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I like this fake-awake haircut. It's part of a Brazilian coffee company's ad campaign.

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• Mohawk mugshot Link
• Choppa Style Link

posted by David Pescovitz at 03:29:15 PM permalink | blogs' comments

reference: http://www.boingboing.net/

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy users’ demand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, ,,,etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, it’s our pleasure to serve for you.
BW product including: utting tool、HSS Cutting tool、Carbide end mills、Carbide cutting tool、NAS Cutting tool、Carbide end mill、Aerospace cutting tool、Carbide drill、High speed steel、Milling cutter、Core drill、Taperd end mills、Metric end mills、Miniature end mills、Pilot reamer、Electronics cutter、Step drill、Metal cutting saw、Double margin drill、Gun barrel、Angle milling cutter、Carbide burrs、Carbide tipped cutter、Chamfering tool、IC card engraving cutter、Side cutter、NAS tool、DIN tool、Special tool、Metal slitting saws、Shell end mills、Side and face milling cutters、Side chip clearance saws、Long end mills、Stub roughing end mills、Dovetail milling cutters、Carbide slot drills、Carbide torus cutters、Angeled carbide end mills、Carbide torus cutters、Carbide ball-noseed slot drills、Mould cutter、Tool manufacturer.
Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com

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Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com
Reference source from the internet.
   第三部分采用数字,表示钢类或钢材的序号或强度值下限。有的牌号在数字序号后还附加后缀A、B、C等字母,表示不同的质量等级、种类或厚度。如: SS400——第一个S表示钢(Steel),第二个S表示“结构”(Structure),400为下限抗拉强度400MPa,整体表示抗拉强度为 400 MPa的普通结构钢。
   SPCE——表示深冲用冷轧碳素钢薄板及钢带,相当于中国08AL(5213)深冲钢。需保证非时效性时,在牌号末尾加N为SPCEN。冷轧碳素钢薄板 及钢带调质代号:退火状态为A,标准调质为S,1/8硬为8,1/4硬为4,1/2硬为2,硬为1。表面加工代号:无光泽精轧为D,光亮精轧为B。如 SPCC-SD表示标准调质、无光泽精轧的一般用冷轧碳素薄板。再如SPCCT-SB表示标准调质、光亮加工,要求保证机械性能的冷轧碳素薄板。
  3、JIS机械结构用钢牌号表示方法为:S+含碳量+字母代号(C、CK),其中含碳量用中间值×100表示,字母C:表示碳 K:表示渗碳用钢。如碳结卷板S20C其含碳量为0.18-0.23%。
Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy users’ demand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, ,,,etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, it’s our pleasure to serve for you.
BW product including: utting tool、HSS Cutting tool、Carbide end mills、Carbide cutting tool、NAS Cutting tool、Carbide end mill、Aerospace cutting tool、Carbide drill、High speed steel、Milling cutter、Core drill、Taperd end mills、Metric end mills、Miniature end mills、Pilot reamer、Electronics cutter、Step drill、Metal cutting saw、Double margin drill、Gun barrel、Angle milling cutter、Carbide burrs、Carbide tipped cutter、Chamfering tool、IC card engraving cutter、Side cutter、NAS tool、DIN tool、Special tool、Metal slitting saws、Shell end mills、Side and face milling cutters、Side chip clearance saws、Long end mills、Stub roughing end mills、Dovetail milling cutters、Carbide slot drills、Carbide torus cutters、Angeled carbide end mills、Carbide torus cutters、Carbide ball-noseed slot drills、Mould cutter、Tool manufacturer.
Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com

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Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com
Reference source from the internet.

1 引言

   陶瓷刀具以其卓越的高温性能、硬度及耐磨性得到了人们的普遍重视。但是,陶瓷材料的强度和韧性低,在许多加工条件下易于因破损而失效,这大大限制了它的 应用范围,尤其是在自动加工领域,陶瓷刀具由于可靠性太差,很少在自动化加工设备中使用,尽管陶瓷材料可以通过一些增韧和补强的方法如颗粒增韧、相变增韧 和晶须增韧等来提高其强度和断裂韧性,但提高的幅度十分有限。七十年代出现了陶瓷涂层刀具,它结合了陶瓷材料和硬质合金材料的优点,在拥有与硬质合金材料 相近的强韧性能的同时,耐磨性大大提高,能达到未加涂层刀具的几倍到十几倍,并且使加工效率显著提高,从而成为刀具材料的一个重要研究方向,在现代制造业 尤其是在自动化加工中得到了广泛应用和迅速的发展。目前刀具的涂层方法仍以化学气相沉积法(CVD)和物理气相沉积法(PVD)为主,这两种方法在生产实 践中己日渐成熟,但仍存在一些问题,比较突出的是目前应用的涂层刀具只是刀片表面涂层,而且涂层与基体间的界面结合强度低,涂层易剥落,这样就使涂层不可 能做得太厚,因此在使用中涂层的使用寿命不会太长,一旦涂层被磨掉,刀具就会迅速磨损,这种情况使进一步提高涂层刀具寿命变得十分困难,另外涂层刀片基本 上不具备重磨性,这将限制其在粗加工和大型加工设备中的应用。
  本研究提出了在硬质合金粉末表面涂层Al2O3陶瓷制备刀具材料的新方法, 成功地将溶胶—凝胶法引人刀具材料的制备过程。溶胶—凝胶法作为一种湿化学合成方法,具有设备简单、工艺易于控制、制品纯度和均匀度高等优点,近几年被广 泛用于制作超导材料、光电材料、铁电材料、光导纤维,光盘介质、纳米级陶瓷粉末及陶瓷薄膜、晶须和各种复合材料。由于溶胶中胶粒尺寸很小(纳米级),具有 很大的比表面能和强烈的吸附趋势,有可能形成结构致密、与基体结合牢固的陶瓷涂层。这种方法变传统的宏观涂层为微观涂层,突破了原有的刀具涂层的局限,是 对探索制作涂层刀具新方法的一种有益尝试。
2 实验

  选取异丙醇铝[Al(C3H7O)3](北京化学试剂总厂,分析纯)为前 驱物。以去离子水(自制)作为溶剂,用硝酸[HNO3](山东省化工研究院)作为胶溶剂,将上述原料按Al(C3H7O)3:H2):HNO3=1: (60~300):(0.07~0.88)的比例混合均匀,水浴恒温85℃,并施以强力搅拌,48h后即获得均一稳定的勃姆石溶胶。
  选用含有 WC和TiC的硬质合金粉末作为基体材料.首先将基体粉末球磨100h,再将球磨过的粉末在丙酮中进行超声波清洗,然后在稀酸中浸泡处理,处理后的粉末用 去离子水清洗干净,加入到乙醇和水的混合溶液中,并施以强力搅拌和超声波振荡,令其分散均匀;此时加入勃姆石溶胶,保持搅拌,使粉末表面均匀地涂覆上一层 胶体;然后静置一段时间,待分层后,经抽滤、干燥得到涂层粉末,将涂层粉末在900~1200℃的温度下进行预烧结,以使涂层充分转化为Al2O3陶瓷。
   将热压制成的圆片切割成截面为3mmx4mm的试样条,经精磨、抛光后用三点弯曲法测量试样的抗弯强度,跨距30mm ,加载速度0.5mm/min;用压痕法测量试样的硬度和断裂韧性,使用维氏压头,载荷200N ;用Hitachi S-570型扫描电子显微镜(SEM )分别观察涂层粉末和试样断口的形貌,用JEM-1000型高压透射电子显微镜(TEM)观察了粉末涂层的形态。
   切削实验使用的机床是C620-1普通车床改装的无级变速车床;工件为T10A工具钢(硬度为55~61HRC);刀具材料分别是FTC1、 FTC2(以上为粉末涂层材料)、LT55(陶瓷刀具,自制)、YT15 硬质合金和YB01氧化铝一碳化钛复合涂层硬质合金刀片(以上为株州硬质合金厂产品);刀具的儿何角度分别为Kr=7°、g0=-5°、ls=-5°、 b0=90°、er=90°。干式切削。
3 结果和讨论

1. 涂层粉末的形貌和结构
  湿化学法涂层可以通过不同材料之间的物理吸附或化学键合来实现。就实验中所使用的碳化物粉末而言,其粒度为微米级,颗粒表面缺陷多,比表面积大,活性 高.通过扫描电子显微镜观察(图1(a))可以看到,粉末颗粒表面圆滑,无棱角,相互间形成大量团聚结构。粉末经稀酸浸溃处理之后,颗粒表面的氧化物被清 除掉,在表层形成了大量的悬空键。为了达到具有较低能量的稳定状态,粉末表面的悬空键会吸附水分而形成W-HO(以WC为例)的结构。

图1 WC粉末颗粒的TEM照片

图2 涂层TiC粉末的表面形态

  在勃姆石溶胶中,胶粒的尺寸为纳米级,具有极大的比表面积,其吸附能力更强,只是由于胶粒吸附了带有同种电荷的离子而相互排斥才形成了均一稳定的悬浮 体系。当粉末与溶胶混合时,粉末的介入破坏了胶粒的离子氛,并且粉末与胶粒的尺寸相差很大,所以胶粒很容易吸附在粉末的表面。这时,胶粒中的Al-OR (R为异丙醇基)和Al-OH会与W-OH通过氢键结合在一起,形成强烈的吸附层。随后,涂层中部分水解的醇化物与基体表面的-OH发生缩合反应形成Al -O-W的化学键结构。干燥后的涂层粉末经过长时间球磨后,涂层并未脱落,这说明涂层与基体的结合相当牢固,两者之间主要是以化学键形式,而不是以物理吸 附方式结合的。这种键结合形式能使涂层和粉末之间具有较高的结合强度,从而在烧结后仍能基本保持涂层的完整性,并且在涂层和基体颗粒之间形成良好的界面。 图1(b) 是经烧结后的涂层粉末。可以看出,与图1(a)相比,由于已经形成了一层陶瓷涂层,粉末的表面形态发生了很大变化,涂层很薄,厚度并不均匀,涂层颗粒比未 涂层颗粒表面略显粗糙,但涂层相当完整,没有裂纹或剥落的情况。
  图2是TiC粉末涂层在预烧结前后的TEM照片。预烧结前(图2(a)) 涂层为非晶态的勃母石,结构较为散乱松弛,表面起伏不平,尚带有明显的胶粒粘连形态的痕迹,并且涂层相对较厚,涂层颗粒间的粘结十分严重。另外从图2 (a)中也能看到一些散落的涂层物质,是在粉末的分散过程中形成的,但同时涂层仍然保持得较为完整。烧结后(图2(b))的涂层变薄(箭头指处是较为明显 的涂层),表面和界面更为整齐和清晰,结构也显得更为致密,涂层和粉末表面的结合也比较好,界面没有可见的缝隙和孔洞,但是涂层和粉末的粘结强度明显下 降,在分散的过程中,部分表面的涂层已经脱落,涂层粉末颗粒之间的粘结也同时减弱了。图中两个颗粒的涂层只有一小部分粘在一起。
2. 材料的力学性能
  在实验中:基体材料的选择对涂层粉末材料的性能具有重要的影响.以YT14、 YW1和YG6硬质合金为粉末基体烧制成的材料分别标记为FYT 、FYW和FYG)内部存在许多微裂纹,力学性能比较差,很难磨成抗弯强度试样。在充分考虑材料的物理匹配和化学相容性的基础上,对基体粉末中碳化物的比 例进行了调整,得到了两种分别以TiC 和(WC , TiC)为主要成分的粉末基体,由此制成的两种涂层粉末材料FTC1和FTC2则表现出良好的力学性能.几种涂层粉末硬质合金材料的力学性能在表1中分别 列出,两种自制的氧化铝基的陶瓷刀具材料的性能也同时列出进行比较。
  两种涂层粉末材料的硬度比一般硬质合金要高得多,而强度则略低一些,其中FTC2的抗弯强度最高达1100MPa,已经接近YT15硬质合金的水平. FTC1和FTC2的性能与两种陶瓷刀具材料LT55和SG4相似, PTC1和SG4同样具有较高的硬度,但FTC1的强度要比SG4平均高50MPa,FTC2则与LT55的硬度接近,其平均扰弯强度比LT55高约 80MPa。另外,FTC1和FTC2的断裂韧性都比LT 55和SG4明显要高一些。
表1 几种粉末涂层材料的力学性能 材料 硬度
GPa 屈服强度
MPa 冲击韧性
KICMPa·m½ 能否
FYT 140 - 7.5 否
FYW 17.5~18.5 - 6.7~7.2 否
FYG 15.5 - 5.5 否
FTC1 18.5~23.0 800~1000 5.8~7.4 可
FTC2 18.0~20.3 860~1100 5.0~5.9 可
LT55 21.0 900 5.0 可
SG4 21.5 850 4.9 可

在复合材料的烧结过程中,当碳化物粉末中含有杂质时,杂质离子由于尺寸或电价上的差异,更倾向于在晶界富集,对晶界的运动产生一定的牵制作用,即所谓的杂 质牵制效应。当碳化物粉末被包覆上一层Al2O3时,Al2O3涂层对碳化物晶界的移动产生阻碍作用,碳化物晶界要向前运动,必须克服Al2O3涂层所造 成的阻力,而Al2O3的晶界要向前运动时,碳化物顾粒又起到了钉扎的作用。这种相互牵制的结果,细化了材料的晶粒,由于脆性材料的破坏以沿晶断裂为主。 当裂纹沿着晶界扩展时,材料的晶粒越细,裂纹的扩展路径就越曲折,扩展的路程也就越长,因此就能消耗更多的断裂能量。另外,一般材料的初始裂纹尺寸与晶粒 尺寸相当,所以晶粒越细,初始裂纹的尺寸也就越小,综合两方面的效果,因为涂层滞缓了晶粒在烧结过程中的长大,所以只要粉末的初始尺寸小,就能得到具有较 高强度和断裂韧性的细晶粒材料(图2) .在这种涂层粉末材料中,理想的状态是Al2O3 将碳化物完全包覆,颗粒间的烧结行为只发生在Al2O3/Al2O3及Al2O3/金属之间,而碳化物颗粒并不相互接触,而是被Al2O3均匀地分隔开, 这种近似于单一材料烧结的情况更有助于形成高致密度的结构,当然实际情况要相差很多,仍然是一种复合材料烧结的情况。但是从另一个角度看,即把Al2O3 作为一种添加剂,由于它是以液相浸涂的形式引入的,所以其在基体材料中分布更为均匀,而且涂层粉末未经过预烧结,Al2O3和碳化物之间的界面具有更高的 强度。界面强度的提高,会大大增加材料破坏时穿晶裂纹的数量。图3中FTC1材料的断口有清晰的解理台阶,部分晶粒断面处有滑移纹,明显具有穿晶断裂的特 征。大量穿晶断裂的形成,消耗了裂纹扩展的能量,提高了材料的强度和断裂韧性。

图3 FTC1试样断口形貌

图4 v=75m/min切削淬硬T10工具钢时后刀面的磨损情况

图5 v=75m/min切削淬硬T10工具钢时后刀面的磨损情况
3. 切削效果
  为了检验新型刀具材料的效果,分别与普通硬质合金刀具、陶瓷刀具和CVD法Al2O3陶瓷涂层刀具进行了对比实验。图4是刀具FTC1、LT55和 YT15在v=75m/min,f=0.1mm/r,ap=0.15mm 的切削条件下切削淬硬T10A工具钢时后刀面磨损情况。由图可以看出,在这样的条件下,由于工件材料较硬,当切削长度为530m时,YT15后刀具磨损已 达到0.58mm,不能继续切削,而LT55和FTC1切削长度为2650m后,后刀面磨损才约0.3mm,两者的磨损情况相似,FTC1的磨损比 LT55还要轻微一些。
  图5是YB01、FTC1和FTC2在v=75m/min,f=0.1mm/r,ap=0.15mm 的切削条件下切削淬硬T10A工具钢时后刀面磨损情况。可见在切削淬硬材料时,由于FTC1和FTC2涂层较薄,所以在初期磨损阶段磨损量要比YB01 大,但是粉末涂层材料在进入正常磨损阶段后,磨损均匀稳定,而YB01的正常磨损阶段则比较短,在切削长度达到520m后,就进入急剧磨损阶段,这主要是 因为刀片的硬质合金涂层此时已基本被磨掉,功效也大大降低。另外,YB01在切削过程中前刀面有贝壳状剥落,可能是由于在切削力较大较大时,涂层被挤裂失 败,从而降低了涂层的效能。而FTC1和FTC2在切削速度较低时,一般不发生破损。在YB01后刀面磨损达到0.3mm后,由于切削时涂层不再起作用。 刀尖变钝,切削中的振动加剧,加工表面也变得十分粗糙,几乎不能再进行切削。这样看来,新型涂层刀具的使用寿命至少要比YB01提高一倍。

4 结论

   利用溶胶—凝胶法在碳化物粉末表面涂覆了一薄层Al2O3,涂层与基体之间主要是以化学键形式结合;使用这种复合粉末烧结成的刀具材料晶粒细小均匀,具 有很高的硬度和较高的强度,其断裂形式以沿晶断裂为主,同时存在相当数量的穿晶断裂;这种刀具材料在切削淬硬材料时,切削性能与陶瓷刀具相近,明显优于普 通硬质合金刀具和A12O3涂层刀具。表现出良好的综合性能,是一种具有很大发展潜力的新型刀具材料。
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徐筱杰 唐有祺

关键词:晶体工程 分子间相互作用 分子堆积
分类号:O614.3 O743

Crystal Engineering and its Application in Chemistry

XU Xiao-Jie TANG You-Qi
(College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering,Peking University,Beijing 100871)

Crystal Engineering is an important approach from moecule to material. Crystal Engineering has been developed by chemists to better understand molecular interactions for the design of novel materials and solid-state reactions.
Keywords: crystal engineering molecular interaction molecular packing

0 前言

   晶体学工程是分子工程学的一个重要组成部分,它涉及分子或化学基团在晶体中的行为、晶体的设计及结构与性能的控制,晶体结构预测,是实现从分子到材料的 一条重要途径。结构化学家及晶体学家多年来致力于晶体工程是为了更好的了解分子间相互作用,以便设计新颖的材料及固体反应。
  严格讲,分子晶体 是一个无限大的超分子体系。分子晶体可以看成几百万个分子严格的周期性的自组装而形成宏观尺度的超分子整体[1]。根据晶体中晶胞的周期性排列,晶体学常 常把这些无限大超分子体系缩减为一个有代表性的晶胞。因此固体超分子也是晶体学工程的一个重要组成部分。事实上,晶体学已经大大促进固体超分子乃至整个超 分子科学的发展。这是由于晶体结构是可以通过X射线晶体学精确测定的,可以通过大量的晶体结构数据分析得到分子间的相互作用的规律,为超分子建筑打下坚实 的基础。而溶液超分子体系的结构是难以精确测定的,因此固体结构可以作为溶液体系的一个模型。
  分子科学家使用各种方法已经合成数以千万计的化 合物,超分子化学家已经发展许多新的方法制备数目众多,千姿百态的超分子[2]。晶体工程则企图利用不同类型分子间相互作用的能量及几何性质,构筑具有所 希望结构和性能的晶体。这些方法与技术形成了晶体工程新领域。晶体工程是由 GerhardM.J.Schemidc于六十年代最早提出的。它最早起源于光化学及反应的设计。近年来已取得许多进展。晶体工程的成功与否在于掌握分子 间的相互作用及分子在晶体中的取向。但是,在晶体中并不存在理想的几何关系,这是由于晶体中分子的几何关系是许多类型分子间相互作用的平衡结果,因此统计 分析已知的晶体结构对于研究分子间弱相
  互作用是非常有用的。现代统计分析技术可以把晶体学“噪音”降到最小。随着剑桥晶体结构库收录结构数目 的增长(目前已超过17万个晶体结构),人们已经可以不断完善、修正对分子间相互作用的认识,因此晶体结构设计也日趋完善。通过分子间相互作用的研究人们 可以找到分子(或化学基团)结构及环境对晶体成核及生长以及对形成晶体结构与性质的影响。

1 分子间的相互作用

   在分子晶体中,分子间相互作用力可以分为中程相互作用力及远程相互作用力。一般的中程相互作用在晶体堆积中起着非常重要的作用[3~5],在晶体堆积的 形状、尺寸、密堆积及特征取向等方面均显示各向同性的特点。在有机晶体中这种力是同C…C,C…H,H…H相互作用相联系的。长程相互作用力主要是静电 力,是各向异性的;一般是异原子间的相互作用,即在N,O,S,Cl,Br,I(偶尔也包括F,P,Se)间或上述任何一种元素同碳或氢之间的相互作用。 氢键就是其中一种常见的形式。另一种常见的例子是金属离子同O,N的结合,这种结合是非常专一的,可以实现对结构的控制。
  最重要的中程相互作 用力是范德华力,它也是主要的非方向性力,它是由色散力及交换-排斥力组成。范德华力在分子堆积中起重要作用。1973年苏联学者 AleksanderI.Kitaigoradsky提出了分子晶体设计中最重要的一个原则,分子倾向于以所占空间最小的方法堆积在一起(分子一般占据一 个晶体的65%到77%的体积)。可以想象分子堆积过程是分子间几何形状互相匹配及相互作用力的匹配过程,即分子识别过程。1994年意大利学者 Gavezzott提出形状诱导识别的概念,即在识别过程分子构象会发生一定的变化。相同分子间的识别一般利用分子的不同部位,满足锁与钥匙的关系。在空 间结构中出现倒反中心,螺旋轴及滑移面的频率比镜面及旋转轴大。在有机晶体中大约有56%的结构属于P158-1.gif (87 字节),P21/c,C2/c及Pbca四种空间群。有机晶体主要由碳、氢原子组成,因此这些分子间相互作用是同C∶H比例有关。芳香脂肪烃更倾向于密堆 积。如果某些环缺电子,则对堆积更有利[3]。
  长程相互作用主要是静电相互作用及氢键。主要是异原子间的相互作用,是有方向性的。C60能与 HQ形成密堆积配合物,是由于C60的高负电性质及HQ的给电子性质。Stouse及其合作者报导了近200个四芳香基卟啉化合物,紧密堆积的分子像波纹 片那样堆积形成能容纳不同客体分子的平行通道。在芳香化合物中C…H相互作用可以更精确表示为C(δ-)…H(δ+)。芳香C…H相互作用的库仑特征是它 广泛起作用的主要理由。在有关生物大分子的文献中,常把这种相互作用称为芳香-芳香或苯环-苯环相互作用。估计这些相互作用的能量约为 5~10kJ.mol-1。最近研究表明,芳香C…H相互作用表现明显的静电特征,这可解释为什么这些相互作用总是在大的平面碳氢化合物,蔻类化合物中出 现,在这类化合物中堆积效应是非常重要的。在澳大利亚墨尔本大学的R.Robson发现当金属化合物中的氮原子与金属离子键合时就会形成低密度的晶体结 构。意大利米兰大学的 A.Gavezott发现如果芳环中碳原子与氢原子的比值高,它们通常在晶体中形成分子叠层。在脂肪族化合物中,H…H相互作用占优势。当烷基链的长度大 于五个碳原子时,在这类化合物中疏水作用是非常显著的。
  氢键是一种非常重要的方向性相互作用力。在晶体工程中它显示愈来愈重要的作用。许多主 体组装体是基于氢键相互作用,如HQ、尿素、硫尿等。这些氢键是(O,N)-H…(O,N)类型,其能量约为20~40kJ·mol-1,而较弱的氢键为 C-H…C类型,其能量约为2~20kJ·mol-1[6]。
  弱氢键,如C-H…O以及C-H…N以及与其相互补的O-H…C及N-H…C氢 键。卤素原子间的相互作用,如(Cl,Br,I)…(Cl,Br, I),(Cl,Br,I)…(N,O,S)及C-H…Cl以及硫原子间相互作用(S,Se)…(S,Se)等都是弱方向性力,它们在晶体学工程中是最难控 制的。
  C-H…(N,O)类相互作用在化学及生物体系中有重要作用[7]。这些相互作用的距离在300~400pm之间,角度通常集中于 150~160度之间。从距离数据看出,它们大于普通的氢键,甚至大于范德华距离,它们的相互作用随距离的变化不如范德华作用变化迅速,而且具有弱方向 性。因此尽管距离较大仍可以认为它们是弱的氢键。它们在晶体工程中起着重要的作用。C-H… (N,O)氢键非常广泛的存在于晶体结构中,但与其互补的氢键(N,O)-H…C却非常稀少,这可能是因为碳的电负性远不如氧。这种类型氢键的一个突出例 子是π氢键。例如杯芳烃主-客配合物分子中的芳环与客体分子H2O形成O-H…C相互作用。通过剑桥晶体结构数据库检索,已经发现60~75个分子内及分 子间存在(N,O)-H…C氢键。这种氢键不仅发生在晶态,而且也发生在液态。
  某些异原子间的接触,例如O-H…O,N-H…O,C-H… O,Cl…Cl以及S…卤素间的相互作用,通常也倾向于形成倒反中心,螺旋轴及滑移面。特殊的分子间的相互作用是与某些对称元素相联系的。例如,两个通过 氢键联系在一起的羧酸基团包括一个倒反中心。苯酚分子围绕一个螺旋轴21排列。这些异原子间相互作用倾向于某些对称元素,有利于晶体结构的密堆积而且只属 于少数几个空间群。
   由于分子间相互作用在化学及生物体系中普遍存在,因此应该考虑这些相互作用的交互效应。一个强氢键及弱氢键相互作用的交互效应的晶体工程的例子是苯甲酸 及4-(N,N-二甲基氨)苯甲酸。它的晶体结构示意图1。在这个结构中形成传统的O-H…O氢键及混合的羧酸二聚体,然而这些二聚体会进一步通过混合的 C-H…O两聚体连接。

t15901.gif (2970 字节)

Fig.1O-H…O and C-H…O dimers in the crystal structure of the 1∶1 complex
4-(N,N-dimethylamino)benzoic acid-4-nitrobenzoic acid

   分子组装形成稳定的三维结构是自识别及自聚集过程的范例。晶体是一个超分子,它具有聚集作用所赋于的新禀性,与孤立分子的性质是有区别的。了解晶体中分 子或离子间的相互作用是认识固体聚集性质的基础。分子内的相互作用是原子间轨道重叠的结果,而分子间相互作用一般是非共价键相互作用,这两种类型的相互作 用在晶体形成过程中是同时起作用的。它们间的交互作用也起着重要的作用。

2 晶体工程策略

   一种构筑晶体的方法及途径是超分子连接块(Supramolecular Synthons)以及反向合成(Retrosynthesis)。我们可以追踪从开始材料到目标物质的合成思维过程定义一个连接块(Synthon)作 为超分子的一个结构单元,通过已知或推测的合成方法把这些连结块组装成目标物质。虽然连接块比目标物质简单的多,但它包含目标结构的连接方法及结构特征。 从目标物质通过解离化学连接得到连接块的过程称反向合成。它反映了晶体结构中密堆积,氢键及其他复杂相互作用的分析过程,也是对一个结构的逻辑分析过程。
   图2列出了某些有代表性的超分子连接块,它反映了互补的功能团间的相互作用及空间安排,也是超分子反向合成的核心。超分子连接块的一个优点是它代表一种 简化的了解晶体结构的方式。对于一个网状晶体结构,格点相应于一个分子,格点间的连接相应于一个超分子连接块。在晶体工程中这种方法的优点在于容易了解一 个超分子结构,容易从超分子结构得到分子的连接方式,便于比较不同的结构。

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Fig.2 Some representative supramolecular synthons

   1,3,5-三苯甲腈∶六甲基苯为1∶1的复合物(1)以及1,3,5-三硝基苯:三聚异氰酸三甲脂为1∶1的复合物(2)的晶体结构体现了上述一些观 点。这两种结构都是层状具有交替的给予体分子及接受体分子。在(1)中三苯甲腈及(2)中的三聚氰酸三甲脂都是特别有兴趣的,因为分别通过C- H…N以及C-H…O氢键可以从三角网(3)中“反向合成”推出它们的结构,如图3所示。在两个复合物中两种不同的层都有三重轴对称性,但在(1)中为满 足最佳的π-π重叠1,3,5-三苯甲腈跟六甲基苯层间有平移错位,导致晶体丧失了结构的三重轴对称性,(1)的空间群位C2/c。在(2)中交替层间没 有损失三重轴对称性,其空间群位P6,如图4所示。

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Fig.3 Retrosynthesis of network(3) leads to(1) and(2)

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Fig.4 Crystal structure of complex(1) and(2)
a crystal of complex(1) losses global threefold symmetry b crystal of complex(2) without loss of threefold symmetry

   晶体工程与有机合成的基本差别是有机合成是一步步的顺序合成而晶体工程分子是一步步自组装。在结晶过程中,不同分子的功能团间可以有数目众多的分子间相 互作用模式,这些模式间是相互竞争的,实际上只有极少数几种识别模式是可以实际完成的。假设分子M含有F1,F2,F3,…,Fn个功能团。当一个分子接 近另一个分子,在理论上有Fi-Fj种可能的组合。当二个甚至更多分子相互接近时,在原则上可以形成S1,S2,S3,…,Sn超分子连接体。其中某些超 分子连接块的能量非常接近。某些相互作用的组合寓于S1,S2,S3,…,Sn中并排斥其他的组合,其结果是不需要对所有的识别模式进行采样,复杂的相互 作用矩阵及超分子连接块可以迅速收敛到能量极小[8]。
   一般的主体分子具有刚性的高位阻集团,可构成一定形状的空间。分子构象受到严格限制,可能形成不规则的分子外形,只有识别客体分子时才能完成紧密堆积。 主体分子应局部存在强极性,易与客体分子发生以氢键为主的较强相互作用,这些相互作用有很强的方向性,具有专一性识别能力。
  有机分子的一般趋 势是在晶体中密堆积。对于杂原子有机晶体,不同类型的方向性相互作用是重要的。由于一些力的组合,使有些分子不能密堆积。但当第二个分子(客体分子)与其 结合时,提高了堆积效应。由分子的对称性及分子间相互作用力的方向性所引起的对于堆积的不协调或矛盾,其结果是使主体骨架更加开放。
  孤立分子 的对称性在晶体中通常总是降低的。但对于低对称性分子晶体通常取螺旋轴或滑移面,因此不会降低对称性。而对于高对称性分子,为满足强方向性分子的相互作用 力(如氢键)及弱方向性的相互作用通常不采取高对称堆积,宁肯采取较低的对称性。例如苯及六甲基苯分子本身具有六重轴对称性而其晶体堆积分别采取正交及三 斜对称性。如果分子形状很独特则可能会引起堆积的困难。
  Wether及其合作者报道的化合物(a)及(b)是解决分子堆积问题的有趣例子。分 子(a)在晶体中能形成主-客复合物。而化合物(b)虽然分子结构同(a)类似却表现完全不同的堆积性质。它们在晶体中有两种不同的构象,其中一种空穴较 窄,另一种空穴较宽,空穴较窄的(a)分子作为“客体”填充到另一个分子中形成单一组分的晶体[9,10],如图5所示。

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图5 化合物(a)及(b)的分子结构
Fig.5 Molecular structure of compound(a) and compound(b)


3 金属有机晶体工程[11]

   有机及金属有机体系的性质是非常类似的。金属有机体系可能更复杂一些,它还存在有机片段同金属离子间的键合作用,但这种键合作用对金属有机晶体的性质的 影响目前很少了解,它涉及晶体中组元的取向,识别及自组装。因此要求发展一些方法及途径控制及预测分子晶体的成核及生长规律并在此基础上制备具有所希望性 质的新材料。具有磁行为的不同价态的过渡金属离子与有机片段键合的特征可用于设计具有所要求结构与性质的新材料,如非线性光学、导电及磁性材料,多孔材 料,低维固体材料及传感器等。氢键也可用于固定结构单元形成通道或空穴。
   当金属有机分子具有较大柔性时,分子间相互作用及晶体堆积比多数的有机分子复杂。分子间相互作用决定分子势能面的能量极小区域的分布。分子内、外相互作 用是同时在晶体中起作用,它们都决定晶体的结构及分子在晶体中的结构。如果分子的形状愈接近球形、盘状或椭圆状则分子片段在晶体中愈容易重新取向。图6 显示固态分子重新取向的势垒(通常是15~20kJ.mol-1)。对于金属有机晶体,因为有离域的配体-金属π键,分子间的势垒的贡献是小的,晶体堆积 也同样依赖于重新取向片段的形状。孤立的异构体间的能量差别主要是由于分子内键能的差别引起的,这是结构柔性的另一特征。但是在固体中,这种能量差别可以 由分子间的相互作用能所弥补。虽然这些分子内及分子间的相互作用能量的判别对于晶体工程是非常重要的,但实际上区别它们是非常困难的。利用一些理论计算方 法如结合EHMO及堆积势能计算可以处理一些体系的内部能及分子间相互作用能[12,13]。

t16401.gif (4500 字节)

图6 分子重新取向的势垒是分子形状的函数
Fig.6 Solid state reorientation barrier energy is a function of molecularshapes

   Ru5C(CO)12(η6-C6H6),Ru5C(CO)12(μ3-η2∶η2∶η2-C6H6),Ru6C(CO)11(η6-C6H6)2以及 Ru6C(CO)11(η6-C6H6)(μ3-η2∶η2∶η2-C6H6)形成二对异构体,它们在固态中都是稳定的,可以分离鉴定的。
  含 有同样组成及几何排列的分子形成不同的晶体称同质多晶现象。对于柔性的金属有机分子,配体的键形式的改变可以在熔融状态实现。通过相转变可以实现晶型的改 变。等电子及等结构的不同晶体可以形成同样空间群即同晶化合物或者形成不同空间群即假同质多晶态。一个典型的例子是二茂铁。

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Fig.7 Crystal structure comparison of monoclinic ferrocene (a) and permethylferrocene(b)


4 晶体结构的预测[15]

   晶体结构能否预测,一直是人们关注并有争议的问题。从理论上讲能量最低的结构应该是稳定的结构,但精确计算堆积能是极其困难的。通常可以考虑优化晶胞中 z个独立分子的堆积能或者只考虑1个独立分子其他z-1个分子由假设的对称性联系在一起。前种方法有很多坐标参数,计算工作量极大。后一种方法必须考虑很 大数目的空间群。
  晶体结构的从头预测是从任意的晶格参数,分子取向及位置的初始模型开始的。使用晶体结构预测程序把这些孤立的分子聚集在一起 产生晶胞及分子取向及位置。这个过程是由分子力场所控制,并经过优化至能量极小。通常的方法是放置z个分子在P1晶胞中。此时不对称单位中分子的数目z' =z。Brock及 Dunitz曾从31770个晶体结构中统计,表明平均z=3.85。对于立方晶胞平均z=6.7。因此一般对于P1初始晶胞可取z≤8。


参 考 文 献
[1] Desiraju G.R. The crystal as supramolecular entity, John Wiley and Sons, 1995.
[2] Desiraju G.R. Comprehensive supramolecular chemistry, 1996,vol 6,1.
[3] Hobza P., Zahradnik R. Intermolecular complex: The role of van der waals system in physical chemistry and in biodisplines, Elsevier: Amsterdam, 1988.
[4] Lehn J.M. Supramolecular chemistry, VCH, 1995.
[5] Scheiner S. Molecular Interactions, Wiley, 1997.
[6] Viswamitra M.A., Radhakrishman R. et al J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1993,115,4868.
[7] Jeffrey G.A., Saenger W. Hydrogen Bonding in biological structures, Spring:Berlin, 1991.
[8] Nangia A., Desiraju G.R. Acta Cryst., 1998,A54,934.
[9] Weber E., Csoregh I. et al J. Org. Chem., 1988,53,5831.
[10]Xsoregh I., Czugler M., Ertan A., Weber E. et al J. Incl. Phenom. Mol. Recognit. Chem., 1990,8,275.
[11]Braga D., Grepioni F. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1996,571.
[12]Braga D., Grepioni F. Organometallics, 1992,11,1256.
[13]Braga D., Grepioni F. Organometallics, 1991,10,1254.
[14]Braga D., Grepioni F. et al J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1991,2559.
[15]Gao D., Williams D.E. Acta Cryst., 1999,A55,621.
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Simple Solids and their Surfaces

The two main characteristics of a solid are that it has long range order and that each atom is located in a particular position. The second property has the consequence that, unlike the vapour or liquid phases, the particles of a solid are "distinguishable". This will turn out to be very important in the statistical thermodynamics of solids. However, the issue to be discussed here is that of the long range order, how to describe it, how to detect it, and what happens at a surface.

Cubic Structures of Monatomic Systems

The structure of a solid is described as a combination of a lattice and a repeating unit. The lattice is generated by applying a set of symmetry operations to a point to generate an structure that fills space. Note that these symmetry operations are different from those with which you are already familiar for molecular point groups, which do not generate infinite lattices. However, like the molecular point group, there are only certain combinations of symmetry elements that generate the infinite structures. The simplest representation of these "space lattices" is in terms of their unit cells. On the right is shown a cubic lattice of atoms and in the upper part the atoms making up the unit cell are in red. The symmetry operations generate identical unit cells in an infinite lattice. A second unit cell is marked in the lower part of the diagram. The points of the unit cell are shown here as occupied by atoms, but it is better to think of the lattice as consisting of a set of points.
unit cells and repeating unit in a simple cubic solid

It is only necessary here to consider the cubic lattices, of which there are just the three shown below. They have the obvious names simple, body centred and face centred, but these derive from the more fundamental symmetry conditions mentioned above. There are eleven others, of which one of the most often mentioned is monoclinic, which is the lattice of lowest symmetry. Once again the lattices below are represented in terms of atoms but are really lattices of points.

cubic unit cells, face-centred cubic, body-centred cubic and simple cubic

For the determination of structures of solids and for considering the structural characteristics of surfaces the arrangements of lattice points in planes of the crystal are important. The different crystal planes are defined by their Miller indices. The Miller indices of a crystal plane are constructed by determining the intersection of the plane with the x,y,z axes and then taking the reciprocals, by convention written as (hkl). In the examples shown in the diagram below the intercepts of the plane of red atoms are (1,∞,∞), (∞,1,∞) and (∞,∞,1) on going from left to right. Taking the reciprocals of each intercept gives the Miller indices (100), (010) and (001) respectively. Note that each Miller index represents a whole set of planes all parallel to one another. Thus the expression (100) may be used to indicate either an individual plane or the whole set of planes.

the Miller indices of the (100), (010) and (010) planes in a simple cubic unit cell

Within the simple cubic cell two other crystal planes are easily identified, the (110) (there will be a set of planes of this type with different orientations, of which the (101) and the (011) are the most obvious, but there are additional ones with negative indices), and the (111). These two and the (100) are the three sets of planes that are most important for basic surface studies. The set is shown below with the atoms on the plane and the plane itself marked in red

the Miller indices of the (100), (110) and (111) planes in a simple cubic unit cell

The planes so far shown are low index planes, but there are higher ones. The way to evaluate the indices of these planes requires a slight alteration in the procedure. The intercepts of the plane on the xyz axes are all scaled down by the factor that reduces the highest intercept (other than ∞!) to 1. The diagram below shows the (210) and (310) planes. In the former the intercepts are the set (1,2,∞). These are multiplied by 1/2 and the reciprocals then give (210).

the Miller indices of higher index planes a simple cubic structure

For the three cubic structures the structural arrangement within a plane and between different planes may be different. Below are shown the (100) planes of simple, body centred and face centred cubic lattices. In the body centred and face centred cubic structures there are planes of atoms (marked in green) interleaving the (100) planes. These, together with the (100) planes, make up the (200) set of planes (intercepts (?∞,∞).

the Miller indices of the (100) and (200) planes in face-centred cubic, body-centred cubic and simple cubic structures

Structures of Surfaces of Bulk Cubic Structures
The lattice parameter of a cubic lattice is simply the length of the cube edge and here is denoted as a. If a were the same for the three cubic lattices, the atomic density would be greatest for face centred and least for simple cubic. When a crystal is cut to reveal a particular crystal plane as surface the surface structure is easily calculated from the lattice parameter and the lattice, assuming that it does not alter (reconstruct). The surface will be referred to as an (hkl) surface. However, when surface experiments are being considered, it is easier to use a surface lattice for reference. As an example, the (100) surfaces of the three cubic structures are redrawn again below and the resulting surface lattices shown in purple. Those of the simple and body centred lattices are identical and are square lattices of lattice parameter a. That of the face centred lattice is also square but of spacing a/√2. Thus, the (100) planes of all three cubic lattices give surface lattices of identical symmetry, i.e. simple square lattices. When these have the original symmetry of the crystal plane of the solid they are designated (1x1) lattices. This each one of the surface lattices below is a (1x1) lattice. The purpose of this simple, but incomplete description will be made clearer below.

designation of two dimensional surface lattices for cuts along the (100) plane of the three cubic lattices

The diagram below shows the surface lattices obtained from a cut along a (111) plane of each of the cubic lattices. The resulting lattice parameter of the surface lattice is given in terms of the parameter of the original cubic lattice. The same simple haxagonal lattice symmetry is again obtained for all three cubic structures and again the three lattices are all designated (1x1), although they are now completely different from the (1x1) lattices obtained from a (100) plane of the bulk crystal. The complete description of a surface lattice must therefore include the indices of the plane of the original crystal.

designation of two dimensional surface lattices for cuts along the (111) plane of the three cubic lattices

Although a surface may be cleaved to generate a particular surface, it usually rearranges to some extent. Sometimes this is just that the distance between the surface plane and the adjacent one underneath is slightly different from the bulk value. Less oftenly, the symmetry of the surface plane changes fundamentally. How this works is shown for both (111) and (100) surfaces alongside. In each case the (1x1) lattice is shown in purple, (2?) and (1?) are shown in red and green, and a (√2?#8730;2)R450 is shown in blue. The numbers denote the lengths of the sides of the new lattice relative to the (1?) and the R450 indicates that the lattice is rotated through 450 relative to the original. Note that a further ambiguity in the description of the surface lattice as a multiple of the basic (1?) lattice is that it does not specify where the lattice is. Thus any of the alternative reconstructed lattices indicated by the black/grey atoms is a (√2?#8730;2)R450 lattice.
different possible surface lattices for (111) and (100) planes of cubic lattices

Finally, note that the lattices of adsorbed layers of gases are treated in exactly the same way as the reconstructed surfaces. Thus, the ambiguity associated with the (√2?#8730;2)R450 lattice in the figure above applies equally to adsorbed layers, e.g. an adsorbed layer of hydrogen atoms. This is important and will be returned to below.

Diffraction from Crystalline Solids

The figure below represents the scattering of radiation from two crystal planes of a solid. The red and black lines represent radiation reflected from the upper and lower set of planes respectively. The reflection is treated as though the two planes of atoms behaved like half-reflecting mirrors. There is a difference of 2dsinθ in the pathlength travelled by the two beams of radiation where d is the perpendicular distance between the planes (the path difference is marked in green and the expanded construction alongside makes the geometry more clear). As the angle of reflection is changed so does the difference in pathlength travelled by the two beams. When the path difference is equal to an integer number of wavelengths the two beams will reinforce one another and when it is an integral number of half wavelengths the two waves will interfere destructively with one another. The intensity of the total reflected radiation will vary sinusoidally with θ. However, if reflection is from a large set of parallel planes the interference builds up so that it is destructive at all angles except those satisfying the constructive interference condition, i.e. when θ is given by

nλ = 2dsinθ
This is Bragg's law. The method of deriving it here is somewhat unsatisfactory but the alternatives would require more effort than you need to put in.

schematic diagram of Bragg reflection from a crystalline structure

Although the physical model of diffraction given by the Bragg's law approach is not a good one, the law itself is correct. Thus, the (100) planes of a simple cubic structure will give diffraction peaks when

sinθ = nλ/2a, n = 1, 2, 3, ..

where a is the lattice parameter. An alternative way of stating this is to say that there is diffraction from the (100), (200), (300), .. planes at

sinθ = λ/2d, d = a, a/2, a/3, ..
The two statements are equivalent, but the second is much more commonly used. Since Bragg's Law applies to all sets of crystal planes the lattice can be deduced from the diffraction pattern, making use of general expressions for the spacing of the planes in terms of their Miller indices. For cubic structures

d(hkl) = a/(h2 + k2 + l2)1/2

Note that the smaller the spacing the higher the angle of diffraction, i.e. the spacing of peaks in the diffraction pattern is inversely proportional to the spacing of the planes in the lattice. The diffraction pattern will reflect the symmetry properties of the lattice. A simple example is the difference between the series of (n00) reflections for a simple cubic and a body centred cubic lattice. For the simple cubic lattice, all values of n will give Bragg peaks. However, for the body centred cubic lattice the (100) planes are interleaved by an equivalent set at the halfway position. At the angle where Bragg's Law would give the (100) reflection the interleaved planes will give a reflection exactly out of phase with that from the primary planes, which will exactly cancel the signal. There is no signal from (n00) planes with odd values of n. This kind of argument leads to rules for identifying the lattice symmetry from "missing" reflections, which are often quite simple.

Electron Diffraction from Surfaces

Electrons are the preferred radiation for doing diffraction from surfaces because they are so strongly scattered by atoms that the scattering is almost exclusively from the surface layer. The positions of peaks in the diffraction pattern are determined by Bragg's Law, just as for x-ray or neutron diffraction from 3-D solids (at this stage you should not worry about the fact that it is not easy to see how Bragg's Law could be logically derived for a surface layer). The (100) surface of a cubic solid is shown below with its diffraction pattern. Because there is a Bragg peak for every set of planes it is not difficult to work out that the diffraction pattern has the same symmetry as the original lattice, although the intensities of the peaks fall off away from the origin for reasons that will be discussed below (the large central spot in the diffraction pattern is from the direct electron beam, which is usually in normal incidence on the surface). Some of the Bragg reflections are designated by the Miller indices of the planes (or lines for a 2D lattice) of atoms they come from. Thus the series (10), (20), (30) cam be regarded as the n = 1, 2 or 3 reflections from the (10) plane or reflections from the (10), (20) or (30) sets of "planes". Planes can have positive or negative Miller indices, so the diffraction pattern is symmetrical about its centre.

low energy electron diffraction (LEED) from a simple (1x1) surface structure on a (100) plane

The spacing of the reflections is inversely proportional to the separation of the planes and this is illustrated by the (2x1) lattice alongside and the corresponding "(1x2)" symmetry of the resulting diffraction pattern. It is important to note that the positions of the Bragg peaks only give the symmetry of the lattice. They do not distinguish between the grey and orange lattices, which would give identical diffraction patterns.
low energy electron diffraction (LEED) from (2x1) surface structure on a (100) plane

Finally, an optical analogue of LEED is demonstrated in the applet below. Although the pattern shown on the right is the result (exact) of light passing through a set of apertures shown on the left, the outcome is identical with that reflected from a set of apertures, i.e. done in the same geometry as a LEED experiment. All the simple conclusions from the paragraph above can be demonstrated, as well as the more complicated issues associated with the effect of the shape of the individual objects on the intensities. However, since the calculated pattern is only for a limited number of objects, effects of the finite size of the array can also be seen. These can be minimized by setting the number of horixontal and vertical slits to the maximum valur of 11 and mainly take the form of additional features in between the main diffraction spots. This calculation is a large one and may be quite slow. It may therefore be worth downloading it. (Applet is in "twoD.jar" and controlling program is "TwoDAppletJ.html". Setting the parameter "alias" to 1 introduces aliasing, which greatly improves the quality of the picture but uses more computer power.)

Intensities in Diffraction

All the discussion so far has been only of the lattice and the positions of diffraction peaks. Although this is what you most need to understand for the purposes of LEED and surfaces, it is only the first step in determining structure using diffraction methods. The lattice symmetry is determined by the positions of the the diffraction peaks but structure is determined from the intensities of the diffraction spots (or peaks). Only a very brief outline is given here.

Associated with each point of the lattice is a repeating unit. The structure of the solid is generated by combining this unit with the repeat structure of the lattice. Two examples are given alongside. One is the CsCl structure (Cs+ in red, Cl− in green) which is simple cubic (it is often mistakenly identified by students as body centred) and the repeating unit is a single CsCl with the configuration shown on the right. The whole structure can be generated by placing this unit at each of the lattice points of the simple cubic structure. The second example is NaCl, whose lattice is face centred cubic and once again the repeating unit is a single NaCl, but now oriented differently with respect to the lattice. (There are other possible choices for the repeating NaCl unit.)
the repeating unit in the NaCl and CsCl cystal structures

The first step in calculating the intensity is to sum the scattering from each of the atoms in the repeating unit but in the framework of the particular Bragg reflection being considered. For example, for the (100) reflection of CsCl, the scattering of the Cl− is exactly out of phase with that from the Cs+ because it occurs exactly halfway between the (100) planes. Hence the contribution of the repeating unit to the amplitude of the scattering is fCs − fCl. (Note that if the atoms were identical, as in a true body centred cubic structure, this amplitude would be zero.) The intensity of the (100) peak is just the square of this amplitude. For the (200) peak the amplitude (usually called the structure factor) would be fCs + fCl. These are trivial examples and it is evident that, if the repeating unit is a complex organic molecule (or several molecules) or a protein, that the calculations become very complex.

The relation of intensity to structure relies on the radiation only being scattered once. It is quite easy to realize that if the rays used in the Bragg reflection construction were scattered twice or more (multiple scattering), the geometrical relationships between them would be difficult to work out. The chances of multiple scattering occurring increase rapidly, the more strongly the radiation is scattered. The whole sensitive of LEED to surfaces is based on very strong scattering. Hence, it is very difficult to calculate structure from the intensities in LEED patterns and this is why a simple analysis does not, for example, reveal where a lattice of adsorbed atoms lies in relation to the underlying substrate. However, methods now exist, using long computations, that are able to determined structure from LEED in many cases.
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电 火花线切割加工模具已在模具制造中得到广泛应用。然而,线切割加工时也会对模具表面造成某些负面影响,在线切割的瞬时高温和工作液的快速冷却作用下,模具 表面经线切割后会形成变质层,使表面硬度下降,并产生显微裂纹等弊病,严重影响模具的制造质量和使用寿命,应引起足够重视。
一 变质层的形成
电火花线切割是利用瞬间放电能量的热效应,使工件材料熔化、蒸发达到尺寸要求的加工方法。由于线切割的工作液多采用具有介电作用的液体,因此在加工过程中 还伴有一定的电解作用。切割时的热效应和电解作用,通常使加工表面产生一定厚度的变质层,如表层硬度降低,出现显微裂纹等,致使线切割加工的模具易发生早 期磨损,直接影响模具冲裁间隙的保持以及模具刃口容易崩刃,缩短了模具的使用寿命。
二 变质层的影响因素
1、工件材料的金相组织及元素成份由于电火花的放电作用,使工件材料表面层的金相组织发生了明显的变化,形成不连续的。厚度不均匀的变质层。它与工件材 料、电极丝材料、脉冲电源和工作液等到参数有关。经金相组织分析,变质层中残留了大奥氏体。在使用钼丝电极丝和含碳工作液时,经光谱分析和电子探针检测, 在变质层内,钼和碳元素的含量大幅度增加;而使用铜丝电极丝和去离子水的工作液时,发现变质层内铜元素含量增加,而无渗碳现象。
2、变质层的厚度通常,变质层的厚度随脉冲能量的增大而变厚。因电火花放电过程的随机性,在相同的加工条件下,变质层的厚度往往是不均匀的,从有关试件所 测得的变质层厚度的数据表明,线切割电规准对变质层厚度有明显的影响。例如:电极丝为黄铜丝,低速走丝(0.6m/s)加工电压60V,电流5.5A,变 质层厚度最大值为 20.0μm,平均增为13.8μm。
3、显微硬度明显下降,并出现显微裂纹由于变质层金相组织和元素含量的变化,使工件表面的显微硬度明显下降。例如在去离子水中进行电火花线切割加工后,工 件表面硬度值由线切割前的970HV下降到线切割加工后的670HV,通常在距表面十几微米的深度内出现了线切割的软化层。同时,表面变质层一般存在拉应 力,会出现显微裂纹。尤其是切割硬质合金时,在常规的电规准参数条件下,更容易出现裂纹,并存在空洞。危害极大。
三 显微裂纹的形成机理与预防措施
为防止模具表面产生显微裂纹,应对钢材热加工(铸、锻)、热处理直到制成模具的各个环节都要充分关注和重视,并采取相应的措施。①在线切割加工前的热处 理,应不免材料过热、渗碳、脱碳等现象;②线切割时应优化电规准:1)采用高峰值窄脉冲电参数,使工件材料以气相抛出,气化热大大高于融化热,以带走大部 分热量,避免工件表面过热;2)有效地进行逐个脉冲检测,控制好集中放电脉冲串的长度,也可解决局部过热问题,消除显微裂纹的产生;3)脉冲能量对显微裂 纹的影响极其明显,能量越大,显微裂纹则越宽越深;脉冲能量很小时,例如采用精加工电规准,表面粗糙度值小于Ra1.25μm,一般不易出现显微裂纹;③ 工作液中的电蚀产物(如液渣等)常会导致集中放电,形成显微裂纹。
此外,在线切割加工中心,为了预防裂纹和变形,加工条件也应慎重选择,尤其是对于那些大型、厚壁、形状复杂、厚度不均匀的模具零件,宜采用多次切割法,这 是减少和去除表面缺陷的一种非常有效的方法。以及应选择叫平坦,易精加工或对工件性能影响不大的部位设置线切割的起始点,这也很重要。对于有些要求高的模 具,可采用多种有效措施,在线切割加工后把表面变质层抛除、研磨掉,提高零件的表面质量。
四 结语
BW 碧威股份有限公司針對客戶端改善切削方式、提供專業切削CNC數控刀具專業能力、製造客戶需求如:Cutting tool、切削刀具、HSS Cutting tool、Carbide end mills、Carbide cutting tool、NAS Cutting tool、Carbide end mill、Aerospace cutting tool、Carbide drill、High speed steel、Milling cutter、Core drill、鎢鋼銑刀、航太刀具、鎢鋼鑽頭、高速剛、鉸刀、中心鑽頭、Taperd end mills、斜度銑刀、Metric end mills、公制銑刀、Miniature end mills、微小徑銑刀、鎢鋼切削刀具、Pilot reamer、領先鉸刀、Electronics cutter、電子用切削刀具、Step drill、階梯鑽頭、Metal cutting saw、金屬圓鋸片、Double margin drill、領先階梯鑽頭、Gun barrel、Angle milling cutter、角度銑刀、Carbide burrs、滾磨刀、Carbide tipped cutter、銲刃刀具、Chamfering tool、倒角銑刀、IC card engraving cutter、IC晶片卡刀、Side cutter、側銑刀、NAS tool、DIN tool、德國規範切削刀具、Special tool、特殊刀具、Metal slitting saws、Shell end mills、滾筒銑刀、Side and face milling cutters、Side chip clearance saws、交叉齒側銑刀、Long end mills、長刃銑刀、Stub roughing end mills、粗齒銑刀、Dovetail milling cutters、鳩尾刀具、Carbide slot drills、Carbide torus cutters、鎢鋼圓鼻銑刀、Angeled carbide end mills、角度鎢鋼銑刀、Carbide torus cutters、短刃平銑刀、Carbide ball-noseed slot drills、鎢鋼球頭銑刀、Mould cutter、模具用刀具、BW微型渦流管槍、Tool manufacturer、刀具製造商等相關切削刀具、以服務客戶改善工廠加工條件、爭加競爭力。歡迎尋購~~~碧威股份有限公司www.tool- tool.com

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Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com
Reference source from the internet.
1. 对图样进行分析和审核
1. 冲模间隙和过渡圆半径的确定
合 理确定过渡圆半径。为了提高一般冷冲模具的使用寿命,在线线、线圆、远远相交处,特别是小角度的拐角上都应加过渡圆。过渡圆的大小可根据冲裁材料厚度、模 具形状和要求寿命及冲制件的技术条件考虑,随着冲制件的曾厚,过渡圆亦可相应增大。一般可在0.1—0.5㎜范围内选用。
2. 计算和编写加工程序
3. 穿制加工用的程序纸带和校对纸带
根 据程序单把纸带制作完毕后,一定把程序单与制作好的纸带逐条进行校对,用校对好的纸带把程序输入控制器后才能试切样板,对简单有把握的工件可以直接加工。 对尺寸精度要求高、凸凹模配合间隙小的模具,必须要用薄料试切,从事切件上可检查其精度和配合间隙。如发现不符合要求,应及时分析,找出问题,修改程序直 至合格后才能正式加工模具。这一步骤是避免工件报废的一个重要环节。
BW 碧威股份有限公司針對客戶端改善切削方式、提供專業切削CNC數控刀具專業能力、製造客戶需求如:Cutting tool、切削刀具、HSS Cutting tool、Carbide end mills、Carbide cutting tool、NAS Cutting tool、Carbide end mill、Aerospace cutting tool、Carbide drill、High speed steel、Milling cutter、Core drill、鎢鋼銑刀、航太刀具、鎢鋼鑽頭、高速剛、鉸刀、中心鑽頭、Taperd end mills、斜度銑刀、Metric end mills、公制銑刀、Miniature end mills、微小徑銑刀、鎢鋼切削刀具、Pilot reamer、領先鉸刀、Electronics cutter、電子用切削刀具、Step drill、階梯鑽頭、Metal cutting saw、金屬圓鋸片、Double margin drill、領先階梯鑽頭、Gun barrel、Angle milling cutter、角度銑刀、Carbide burrs、滾磨刀、Carbide tipped cutter、銲刃刀具、Chamfering tool、倒角銑刀、IC card engraving cutter、IC晶片卡刀、Side cutter、側銑刀、NAS tool、DIN tool、德國規範切削刀具、Special tool、特殊刀具、Metal slitting saws、Shell end mills、滾筒銑刀、Side and face milling cutters、Side chip clearance saws、交叉齒側銑刀、Long end mills、長刃銑刀、Stub roughing end mills、粗齒銑刀、Dovetail milling cutters、鳩尾刀具、Carbide slot drills、Carbide torus cutters、鎢鋼圓鼻銑刀、Angeled carbide end mills、角度鎢鋼銑刀、Carbide torus cutters、短刃平銑刀、Carbide ball-noseed slot drills、鎢鋼球頭銑刀、Mould cutter、模具用刀具、BW微型渦流管槍、Tool manufacturer、刀具製造商等相關切削刀具、以服務客戶改善工廠加工條件、爭加競爭力。歡迎尋購~~~碧威股份有限公司www.tool- tool.com

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