
Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com Reference source from the internet.

Од Википедија, слободна енциклопедија

Скокни на: навигација, барај

Легурите се смеси од два или повеќе метали. Притоа, легурите може да бидат составени од смеса на метал и метал, како и од метал и неметал. Затоа легурите се нарекуваат уште и цврсти раствори.

Легурите се двокомпонентни или повеќекомпонентни системи на метали кои првенствено имаат метален карактер и физички својства слични на металите. Тие се поделени во две главни групи: цврсти раствори и интерметални соединенија.

BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen willy@tool-tool.com bw@tool-tool.com www.tool-tool.com skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 TEL:+886 4 24710048 / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy users demand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting toolaerospace tool .HSS Cutting toolCarbide end millsCarbide cutting toolNAS Cutting toolCarbide end millAerospace cutting toolФрезерыCarbide drillHigh speed steelMilling cutterCVDD(Chemical Vapor Deposition Diamond )PCBN (Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride) Core drillTapered end millsCVD Diamond Tools Inserts’PCD Edge-Beveling Cutter(Golden Finger’PCD V-Cutter’PCD Wood tools’PCD Cutting tools’PCD Circular Saw Blade’PVDD End Mills’diamond tool Single Crystal Diamond Metric end millsMiniature end millsСпециальные режущие инструменты Пустотелое сверло Pilot reamerFraisesFresas con mango PCD (Polycrystalline diamond) FreseElectronics cutterStep drillMetal cutting sawDouble margin drillGun barrelAngle milling cutterCarbide burrsCarbide tipped cutterChamfering toolIC card engraving cutterSide cutterNAS toolDIN toolSpecial toolMetal slitting sawsShell end millsSide and face milling cuttersSide chip clearance sawsLong end millsStub roughing end millsDovetail milling cuttersCarbide slot drillsCarbide torus cuttersAngel carbide end millsCarbide torus cuttersCarbide ball-nosed slot drillsMould cutterTool manufacturer.

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com

BW специализируется в научных исследованиях и разработках, и снабжаем самым высокотехнологичным карбидовым материалом для поставки режущих / фрезеровочных инструментов для почвы, воздушного пространства и электронной индустрии. В нашу основную продукцию входит твердый карбид / быстрорежущая сталь, а также двигатели, микроэлектрические дрели, IC картонорезальные машины, фрезы для гравирования, режущие пилы, фрезеры-расширители, фрезеры-расширители с резцом, дрели, резаки форм для шлицевого вала / звездочки роликовой цепи, и специальные нано инструменты. Пожалуйста, посетите сайт www.tool-tool.com для получения большей информации.

BW is specialized in R&D and sourcing the most advanced carbide material with high-tech coating to supply cutting / milling tool for mould & die, aero space and electronic industry. Our main products include solid carbide / HSS end mills, micro electronic drill, IC card cutter, engraving cutter, shell end mills, cutting saw, reamer, thread reamer, leading drill, involute gear cutter for spur wheel, rack and worm milling cutter, thread milling cutter, form cutters for spline shaft/roller chain sprocket, and special tool, with nano grade. Please visit our web www.tool-tool.com for more info.

beeway 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com Reference source from the internet.

Dari Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas.

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Aloi merupakan gabungan - sama ada dalam bentuk cecair atau pepejal - dua atau lebih unsur, yang mana salah satunya merupakan logam.

Aloi dengan dua komponen dipanggil aloi binari; aloi dengan tiga komponen dipanggil aloi ternari; manakala aloi dengan empat komponen dipanggil aloi quaternari.

Biasanya, aloi mempunyai ciri-ciri yang lebih diingini daripada komponennya. Misalnya, keluli lebih kukuh. Loyang lebih tahan daripada tembaga, tetapi lebih cantik dan menarik daripada zink.

Tidak seperti logam tulen, kebanyakan aloi tidak mempunyai titik lebur yang tentu. Aloi mempunyai ‘julat lebur’ di mana aloi itu ialah campuran pepejal dan cecair. Suhu di mana aloi mula melebur dipanggil solidus, manakala suhu di mana aloi habis melebur dipanggil liquidus. Aloi-aloi tertentu dapat direka dengan satu takat lebur sahaja. Aloi-aloi ini dipanggil campuran eutektik.

Adakalanya sesuatu aloi dinamakan daripada logam asasnya. Contohnya, emas 14 karat ialah sejenis aloi emas dengan unsur lain. Perak yang digunakan dalam barang kemas dan aluminium yang digunakan dalam pembinaan juga merupakan aloi.

BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen willy@tool-tool.com bw@tool-tool.com www.tool-tool.com skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 TEL:+886 4 24710048 / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy users demand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting toolaerospace tool .HSS Cutting toolCarbide end millsCarbide cutting toolNAS Cutting toolCarbide end millAerospace cutting toolФрезерыCarbide drillHigh speed steelMilling cutterCVDD(Chemical Vapor Deposition Diamond )PCBN (Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride) Core drillTapered end millsCVD Diamond Tools Inserts’PCD Edge-Beveling Cutter(Golden Finger’PCD V-Cutter’PCD Wood tools’PCD Cutting tools’PCD Circular Saw Blade’PVDD End Mills’diamond tool Single Crystal Diamond Metric end millsMiniature end millsСпециальные режущие инструменты Пустотелое сверло Pilot reamerFraisesFresas con mango PCD (Polycrystalline diamond) FreseElectronics cutterStep drillMetal cutting sawDouble margin drillGun barrelAngle milling cutterCarbide burrsCarbide tipped cutterChamfering toolIC card engraving cutterSide cutterNAS toolDIN toolSpecial toolMetal slitting sawsShell end millsSide and face milling cuttersSide chip clearance sawsLong end millsStub roughing end millsDovetail milling cuttersCarbide slot drillsCarbide torus cuttersAngel carbide end millsCarbide torus cuttersCarbide ball-nosed slot drillsMould cutterTool manufacturer.

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com

BW специализируется в научных исследованиях и разработках, и снабжаем самым высокотехнологичным карбидовым материалом для поставки режущих / фрезеровочных инструментов для почвы, воздушного пространства и электронной индустрии. В нашу основную продукцию входит твердый карбид / быстрорежущая сталь, а также двигатели, микроэлектрические дрели, IC картонорезальные машины, фрезы для гравирования, режущие пилы, фрезеры-расширители, фрезеры-расширители с резцом, дрели, резаки форм для шлицевого вала / звездочки роликовой цепи, и специальные нано инструменты. Пожалуйста, посетите сайт www.tool-tool.com для получения большей информации.

BW is specialized in R&D and sourcing the most advanced carbide material with high-tech coating to supply cutting / milling tool for mould & die, aero space and electronic industry. Our main products include solid carbide / HSS end mills, micro electronic drill, IC card cutter, engraving cutter, shell end mills, cutting saw, reamer, thread reamer, leading drill, involute gear cutter for spur wheel, rack and worm milling cutter, thread milling cutter, form cutters for spline shaft/roller chain sprocket, and special tool, with nano grade. Please visit our web www.tool-tool.com for more info.

beeway 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com Reference source from the internet.

In de metallurgie is een legering (klemtoon op de eerste e als het proces bedoeld wordt, klemtoon op de tweede e als het materiaal bedoeld wordt [1]) een mengsel van een metaal met een of meer andere elementen, veelal metalen.

[bewerken] Metaallegeringen

In strikte zin is een legering een vaste oplossing van een metaal in een ander metaal. Het woord legering wordt ook vaak gebruikt voor materialen die bij afkoelen uit de smelt gedeeltelijke fasenscheiding ondergaan.

Veel metalen zijn in gesmolten toestand volledig met elkaar mengbaar. Zelfs in vaste vorm is de onderlinge oplosbaarheid vaak groot. In het geval van elektrum, de legering van zilver met goud, is de vaste oplosbaarheid zelfs over het hele interval van 0 - 100%.

In de metallurgie wordt er onderscheid gemaakt tussen kneed- en gietlegeringen.

[bewerken] Enkele legeringen

Voorbeelden van legeringen zijn:

Soms is de toegevoegde 'gerichte verontreiniging' niet zelf een metaal. Zo wordt bijvoorbeeld de slijtvastheid van ijzer verbeterd door koolstof toe te voegen, hetgeen vanzelf gebeurt in de productie van gietijzer en staal.

[bewerken] Halfgeleiderlegeringen

In de halfgeleidertechnologie gebruikt men de term legering ook wel om een vaste oplossing van twee halfgeleiders (in plaats van metalen) aan te duiden. Er is grote belangstelling voor dit soort systemen, omdat men de belangrijkste eigenschap van de halfgeleider, de band gap, kan veranderen door een vaste oplossing te maken. Het is zelfs mogelijk, bijvoorbeeld door zwavel in CuInSe2 te laten diffunderen, om een gradient in de bandgap te maken. Een dergelijk materiaal is een soort fotonfuik. Diep in in het materiaal worden delen van het spectrum geabsorbeerd waar de bovenlaag transparant voor is omdat de bandgap daar groter is.

Het is overigens alleen mogelijk om een vaste oplossing van twee vaste materialen te maken als zij verwante structuren met dezelfde symmetrie bezitten. Als de twee materialen een verschillende symmetrie bezitten, is het in het algemeen niet mogelijk een continue verbinding te maken. Er zijn uitzonderingen op die regel, maar die zijn zeldzaam.

[bewerken] Legering en bimetaal

Een legering is iets anders dan een bimetaal. Bij het laatste heeft geen vermenging plaatsgevonden, maar zijn twee stukken van verschillende metalen op elkaar gewalst.

BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen willy@tool-tool.com bw@tool-tool.com www.tool-tool.com skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 TEL:+886 4 24710048 / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy users demand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting toolaerospace tool .HSS Cutting toolCarbide end millsCarbide cutting toolNAS Cutting toolCarbide end millAerospace cutting toolФрезерыCarbide drillHigh speed steelMilling cutterCVDD(Chemical Vapor Deposition Diamond )PCBN (Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride) Core drillTapered end millsCVD Diamond Tools Inserts’PCD Edge-Beveling Cutter(Golden Finger’PCD V-Cutter’PCD Wood tools’PCD Cutting tools’PCD Circular Saw Blade’PVDD End Mills’diamond tool Single Crystal Diamond Metric end millsMiniature end millsСпециальные режущие инструменты Пустотелое сверло Pilot reamerFraisesFresas con mango PCD (Polycrystalline diamond) FreseElectronics cutterStep drillMetal cutting sawDouble margin drillGun barrelAngle milling cutterCarbide burrsCarbide tipped cutterChamfering toolIC card engraving cutterSide cutterNAS toolDIN toolSpecial toolMetal slitting sawsShell end millsSide and face milling cuttersSide chip clearance sawsLong end millsStub roughing end millsDovetail milling cuttersCarbide slot drillsCarbide torus cuttersAngel carbide end millsCarbide torus cuttersCarbide ball-nosed slot drillsMould cutterTool manufacturer.

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com

BW специализируется в научных исследованиях и разработках, и снабжаем самым высокотехнологичным карбидовым материалом для поставки режущих / фрезеровочных инструментов для почвы, воздушного пространства и электронной индустрии. В нашу основную продукцию входит твердый карбид / быстрорежущая сталь, а также двигатели, микроэлектрические дрели, IC картонорезальные машины, фрезы для гравирования, режущие пилы, фрезеры-расширители, фрезеры-расширители с резцом, дрели, резаки форм для шлицевого вала / звездочки роликовой цепи, и специальные нано инструменты. Пожалуйста, посетите сайт www.tool-tool.com для получения большей информации.

BW is specialized in R&D and sourcing the most advanced carbide material with high-tech coating to supply cutting / milling tool for mould & die, aero space and electronic industry. Our main products include solid carbide / HSS end mills, micro electronic drill, IC card cutter, engraving cutter, shell end mills, cutting saw, reamer, thread reamer, leading drill, involute gear cutter for spur wheel, rack and worm milling cutter, thread milling cutter, form cutters for spline shaft/roller chain sprocket, and special tool, with nano grade. Please visit our web www.tool-tool.com for more info.

beeway 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com Reference source from the internet.
Stal jest stopem żelaza, z węglem w ilości od 0,02% do 1,7% masy

Stal jest stopem żelaza, z węglem w ilości od 0,02% do 1,7% masy

Stop metalimieszanina metali lub metalu z pierwiastkami niemetalicznymi, o właściwościach metalu.

Stopy uzyskuje się przez stopienie składników i następnie schłodzenie. Stop najczęściej posiada odmienne właściwości od jego elementów składowych, w niektórych przypadkach nawet niewielkie dodatki wpływają znacznie na właściwości stopu.

Podział stopów ze względu na główny składnik [edytuj]

Podział stopów ze względu na zastosowanie [edytuj]

Zobacz też: dodatek stopowy.

BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen willy@tool-tool.com bw@tool-tool.com www.tool-tool.com skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 TEL:+886 4 24710048 / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy users demand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting toolaerospace tool .HSS Cutting toolCarbide end millsCarbide cutting toolNAS Cutting toolCarbide end millAerospace cutting toolФрезерыCarbide drillHigh speed steelMilling cutterCVDD(Chemical Vapor Deposition Diamond )PCBN (Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride) Core drillTapered end millsCVD Diamond Tools Inserts’PCD Edge-Beveling Cutter(Golden Finger’PCD V-Cutter’PCD Wood tools’PCD Cutting tools’PCD Circular Saw Blade’PVDD End Mills’diamond tool Single Crystal Diamond Metric end millsMiniature end millsСпециальные режущие инструменты Пустотелое сверло Pilot reamerFraisesFresas con mango PCD (Polycrystalline diamond) FreseElectronics cutterStep drillMetal cutting sawDouble margin drillGun barrelAngle milling cutterCarbide burrsCarbide tipped cutterChamfering toolIC card engraving cutterSide cutterNAS toolDIN toolSpecial toolMetal slitting sawsShell end millsSide and face milling cuttersSide chip clearance sawsLong end millsStub roughing end millsDovetail milling cuttersCarbide slot drillsCarbide torus cuttersAngel carbide end millsCarbide torus cuttersCarbide ball-nosed slot drillsMould cutterTool manufacturer.

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com

BW специализируется в научных исследованиях и разработках, и снабжаем самым высокотехнологичным карбидовым материалом для поставки режущих / фрезеровочных инструментов для почвы, воздушного пространства и электронной индустрии. В нашу основную продукцию входит твердый карбид / быстрорежущая сталь, а также двигатели, микроэлектрические дрели, IC картонорезальные машины, фрезы для гравирования, режущие пилы, фрезеры-расширители, фрезеры-расширители с резцом, дрели, резаки форм для шлицевого вала / звездочки роликовой цепи, и специальные нано инструменты. Пожалуйста, посетите сайт www.tool-tool.com для получения большей информации.

BW is specialized in R&D and sourcing the most advanced carbide material with high-tech coating to supply cutting / milling tool for mould & die, aero space and electronic industry. Our main products include solid carbide / HSS end mills, micro electronic drill, IC card cutter, engraving cutter, shell end mills, cutting saw, reamer, thread reamer, leading drill, involute gear cutter for spur wheel, rack and worm milling cutter, thread milling cutter, form cutters for spline shaft/roller chain sprocket, and special tool, with nano grade. Please visit our web www.tool-tool.com for more info.

beeway 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com Reference source from the internet.

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

Ligas metálicas são materiais com propriedades metálicas que contêm dois ou mais elementos químicos sendo que pelo menos um deles é metal.

Apesar da grande variedade de metais existentes, a maioria não é empregada em estado puro, mas em ligas com propriedades alteradas em relação ao material inicial, o que visa, entre outras coisas, a reduzir os custos de produção.

As indústrias automobilísticas, aeronáuticas, navais, bélicas e de construção civil são as principais responsáveis pelo consumo de metal em grande escala. São também representativos os setores de eletrônica e comunicações, cujo consumo de metal, apesar de quantitativamente inferior, tem importância capital para a economia contemporânea. Ligas metálicas são materiais de propriedade semelhantes às dos metais e que contêm pelo menos um metal em sua composição. Há ligas formadas somente de metais e outras formadas de metais e semimetais (boro, silício, arsênio, antimônio) e de metais e não-metais (carbono, fósforo).

É interessante constatar que as ligas possuem propriedades diferentes dos elementos que as originam. Algumas propriedades são tais como diminuição ou aumento do ponto de fusão, aumento da dureza, aumento da resistência mecânica.

Ligas metálicas mais comuns no cotidiano:

[editar] Classificações

As Ligas podem ser classificadas de diversas maneiras:

  • Pelo metal predominante, como as ligas de cobre, as ligas de alumínio, as ligas do bismuto, as ligas de chumbo e assim por diante.
  • Pelo cheiro: se possui odor azedo, possui enxofre em sua composição.
  • Pelo número de elementos componentes, como as ligas binárias, formadas de dois elementos, as ternárias, de três elementos e assim por diante...

[editar] Processos

As ligas metálicas podem ser obtidas por diversos processos:

[editar] Processos da fusão

Fundem-se quantidades adequadas dos componentes da liga, a fim de que estes se misturem perfeitamente no estado líquido. A fusão é feita em cadinhos de ferro, de aço ou de grafite, em fornos de revérbero ou em fornos elétricos. A massa fundida, homogênea, é resfriada lentamente em formas apropriadas. São tomadas precauções especiais para evitar a separação dos componentes da liga durante o resfriamento, para evitar a oxidação dos metais fundidos, para minimizar as perdas dos componentes voláteis, etc. Esse processo também pode ser efetuado na superfície de um corpo. Assim, mergulhando-se folhas de ferro em estanho fundido, forma-se na sua superfície uma liga de ferro e estanho. Obtém-se, assim, a folha-de-flandres,também chamada lata.

[editar] Compressão

O processo de compressão consiste em submeterem-se misturas em proporções adequadas dos componentes a altíssimas pressões. Esse processo é de importância na preparação de ligas de alto ponto de fusão e àquelas cujos componentes são imiscíveis no estado líquido.

[editar] Processo Eletrolítico

O processo eletrolítico consiste na eletrólise de uma mistura apropriada de sais, com o fim de se efetuar deposição simultânea de dois ou mais metais sobre cátodos.

[editar] Processo de Metalurgia Associada

O processo de metalurgia associada consiste na obtenção de uma liga constituída de dois ou mais metais, submetendo-se ao mesmo processo metalúrgico uma mistura de seus minérios.

[editar] Oxidação

A maioria dos metais tende a se oxidar quanto expostos ao ar, especialmente em ambientes úmidos. Entre os vários procedimentos empregados para evitar ou retardar a corrosão, os mais comuns são a aplicação de pinturas protetoras, a formação de ligas com outros elementos que reduzam ou eliminem tal propensão e a conexão a pólos elétricos que impeçam a ocorrência do fenômeno. É interessante o caso do alumínio, que, em presença do oxigênio, forma uma delgada película de óxido que detém a oxidação.

[editar] Aço

O aço é a liga de ferro e carbono onde a porcentagem deste último é, geralmente, de apenas 0,1 a 1,0%. Em certos aços especiais, o carbono pode chegar a 1,5%. São também constituintes normais do aço o silício (0,2%) e o manganês (1,5%). O enxofre e o fósforo são impurezas indesejáveis, e seus teores não devem ser maiores do 0,05%. Quando se adicionam outras substâncias, para aperfeiçoamento das qualidades do aço, obtêm-se ligas denominadas aços especiais. Os principais aços especiais contêm um ou mais dos seguintes metais: níquel, vanádio, tungstênio, molibdênio, titânio, cobalto ou manganês.

Mais Ligas de Ferro:

  • Ferro-Fósforo.
  • Ferro-Silício.
  • Ferro-Manganês.
  • Ferro-Cromo.
  • Ferro-Molibdênio.
  • Ferro-Silício-Manganês.
  • Ferro-Silício-Magnésio.
  • Ferro-Titânio.
  • Ferro-Tungstênio.
  • Ferro-Vanádio.
  • Ferro-Níquel

[editar] Latão

Ver artigo principal: Latão

O latão é uma liga de cobre e zinco, tem cor amarelada e é utilizado na fabricação de objetos de uso doméstico, como tachos e bacias, de instrumentos musicai de sopro e de jóias fantasia.

[editar] Bronze

O bronze é uma liga de cobre e estanho. Em bronzes especiais podem entrar pequenas quantidades de zinco, alumínio ou prata. Utilizado, por exemplo, no fabrico de sinos, de armas, de moedas, de estátuas, etc.

[editar] Outras ligas de cobre

BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen willy@tool-tool.com bw@tool-tool.com www.tool-tool.com skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 TEL:+886 4 24710048 / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy users demand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting toolaerospace tool .HSS Cutting toolCarbide end millsCarbide cutting toolNAS Cutting toolCarbide end millAerospace cutting toolФрезерыCarbide drillHigh speed steelMilling cutterCVDD(Chemical Vapor Deposition Diamond )PCBN (Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride) Core drillTapered end millsCVD Diamond Tools Inserts’PCD Edge-Beveling Cutter(Golden Finger’PCD V-Cutter’PCD Wood tools’PCD Cutting tools’PCD Circular Saw Blade’PVDD End Mills’diamond tool Single Crystal Diamond Metric end millsMiniature end millsСпециальные режущие инструменты Пустотелое сверло Pilot reamerFraisesFresas con mango PCD (Polycrystalline diamond) FreseElectronics cutterStep drillMetal cutting sawDouble margin drillGun barrelAngle milling cutterCarbide burrsCarbide tipped cutterChamfering toolIC card engraving cutterSide cutterNAS toolDIN toolSpecial toolMetal slitting sawsShell end millsSide and face milling cuttersSide chip clearance sawsLong end millsStub roughing end millsDovetail milling cuttersCarbide slot drillsCarbide torus cuttersAngel carbide end millsCarbide torus cuttersCarbide ball-nosed slot drillsMould cutterTool manufacturer.

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com

BW специализируется в научных исследованиях и разработках, и снабжаем самым высокотехнологичным карбидовым материалом для поставки режущих / фрезеровочных инструментов для почвы, воздушного пространства и электронной индустрии. В нашу основную продукцию входит твердый карбид / быстрорежущая сталь, а также двигатели, микроэлектрические дрели, IC картонорезальные машины, фрезы для гравирования, режущие пилы, фрезеры-расширители, фрезеры-расширители с резцом, дрели, резаки форм для шлицевого вала / звездочки роликовой цепи, и специальные нано инструменты. Пожалуйста, посетите сайт www.tool-tool.com для получения большей информации.

BW is specialized in R&D and sourcing the most advanced carbide material with high-tech coating to supply cutting / milling tool for mould & die, aero space and electronic industry. Our main products include solid carbide / HSS end mills, micro electronic drill, IC card cutter, engraving cutter, shell end mills, cutting saw, reamer, thread reamer, leading drill, involute gear cutter for spur wheel, rack and worm milling cutter, thread milling cutter, form cutters for spline shaft/roller chain sprocket, and special tool, with nano grade. Please visit our web www.tool-tool.com for more info.

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Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com Reference source from the internet.

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

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Сплавсмесь, состоящая по крайней мере из двух компонентов, из которых по крайней мере один является металлом.

Сплавы обнаруживают металлические свойства, такие как, например, металлический блеск, электропроводность и теплопроводность. Компоненты могут быть как химическими элементами, так и химическими соединениями. Макроскопические свойства сплавов отличаются от свойств их компонентов.

Сплав получают обычно с помощью смешивания компонентов в расплавленном состоянии с последующим охлаждением. В случае, если компоненты в расплавленном состоянии друг в друге не растворяются, производится смешивание порошков с последующим спеканием (так получаются, например, многие сплавы вольфрама).

Огромное значение имеют сплавы на основе алюминия и железа. В состав некоторых сплавов входят неметаллы, например углерод, кремний, бор. В технике применяется более 5 тыс. сплавов.

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BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen willy@tool-tool.com bw@tool-tool.com www.tool-tool.com skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 TEL:+886 4 24710048 / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy users demand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting toolaerospace tool .HSS Cutting toolCarbide end millsCarbide cutting toolNAS Cutting toolCarbide end millAerospace cutting toolФрезерыCarbide drillHigh speed steelMilling cutterCVDD(Chemical Vapor Deposition Diamond )PCBN (Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride) Core drillTapered end millsCVD Diamond Tools Inserts’PCD Edge-Beveling Cutter(Golden Finger’PCD V-Cutter’PCD Wood tools’PCD Cutting tools’PCD Circular Saw Blade’PVDD End Mills’diamond tool Single Crystal Diamond Metric end millsMiniature end millsСпециальные режущие инструменты Пустотелое сверло Pilot reamerFraisesFresas con mango PCD (Polycrystalline diamond) FreseElectronics cutterStep drillMetal cutting sawDouble margin drillGun barrelAngle milling cutterCarbide burrsCarbide tipped cutterChamfering toolIC card engraving cutterSide cutterNAS toolDIN toolSpecial toolMetal slitting sawsShell end millsSide and face milling cuttersSide chip clearance sawsLong end millsStub roughing end millsDovetail milling cuttersCarbide slot drillsCarbide torus cuttersAngel carbide end millsCarbide torus cuttersCarbide ball-nosed slot drillsMould cutterTool manufacturer.

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com

BW специализируется в научных исследованиях и разработках, и снабжаем самым высокотехнологичным карбидовым материалом для поставки режущих / фрезеровочных инструментов для почвы, воздушного пространства и электронной индустрии. В нашу основную продукцию входит твердый карбид / быстрорежущая сталь, а также двигатели, микроэлектрические дрели, IC картонорезальные машины, фрезы для гравирования, режущие пилы, фрезеры-расширители, фрезеры-расширители с резцом, дрели, резаки форм для шлицевого вала / звездочки роликовой цепи, и специальные нано инструменты. Пожалуйста, посетите сайт www.tool-tool.com для получения большей информации.

BW is specialized in R&D and sourcing the most advanced carbide material with high-tech coating to supply cutting / milling tool for mould & die, aero space and electronic industry. Our main products include solid carbide / HSS end mills, micro electronic drill, IC card cutter, engraving cutter, shell end mills, cutting saw, reamer, thread reamer, leading drill, involute gear cutter for spur wheel, rack and worm milling cutter, thread milling cutter, form cutters for spline shaft/roller chain sprocket, and special tool, with nano grade. Please visit our web www.tool-tool.com for more info.

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Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com Reference source from the internet.

From Simple English Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia that anyone can change

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An alloy is an uniform mixture. It is composed of two or more chemical elements, of which at least one of is a metal. An alloy has properties different from its constituent metals. Technically, an alloy is defined as a combination of two or more metals (in a solid solution or as an intermetallic phase) as is supported by definitive accounts in the Oxford dictionaries.

Most alloys are made by: 1) Melting the metals 2) Mixing them while they are in liquid state to form a solution 3) Leaving them to cool and go back to solid state

There are some common alloys:

  • Brass which is made of 35% Zinc and 65% Copper and is used for musical instruments, jewelry, faucets and decorative hardware.
  • Stainless steel which is made of 18% Tin, 80.6% Iron, 1% Nickel and 0.4% Carbon and is used for tableware, cookware and surgical instruments.
  • Carbon steel which is made of 99% Iron and 1% Carbon and is used for tools, car bodies, machinery, girders and rails.
  • Bronze which is made of 87.5% Copper and 12.5% Tin and is used for boat hardware, screws and grill work

BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen willy@tool-tool.com bw@tool-tool.com www.tool-tool.com skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 TEL:+886 4 24710048 / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy users demand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting toolaerospace tool .HSS Cutting toolCarbide end millsCarbide cutting toolNAS Cutting toolCarbide end millAerospace cutting toolФрезерыCarbide drillHigh speed steelMilling cutterCVDD(Chemical Vapor Deposition Diamond )PCBN (Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride) Core drillTapered end millsCVD Diamond Tools Inserts’PCD Edge-Beveling Cutter(Golden Finger’PCD V-Cutter’PCD Wood tools’PCD Cutting tools’PCD Circular Saw Blade’PVDD End Mills’diamond tool Single Crystal Diamond Metric end millsMiniature end millsСпециальные режущие инструменты Пустотелое сверло Pilot reamerFraisesFresas con mango PCD (Polycrystalline diamond) FreseElectronics cutterStep drillMetal cutting sawDouble margin drillGun barrelAngle milling cutterCarbide burrsCarbide tipped cutterChamfering toolIC card engraving cutterSide cutterNAS toolDIN toolSpecial toolMetal slitting sawsShell end millsSide and face milling cuttersSide chip clearance sawsLong end millsStub roughing end millsDovetail milling cuttersCarbide slot drillsCarbide torus cuttersAngel carbide end millsCarbide torus cuttersCarbide ball-nosed slot drillsMould cutterTool manufacturer.

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com

BW специализируется в научных исследованиях и разработках, и снабжаем самым высокотехнологичным карбидовым материалом для поставки режущих / фрезеровочных инструментов для почвы, воздушного пространства и электронной индустрии. В нашу основную продукцию входит твердый карбид / быстрорежущая сталь, а также двигатели, микроэлектрические дрели, IC картонорезальные машины, фрезы для гравирования, режущие пилы, фрезеры-расширители, фрезеры-расширители с резцом, дрели, резаки форм для шлицевого вала / звездочки роликовой цепи, и специальные нано инструменты. Пожалуйста, посетите сайт www.tool-tool.com для получения большей информации.

BW is specialized in R&D and sourcing the most advanced carbide material with high-tech coating to supply cutting / milling tool for mould & die, aero space and electronic industry. Our main products include solid carbide / HSS end mills, micro electronic drill, IC card cutter, engraving cutter, shell end mills, cutting saw, reamer, thread reamer, leading drill, involute gear cutter for spur wheel, rack and worm milling cutter, thread milling cutter, form cutters for spline shaft/roller chain sprocket, and special tool, with nano grade. Please visit our web www.tool-tool.com for more info.

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