Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com Reference source from the internet.
Mil Mi-24D (Hind D)
Tip Jurišni helikopter
Proizvođač Mil
Probni let 1970.
Uveden u uporabu 1974.
Status u uporabi
Prvotni korisnik sovjetska armija
Broj primjeraka cca. 2000
Inačice Mi-25
Najveća brzina 335 km/h
Promjer rotora 17,3 m
Dužina 17,5 m
Dolet 450 km
Težina zrakoplova 8.500 kg
Maksimalna težina 12.000 kg
Motor 2 turbo-osovinska motora po 1.600 kW

Mil Mi-24 je veliki jurišni helikopter, ali i manji transportni helikopter (može prevest do 8 vojnika). Prvotno je proizveden za sovjetsko ratno zrakoplovstvo (od 1976.), a danas je u sastavu ruske i tridesetak drugih nacionalnih vojski. Mi-24 je najrasprostranjeniji borbeni helikopter na svijetu.

NATO-va oznaka mu je Hind, a njegove inačice se označavaju sa dodatnim slovima. Izvozne inačice, Mi-25 i Mi-35, označavaju se kao Hind D i Hind E u NATO-voj klasifikaciji. Sovjetski piloti nazivali su ga letayushiy tank (leteći tenk), a često i krokodil.

Helikopter je bio u sastavu Hrvatskog ratnog zrakoplovstva do 2006. godine, kada su zbog skupog održavanja i nedostatka rezervnih djelova, prizemljeni i otpisani te će biti prodani za rezervne djelove u treće zemlje.

Razvoj [uredi]

Projekt na kojem se temelji nastanak Mi-24 nastao je iz zamisli sovjetskih vojnih stratega, odnosno njihove želji za stvaranjem letećeg borbenog vozila za pješaštvo, nakon što se početkom šestdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća uočila velika mogućnost primjene helikoptera u vojne svrhe. Mikail Leontjevič Mil krenuo je u smjeru razvoja helikopotera koji će pored mogućnosti prijevoza manje skupine vojnika, biti i u mogućnosti pružiti vatrenu potporu.

Prototip helikoptera izrađen je u lipnju 1969. godine. Rabljeni su mnogi dijelovi s već isprobanog helikoptera Mi-8, ali i mornaričke inačice Mi-14, kako bi se dobilo na vremenu, ali i na nižoj cijeni razvoja cijelog projekta. Tako su preuzeti sustavi upravljanja i prijenosa snage, glavni i repni rotor, smještaj motora, te sam motor TV3-117 (s Mi-14), koji je bio jedan od najboljih motora za helikoptere u svijetu.

Karakteristike [uredi]

  • Težina
    • normalna: 8.500 kg
    • maksimalna poletna: 12.000 kg
  • Brzina leta
    • maksimalna: 335 km/h
    • brzina krstarenja: 280 km/h
  • Najveća visina
    • lebdjenja: 2200 m
    • leta: 4570 m
  • Dolet
    • normalan: 450 km
    • s dopunskim spremnicima: 1000 km
  • Pogon
    • tip motora: 2 x TV3 - 117VMA
    • maksimalna snaga: 2 x 2225 KS
  • Promjer rotora
    • nosećeg: 17,3 m
    • repnog: 3,908 m
  • Raspon krila: 6,54 m

Trup je užeg presjeka i omogućava smještaj osam potpuno opremljenih vojnika u svojem stražnjem dijelu, te posadu u djelomično odvojenom prednjem dijelu. Postavljenjem oklopne zaštite za posadu i vitalne dijelove helikoptera, Mi-24 postao je neranjiv za sve vrste lakog pješačkog naoružanja. Teretni prostor, kao i pilotska kabina je pod tlakom, čija je prvenstvena namjena pri konstruiranju helikoptera bila zaštita posade i putnika helikoptera od utjecaja kemijskih i bioloških agenasa. Ulazak putnika, te pojedinog člana posade omogućen je kroz zasebna vrata, a teretni prostor ima četiri prozorska otvora na svakoj strani trupa, ponajprije namijenjenih za mogućnost otvaranja strojničke paljbe.

Posada je u prvim inačicama (Mi-24A) bila smještena jedan pored drugog, u zajedničkoj kabini. U kasnijim inačicama, operater oružnih sustava sjedio je u prednjem dijelu kabine, pilot iza njega desno, a uz njih u kabini se nalazio i letač mehaničar. Operativnom uporabom Mi-24A dokazana je loša strana ove koncepcije, jer su oba člana posade, naročito pilot imali lošu vidljivost, a ravna stakla pilotske kabine uzrokovala su iritirajuće refleksije svjetla. Na svim kasnijim inačicama pilotska kabina pilota i kabina operatera oružanih sustava postavljene su u tandemu, jedan iza drugog, međusobno odvojene protupožarnim zidom, dok je letač mehaničar smješten iza sjedišta pilota u teretnom prostoru. Stakla kabine su dobila kapljičasti oblik, pri čemu su jedino prednja stakla izrađena kao ravne površine. Obje kabine opremljene su upravljačkim komandama.

Vizualno najvažnije obilježje ovog helikoptera su njegova krila koja pored funkcije nošenja naoružanja te podvjesnog tereta, sudjeluju i u stvaranju uzgona (kao i kod aviona), čime sudjeluju u rasterećenju rotora čak do 25%, dakako ovisno o režimu leta, ostavljajući time višak snage za postizanje većih brzina, ali i većeg doleta.

Na repu helikoptera smješteni su nesimetrični vertikalni stabilizator, repni rotor, te simetrični pomični horizontalni stabilizatori, koji se tijekom leta automatski pomiču radi bolje upravljivosti, ali i radi zadržavanja pogodnijeg kuta helikoptera tijekom leta na većim brzinama.

Kotači stajnog trapa su radi pružanja manjeg otpora potpuno uvlačivi, osim nosnog kotača koji je poluuvlačeći.

Inačice [uredi]

  • V-24 (Hind) - prva inačica helikoptera, izrađeno ih je 12 komada.
  • Mi-24 (Hind-A) - prva verzija koja je ušla u serijsku proizvodnju.
  • Mi-24A (Hind-B)
  • Mi-24U (Hind-C) - školski helikopter, bez naoružanja.
  • Mi-24D (Hind-D) - najraširenija verzija
  • Mi-24DU - školski helikopter s dvostrukim komandama
  • Mi-24V (Hind-E)
  • Mi-24P (Hind-F)
  • Mi-24RKR (Hind-G1) - NBKO izvidnički model, izrađen za prikupljanje radijacijskih, bioloških i kemijskih uzoraka. Prvi put se mogao vidjeti za vrijeme Černobilske nesreće. Također je poznat kao Mi-24R, Mi-24RR and Mi-24RKh (Rch).
  • Mi-24K (Hind-G2) : izvidničko - promatrački helikopter.
  • Mi-24VM - nadograđeni Mi-24V s poboljšanom opremom za noćne operacije.
  • Mi-24PM - nadograđeno Mi-24P koji koristi istu tehnologiju kao Mi-24VM.
  • Mi-24PN
  • Mi-24PS : policijska inačica.
  • Mi-24E : inačica za istraživanje okoliša.
  • Mi-25 - izvozna inačica Mi-24D.
  • Mi-35 - izvozna inačica Mi-24V.
  • Mi-24W : poljski naziv za Mi-24V.
  • Mi-35P - izvozna inačica Mi-24P.
  • Mi-35U - školska nenaoružana verzija Mi-35.
  • Mi-24 SuperHind Mk II - modernizirana zapadna varijanta južnoafričke tvrtke ATE
  • Mi-24 SuperHind Mk III/IV - široka nadogranja izvornog Mi-24

Budućnost [uredi]

Tijekom svoje dugogodišnje karijere Mi-24 se dokazao kao učinkovito oružje, što je potvrđeno u mnogim oružanim sukobima diljem svijeta. Međutim, bez suvremene opreme i naoružanja njegova iskoristivost na današnjoj bojišnici bitno je umanjuje. Naime, raspadom nekadašnjeg Istočnog bloka europske države koje su u svojem naoružanju već posjedovale Mi-24 suočile su se sa suvremenim zahtjevima koji se stavljaju pred korisnike Mi-24, što znači znatno povećanje ne samo borbenih mogućnosti, već i kompatibilnosti u djelovanju s vojskama u čijem se inventaru nalazi naoružanje temeljeno na zapadnoj tehnologiji.

Trenutačno najveća prepreka ovog helikoptera za zajedničko djelovanje unutar NATO-vih snaga, očituje se ponajprije u nekompatibilnoj navigacijskoj i komunikacijskoj opremi, te sustavu identifikacije (IFF), koju je nužno modernizirati radi ispunjavanja navedenih uvjeta.

Znatnu ulogu u određivanju vrste modernizacije velikim dijelom imaju planovi dugogodišnjeg razvoja zračnih snaga, jer ukoliko zemlje korisnice Mi-24 žele u bliskoj budućnosti prijeći na helikoptere zapadne proizvodnje, tada je primarni cilj modernizacije, opremiti Mi-24 sa sustavima i opremom koja će zahtijevati minimalne troškove kao i minimalno vrijeme potrebno za inače zahtjevnu transformaciju na zapadnu tehnologiju.

Danas je razvijena široka lepeza opreme koja se može ugraditi u Mi-24 u svrhu njegove modernizacije, od raznih proizvođača poput: ELBIT Systems (Izrael), IAI (Izrael), ATE (Južnoafrička Republika), SAGEM (Francuska), BAE System (Velika Britanija), AVIAKON (Ukrajina), te ruske tvrtke Rostvertol i Mil.

歡迎來到Bewise Inc.的世界,首先恭喜您來到這接受新的資訊讓產業更有競爭力,我們是提供專業刀具製造商,應對客戶高品質的刀具需求,我們可以協助客戶滿足您對產業的不同要求,我們有能力達到非常卓越的客戶需求品質,這是現有相關技術無法比擬的,我們成功的滿足了各行各業的要求,包括:精密HSS DIN切削刀具協助客戶設計刀具流程DIN or JIS 鎢鋼切削刀具設計NAS986 NAS965 NAS897 NAS937orNAS907 航太切削刀具,NAS航太刀具設計超高硬度的切削刀具醫療配件刀具設計汽車業刀具設計電子產業鑽石刀具木工產業鑽石刀具等等。我們的產品涵蓋了從民生刀具到工業級的刀具設計;從微細刀具到大型刀具;從小型生產到大型量產;全自動整合;我們的技術可提供您連續生產的效能,我們整體的服務及卓越的技術,恭迎您親自體驗!!

BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen willy@tool-tool.com bw@tool-tool.com www.tool-tool.com skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 http://www.tool-tool..com / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy users demand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting toolaerospace tool .HSS DIN Cutting toolCarbide end millsCarbide cutting toolNAS Cutting toolNAS986 NAS965 NAS897 NAS937orNAS907 Cutting Tools,Carbide end milldisc milling cutter,Aerospace cutting toolhss drillФрезерыCarbide drillHigh speed steelMilling cutterCVDD(Chemical Vapor Deposition Diamond )’PCBN (Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride) Core drillTapered end millsCVD Diamond Tools Inserts’PCD Edge-Beveling Cutter(Golden FingerPCD V-CutterPCD Wood toolsPCD Cutting toolsPCD Circular Saw BladePVDD End Millsdiamond tool Single Crystal Diamond Metric end millsMiniature end millsСпециальные режущие инструменты Пустотелое сверло Pilot reamerFraisesFresas con mango PCD (Polycrystalline diamond) ‘FreseElectronics cutterStep drillMetal cutting sawDouble margin drillGun barrelAngle milling cutterCarbide burrsCarbide tipped cutterChamfering toolIC card engraving cutterSide cutterNAS toolDIN or JIS toolSpecial toolMetal slitting sawsShell end millsSide and face milling cuttersSide chip clearance sawsLong end millsStub roughing end millsDovetail milling cuttersCarbide slot drillsCarbide torus cuttersAngel carbide end millsCarbide torus cuttersCarbide ball-nosed slot drillsMould cutterTool manufacturer.

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com

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(2)Carbide Cutting tools設計








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Mi-24P הינד F

Mi-24P הינד F

מי-24 (כינוי נאט"ו: "הינד") הוא מסוק תקיפה כבד בעל יכולת הובלת חיילים שפותח בברית המועצות על ידי חברת מיל.

המי-24 הוא בין מסוקי התקיפה הראשונים מתוצרת ברית המועצות, שהוכיח תפיסה שונה של הרוסים באשר למושג זה. הוא נכנס לשירות החל משנת 1976.

שלא כמקביליו במערב, אין המסוק צר וזרמי. מבנהו רחב, והדגמים הראשונים שלו מותקנים כמסוקי סער לנשיאת 8 חיילים בנוסף ל-4 אנשי הצוות. עם זאת, חמוש המסוק בדגמיו המאוחרים בתותח גחון 4 קני, ובמשגרים לטילי נ"ט,פצצות ורקטות מתחת לכנפיו הקצרות. המסוק סופק גם למדינות ערב, ונטל חלק בקרבות מול כוחות המורדים באפגניסטן.

[עריכה] מאפיינים

מערכת ההנעה הבסיסית של המסוק נלקחה מהמי-8 (היפ H), כולל צמד מנועי הטורבינה על גג המסוק המניעים רוטור יחיד בן חמישה להבים בקוטר 17.3 מטר ורוטור זנב בן 3 להבים. מיקום המנועים וכונסיהם מקנה למסוק את צלליתו הקדמית האופיינית, הנשלטת גם על ידי תאי הטייסים השוכנים זה מעל זה בתצורת טאנדם. אלמנטים אחרים במסוק הגיעו מהמי-14.

בנוסף הותקנו במסוק כנפיים קצרות המספקות עילוי ונקודות לתליית חימוש (3 בכל צד). גוף המסוק משוריין בלוחות טיטניום, כמו גם הרוטור העמיד בפגיעת קליעים עד קוטר 12.7 מ"מ (חצי אינץ'). תאי הצוות מדוחסים להגנת הצוות בתנאי אב"כ. המסוק הינו בעל כן נסע גלגלי תלת אופני מתקפל.

[עריכה] בעיות

משקלו הכבד של המי-24 וגודלו מגבילים את יכולת התמרון ואת הטווח שלו. בפניות הדוקות המסוק מתגלגל בשיעור גבוה עקב אובדן העילוי בכנפיים, וזאת אחת מהסיבות לתורת ההפעלה הרוסית, שלפיה פעלו המסוקים תמיד בצמדים או בקבוצות גדולות יותר, תוך תקיפה ממספר כיוונים בבת אחת.

בעיה נוספת היא אפשרות פגיעת הרוטור הראשי בזנב במהלך תמרונים חריפים, ואי היכולת לרחף במטען מלא.

[עריכה] נתונים טכניים (הינד D)

מסוק מי-24 הינד

מסוק מי-24 הינד
  • אורך (גוף): 17.5 מטר
  • גובה (כן נסע פתוח): 6.5 מטר
  • מוטת כנפיים: 6.5 מטר
  • קוטר רוטור ראשי: 17.3 מטר
  • משקל: 8.5 טון (ריק) עד 12 טון (משקל המראה מרבי)
  • מנוע: שניים, טורבינות איזוטוב TV-3 , 2,200 כ"ס כל אחד.
  • מהירות (משוערת): 335 קמ"ש מרבית, 260 קמ"ש בשיוט
  • תקרת שירות: 4,500 מטר , 1,500 מטר בריחוף
  • צוות: 2
  • מטען: 8 חיילים או 4 אלונקות
  • חימוש: מקלע רב קני יקושב-בורזוב YakB 12.7 מ"מ, 4 טילי נ"ט, מיכלי דלק, פצצות או פודי רקטות 57 מ"מ במשקל כולל של עד 1,500 ק"ג
  • טווח: 450 ק"מ

歡迎來到Bewise Inc.的世界,首先恭喜您來到這接受新的資訊讓產業更有競爭力,我們是提供專業刀具製造商,應對客戶高品質的刀具需求,我們可以協助客戶滿足您對產業的不同要求,我們有能力達到非常卓越的客戶需求品質,這是現有相關技術無法比擬的,我們成功的滿足了各行各業的要求,包括:精密HSS DIN切削刀具協助客戶設計刀具流程DIN or JIS 鎢鋼切削刀具設計NAS986 NAS965 NAS897 NAS937orNAS907 航太切削刀具,NAS航太刀具設計超高硬度的切削刀具醫療配件刀具設計汽車業刀具設計電子產業鑽石刀具木工產業鑽石刀具等等。我們的產品涵蓋了從民生刀具到工業級的刀具設計;從微細刀具到大型刀具;從小型生產到大型量產;全自動整合;我們的技術可提供您連續生產的效能,我們整體的服務及卓越的技術,恭迎您親自體驗!!

BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen willy@tool-tool.com bw@tool-tool.com www.tool-tool.com skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 http://www.tool-tool..com / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy users demand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting toolaerospace tool .HSS DIN Cutting toolCarbide end millsCarbide cutting toolNAS Cutting toolNAS986 NAS965 NAS897 NAS937orNAS907 Cutting Tools,Carbide end milldisc milling cutter,Aerospace cutting toolhss drillФрезерыCarbide drillHigh speed steelMilling cutterCVDD(Chemical Vapor Deposition Diamond )’PCBN (Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride) Core drillTapered end millsCVD Diamond Tools Inserts’PCD Edge-Beveling Cutter(Golden FingerPCD V-CutterPCD Wood toolsPCD Cutting toolsPCD Circular Saw BladePVDD End Millsdiamond tool Single Crystal Diamond Metric end millsMiniature end millsСпециальные режущие инструменты Пустотелое сверло Pilot reamerFraisesFresas con mango PCD (Polycrystalline diamond) ‘FreseElectronics cutterStep drillMetal cutting sawDouble margin drillGun barrelAngle milling cutterCarbide burrsCarbide tipped cutterChamfering toolIC card engraving cutterSide cutterNAS toolDIN or JIS toolSpecial toolMetal slitting sawsShell end millsSide and face milling cuttersSide chip clearance sawsLong end millsStub roughing end millsDovetail milling cuttersCarbide slot drillsCarbide torus cuttersAngel carbide end millsCarbide torus cuttersCarbide ball-nosed slot drillsMould cutterTool manufacturer.

Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com

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Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com Reference source from the internet.
Silhouette d'un hélicoptère Mi-24D Hind
Rôle Hélicoptère de combat et transport léger
Constructeur Mil
Premier vol 19 septembre 1969
Mise en service 1972
Date de retrait Toujours en service
Coût unitaire
Nombre construit +2 500
2/3 + 8 soldats
Moteur Klimov (Isotov) TV3-117
Nombre 2
Type Turbomoteur
Puissance unitaire 2 200 ch
Nombre de pales 5
Diamètre du rotor 17,30 m
Longueur 17,51 m
Hauteur 4,44 m
À vide 8 400 kg
Charge utile kg
Carburant kg
Avec armement 11 100 kg
Maximale 12 500 kg
Vitesse de croisière 260 km/h
Vitesse maximale 310 km/h
Plafond 4 500 m
Plafond avec effet de sol m
Plafond sans effet de sol m
Vitesse ascensionnelle m/min
Distance franchissable 750 km
Distance de convoyage km
Interne Canon gatling à 4 fûts de 12,7 mm JakB
Externe 4 paniers à roquettes UV-32-57 de 57 mm
4 missiles anti-chars 9M114 (AT-6 Spiral)
Pod de visée optronique KPS-53A, IFF, lance-leurres infrarouge

Le Mi-24 (code OTAN Hind) est un hélicoptère de combat soviétique du constructeur Mil avec une capacité de transport léger.

Plus de 2 500 exemplaires du Hind ont été produits et vendus à travers le monde. Ils ont été engagés dans de nombreux conflits, dont la guerre en Afghanistan de 1979/1988, la guerre Iran-Irak, les guerres de Tchétchénie et dans la guerre civile au Tchad en 2008.

Conception [modifier]

L'étude du Mi-24 commença dans le seconde moitié des années 1960. 12 prototypes furent construits. Le premier effectua son premier vol le 19 septembre 1969. La production de série débuta en 1972, c'est seulement à ce moment là que les occidentaux découvrirent l'existence du projet et seulement en 1974 que les premières photos leurs parvinrent.

Les Mi-24 étaient assemblés dans les usines de Rostov et d'Arsenyev.

Versions [modifier]

Versions de série [modifier]

  • Mi-24 (appelé V-24 par Mil et aussi codé Izdéliyé 240) Hind-B : prototypes et appareils de présérie avec ailes horizontales et sans point d'emport de missiles (seulement 4 points type BD3-57Kr-V pour roquettes). Rotor de queue du côté droit. Premier vol en 1969. Elle a été appelée Hind-B par l'OTAN car elle a été découverte après le Mi-24 de série.
    • A-10 : V-24 modifié en 1975 comme version de records : ailes supprimées. Plusieurs records franchis par un équipage féminin. Tests ultérieurs avec un fenestron.
  • Mi-24A (Izdéliyé 245) Hind-A : version de série avec ailes inclinées comportant des points d'emport pour missiles antichar 9M17M (AT-2B Swatter) guidés manuellement avec le système 9K8 Falanga-M (alias Skorpion) ; cockpit redessiné avec un équipage de trois personnes; Montage mobile de mitrailleuse NUV-1 avec mitrailleuse monotube Afanasyev TKB-481 de 12,7 mm. Deux prototypes construits en greffant le nouveau nez sur des V-24. Production à l'usine d'Arsenyev à partir de 1970.
  • Mi-24B (Izdéliyé 241) Hind-A : version légèrement améliorée avec FLIR et TV bas niveau de lumière gyrostabilisés, mitrailleuse Yakoushev/Borzov 9A624 (alias TKB-063) quadritube de 12,7 mm montée dans une tourelle USPU-24, missiles 9M17P (AT-2C Swatter) à guidage SACLOS 9K8 Falanga-PV (alias Fleyta). Un prototype construit à partir d'un MI624A mais le projet a été abandonné et remplacé par le Mi-24D.
  • Mi-24U (Izdéliyé 241) Hind-C : version d'entraînement sans canon ni point d'emport sous les ailes
  • Mi-24F (Izdéliyé 245M) Hind-A : nouveau rotor de queue sur le coté gauche plus efficace ; ce rotor sera monté sur toutes les versions suivantes du Mi-24. Modifications mineures : antenne de l'IFF SRO-2M Khrom Odd Rods déplacée sur le radiateur d'huile, échappement de l'APU allongée et courbée vers le bas, sept nervures de rigidification ajoutées sur le fuselage près des ailes.

La production des Mi-24 avec cockpit anguleux fut d'environ 240 appareils et prit fin en 1974.

  • Mi-24D (Izdéliyé 246) Hind-D : version intermédiaire en attente du Mi-24V (le missile 9M114 (AT-6 Spiral) n'était pas opérationnel). Optimisé pour l'attaque mais conservant la cabine de huit places dans le fuselage ; avant complètement refait avec cockpit biplace en tandem (tireur à l'avant, pilote à l'arrière) dans des cockpits blindés. Système d'armes hérité des Mi-24A/B (pod de visée optronique KPS-53A, longue sonde de données aérodynamiques, tourelle de mitrailleuse USPU-24, missiles 9M17P (AT-2C Swatter) avec système de guidage Falanga-P), possibilité de fixer des réservoirs de carburant largables de 500 litres sur les points d'emport d'armement, train d'atterrissage modifié. Premier vol en 1973. Environ 350 appareils construits.
    • Mi-25 : version export du Mi-24D. Les appareils destinés à l'Afghanistan, l'Angola, à Cuba, à l'Inde et au Pérou (liste non-exhaustive) sont de ce type.
    • Mi-24DU (Izdéliyé 249) : version d'entraînement à double commande et sans tourelle mitrailleuse.
    • Mi-24PTRK : banc d'essais en vol pour le système de tir 9K113 Shturm-V pour le missile


Mil Mi-24

Mil Mi-24
Mil Mi-24D polonais

Mil Mi-24D polonais
  • Mi-24V (Izdéliyé 242) Hind-E : version spécialisée dans le combat (bien que le compartiment à passagers soit conservé). Moteurs TV3-117V améliorés de 2 190 cv, utilisés avec des filtres PZU depuis 1981 et des disperseurs d'infrarouges à partir de 1984 (surtout en Afghanistan) ; de plus un brouilleur IR L-166V-11E Ispanka ou SOEP-V1A Lipa est monté à l'arrière des moteurs. Sur les derniers appareils, montage du détecteur de radar L-006LM Beryoza et remplacement de l'IFF par le SRO-1P Parol ; montage des radios VHF R-863 et R-828. Viseur ASP-17V pour le pilote, HUD pour le tireur ; système de guidage 9K113 Shturm-V des missiles plus volumineux sous le cockpit combiné aux missiles 9M114 (AT-6 Spiral). Utilisation possible de missiles air-air R-60 (AA-8 Aphid), mais leurs faibles performances contre des objectifs à basse altitude à émissions IR limitées (en fait les adversaires aériens que le Hind pourrait rencontrer en opération) fit qu'ils n'ont pas armé les Mi-24 dans les unités. Toutefois, après l'atterrissage du pilote allemand Mathias Rust en Cessna sur la Place Rouge à Moscou le 28 mai 1987, des unités de Mi-24V ont été équipées de R-60 et utilisées pour l'interception de cibles venant de la Baltique à basse altitude. Les livraisons de l'appareil ont commencé le 29 mars 1976 ; environ 1 000 appareils ont été produits aux usines d'Arseneyev et de Rostov de 1976 à 1986.
    • Mi-35 : version export
    • Mi-24VD (D pour Dorabotanni, Terminator) : banc d'essais en vol produit en 1985 pour tester un armement tirant vers l'arrière. En effet, en Afghanistan les Mi-24 avaient pour tactique de foncer sur leur objectif en le mitraillant, puis le dépasser, faire demi-tour et recommencer. Les moudjahidines avaient tendance à se planquer pendant la phase de tir et ensuite de tirer sur le Mi-24 lorsqu'il les avait dépassés. Des mitrailleuses pointées vers l'arrière avaient été bricolées dans les unités. Le Mi-24VD avait une gondole avec des mitrailleuses Outyos NSVT de 12,7 mm a été installée à l'arrière de la baie arrière à avionique. Le mitrailleur devait entrer dans la tourelle en vol, les jambes se plaçaient dans un "pantalon" en toile caoutchoutée et pendaient dans le vide. Le projet a été abandonné en 1986.
    • Mi-24VP' Hind-E Mod. : version avec canon bitube 23 mm en tourelle mobile, pour remplacer Mi-24P, mais seuls 25 exemplaires produits.
  • Mi-24P (P pour Pushka, canon) (Izdelie 243) Hind-F : version développée à partir de 1974 avec un canon bitube GSh-30K de 30 mm avec 750 obus, fixé sur le côté droit. Environ 620 exemplaires produits de 1981 à 1989.
    • Mi-35P : version export
    • Mi-24PS : version spéciale pour le ministère de l'intérieur russe
    • Mi-24G : version avec canon déplacé
    • Mi-24PN : version modernisée par Rosvertol du Mi-24P, doté de capacités d'attaques nocturne, d'un FLIR Zarevo, d'un nouveau système d'arme BREO-24 et d'une nouvelle avionique. Il peut être armé des missiles anti-char Shturm et Ataka, de roquette et d'un canon bitube de 23 mm. Les premier appareil ont équipé l'armée russe début 2004.
  • Mi-24KhRK Hind-G1
    • Mi-24RA Hind-G1 Mod.
  • Mi-24K Hind-G2 : Version équipée de caméras. Environ 120 furent produits.
  • Mi-24BMT : version utilisée pour le déminage

Mises à jour [modifier]

Mitrailleuse multitubes Yakushev-Borzov YakB de 12,7 mm à l'avant d'un Mi-24

Mitrailleuse multitubes Yakushev-Borzov YakB de 12,7 mm à l'avant d'un Mi-24
  • Mil M-24VM (export Mi-35M) Hind-J
    • Mil M-24VK-1
    • Mil M-24VK-2
  • Tamam Mi-24 HMOSP "Mission-24" : nouvelle avionique compatible avec armements occidentaux
  • ATE (Advanced Technologies and Engineering) Mi-24MKIII et Mi-35MKIII "Super-Hind" : canon monotube
  • Sagem

Engagement dans des conflits [modifier]

Guerre de l'Ogaden [modifier]

La guerre de l'Ogaden (1977-1978) fut la première utilisation du MI-24 dans un conflit armé. L'Éthiopie engagea ses Mi-24 contre la Somalie. Les hélicoptères faisaient partie d'un envoi massif d'équipement militaire par l'Union soviétique.

Guerre entre le Cambodge et le Vietnam [modifier]

En 1978, les Mi-24A de l'armée de l'air du Viêt Nam attaquèrent les postes et installations des Khmers rouges au Cambodge. Les frappes continuèrent jusqu'en 1986, année durant laquelle les forces khmères furent repoussées jusqu'à la frontière thaïlandaise.

Guerre d'Afghanistan [modifier]

Entre 1979 et 1989, le Mi-24 fut énormément utilisé en Afghanistan par les forces soviétiques. Sa puissance de frappe était déployée pour détruire les postes des combattants afghans. Mais la livraison par les États-Unis de missiles Stinger aux Moudjahiddin rendit les Mi-24 et les Mi-8 beaucoup plus vulnérables.

Les pertes s'élevèrent à 333 hélicoptères Mi-24 lors des opérations aériennes. Un nombre inconnu d'appareils furent perdus suite à des tirs depuis le sol. Le cockpit était fortement blindé et pouvait même supporter des projectiles d'un calibre .50 (12,7 mm), mais l'arrière de l'appareil était nettement plus vulnérable.

Les missiles Stinger étant guidés par la chaleur, ils atteignaient l'échappement situé au dessous du rotor ce qui provoquait la désintégration quasi-immédiate de l'appareil. Des contre-mesures et un système de détection de missiles furent ajoutés par la suite dans tous les appareils soviétiques (Mi-4, Mi-8 et Mi-24).

Les combattants afghans surnommaient le Mi-24, le « char du diable ».

Anecdotes [modifier]

Dans le film Rambo III, les hélicoptères sont censés être des Mi-24 mais sont en fait des Puma modifiés afin de ressembler à leurs homologues soviétiques.

Guerre Iran-Irak [modifier]

L'armée irakienne était pourvue de Mi-24 qui attaquèrent les positions terrestres des troupes iraniennes. Ce conflit fut le théâtre des uniques batailles aériennes officielles de l'histoire entre deux flottes ennemies d'hélicoptères : les Mi-24 du côté irakien et les AH-1J SeaCobras acheté au temps du Shah du côté iranien. Ces combats eurent lieu à plusieurs reprises mais les résultats sont contestés.

Dans un document nommé AH-1W Air Combat Maneuver Training -- Why It Must Be Reinstated [1] datant de 1992, le Major R. M. Brady indique que les hélicoptères iraniens attaquèrent des Mi-8 et des Mi-24. Dans le même document, il est mentionné que les pilotes iraniens l'emportèrent largement avec un rapport de 10 appareils ennemis abattus pour 1 appareil perdu.

Il semble que lors de cette guerre, un M-24 irakien a abattu un F-4 Phantom II iranien avec un missile antichar.

Guerre civile au Nicaragua [modifier]

Au début des années 1980, les Mi-24 furent utilisés par l'armée sandiniste au Nicaragua.

Guerre civile du Sri Lanka [modifier]

La force indienne de maitien de la paix (1987-1990) au Sri Lanka était composée de Mi-24 qui permirent de détruire et limiter l'expansion des troupes tamouls. Depuis 1991 et jusqu'à ce jour, l'armée aérienne du Sri Lanka utilise des Mi-24/35P et des Mi-24V/35. Ils ont été mis à jour avec du matériel électronique israélien.

Guerre du Golfe [modifier]

Pendant l'invasion du Koweït par l'Irak, une partie des Mi-24 irakiens furent déployés. Saddam Hussein ne lança pas l'ensemble de ses effectifs afin de rester au pouvoir et de disposer d'une armée de l'air suffisante. Des hélicoptères furent envoyés près de la frontière iranienne, avec d'autres appareils irakiens, dans l'espoir d'éviter des frappes aériennes. Mais les Iraniens s'emparèrent de cette flotte clouée au sol et l'utilisèrent dans leur propre armée.

Croatie [modifier]

Ils furent utilisés durant l'opération Storm en 1995, mais avaient déjà été employés en Croatie en 1993.

Macédoine [modifier]

Entre février et août 2001, l'armée de Macédoine a utilisé ses Mi-24V (fournis par l'Ukraine) contre les combattants albanais.

Tchétchénie [modifier]

Pendant la première et la seconde guerre en Tchétchénie, les Mi-24 russes subirent des pertes importantes. Plus vulnérables aux tactiques de guérilla des combattants tchétchènes, on suppose qu'une dizaine d'hélicoptères furent abattus ou s'écrasèrent. Ces pertes seraient en partie dues au mauvais entretien d'une flotte peu à peu obsolète face à l'armement anti-aérien moderne.

Soudan [modifier]

En 1995, les forces aériennes soudanaises firent l'acquisition de 6 Mi-24. Ils furent utilisés dans le sud du pays et dans les montagnes nubiennes contre le SPLA. Au moins deux appareils furent détruits en dehors des combats pendant la première année de l'engagement mais pourraient avoir été remplacés.

Douze autres exemplaires furent livrés en 2001 et utilisés de manière intensive dans les champs pétroliers du sud. Ils ont également été engagés dans le conflit du Darfour dès 2004.

Congo [modifier]

L'armée de l'air indienne engagea ses Mi-25/35 dans la mission de maintien de la paix de l'ONU en République démocratique du Congo.

Guerre en Irak [modifier]

Les troupes polonaises utilisent six Mi-24Ds depuis novembre 2004. L'un des appareils s'est écrasé le 18 juillet 2006 dans une base aérienne à Al Diwaniyah. Après la fin de sa mission, la Pologne va probablement céder ses appareils à la nouvelle armée irakienne.

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Mil Mi-24 "Krokodil" (NATO: "Hind")

Yhdysvaltain ilmavoimien harjoituskäytössä oleva Mi Mil-24.
Tyyppi Taisteluhelikopteri
Miehistö 2–3
Matkustajamäärä 8–10
Kuljetuskyky kg
Ensilento 19. syyskuuta 1969
Valmistaja Mil
Valmistusmäärä 2000
17,5 m
Roottorikehän halkaisija
17,3 m
Pyrstöroottorikehän halkaisija
3,91 m
6,5 m
8 500 kg
11 800 kg
Moottori 2 x Isotov TV-3
1 600 kW
335 km/h
9,6 m/s
450 km
4 500 m

Mil Mi-24 on entisessä Neuvostoliitossa ja nykyisin Venäjällä valmistettava raskas taisteluhelikopteri. Mi Mil-24 on yksi nykyajan suurikokoisimmista ja laajimmin käytetyistä taisteluhelikoptereista, ja se on yhä palveluskäytössä yli 30 maan ilmavoimissa, useimmat Euroopan tai kolmannen maailman valtioissa[1].

Mi Mil-24 tunnetaan Venäjän ilmavoimissa koodinimellä "Krokodil"[2], mikä viittaa helikopterin väritykseen ja muotoiluun. Sotilasliitto NATO:ssa helikopterille on annettu tunnusnimeksi "Hind". Suurikokoisuutensa ja raskaan aseistuksensa vuoksi neuvostoliittolaiset sotilaslentäjät viittasivat helikopteriin "lentävänä panssarivaununa".

[muokkaa] Yleistietoa

Neljä Mil Mi-24 -kopteria muodostelmassa.

Neljä Mil Mi-24 -kopteria muodostelmassa.

Mil Mi-24 on kaksimoottorinen taisteluhelikopteri, joka suunniteltiin tukemaan ja kuljettamaan maajoukkoja. Helikopteri on erittäin kestävä ja on käytännössä vahingoittumaton tavallisille käsiaseille; kopterin ainoa varsinainen heikko kohta on sen panssaroimaton peräroottori.

Kopterin ohjaamo muodostuu kahdesta peräkkäisestä kuplamaisesta ikkunasta. Ohjaamo on paineistettu, minkä tarkoituksena on suojella lentäjiä kemiallisilta aseilta. Ensimmäisissä koptereissa ohjaamossa oli erittäin huono näkyvyys[2], minkä seurauksena kopteri täytyi suunnitella uudestaan. Alun perin ohjaamon varustus oli hyvin pelkistetty, mutta kopterin uudemmissa malleissa on nykyisin GPS-paikannin ja kehittyneet sensorijärjestelmät. Varhaisissa Mi-24 on nykypäivän standardeihin verrattuna melko alkeelliset LLTV-sensorit, jotka tarjosivat helikopterille pimeätaistelukykyä, tätä on parannettu myöhemmissä versioissa FLIR-järjestelmillä.

Yksi helikopterin eduista on erittäin nopea lentonopeus, ja esimerkiksi Irakin ja Iranin sodan aikana pakoon pyrkineitä AH-1 Cobra -helikoptereita oli erittäin helppo saada kiinni ja tulittaa takaa 12,7 mm tykillä.

Mil Mi-24 on aseistettu versiosta riippuen erilaisilla tykeillä. Ensimmäisiä kopteriversioita oli aseistettu 23 mm tykillä. Tämä tykki vaihdettiin kuitenkin gatling-tyyppiseksi 12,7 mm neljäputkiseksi sähkömoottorilla toimivaksi tykiksi. Myöhemmät mallit on aseistettu kaksiputkisella 30 mm tykillä. Mi-35:Ssa on 30 mm tykki. Kopterin aseistus vaihtelee tehtävän mukaan ja koostuu erilaisista aseista pommeista ja ohjuksista. Useimmista taisteluhelikoptereista poiketen Mil Mi-24 kykenee kuljettamaan matkustamossaan kahdeksan sotilasta ja esimerkiksi neljät paarit.

[muokkaa] Historia

[muokkaa] Varhainen historia

Mil Mi-24 suunniteltiin 1960-luvun loppupuolella, jolloin Neuvostoliitto halusi yhdistää silloisten sotilashelikopterien taistelu- ja kuljetusominaisuudet[2]. Kopterin suunnitteli Mihail Mil, joka sai pohjapiirrokset valmiiksi vuonna 1967. Ensimmäinen prototyyppi rakennettiin vuonna 1967 ja se suoritti ensilentonsa vuonna 1969. Sotilaskäyttöön kopteri otettiin vuonna 1972[1].

Mi-24 osallistui sotatoimiin ensimmäistä kertaa Ogadenin sodassa, jossa ne toimivat Neuvostoliiton tukeman Etiopian puolella ja karkottivat Etiopian maaperälle tunkeutuneet somalialaiset joukot. Vuonna 1978 Vietnam käytti taistelukoptereita sodassa Kambodžaa hallitsevia punaisia khmerejä vastaan.

[muokkaa] Afganistanin sisällissota

Mil Mi-24 -koptereilla oli merkittävä rooli Neuvostoliiton puolella Afganistanin sisällissodassa 19791989[3]. Afganistanin karun ja kallioisen maaston vuoksi Neuvostoliittoa vastustavat mujahideen-sissitaistelijat eivät kyenneet piiloutumaan koptereilta, eikä heillä ollut riittävää ilmatorjunta-aseistusta. Koska mujahideenit olivat huonosti aseistettuja, kopterit kohtasivat vain vähäistä vastarintaa. Yleensä kopterit toimivat tukemassa sotilaita ja panssarivaunuja, mutta toisinaan ne suorittivat hyökkäyksiä mujahideenien asemia vastaan. Kopterit kykenivät tehokkaasti pommittamaan viholliskohteita ja kuljettamaan neuvostosotilaita paikasta toiseen, minkä vuoksi neuvostokomentajat pitivät niitä suuressa arvossa. Kertoman mukaan mujahideenit vihasivat koptereita niin paljon, että he alkoivat kutsua niitä "paholaisen vaunuiksi"[3].

Neuvostoliitto piti Mi-24 -koptereita ylivoimaisina, kunnes Yhdysvaltain keskustiedustelupalvelu CIA alkoi tukea sissejä ja lahjoitti heille FIM-92 Stinger -ilmatorjuntaohjuksia. Pakokaasuputkien IR-vaimentimet paransivat tilanteen ja harhasoihdut auttoivat helikoptereita siten, että alkumenestyksestä huolimatta Stingereistä tuli melko tehottomat. Neuvostoliitto menetti kaiken kaikkiaan 333 helikopteria Afganistanissa, joista osa oli Mi-24:a.

[muokkaa] 1980-luvulta 2000-luvulle

Irakin-Iranin sodan aikana Irak käytti Mil Mi-24 -koptereita Irania vastaan, jolloin syntyi rajuja ilmataisteluita niiden ja Iranin ilmavoimien AH-1J SeaCobrien välillä. Myöhemmin Irak käytti koptereita Kuwaitin miehityksessä ja Persianlahden sodassa. Irakin sodassa aikana irakilaiset Mil Mi-24:t eivät koskaan ehtineet taistelutoimiin, mutta Irakiin lähetyillä puolalaisjoukoilla on käytössään kuusi Mil Mi-24 -kopteria. 18. heinäkuuta 2006 yksi niistä putosi maahan Al-Diwaniyahissa.

Neuvostoliiton romahdettua Venäjä on käyttänyt Mil Mi-24 -koptereita sekä ensimmäisessä että toisessa Tšetšenian sodassa. Sotien aikana kopterit ovat Afganistanin sodan tavoin osoittautuneet haavoittuvaiksi ilmatorjuntaohjuksille, mutta kopterien putoamisiin ovat liittyneet myös huollon puute, kopterien ikääntyminen ja lentäjien kokemattomuus. Suomen lähistöllä venäläisiä Mil Mi-24 -koptereita on Alakurtin sotilastukikohdassa.

Mil Mi-24 -taisteluhelikoptereita on myös käytetty muiden muassa Sri Lankan sisällissodassa, 19911995 Kroatian sodassa, 19961999 Kosovon sodassa, 19912002 Sierra Leonen sisällissodassa ja 2006 Somalian sodassa.

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Mil Mi-24
Mi-24D Hind-D del Ejército polaco
Clasificación Artillero / Transporte
Tripulación 2 (piloto y copiloto)
Primer vuelo 1969
En servicio 1970
Constructor Fábrica de helicópteros Mil de Moscú
Longitud 17,5 m
Diámetro del rotor 17,3 m
Altura 6,5 m
Envergadura 6,5 m
Vacío 8500 kg
Máximo al despegue 12 000 kg
Pasajeros 8 soldados o 4 comandos
Planta motriz
Motor Dos turbinas Isotov TV-3
Potencia 2·1600 MW
Velocidad máxima 335 km/h
Rango de alcance 450 km
Alcance en desplazamiento -
Rapidez de ascenso -
Altura máxima 4500 m
Munición Ametralladora rotativa Yakushev-Borzov YaKB-12.7 12,7mm
Misiles 4x Misiles antitanques guiados
Cohetes 4x Cohetes de 57 mm
Bombas -
Otros -

El Mi-24 es un helicóptero de combate y con una baja capacidad para el transporte de tropas, operativo desde 1976 y utilizado por la Fuerza aérea soviética, sus sucesores, y una treintena de naciones. El nombre clave dado por la OTAN es Hind y sus variantes se identifican con una letra adicional. Las versiones para su exportación, el Mi-25 y el Mi-35, son denominados como Hind D y Hind E, respectivamente. Los pilotos soviéticos llamaron a la aeronave letayushiy o tanque volante. Otro alias común es Cocodrilo debido a su camuflaje y su bajo perfil.

Características [editar]

El fuselaje del helicóptero se tomó del modelo Mi-8 (código OTAN Hip H), los dos motores superiores turboeje impulsan un rotor principal de cinco palas de 17,3 m y un rotor de cola de tres palas. La posición del motor da a la aeronave su distintiva toma de aire doble distintivo. Las versiones D y posteriores tienen su característica cabina de doble burbuja. Otros componentes del armazón se tomaron del Mi-14. Las armas están montadas en dos pequeñas alas, ubicadas en la parte media del aparato, que además proporcionan sustentación. El armamento externo depende del tipo de misión, el Trasero puede ser usado para apoyo aéreo, operaciones antitanques o combate aéreo. El fuselaje tiene un blindaje pesado y las palas del rotor están fabricadas con una aleación de titanio que puede resistir los impactos de 12,7 mm. La cabina del piloto esta presurizada para proteger a la tripulación en condiciones de guerra química, biológica y nuclear (NBQ).Además, el helicóptero utiliza un tren retráctil triciclo para aterrizar.

Historia de combate [editar]

El helicoptero fue utilizado intensamente durante la invasión soviética de Afganistán, principalmente para bombardear a los guerrilleros talibanes. Estados Unidos suministró misiles termodirigidos Stringer a los talibanes, y los Mi-8 y Mi-24 demostraron ser los objetivos favoritos de los guerrileros. A pesar de todo, durante este conflicto, el Mi-24 demostró ser muy eficaz, ganandose el respeto tanto de pilotos soviéticos como del los propios talibanes que se dispersaban rápidamente cuando veían encenderse los cohetes que señalizaban la designación del objetivo. Los afganos apodaron al Mi-24 como el "Carro del Diablo" debido a su temible reputación y solían decir "No tememos a los soviéticos. Tememos sus helicópteros"

El Mi-24 fue empleado por el Ejército iraquí durante la larga guerra que libró contra su vecino Irán. Su armamento pesado fue un factor clave en el severo daño que ejerció a las fuerzas de tierra iraníes. Esta guerra vio las únicas batallas de helicópteros en el aire en la historia, donde los Mi-24 iraquíes comabatían contra los AH-1J SeaCobras iraníes (suministrados por los Estados Unidos antes de la revolución iraní).

Durante la primera y segunda guerra chechena en la república rusa de Chechenia, los Mi-24 fueron empleados por las fuerzas armadas rusas. Como en Afganistán, sin embargo, los Mi-24 eran vulnerables y docenas de ellos fueron derribados o se estrellaron durante diversas operaciones militares. Una causa que contribuyó a estos choques fue el pobre mantenimiento dado a estos helicópteros envejecidos.

Los problemas [editar]

El tamaño y el peso relativamente altos del fuselaje limitan su resistencia y la maniobrabilidad. En los giros pronunciados puede perder estabilidad (esto se notó durante las pruebas realizadas en 1969 y todavía no se ha podido eliminar completamente). Para contrarrestar esta vulnerabilidad los rusos utilizan el helicóptero en pares o en grupos mayores, realizando ataques coordinados con cuidado para dañar múltiples zonas simultáneamente. Otra debilidad es la posibilidad de que el rotor principal golpee la cola durante maniobras violentas. Su alto peso al estar cargado puede limitar también su eficiencia como helicóptero de combate. Ciertos militares sostienen que con una carga elevada el Trasero necesita una partida rodante y también no puede cernirse. Los problemas con el Trasero han causado el desarrollo del Mil Mi-28 y el Kamov Ka-50 para reemplazarlo en el papel de helicóptero de combate.

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BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen willy@tool-tool.com bw@tool-tool.com www.tool-tool.com skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 http://www.tool-tool..com / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy users demand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting toolaerospace tool .HSS DIN Cutting toolCarbide end millsCarbide cutting toolNAS Cutting toolNAS986 NAS965 NAS897 NAS937orNAS907 Cutting Tools,Carbide end milldisc milling cutter,Aerospace cutting toolhss drillФрезерыCarbide drillHigh speed steelMilling cutterCVDD(Chemical Vapor Deposition Diamond )’PCBN (Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride) Core drillTapered end millsCVD Diamond Tools Inserts’PCD Edge-Beveling Cutter(Golden FingerPCD V-CutterPCD Wood toolsPCD Cutting toolsPCD Circular Saw BladePVDD End Millsdiamond tool Single Crystal Diamond Metric end millsMiniature end millsСпециальные режущие инструменты Пустотелое сверло Pilot reamerFraisesFresas con mango PCD (Polycrystalline diamond) ‘FreseElectronics cutterStep drillMetal cutting sawDouble margin drillGun barrelAngle milling cutterCarbide burrsCarbide tipped cutterChamfering toolIC card engraving cutterSide cutterNAS toolDIN or JIS toolSpecial toolMetal slitting sawsShell end millsSide and face milling cuttersSide chip clearance sawsLong end millsStub roughing end millsDovetail milling cuttersCarbide slot drillsCarbide torus cuttersAngel carbide end millsCarbide torus cuttersCarbide ball-nosed slot drillsMould cutterTool manufacturer.

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Mil Mi-24D

Type Attack helicopter
Manufacturer Mil
Maiden flight 1969
Introduced 1972
Status Active
Primary users Russian Air Force
ca. 50 other users
Number built 2000 (estimated)
Developed from Mil Mi-8
Variants Mil Mi-28

The Mil Mi-24 (Cyrillic Миль Ми-24, NATO reporting name "Hind") is a large helicopter gunship and low-capacity troop transport produced by Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant and operated from 1972 by the Soviet Air Force, its successors, and over thirty other nations.

In NATO circles the export versions, Mi-25 and Mi-35, are simply denoted with a letter suffix as "Hind D" and "Hind E" respectively. Soviet pilots called the aircraft "letayushiy tank" (flying tank). Another common nickname is "krokodil" (crocodile), due to the helicopter's camouflage and fuselage shape.[1]

[edit] Development

During the early 1960s it became apparent to Soviet designer Mikhail Leont'yevich Mil the trend towards ever increasing battlefield mobility would result in the creation of flying infantry fighting vehicles, which could be used to perform both fire support missions and transport infantry. The first expression of this concept was a mock-up unveiled in 1966 in the experimental shop of the Ministry of Aircraft's factory number 329 at which Mil was head designer. The mock-up designated V-24 was based on another project, the V-22 utility helicopter which itself never flew. The V-24 was similar in layout and configuration to the UH-1A Huey with a central infantry compartment that could hold eight troops sitting back to back, and a set of small wings positioned to the top rear of the passenger cabin, capable of holding up to six missiles or rockets, with a twin barreled GSh-23L cannon fixed to the landing skid.

Mil proposed the design to the heads of the Soviet armed forces and while he had the support of a number strategists of the armed forces, he was opposed by a number of the more senior members of the armed forces who believed that conventional weapons were a better use of resources. Despite the opposition, Mil managed to persuade the defence minister's first deputy, Marshal Andrey A. Grechko, to convene an expert panel to look into the matter. While the panels opinions were mixed, supporters of the project eventually held sway, and a request for proposals for the design of a battlefield support helicopter was issued.

Mil engineers prepared two basic designs, a 7 ton single engine design and a 10.5 ton twin engine design both based around the 1,700 hp Izotov TV3-177A turboshaft. Later three complete mockups were produced along with five mockups of just the cockpit area to allow the positions of the pilot and the weapon station operator to be fine tuned.

Soviet Mi-24V Hind-E.

Soviet Mi-24V Hind-E.

The Kamov bureau suggested an army version of their Ka-25 Hormone ASW helicopter as a low cost option. This was considered but later dropped in favor of the new Mil twin engine design. A number of changes were made at the insistence of the military, including the replacement of the 23 mm cannon with a rapid fire heavy machine gun mounted in a chin turret, and the use of the then under development 9K114 Shturm (AT-6 Spiral) anti-tank missile.

A directive was issued on 6 May 1968 to proceed with development of the twin engine design. Work proceeded under Mil until his death in 1970. Detailed design work began in August 1968 under the codename Yellow 24. A full scale mockup of the design was reviewed and approved in February 1969. Flight tests with a prototype began on 15 September 1969 with a tethered hover, four days later the first free flight was conducted. A second prototype was built, followed by a test batch of ten helicopters.

Acceptance testing for the design began in June 1970 continuing for 18 months. Changes made in the design addressed structural strength and fatigue problems, and reduced vibration levels. Also, a 12 degree anhedral was introduced to the wings to address the aircraft's tendency to Dutch roll at speeds in excess of 200 km/h, and the Falanga missile pylons were moved from the fuselage to the wingtips. This gave the helicopter its characteristic wings. The tail rotor was moved from the right to the left side of the tail, and the rotation direction reversed. The tail rotor now rotated up on the side towards the front of the aircraft, into the downwash of the rotor, which increased efficency of the tail rotor. A number of other design changes were made until the production version Mi-24A (izdeliye 245) entered production in 1970 and obtaining its IOC in 1971. It was officially accepted into the state arsenal in 1972.[2]

[edit] Recent developments

In October 2007, defense-aerospace.com reported the government of Saudi Arabia signed a contract for up to 150 Mi-35 and Mi-17 helicopters worth $2.2 billion.[3]

In October 2007, the Russian Air Force announced it will replace its 250 Mi-24 helicopter gunships with 300 more recent Mi-28s by 2015.[4][5]

[edit] Design

Mi-24 at Ysterplaat Airshow, 2006

Mi-24 at Ysterplaat Airshow, 2006
Ukrainian Mi-24

Ukrainian Mi-24

The core of the aircraft was taken from the Mil Mi-8 (NATO reporting name "Hip"), two top mounted turboshaft engines driving a mid-mounted 17.3 m five-blade main rotor and a three blade tail rotor. The engine positions give the aircraft its distinctive double air intake. The original versions have an angular greenhouse-style cockpit. Model D and later include a characteristic tandem cockpit with a "double bubble" canopy. Other airframe components came from the Mi-14 "Haze". Weapon hardpoints are provided by two mid-mounted stub wings (which also provide lift), each offering three stations. The load-out mix is mission dependent; they can be tasked with close air support, anti-tank operations, or aerial combat. The body is heavily armored and the titanium rotor blades can resist impacts from .50 caliber (12.7 mm) rounds. The cockpit is overpressurized to protect the crew in NBC conditions. The craft uses a retractable tricycle undercarriage. As a combination gunship and troop transport, the Mi-24 has no direct NATO counterpart.

Considerable attention was given to making the Mi-24 fast. The airframe was streamlined, and fitted with retractable landing gear to reduce drag. The wings provide considerable lift at high speed, up to a quarter of total lift. The main rotor was tilted 2.5° to the right from the fuselage to counteract dissymmetry of lift at high speed and provide a more stable firing platform. The landing gear was also tilted to the left to compensate, so when on the ground the rotor would still be level. This makes the rest of the airframe tilt to the left when on level ground. The tail was also asymmetrical to give a side force at speed, thus unloading the tail rotor.[2]

While some have compared the UH-1 ("Huey") as NATO's direct counterpart to the Mi-24, the helicopter that created the concept of a troop carrying gunship, this is not true. While UH-1s were used in Vietnam to ferry troops, and were used as gunships, they were not able to do both at the same time. For a UH-1 to be a gunship, the entire passenger area of the helicopter would be stripped to accommodate extra fuel and ammunition, making it useless for troop transport. The Mi-24 can do both, and this was greatly exploited by airborne units of the Soviet Army during the 1980-1989 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

US-operated Mi-24P Hind-F.

US-operated Mi-24P Hind-F.

[edit] Operational history

[edit] Ogaden War (1977-1978)

The first use of the Mi-24 in combat was with the Ethiopian forces during the Ogaden War against the Somalis. The helicopters formed part of a massive airlift of military equipment from the Soviet Union, after the Soviets switched sides towards the end of 1977. The helicopters were instrumental in the combined air and ground assault that expelled Somali forces from Ethiopia by the beginning of 1978.[6]

[edit] Cambodian-Vietnamese War (1978)

The Mi-24 saw extensive use of Mi-24A by the Vietnam People's Air Force in the Cambodian-Vietnamese War. The gunships destroyed many Khmer Rouge bases and outposts up until 1986 when KR forces were driven to the border of Thailand.

[edit] Chadian-Libyan conflict (1978-1987)

The Libyan airforce actively used Mi-24As and Mi-25s during their many interventions in Chad's civil war.[2] The Hinds were first used in October 1980 in the battle of N'Djamena were they helped the People's Armed Forces seize the capital.

In March 1987 the Armed Forces of the North, which were backed by the USA and France, managed to seize a Libyan airforce base at Ouadi-Doum in Northern Chad. Among the aircraft captured during this raid were three Mi-25s. These were turned over to France, who in turn sent one to the United Kingdom and one to the USA.[2]

[edit] Soviet war in Afghanistan (1979-1989)

The aircraft was operated extensively during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, mainly for bombing Mujahideen fighters. The US supplied heat-seeking Stinger missiles to the Mujahideen, and the Soviet Mi-8 and Mi-24 helicopters proved to be favorite targets of the rebels.

[edit] First deployment

Hinds were supplied to the Afghan government in April 1979 to deal with Mujahideen guerrillas.[7] The Afghan pilots were well-trained and made effective use of their machines, but the Mujahideen were not soft targets. They shot down the first Hind to be lost in action on 30 May 1979.

The situation in Afghanistan grew worse and on 25 December 1979 Soviet troops were committed to the war, an action that would prove a major blunder. The Red Army found itself involved in a guerrilla war in a country where the rugged terrain favored the locals, who were enthusiastic, competent, and thoroughly determined fighters. The Hind seemed like an excellent weapon to help deal with the Mujahideen. Soviet field commanders requested all the Hinds they could get.

[edit] Early combat experience

After a nasty learning curve at the hands of the Afghan rebels, Hind pilots learned to be dangerous and cruel themselves, and the rebels called the Hind "Shaitan-Arba" (Satan's Chariot)".[7] In one case, a Hind pilot managed to rescue a company of infantry even when he was out of ammunition simply by maneuvering aggressively at the Mujahideen and scaring them off. The Hind was popular with ground troops, since it could stay on the battlefield and provide fire as needed, while "fast mover" strike jets could only stay for a short time before they would have to head back to base to refuel.

The Hind's favored munition was the 80mm (3.15 in) S-8 rocket, the 57mm (2.24 in) S-5 having proven too light to be effective. The 23 mm (0.98 in) gun pod was also popular. The Hind could carry ten 100 kilogram (220 pound) iron bombs for attacks on strongpoints, while harder targets could be dealt with using a load of four 250 kilogram (550 pound) or two 500 kilogram (1,100 pound) iron bombs. Some Hind crews became expert "snipers" in dropping or tossing bombs precisely on targets. Fuel-air explosive bombs were also used in a few instances, though initially crews underestimated the sheer blast force of such weapons and were caught by shockwaves that rattled their teeth.

Combat experience quickly demonstrated that carrying a squad of troops in a Hind wasn't a good idea. The gunship crews found the soldiers a concern and a distraction while being shot at, and preferred to fly lightly loaded anyway, all the more so because they operated from high ground altitudes in Afghanistan. Hind troop compartment armor was often deleted to reduce weight. Troops were carried in Mi-8 helicopters, with the Hinds providing fire support.

It did prove useful to carry a technician in the Hind's crew compartment, handling a light machine gun in a window port. This gave the Hind some ability to "watch its back" while exiting a target area. In some cases a light machine gun was fitted on both sides to allow the technician to move from one side to the other without having to take the machine gun with him. Trying to shift a machine gun from one side of a helicopter to another while maneuvering under fire was not merely clumsy and inconvenient, it was an invitation to deadly accidents.

This weapons fit still left the gunship blind to the direct rear, and Mil experimented with fitting a machine gun in the back of the fuselage, with the gunner reaching the gun through a narrow crawlway. The experiment was very unsuccessful, since the space was full of engine exhaust fumes and otherwise unbearable, and during a demonstration an overweight Soviet general got stuck in the crawlway. Operational Hinds were retrofitted with rear-view mirrors to help the pilot spot threats and take evasive action.

The Hinds not only protected helicopter troop assaults and supported ground actions, they also protected convoys, using rockets with flechette warheads to drive off Mujahideen ambushes; performed strikes on predesignated targets; and engaged in "hunter-killer" sweeps. The hunter-killers operated in pairs at minimum, more often groups of four or eight, to provide mutual fire support. They used tactics developed during the Second World War against Germany, such as the "Wheel of Death", with the gunships turning in a wide circle to ensure that one was always chewing up the target area. The Mujahideen learned to move mostly at night to avoid the gunships, and in response the Soviets trained their Hind crews in night-fighting, dropping parachute flares to illuminate suspicious targets for attack. The Mujahideen quickly caught on and scattered as quickly as possible when Soviet target designation flares were lit nearby.

[edit] High attrition rates

Gunship attrition rates were high.[7] The environment itself was rough on the machines, since it was dusty and often hot; the dustiness led to the development of the PZU air intake filters. Of course, the rebels fought back whenever they could. Their primary air-defense weapons early in the war were heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft cannon, though they found anything smaller than a 23 millimeter gun generally did not do much more than annoy a Hind. The cockpit was heavily armoured and could withstand even .50 in (12.7mm) rounds, but the tail is extremely vulnerable to even small arms fire due to its lack of armour.

Then CIA began to supply the rebels with Stinger shoulder-launched, heat-seeking surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), and the situation got considerably worse. The heat-seeking nature of the Stinger combined with the Mi-24's exhaust being directly under the main rotor caused the aircraft to disintegrate if hit. This was remedied later by countermeasure flares and a missile warning system being installed into all Soviet Mi-4, Mi-8, and Mi-24 helicopters giving the pilot a chance to evade the missile or crash-land. Heat-dissipators were also fitted to exhausts to decrease the Hind's heat signature. These alleviated but did not eliminate the Stinger threat.

Hinds were also used to shield jet transports flying in and out of Kabul from Stingers. The gunships carried flares to blind the missiles, and were under orders to try to take the hit from the missile themselves if worse came to worst. The crews called themselves "Mandatory Matrosovs", after a hero of the Second World War who threw himself across a German machine gun to let his comrades break through.

[edit] The Hind crews

Hind crews led a rough life in general. They carried AK-74s with collapsible stocks to give them a better chance of survival if forced down.[7]

In such a kill-or-be-killed environment, Hind crews acquired a certain edge. Early in the war, head of Mil Marat Timoschenko had visited Afghanistan to see what the troops thought of his helicopters, and gunship crews put on spectacular displays for him. They even demonstrated maneuvers, such as barrel rolls, design engineers considered impossible. An astounded Dr. Timoschenko had to comment, "I thought I knew what my helicopters could do, now I'm not so sure!".

[edit] End of Soviet involvement in Afghanistan

One Mi-24 was shot down on the night of 2 February 1989, with both crewmen killed. It was the last Hind of Soviet helicopters lost in almost ten years of war.

[edit] Hinds in Afghanistan post Soviet withdrawal

Afghan Mi-35.

Afghan Mi-35.

Hinds were also passed on to pro-Soviet Afghan forces during the war, and remained in dwindling service in the grinding civil war that followed the Soviet withdrawal.[7] Some were flown by defectors to Pakistan and a few of these machines apparently found their way into the hands of the US Army.

Afghan Hinds in the hands of the ascendant Taliban gradually became inoperable, but a few flown by the Northern Alliance, which had Russian assistance and access to spares, remained operational up to the US intervention in Afghanistan in the fall of 2001. In 2008, the Afghan National Air Corps took delivery of six refurbished Mi-35 Hind helicopters, bought from the Czech Republic with US money. They are due to begin live firing exercises in May, so they can escort Mi-17 transport helicopters on operations in restive parts of the country.

[edit] Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988)

The Mi-25 saw considerable use by the Iraqi Army during the long war with their neighbour, Iran.[8] Its heavy armament was a key factor in causing severe damage to Iranian ground forces. However, the Hinds lacked an effective anti-tank capability, as they were only armed with obsolete 9M17 Skorpion missiles. This led the Iraqis to develop new gunship tactics, with help from East German advisors. The Mi-25s would form "hunter-killer" teams with French-built Aérospatiale Gazelles, with the Hinds leading the attack and using their massive firepower to suppress Iranian air defenses, and the Gazelles using their HOT missiles to engage armoured fighting vehicles. These tactics proved effective in halting Iranian offensives such as Operation Ramadan, in July 1982.[9]

This war also saw the only confirmed air-to-air helicopter battles in history with the Iraqi Mi-25s flying against Iranian AH-1J SeaCobras (supplied by the United States before the revolution) on many separate occasions. Not long after the beginning of the war with Iraq's invasion of Iran on 22 September 1980, two Iranian SeaCobras crept up on two Hinds and hit them with TOW wire-guided antitank missiles. [10] One Mi-25 went down immediately, the other was badly damaged and crashed before reaching base. The Iranians pulled off a repeat performance on 24 April 1981, destroying two Mi-25s without loss to themselves.

Then the Iraqis hit back, claiming the destruction of a SeaCobra on 14 September 1983; three SeaCobras on 5 February 1984; and three more on 25 February 1984. Things went quiet for a time, and then on 13 February 1986 each side lost a gunship. A few days later, on 16 February, a Mi-25 shot down a SeaCobra, with a SeaCobra claiming a Hind in return on 18 February. The last engagement between the two types was on 22 May 1986, when the Hinds shot down a SeaCobra.

The score in the end was 10 kills on SeaCobras and 6 kills on Mi-25s. The relatively small numbers and the inevitable disputes over actual kill numbers makes it unclear if one gunship had a real technical superiority over the other. It appears the outcome of the fights was dependent more on the tactical situation and pilot skill than the inherent merits of each machine. Iraqi Hinds also claimed a total of 43 kills against other Iranian helicopters, such as Agusta-Bell Hueys.[10] However, these findings are disputed,[11] and it is suggested, "Iranian AH-1Js engaged Iraqi MI-8 Hip and MI-24 Hind helicopters. Unclassified sources report that the Iranian AH-1 pilots achieved a 10:1 kill ratio over the Iraqi helicopter pilots during these engagements (1:5)".[12]

In general the Iraqi pilots liked the Mi-25, in particular for its high speed, long range, great versatility and big weapon load, but disliked the relatively ineffectual weapons and lack of agility.[13]

[edit] Nicaraguan civil war (1980-1988)

Mi-25s were also used by the Nicaraguan Army during the civil war of the 1980s.[14][15] Nicaragua received 12 Hinds (some sources claim 18) in the mid-1980s to deal with American-backed "Contra" insurgents. [10] The Mi-25s performed ground attacks on the Contras and were also fast enough to intercept light aircraft being used by the insurgents. The US Reagan Administration regarded introduction of the Mi-25s as a major escalation of tensions in Central America.

Two Mi-25s were shot down by Stingers fired by the Contras. A third Hind was damaged while pursuing Contras near the Honduran border, when it was pounced on by Honduran F-86 Sabres and A-37 Dragonflies. A fourth was flown by a defecting Sandanista pilot to Honduras in December 1988.

[edit] Sri Lankan Civil War (1987-present)

Mi-24V Hind at SLAF.

Mi-24V Hind at SLAF.

The Indian Peace Keeping Force (1987-1990) in Sri Lanka used Mi-24s when an Indian Air Force detachment was deployed there in support of the Indian and Sri Lankan armed forces in their fight against various Tamil militant groups such as the LTTE. It is believed that Indian losses were considerably reduced due to the heavy fire support provided by their Mi-24 gunships. The Indians lost no Mi-24s in the operation, as the Tigers had no weapons that could deal with the Crocodile at the time,[16][10] although several sustained heavy damage due to machine gun fire.

From November 14, 1995 to the present, the Sri Lanka Air Force has used Mi-24s in their continuing war with the LTTE for close air support for ground forces and proved highly effective. Currently, the Sri Lanka Air Force operates a mixture of Mi-24/-35P and Mi-24V/-35 versions. They have recently been upgraded with modern Israeli FLIR and Electronic Warfare systems. Five were upgraded to intercept aircraft by adding radar, fully functional helmet mounted target tracking systems, and AAMs. Due to LTTE MANPADS at least 5 have been lost, with another two in attacks on airbases, with a one more heavily damaged, but later returned to service.[16]

[edit] Gulf War (1991)

Iraqi Mi-25 Hind-D captured during the Gulf War.

Iraqi Mi-25 Hind-D captured during the Gulf War.

The Mi-24 was again employed heavily by Iraqis during their invasion of Kuwait, although most were withdrawn by Saddam Hussein when it became apparent that he would need them to retain his grip on power in the aftermath of the war.

A few examples later were sent over the border into Iran, along with many other Iraqi military aircraft in the hope of temporarily preventing them from being destroyed by allied air strikes. As with the other Iraqi aircraft, however, the Iranians kept them and used them in their own service.[citation needed]

[edit] Croatian War of Independence (1990s)

First shown in Croatia 1993, 12 Mi-24 were efficiently used by Croatian army in Operation Storm 1995 against Serbian part of ex Yugoslavia army JNA and paramilitants of the Krajina army.[citation needed].

[edit] First and Second Wars in Chechnya (1990s-2000s)

During First and Second Chechen Wars in the Russian republic of Chechnya, beginning in 1994 and 1999 respectively, Mi-24s were employed by the Russian armed forces. As with Afghanistan, however, the Mi-24s were vulnerable to rebel tactics. Dozens are believed to have been shot down or crashed during military operations. A contributing cause to these crashes is the poor maintenance given to these aging helicopters.

[edit] Kosovo war

Mi-24 V attack helicopter of Serbian Army.

Mi-24 V attack helicopter of Serbian Army.

During the fighting against KLA rebels in Kosovo and Metohija, JSO helicopters were involved in action at the village of Donji Prekaz. On the night of March 1, 1998, a Serbian Unit for special operations (JSO) landed and one of the Mi-24Vs was hit by small arms fire and made an emergency landing, but the KLA rebels were repulsed by JSO personnel. During the summer of 1998, the Mi-24Vs took part in several combat missions. On June 27, using four helicopters, JSO forces helped some 100 policeman and Serbian civilians fleeing from a NATO-blockade in the village of Kijevo. The Mi-24V and Mi-17 transported ammunition and evacuated wounded.

[edit] Sudanese Civil War (1995-present)

The Sudanese air force acquired six Mi-24's in 1995 which were used in Southern Sudan and the Nuba mountains to engage the SPLA. At least two aircraft were lost within the first year of operation while not in combat, but may have been replaced.

A further twelve were bought in 2001,[17] and used extensively in the oil fields of Southern Sudan. Mi-24s were also deployed to Darfur in 2004-2005.

[edit] Sierra Leone Civil War (1991-2002)

One and later three Mi-24Vs owned by Sierra Leone and flown by South African mercenaries were used against the RUF rebels.[18] In 1995, they helped drive the RUF from the capital, Freetown.[19]

[edit] First and Second Congo Wars (1996-2003)

Three Mi-24s were used by Mobutu's army and later taken over by the new Congolese air force. Also Zimbabwean Mi-24s were operated on behalf of the Congolese army. These have been supplied to Zaire in 1997, at least one of them being flown by Serbian mercenaries.[20]

[edit] 2001 Macedonia conflict (February 2001-August 2001)

Macedonian Mi-24V.

Macedonian Mi-24V.
Macedonian Mil Mi-24V in action during the conflict against Albanian insurgents.

Macedonian Mil Mi-24V in action during the conflict against Albanian insurgents.

The Macedonian armed forces used the Mi-24V, which were supplied by Ukraine, extensively against Albanian separatists. The main areas of action were in Tetovo, Radusha and Aracinovo. These aircraft were used frequently and proved to be very effective, with claims of NLA casualties numbering in the hundreds in the village of Aracinovo.[21]

[edit] Ivorian Civil War (2002-2004)

Five Mil Mi-24s piloted by mercenaries were used in support of government forces. They were later destroyed by the French Army in retaliation for an air attack on a French base which killed nine soldiers.[22]

[edit] Second Congo War (2003-present)

This UN peace keeping mission employed the Mi-24/-35 helicopters from the Indian Air Force to give support to the mission. The IAF has been operating in the region since 2003.[23]

[edit] Iraq War (March 2003-present)

The Polish contingent in Iraq has been using six Mi-24Ds since December 2004. One of them crashed on 18 July 2006 in an air base in Al Diwaniyah.[24]

[edit] War in Somalia (2006–present)

The Ethiopian Air Force has about three Mil Mi-35 and ten Mil Mi-24D helicopter gunships operating in Somalia. One was shot down near the Mogadishu International Airport on March 30, 2007 by Islamic insurgents.[25]

[edit] Variants



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