物。乳液聚合可以在较高的反应速度下,获得较高分子量的聚合物,物料的粘度低,易于传热和混合,生产容易控制,残 留单体容易除去。乳液聚合的缺点是聚合过程中加入的乳化剂等影响制品性能。为得到固体聚合物,耗用经过凝聚、分离、洗涤等工艺过程。反应器的生产能力比本 体聚合法低。
  溶液聚合是单体溶于适当溶剂中进行的聚合反应。形成的聚合物有时溶于溶剂,属于典型的溶液聚合,产品可做涂料或胶粘剂。如果 聚合物不溶于溶剂,称为沉淀聚合或淤浆聚合,如生产固体聚合物需经沉淀、过滤、洗涤、干燥才成为成品。在溶液聚合中,生产操作和反应温度都易于控制,但都 需要回收溶剂。工业溶液聚合可采用连续法合间歇法,大规模生产常采用连续法,如聚丙烯等。
   挤塑又称挤出成型,是使用挤塑机(挤出机)将加热的树脂连续通过模具,挤出所需形状的制品的方法。挤塑有时也有于热固性塑料的成型,并可用于泡沫塑料的 成型。挤塑的优点是可挤出各种形状的制品,生产效率高,可自动化、连续化生产;缺点是热固性塑料不能广泛采用此法加工,制品尺寸容易产生偏差。
   注塑又称注射成型。注塑是使用注塑机(或称注射机)将热塑性塑料熔体在高压下注入到模具内经冷却、固化获得产品的方法。注塑也能用于热固性塑料及泡沫塑 料的成型。注塑的优点是生产速度快、效率高,操作可自动化,能成型形状复杂的零件,特别适合大量生产。缺点是设备及模具成本高,注塑机清理较困难等。
   压延是将树脂合各种添加剂经预期处理(捏合、过滤等)后通过压延机的两个或多个转向相反的压延辊的间隙加工成薄膜或片材,随后从压延机辊筒上剥离下来, 再经冷却定型的一种成型方法。压延是主要用于聚氯乙稀树脂的成型方法,能制造薄膜、片材、板材、人造革、地板砖等制品。

歡迎來到Bewise Inc.的世界,首先恭喜您來到這接受新的資訊讓產業更有競爭力,我們是提供專業刀具製造商,應對客戶高品質的刀具需求,我們可以協助客戶滿足您對產業的不同要求,我們有能力達到非常卓越的客戶需求品質,這是現有相關技術無法比擬的,我們成功的滿足了各行各業的要求,包括:精密HSS DIN切削刀具協助客戶設計刀具流程DIN or JIS 鎢鋼切削刀具設計NAS986 NAS965 NAS897 NAS937orNAS907 航太切削刀具,NAS航太刀具設計超高硬度的切削刀具BW捨棄式鑽石V卡刀BW捨棄式金屬圓鋸片木工捨棄式金屬圓鋸片PCD木工圓鋸片醫療配件刀具設計汽車業刀具設計電子產業鑽石刀具全鎢鋼V卡刀-電路版專用全鎢鋼鋸片焊刃式側銑刀焊刃式千鳥側銑刀焊刃式T型銑刀焊刃式千鳥T型銑刀焊刃式螺旋機械鉸刀全鎢鋼斜邊刀電路版專用鎢鋼焊刃式高速鉸刀超微粒鎢鋼機械鉸刀超微粒鎢鋼定點鑽焊刃式帶柄角度銑刀焊刃式螺旋立銑刀焊刃式帶柄倒角銑刀焊刃式角度銑刀焊刃式筒型平面銑刀木工產業鑽石刀具等等。我們的產品涵蓋了從民生刀具到工業級的刀具設計;從微細刀具到大型刀具;從小型生產到大型量產;全自動整合;我們的技術可提供您連續生產的效能,我們整體的服務及卓越的技術,恭迎您親自體驗!!

BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen willy@tool-tool.com bw@tool-tool.com www.tool-tool.com skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 http://www.tool-tool..com / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy users demand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting toolaerospace tool .HSS DIN Cutting toolCarbide end millsCarbide cutting toolNAS Cutting toolNAS986 NAS965 NAS897 NAS937orNAS907 Cutting Tools,Carbide end milldisc milling cutter,Aerospace cutting toolhss drillФрезерыCarbide drillHigh speed steelMilling cutterCVDD(Chemical Vapor Deposition Diamond )’PCBN (Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride) Core drillTapered end millsCVD Diamond Tools Inserts’PCD Edge-Beveling Cutter(Golden FingerEdge modifying knifeSolid carbide saw blade-V typeV-type locking-special use for PC boardMetal Slitting SawaCarbide Side milling CuttersCarbide Side Milling Cutters With Staggered TeethCarbide T-Slot Milling CuttersCarbide T-Slot Milling Cutters With Staggered TeethCarbide Machine ReamersHigh speed reamer-standard typeHigh speed reamer-long type’’PCD V-CutterPCD Wood toolsPCD Cutting toolsPCD Circular Saw BladePVDD End Millsdiamond tool V-type locking-special use for PC board Single Crystal Diamond Metric end millsMiniature end millsСпециальные режущие инструменты Пустотелое сверло Pilot reamerFraisesFresas con mango PCD (Polycrystalline diamond) ‘FreseElectronics cutterStep drillMetal cutting sawDouble margin drillGun barrelAngle milling cutterCarbide burrsCarbide tipped cutterChamfering toolIC card engraving cutterSide cutterNAS toolDIN or JIS toolSpecial toolMetal slitting sawsShell end millsSide and face milling cuttersSide chip clearance sawsLong end millsStub roughing end millsDovetail milling cuttersCarbide slot drillsCarbide torus cuttersAngel carbide end millsCarbide torus cuttersCarbide ball-nosed slot drillsMould cutterTool manufacturer.

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com

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BW специализируется в научных исследованиях и разработках, и снабжаем самым высокотехнологичным карбидовым материалом для поставки режущих / фрезеровочных инструментов для почвы, воздушного пространства и электронной индустрии. В нашу основную продукцию входит твердый карбид / быстрорежущая сталь, а также двигатели, микроэлектрические дрели, IC картонорезальные машины, фрезы для гравирования, режущие пилы, фрезеры-расширители, фрезеры-расширители с резцом, дрели, резаки форм для шлицевого вала / звездочки роликовой цепи, и специальные нано инструменты. Пожалуйста, посетите сайт www.tool-tool.com для получения большей информации.

BW is specialized in R&D and sourcing the most advanced carbide material with high-tech coating to supply cutting / milling tool for mould & die, aero space and electronic industry. Our main products include solid carbide / HSS end mills, micro electronic drill, IC card cutter, engraving cutter, shell end mills, cutting saw, reamer, thread reamer, leading drill, involute gear cutter for spur wheel, rack and worm milling cutter, thread milling cutter, form cutters for spline shaft/roller chain sprocket, and special tool, with nano grade. Please visit our web

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