Reference source from the internet. Bewise Inc.
目 前国内外转炉广泛采用的是铸造喷头,组合式喷头是喷头的第三代产品。国外和国内引进的组合式喷头为锻压成型的,喷头寿命比铸造喷头高4倍以上,但价格昂 贵。 我公司开发研制的组合式喷头是挤压成型的,喷头端部和氧柱挤压成一体的二箱结构形式,与国外的三箱结构具有结构和制造工艺简单,焊缝减少,安全性提高,组 合方式和成型方法为国内外首创,使用效果达到同类产品的国际先进水平,寿命达到铸造喷头的1-4.37倍,价格比国外喷头大大降低。此产品已获四项国家专 利。
喷头铜的纯度: Cu 99.6%
密 度:≥9.11g/cm3
分流头与氧柱铜搭接的最大拉力:12.99 -13.58KN/cm2
Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy users’ demand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, ,,,etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, it’s our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: utting tool、aerospace tool .HSS Cutting tool、Carbide end mills、Carbide cutting tool、NAS Cutting tool、Carbide end mill、Aerospace cutting tool、Carbide drill、High speed steel、Milling cutter、Core drill、Taperd end mills、Metric end mills、Miniature end mills、Pilot reamer、Electronics cutter、Step drill、Metal cutting saw、Double margin drill、Gun barrel、Angle milling cutter、Carbide burrs、Carbide tipped cutter、Chamfering tool、IC card engraving cutter、Side cutter、NAS tool、DIN tool、Special tool、Metal slitting saws、Shell end mills、Side and face milling cutters、Side chip clearance saws、Long end mills、Stub roughing end mills、Dovetail milling cutters、Carbide slot drills、Carbide torus cutters、Angeled carbide end mills、Carbide torus cutters、Carbide ball-noseed slot drills、Mould cutter、Tool manufacturer.
Bewise Inc.
- Apr 26 Thu 2007 09:07