Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com Reference source from the internet.

கட்டற்ற கலைக்களஞ்சியமான விக்கிபீடியாவில் இருந்து.

தாவிச் செல்லவும்: வழிசெலுத்தல், தேடல்

தானுந்து (automobile) என்பது தானே இழுத்துச் செல்லும் போக்குவரத்து வண்டியாகும். ஒரு காலத்தில் வண்டிகளை, மாடுகளும் குதிரைகளும் இழுத்துச் சென்றன. ஏறத்தாழ கி.பி. 1890 ஆண்டு வாக்கில் எந்த விலங்கும் இல்லாமல் தானே இழுத்துச் செல்ல வல்ல வண்டிகளை ஐரோப்பாவிலும் அமெரிக்காவிலும் கண்டு பிடித்தனர். 1900 ஆண்டுத் தொடக்கத்தில் பெரும் விந்தையாகவும் வேடிக்கையாகவும் இருந்த இத் தானுந்துகள் 20ஆம் நூற்றண்டின் தொடக்கத்திலிருந்து மனிதனின் வளர்ச்சியில் பெரும் பங்கு வகித்து வருகின்றன.

[தொகு] தானுந்துகளின் வரலாறு

'சாகுவார் (Jaguar) 1937

'சாகுவார் (Jaguar) 1937

இன்றைய தானுந்துகள் 100 ஆண்டுகளுக்கும் மேலாக பன்முக ஆய்வுகள் நடத்தப்பட்டு பெரு வளர்ச்சியடைந்துள்ள வண்டிகள். வருங்காலத்தில் இன்னும் வெவ்வேறு கோணங்களிலே தானுந்துகள் வளர்ச்சியுற இருக்கின்றன. எரியெண்ணை (அல்) பெட்ரோல் இல்லாமலும், பறக்கும் ஆற்றலுடையனவாகவும் ஓட்டுனர் துணையில்லாமலும், என்று பற்பல கோணங்களில் வளர்ச்சி பெற இருக்கின்றன. ஆனால் முதலில் எப்படித் தொடங்கி எப்படி வளர்ச்சியடைந்தது என்று பார்க்கலாம்.

1770 ஆம் அண்டு முதன் முதலாக தானே உந்திச் செல்லும் நீராவியினால் இயக்கப்பட்ட மூன்று சக்கரம் (ஆழி) கொண்ட ஒரு தானுந்தை பிரான்சு (‘விரான்சு) நாட்டு காப்டன் நிக்கொலாசு சோசப்பு க்யூனொ (Nicolas Joseph Cugnot) என்பார் ஓட்டிக்காட்டினார். முன் சக்கரம் கொண்ட ஒரு கட்டைவண்டியிலே ஒரு பொறியைப் பொருத்தி இருந்தவாறு அது காட்சி அளித்தது. அது சுமார் மணிக்கு 5 கி.மீ விரைவோடு ஓடக்க்கூடியதாகவும், 10-15 மனித்துளிகளுக்கு ஒருமுறை வண்டியை நிறுத்தி நீராவி மீண்டும் பெருகி மீண்டும் உந்துதல் தரும் வண்ணமும் இருந்தது. இதனை படத்தில் காணலாம்.

முதல் நீராவி தானுந்துCugnot

முதல் நீராவி தானுந்துCugnot


[தொகு] பழைய தானுந்துகள்

முதல் நீராவி தானுந்து வரைபடம் (Cugnot)

முதல் நீராவி தானுந்து வரைபடம் (Cugnot)
பென்சு 1886

பென்சு 1886
பென்சு 1894

பென்சு 1894


BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen willy@tool-tool.com bw@tool-tool.com www.tool-tool.com skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 TEL:+886 4 24710048 / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy usersdemand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting toolaerospace tool .HSS Cutting toolCarbide end millsCarbide cutting toolNAS Cutting toolCarbide end millAerospace cutting toolCarbide drillHigh speed steelMilling cutterCore drillTapered end millsMetric end millsMiniature end millsPilot reamerElectronics cutterStep drillMetal cutting sawDouble margin drillGun barrelAngle milling cutterCarbide burrsCarbide tipped cutterChamfering toolIC card engraving cutterSide cutterNAS toolDIN toolSpecial toolMetal slitting sawsShell end millsSide and face milling cuttersSide chip clearance sawsLong end millsStub roughing end millsDovetail milling cuttersCarbide slot drillsCarbide torus cuttersAngel carbide end millsCarbide torus cuttersCarbide ball-nosed slot drillsMould cutterTool manufacturer.

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com

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Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com Reference source from the internet.

Denna artikel handlar om fordonsslaget bil. Se också bil (olika betydelser).

Bil är ett motorfordon som är försett med åtminstone tre hjul, och som inte kan anses vara en motorcykel eller en moped. Bilar delas in i personbilar, lastbilar och bussar. Från början användes benämningen automobil, som är latin och betyder "självgående". Förkortningen gjordes ursprungligen av den danska tidningen Politiken, 1902.

Uppbyggnad [redigera]

BMW cabriolet

BMW cabriolet
Saab 9-5 kombi.

Saab 9-5 kombi.
Volvo Amazon från 1970.

Volvo Amazon från 1970.

En bil består av en kaross med hjulupphängningar, motor, växellåda, drivaxlar, bromssystem, styrinrättning, elsystem, förarplats, passagerarutrymme och lastutrymme. Moderna bilar har en ratt som styranordning. I länder med högertrafik är vänsterstyrda bilar vanligast, medan högerstyrda bilar förekommer mest i länder med vänstertrafik (Japan, Australien, Storbritannien)

Motor [redigera]

I dag dominerar dieselmotorer för bussar och lastbilar, medan bensinmotorer är vanligast för personbilar, även om andelen dieselmotorer ökar även för denna kategori. Anledningen till att dieselmotorer sitter i tunga fordon är att dessa har högt vridmoment (Nm) och fungerar därför effektivast i ett tungt fordon, medan en bensinmotor har mycket lägre vridmoment och passar därför till ett lättare fordon. Även wankelmotorer och elmotorer förekommer. Hybridbilar innehåller minst två kraftkällor, till exempel elmotor och ottomotor.

Som drivmedel används för närvarande oftast bensin eller dieselolja. Men det förekommer även andra bränslen, exempelvis naturgas. Av särskilt intresse är den ökande användningen av olika typer av biobränslen, som exempelvis biogas, etanol och rapsmetylester (RME).

Forskning pågår även med målet att kunna använda vätgas som drivmedel, antingen som bränsle för kolvmotorer, eller med bränsleceller som försörjer elmotorer.

Kraftöverföring [redigera]

Motorn alstrar en roterande rörelse som via en växellåda omvandlas till lämpligt varvtal och vridmoment på drivhjulen.

En bil med fyra hjul kan vara framhjulsdriven, bakhjulsdriven eller fyrhjulsdriven.

Elförsörjning och elektronik [redigera]

Bilmotorn driver en generator som omvandlar rörelseenergi till elektrisk energi. Denna energi lagras i bilbatteriet och används för elförsörjning av startmotor, tändning, bränslepumpar et cetera. Batteriet levererar också el till hjälpsystem som strålkastare och vindrutetorkare. Bilar hade tidigare (tidigt 60-tal) ofta en likströmsgenerator, men numera i allmänhet en växelströmsgenerator som laddar även vid låga motorvarvtal. Orsaken till att en växelströmsgenerator laddar bättre vid låga motorvarvtal är att det är lättare att få en växelströmsgenerator att tåla höga varvtal. En växelströmsgenerator kan därför förses med liten remskiva så att generatorn får högt varvtal redan vid låga motorvarvtal. I växelströmsgeneratorer sitter dioder som likriktar strömmen eftersom endast likspänning kan användas för att ladda batteriet.

Tidigare var det vanligt att bilar hade elsystem med 6 volts spänning, men efter 1960-talet har de flesta bilar elsystem på 12 volt, som är effektivare på grund av bland annat lägre spänningsfall (mindre förluster). I framtiden kan spänningen komma att höjas ytterligare.

Ottomotorer behöver en gnista för att bränsle-luftblandningen ska antändas. Antändningen sker vanligtvis genom att spänningen från bilens elsystem transformeras upp i en tändspole, så att spänningen blir tillräckligt hög (Över ca 10 000 volt) för att en cirka 1 mm lång gnista skall skapas, som i sin tur i tänder bränsle-luftblandningen.

Säkerhet [redigera]

Även om de första bilarna, som i stort sett saknade säkerhetssystem, hade färre olyckor per personkilometer än hästfordonen har de i dag kommit att stå för en stor del av olyckorna i världen. Bilolyckor dödar ungefär en miljon människor om året i hela världen.

Bilsäkerheten har med åren förbättrats mer och mer, några exempel på utvecklingen är:

Miljöpåverkan [redigera]

Successivt har kraven skärpts när det gäller utsläpp av miljö- och hälsofarliga avgaser (emissioner).

För bensindrivna motorer består avgaserna huvudsakligen av:

Genom att utnyttja katalysatorer (av trevägs-typ) i avgassystemet, samt reglera bränsleblandningen i motorn så att förbränningen blir optimal (lambda=1) kan halterna av kolväten, kolmonoxid och kväveoxider reduceras avsevärt. Införandet av denna teknik har, jämte övergång till blyfri bensin, inneburit ett stort utvecklingssteg ur miljösynpunkt. De kvarstående problemen är huvudsakligen utsläpp av koldioxid, vid utnyttjande av fossila bränslen, men även kallstartegenskaper (den tid som behövs innan katalysatorn uppnått driftstemperatur och därmed renar avgaserna) samt utsläpp av partiklar och ozon. Genom att utnyttja biobränslen blir nettotillskottet av koldioxid till atmosfären reducerat (men ej eliminerat i de fall då bränsleproduktion och distribution innebär utnyttjande av fossila bränslen).

Dieselmotorer har bättre verkningsgrad jämfört med otto-motorer (särskilt vid låg last) vilket gör att bränsleförbrukningen, och därmed koldioxidutsläppen, är lägre - typiskt 20 procent lägre jämfört med motsvarande bensinmotor. Även utsläpp av kolväten och koloxid blir låga, men de mest svårbemästrade komponenterna i avgaserna är:

  • Kväveoxider (NOX)
  • Partiklar

Med katalysatorer, förfinad bränsleinsprutning (med högt tryck) och avancerade styrsystem för sekvensstyrning av bränsleinsprutningen kan emissionerna reduceras. Partikelfilter används för att komma ned till acceptabla nivåer av partikelutsläpp.

Motorer som drivs med biogas eller naturgas ger i allmänhet lägre nivåer av hälso- och miljöfarliga avgaser, jämfört med motorer som drivs med bensin eller dieselolja.

Motorer som drivs med vätgas släpper enbart ut vattenånga, vilket gör detta till ett mycket intressant alternativ i framtiden. För närvarande återstår en del problem att lösa för att tekniken skall bli praktiskt användbar och ekonomisk, inte minst när det gäller produktion och distribution av vätgas.

Historik [redigera]

Huvudartikel: Bilens historia

Cognots "Fardier a vapeur" från år 1769.
Daimlers ombyggda hästdroska från år 1886.

Daimlers ombyggda hästdroska från år 1886.

Bilens ursprung går att spåra i de självgående vagnar drivna med ångmotorer som konstruerades först av fransmannen Joseph Cugnot. Denne utvecklade en självgående artillerivagn kallad "Fardier à vapeur" år 1769. År 1801 konstruerades den första vagnen för persontrafik av engelsmannen Richard Trevithick. Under 1800-talets första hälft konstruerade sedan ett antal liknande vagnar både i Frankrike och England.

Den första vagnen med förbränningsmotor byggdes av fransk-belgaren Étienne Lenoir år 1862. Den första med bensinmotor kom år 1865 och var konstruerad av tysk-österrikaren Siegfried Marcus men så långt var det ganska experimentellt.

Det var först år 1886 som två praktiskt användbara bilar byggdes. Oberoende av varandra konstruerade de två tyska ingenjörerna Gottlieb Daimler och Carl Benz varsin bensindriven bil. Daimlers var baserad på en hästdroska där han monterat en motor mitt i vagnen och en styranordning vid framsätet som gick genom golvet ned till framaxeln.

De första bilarna var dock alldeles för dyra och underhållskrävande för att bilen skulle slå igenom som fortskaffningsmedel. Amerikanen Henry Ford gjorde, i och med den masstillverkning på löpande band som 1913 inleddes av T-Forden, bilen till var mans egendom.

Andra mycket betydelsefulla bilmodeller är:

  • Volkswagen Typ 1: Producerades från 1938 till 2003 - de första decennierna i Tyskland och de sista åren i Mexico.
  • Austin Mini: En banbrytande bil med modernt kompakt byggsätt - ett hjul i varje hörn, tvärställd motor och framhjulsdrift.

Biltyper [redigera]

Juridiskt delas bilar in i personbilar, bussar och lastbilar. Några fordonstyper som starkt påminner om bilar är mopedbilar, som enligt lagen är mopeder, och EPA-traktorer, som enligt lagen är traktorer.

Personbilar kan delas in i olika kategorier efter sin karossform. De vanligaste formerna är

Några typer av bilar för speciell yrkesverksamhet är polisbilar, brandbilar, ambulanser, bärgningsbilar och taxibilar.

Se även [redigera]

Externa länkar [redigera]

Klassifikation av fordon
motordrivet fordon släp­fordon efter­fordon,
övrigt fordon
motorfordon traktor motor­redskap terräng­motor­fordon släp­vagn släp­släde
bil motorcykel moped

BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen willy@tool-tool.com bw@tool-tool.com www.tool-tool.com skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 TEL:+886 4 24710048 / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy usersdemand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting toolaerospace tool .HSS Cutting toolCarbide end millsCarbide cutting toolNAS Cutting toolCarbide end millAerospace cutting toolCarbide drillHigh speed steelMilling cutterCore drillTapered end millsMetric end millsMiniature end millsPilot reamerElectronics cutterStep drillMetal cutting sawDouble margin drillGun barrelAngle milling cutterCarbide burrsCarbide tipped cutterChamfering toolIC card engraving cutterSide cutterNAS toolDIN toolSpecial toolMetal slitting sawsShell end millsSide and face milling cuttersSide chip clearance sawsLong end millsStub roughing end millsDovetail milling cuttersCarbide slot drillsCarbide torus cuttersAngel carbide end millsCarbide torus cuttersCarbide ball-nosed slot drillsMould cutterTool manufacturer.

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com

beeway 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com Reference source from the internet.
Otomobil, atawa "Mobil".

Otomobil, atawa "Mobil".

Otomobil, biasana disebut mobil atawa treuk, ngarupakeun kandaraan nu aya rodaan nu mawa mesinna sorangan. Istilah heubeul ngasupkeun alat angkut tanpa kuda jeung mobil nu aya motoran, kalayan "motor" nu dimaksud ngarujuk kana naon baé nu kiwari biasana disebut mesin. Mobil boga tempat diuk keur supir sarta, ampir teu terkecuali, keur saeutikna saurang panumpang.

[édit] Umum

Automobiles are designed to travel on roads, although some, notably sport utility vehicles, allow off-road driving. Roads and highways are shared with other traffic such as motorcycles, tractor trailers, and farm implements.

The typical vehicle has an internal combustion engine, although in 2001, hybrid cars powered by gas-electric hybrid engines began to enter the market. Other vehicles run on electricity and fuel cells, though these are not widely available as of 2004. While most cars have four wheels, three-wheeled automobiles have also been built, but are not common due to stability problems. Some gyrocar, two wheeled automobiles have been built as well, using gyroscopic stabilization.

There are many classes of car and car body styles.

[édit] Sajarah

The first vehicles were steam engine powered, then electric vehicles were produced by a small number of manufacturers. Later on gasoline and diesel engines were implemented.

Steam-powered self propelled vehicles were devised in the late 18th century. Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot successfully demonstrated such a vehicle as early as 1769.

[édit] Popularitas

Cugnot's invention initially saw little application in his native France, and the center of innovation passed to Britain, where Richard Trevithick was running a steam-carriage in 1801. Such vehicles were vogue for a time, and over the next decades such innovations as hand brakes, multi-speed transmissions, and improved speed and steering were developed. Some were commercially successful in providing mass transit, until a backlash against these large speedy vehicles resulted in passing laws that self-propelled vehicles on public roads in Britain must be proceeded by a man on foot waving a red flag and blowing a horn. This effectively killed road auto development in the UK for most of the rest of the 19th century, as inventors and engineers shifted their efforts to improvements in railway locomotives. The red flag law was not repealed until 1896.

The many varieties of automobile racing collectively constitute one of the most popular categories of sport in the world.

[édit] Inovasi

It is generally claimed that the first automobiles with gasoline powered internal combustion engines were completed almost simultaneously in 1886 by German inventors working independently: Carl Benz on 3 July 1886 in Mannheim, resp. Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach in Stuttgart (also inventors of the first motor bike). A major breakthrough came with the historic drive of Berta Benz in 1888. Steam, electric, and gasoline powered autos competed for decades, with gasoline internal combustion engines achieving dominence in the 1910s.

The first automobile patent in the United States was granted to Oliver Evans in 1789; in 1804 Evens demonstrated his first successful self-propelled vehicle, which not only was the first automobile in the USA but was also the first amphibious vehicle, as his steam-powered vehicle was able to travel on wheels on land and via a paddle wheel in the water. On November 5, 1895, George B. Selden was granted a United States patent for a two-stroke automobile engine. This patent did more to hinder than encourage development of autos in the USA until it was overturned on a challenge by Henry Ford.

The large scale, production-line manufacturing of affordable automobiles was debuted by Oldsmobile in 1902, then greatly expanded by Henry Ford in the 1910s. Early automobiles were often referred to as 'horseless carriages', and did not stray far from the design of their predecessor. Through the period from 1900 to the mid 1920s, development of automotive technology was rapid, due in part to a huge (hundreds) number of small manufacturers all competing to gain the world's attention. Key developments included electric ignition and the electric self-starter (both by Charles Kettering, for the Cadillac Motor Company in 1910-1911), independent suspension, and four-wheel brakes.

The dashboard of a modern car, a BMW 530d in 2003.

By the 1930s, most of the technology used in automobiles had been invented, although it was often re-invented again at a later date and credited to someone else. For example, front-wheel drive was re-introduced by Andre Citroën with the launch of the Traction Avant in 1934, though it appeared several years earlier in road cars made by Alvis and Cord, and in racing cars by Miller (and may have appeared as early as 1897). After 1930, the number of auto manufacturers declined sharply as the industry consolidated and matured. Since 1960, the number of manufacturers has remained virtually constant, and innovation slowed. For the most part, "new" automotive technology was a refinement on earlier work, though these refinements were sometimes so extensive as to render the original work nearly unrecognizable. The chief exception to this was electronic engine management, which entered into wide use in the 1960s, when electronic parts became cheap enough to be mass-produced and rugged enough to handle the harsh environment of an automobile. Developed by Bosch, these electronic systems have enabled automobiles to drastically reduce exhaust emissions while increasing efficiency and power.

[édit] Régulasi

In almost every nation, laws have been enacted governing the operation of motor vehicles. Most of this legislation, including limits on allowable speed and other rules of the road, are designed to ensure the smooth flow of traffic and simultaneously protect the safety of vehicle occupants, bicyclists, and pedestrians.

In 1965, in California, legislation was introduced to regulate exhaust emissions, the first such legislation in the world. Answering this new interest in environmental and public safety issues, the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) both introduced legislation in 1968 which substantially altered the course of automotive development. Since the US market was the largest in the world (and California the largest market in the US), manufacturers worldwide were forced to adapt. For the first time, safety devices were mandatory, as were controls on harmful emissions. Prior to this legislation, even seat belts were considered extra-cost options by many manufacturers. Other countries followed by introducing their own safety and environmental legislation. In time, meeting regulations became the main challenge for the engineers designing new cars. In the decade from 1975 to 1985, the world's manufacturers struggled to meet the new regulations, some producing substandard cars with reduced reliability as a result. However, by the end of this period, everyone had learned how to handle the newly regulated environment. The manufacturers discovered that safety and environmentalism sold cars, and some began introducing environmental and safety advances on their own initiative.

[édit] Perbaikan lingkungan

Among the first environmental advances are the so-called alternative fuels for the internal combustion engine, which have been around for many years. Early in automotive history, before gasoline was widely available at corner pumps, cars ran on many fuels, including kerosene (paraffin) and coal gas. Alcohol fuels were used in racing cars before and just after World War II. Today, methanol and ethanol are used as petrol extenders in some countries, notably in Australia and the United States. In countries with warmer climate, such as Brazil, alcohol derived from sugar cane is often used as a substitute fuel.

In many countries, plentiful supplies of natural gas have seen methane sold as compressed natural gas (CNG) and propane sold as liquified petroleum gas (LPG) alongside petrol and diesel fuels since the 1970s. While a standard automotive engine will run on these fuels with very low exhaust emissions, there are some performance differences, notably a loss of power due to the lower energy content of the alternative fuels. The need to equip filling stations and vehicles with pressurized vessels to hold these gaseous fuels and more stringent safety inspections means that they are only economical when used for a long distance or if there are installation incentives. They are most economical where petrol has high taxes and the alternative fuels do not.

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With heavy taxes on fuel, particularly in Europe and tightening environmental laws, particularly in California USA, and the possibility of further restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions, work on alternative power systems for vehicles continues.

Diesel-powered cars can run with little or no modification on 100% pure biodiesel, a fuel that can be made from vegetable oils. Many cars that currently use gasoline can run on ethanol, a fuel made from plant sugars. Most cars that are designed to run on gasoline are capable of running with 15% ethanol mixed in, and with a small amout of redesign, gasoline-powered vehicles can run on ethanol concentrations as high as 85%. All petrol fueled cars can run on LPG. There has been some concern that the ethanol-gasoline mixtures prematurely wear down seals and gaskets.

Attempts at building viable battery-powered electric vehicles continued throughout the 1990s (notably General Motors with the EV1), but cost, speed and inadequate driving range made them uneconomical.

Current research and development is centred on "hybrid" vehicles that use both electric and combustion (pollution) power, and longer-term efforts are based around electric vehicles powered by fuel cells.

Other alternatives being explored involve methane and hydrogen-burning vehicles, fuel cells, and even the stored energy of compressed air (see Air Engine).

[édit] Kaamanan

Accidents seem as old as automobile vehicles themselves. Joseph Cugnot crashed his steam-powered "Fardier" against a wall in 1770. The first recorded automobile fatality was Bridget Driscoll in August 17, 1896 in London, England.

Every year more than a million people are killed and about 50 million people are wounded in traffic (according to WHO estimates), either by crashing into something, or by being crashed into. Major factors in accidents include driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, inattentive driving, overtired driving, road hazards such as snow, potholes and animals, and reckless driving. Special safety features have been built into cars for years, some for the safety of car's occupants only, some for the safety of others.

There are standard tests for safety in new automobiles, like the EuroNCAP. Despite these technological advances, the death toll of car accidents remains high: about 40,000 people die every year in the US, a number which increases annually in line with rising population and increased travel (although the rate per capita and per mile travelled decreases steadily), with similar trends in Europe. The death toll is expected to nearly double worldwide by 2020. A much higher number of accidents result in injury or permanent disability.

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circa 1920s Ford Model T

circa 1920s Ford Model T
1934 Austin Berkeley

1934 Austin Berkeley
circa 1960 GAZ Chaika parade car

circa 1960 GAZ Chaika parade car
1964 Chevrolet Biscayne

1964 Chevrolet Biscayne
1967 VW Beetle

1967 VW Beetle
1973 Australian Ford XB Falcon GT 351

1973 Australian Ford XB Falcon GT 351
1985 British Leyland Mini

1985 British Leyland Mini
Gambar:Vw golf mk1 cabrio.jpg
1988 VW Golf Cabrio
1991 Saturn SL-1
2000 Ford Focus wagon
2003 Hummer H2

2003 Hummer H2
2004 MINI Cooper S

2004 MINI Cooper S
1937 Chrysler Airflow (left), 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser

1937 Chrysler Airflow (left), 2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser

BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen willy@tool-tool.com bw@tool-tool.com www.tool-tool.com skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 TEL:+886 4 24710048 / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy usersdemand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting toolaerospace tool .HSS Cutting toolCarbide end millsCarbide cutting toolNAS Cutting toolCarbide end millAerospace cutting toolCarbide drillHigh speed steelMilling cutterCore drillTapered end millsMetric end millsMiniature end millsPilot reamerElectronics cutterStep drillMetal cutting sawDouble margin drillGun barrelAngle milling cutterCarbide burrsCarbide tipped cutterChamfering toolIC card engraving cutterSide cutterNAS toolDIN toolSpecial toolMetal slitting sawsShell end millsSide and face milling cuttersSide chip clearance sawsLong end millsStub roughing end millsDovetail milling cuttersCarbide slot drillsCarbide torus cuttersAngel carbide end millsCarbide torus cuttersCarbide ball-nosed slot drillsMould cutterTool manufacturer.

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com

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Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com Reference source from the internet.


Аутомобил је моторно возило које служи за превоз робе и путника. Најважнији део једног аутомобила је мотор. Мотори који се налазе у аутомобилима су мотори са унутрашњим сагоревањем и користе као погонско гориво бензин или дизел гориво. Као алтернативна врста горива користи се и плин, док за остале врсте алтернативних горива још није усавршен процес производње.

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BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen willy@tool-tool.com bw@tool-tool.com www.tool-tool.com skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 TEL:+886 4 24710048 / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy usersdemand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting toolaerospace tool .HSS Cutting toolCarbide end millsCarbide cutting toolNAS Cutting toolCarbide end millAerospace cutting toolCarbide drillHigh speed steelMilling cutterCore drillTapered end millsMetric end millsMiniature end millsPilot reamerElectronics cutterStep drillMetal cutting sawDouble margin drillGun barrelAngle milling cutterCarbide burrsCarbide tipped cutterChamfering toolIC card engraving cutterSide cutterNAS toolDIN toolSpecial toolMetal slitting sawsShell end millsSide and face milling cuttersSide chip clearance sawsLong end millsStub roughing end millsDovetail milling cuttersCarbide slot drillsCarbide torus cuttersAngel carbide end millsCarbide torus cuttersCarbide ball-nosed slot drillsMould cutterTool manufacturer.

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com

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Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com Reference source from the internet.

Nga Wikipedia, Enciklopedia e Lirë

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Vetura me avull e Ransom E. Olds

Vetura me avull e Ransom E. Olds
Triumph GT6

Triumph GT6

BMW 850 Alpina

BMW 850 Alpina
Triumph GT6

Triumph GT6

Automobili apo vetura është një mjet transportues rrugor. Në vitin 1890 Ransom E. Olds konstruktoi automobilin e tij me avull. Automobili i parë u konstruktua nga Charles Duryea dhe Frank Duryea, ky ishte automobili i parë me benzinë në Amerikë, i cili publikisht është paraqitur më 21 Shtator të vitit 1893Springfield, MajamiShBA-ës.

Në ditët e sotme veturat janë shumë më të sofistikuara dhe me më shumë elemente shtesë, që i bëjnë këto më komforte dhe më të përdorshme.

[redaktoni] Llojet e veturave sipas përdorimit

  • Vetura ekonomike në grupin e veturave ekonomike futen zakonisht veturat të cilat janë të një prodhimi në seri dhe që përdoren nga popullsia e gjërë, pavarësisht se cilës marke i përkasin.
  • Vetura luksoze nuk është një veturë e një prodhimi në seri, por është veturë e prdhuar në një numër të caktuar, apo edhe një veturë e vetme e përgatitur për një blerës special. Veturat luksoze veçohen për nga çmimi i tyre nga veturat ekonomike, që nënkupton se gjithashtu veçohen edhe për nga siguria, cilësia pjesët e zgjedhura si dhe nga qëndrushmëria që e karakterizon atë.
  • Vetura sportive janë këto vetura të cilat janë të prodhuara special për përdorim sportiv me një motor të përshtatshëm për t'i përballuar presioneve të ndryshme në garat sportive.

[redaktoni] Llojet e veturave sipas shfrytëzimit të energjisë

[redaktoni] Kompanitë e njohura të veturave

[redaktoni] Historia e prodhimit të markave

[redaktoni] Tregjet e veturave

[redaktoni] Shiko edhe

BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen willy@tool-tool.com bw@tool-tool.com www.tool-tool.com skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 TEL:+886 4 24710048 / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy usersdemand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting toolaerospace tool .HSS Cutting toolCarbide end millsCarbide cutting toolNAS Cutting toolCarbide end millAerospace cutting toolCarbide drillHigh speed steelMilling cutterCore drillTapered end millsMetric end millsMiniature end millsPilot reamerElectronics cutterStep drillMetal cutting sawDouble margin drillGun barrelAngle milling cutterCarbide burrsCarbide tipped cutterChamfering toolIC card engraving cutterSide cutterNAS toolDIN toolSpecial toolMetal slitting sawsShell end millsSide and face milling cuttersSide chip clearance sawsLong end millsStub roughing end millsDovetail milling cuttersCarbide slot drillsCarbide torus cuttersAngel carbide end millsCarbide torus cuttersCarbide ball-nosed slot drillsMould cutterTool manufacturer.

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com

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Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com Reference source from the internet.

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Cugnotovo parno vozilo, model iz 1771

Cugnotovo parno vozilo, model iz 1771
Bugatti Veyron 16.4 na sejmu v Tokiju - višek današnje tehnologije

Bugatti Veyron 16.4 na sejmu v Tokiju - višek današnje tehnologije

Avtomobíl je cestno prevozno sredstvo z lastnim pogonom. Beseda pomeni vozilo, ki se premika samo od sebe. Poznamo osebne, tovorne avtomobile, ter vse mogoče kombinirane verzije.

Prvi avtomobil, ki ga je gnal parni stroj, je leta 1769 predstavil Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot. Danes velika večina avtomobilov za pogon uporablja motor z notranjim izgorevanjem, ki ga žene bencin ali plinsko olje.

Glavni deli avtomobila so:

  • iz jeklenih nosilcev zgrajena šasija ali v sodobnosti samonosna karoserija
  • pogonski agregat
  • menjalnik hitrosti s sklopko
  • kolesa
  • potniški in(ali) tovorni prostor

Velika problema množične uporabe avtomobilov sta:

  • žrtve v prometu, zaradi neupoštevanja prometnih predpisov
  • onesnaževanje z ogljikovim dioksidom ter drugimi ostanki izgorevanja bencina, kar proizvajalce sili k iskanju alternativnih goriv oziroma tipov pogona

[uredi] Glej tudi

[uredi] Zunanje povezave

Wikimedijina zbirka ponuja še več predstavnostnega gradiva o temi:

Ta članek o avtomobilu je škrbina. Slovenski Wikipediji lahko pomagate tako, da ga dopolnite z vsebino

BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen willy@tool-tool.com bw@tool-tool.com www.tool-tool.com skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 TEL:+886 4 24710048 / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy usersdemand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting toolaerospace tool .HSS Cutting toolCarbide end millsCarbide cutting toolNAS Cutting toolCarbide end millAerospace cutting toolCarbide drillHigh speed steelMilling cutterCore drillTapered end millsMetric end millsMiniature end millsPilot reamerElectronics cutterStep drillMetal cutting sawDouble margin drillGun barrelAngle milling cutterCarbide burrsCarbide tipped cutterChamfering toolIC card engraving cutterSide cutterNAS toolDIN toolSpecial toolMetal slitting sawsShell end millsSide and face milling cuttersSide chip clearance sawsLong end millsStub roughing end millsDovetail milling cuttersCarbide slot drillsCarbide torus cuttersAngel carbide end millsCarbide torus cuttersCarbide ball-nosed slot drillsMould cutterTool manufacturer.

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com

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Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com Reference source from the internet.

From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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This is a Ford Mondeo, a family car from the United States

This is a Ford Mondeo, a family car from the United States
This is a Honda NSX, a fast car from Japan, made of aluminium

This is a Honda NSX, a fast car from Japan, made of aluminium

A car (also called an automobile) is something that moves us from one place to another. It has an engine, 3 or 4 wheels and a steering wheel. Some have many wheels: big trucks that carry heavy things have up to 18 wheels. Cars come in many shapes and sizes. They usually have a seat for the driver and at least one passenger, but some are also able to carry many passengers, like buses and family station wagons, which carry from 8 to 69 people.

The car is the most common way of getting around in many countries, but this can cause traffic jams and heavy pollution on dense cities. The best alternative of moving around in those places are the public transports, such buses, subways and trains. In order for a car to move, it must be filled with a fuel, most often gasoline, which is also called petrol. Some other cars must be filled with diesel fuel; others use natural gas or electricity. In order for a person to drive a car legally they must have a valid drivers license. Usually people who are over 18 can apply for one, but they have to pass certain tests first.

In recent years new lightweight ideas for cars have been developed to make up for the weight increase due to comfort and safety issues. Aspects of material selection and innovative concepts of car construction using light weight materials help to meet economical and environmental requirements as well as demands for enhanced driving comfort. New alloys have been developed for the increasing demands in higher strength and better formability for light weighting and crash worthiness aspects. The specific advances of aluminium products as castings, extrusions and sheet are typical examples for successful solutions in the most advanced and competitive technology market.

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BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen willy@tool-tool.com bw@tool-tool.com www.tool-tool.com skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 TEL:+886 4 24710048 / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy usersdemand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting toolaerospace tool .HSS Cutting toolCarbide end millsCarbide cutting toolNAS Cutting toolCarbide end millAerospace cutting toolCarbide drillHigh speed steelMilling cutterCore drillTapered end millsMetric end millsMiniature end millsPilot reamerElectronics cutterStep drillMetal cutting sawDouble margin drillGun barrelAngle milling cutterCarbide burrsCarbide tipped cutterChamfering toolIC card engraving cutterSide cutterNAS toolDIN toolSpecial toolMetal slitting sawsShell end millsSide and face milling cuttersSide chip clearance sawsLong end millsStub roughing end millsDovetail milling cuttersCarbide slot drillsCarbide torus cuttersAngel carbide end millsCarbide torus cuttersCarbide ball-nosed slot drillsMould cutterTool manufacturer.

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com

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