Bewise Inc. Reference source from the internet.
[アイソフォーミング] isoforming
[亜共晶合金] hypoeutectic alloy
[亜共析鋼] hypoeutectoid steel
[亜結晶] subgrain
[亜結晶粒界(亜粒界)] subboundary
[圧延] roll
[アモルファス合金] amrphous alloy
[安全率] safety factor, factor of safety
[安定化] stabilization
[安定系] stable system
[鞍部] saddle point
[鋳型] mould
[一次すべり系] primary slip system
[一次固溶体] primary solid solution
[移動荷重] moving load
[ウイスカー] whisker
[ウインドマンステッテン組織] Widmanstatten
[A0点] (Fe3Cの磁気変態点)
[A1点] (共析温度)
[A2点] (αFeの磁気変態点)
[A3点] (α←→γ変態点、γFeからαFeが初析出する温度)
[ACM点] (γFeからFe3Cが初析出する温度)
[A4点] (γ←→δ変態点)
[S-N曲線] S-N curve
[SS材] (一般構造用圧延鋼材)
[SM材] (溶接構造用圧延鋼材)
[SB材] (ボイラ及び圧力容器用鋼板)
[SPC材] (冷間圧延鋼板及び鋼帯)
[S-C材] (機械構造用炭素鋼)
[SK材] (炭素工具鋼鋼材)
[SKS材] (合金工具鋼鋼材)
[SKH材] (高速度工具鋼鋼材)
[SUJ材] (高炭素クロム軸受鋼鋼材)
[SUP材] (ばね鋼鋼材)
[SUS材] (ステンレス鋼鋼材)
[SUH材] (耐熱鋼鋼材)
[SLA材] (低温圧力容器用炭素鋼鋼板)
[SF材] (鍛鋼品)
[SC材] (鋳鋼品)
[FC材] (鋳鉄品)
[MS点] (急冷してγからマルテンサイトが格子変態により生成し始める温度)
[液相線] liquidus
[液体金属脆化] liquid metal embrittlement
[枝結晶] arms
[エワルド球] Ewald Ausbreitungskugel
[円錐螺旋面] conical helicoid
[延性ストライエーション] ductile striation
[エンタルピー] enthalpy
[エントロピー] entropy
[オーステナイト(γFe)] austenite
[オーステナイト化] austenitization
[オースフォーミング] ausforming
[応力] stress
[応力腐食割れ] stress corrosion cracking
[応力比] stress ratio
[応力-歪み履歴曲線] stress-strain histeresis loop
[応力幅] stress range
[応力弛緩] stress relaxation
[応力集中] stress concentration
[応力集中係数] stress concentration factor (→形状係数)
[遅れ破壊] delayed fracture
[温間加工] warm working, hot-cold working
[貝殻模様] clam-shell mark, beach mark
[階段構造] step-like structure
[改良処理] modification
[開口変位] crack opening displacement(COD)
[回復] recovery
[化学的組成] chemical composition
[過共晶合金] hypereutectic alloy
[過共析鋼] hypereutectoid steel
[核] nucleus
[核生成] nucleation
[拡散] diffusion
[拡散係数] diffusion coefficient
[拡張転位] extended dislocation
[加工硬化] work hardening
[加工熱処理] thermo-mechanical treatment
[過時効] over aging
[加速クリープ] accelerated creep
[カップアンドコーン型] cup and cone
[価電子濃度] valence electron concentration
[可動転位] mobile dislocation
[過飽和固溶体] supersaturated solid solution
[カーボンポテンシャル] carbon potential
[可融合金] fusible metals
[ガラス繊維強化プラスチック] fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) (→炭素繊維強化プラスチック)
[カルボニル粉] carbonyl powder
[過冷却] super-cooling
[過冷度] degree of supercooling
[環境破壊] environmental fracture
[還元粉] reduced powder
[緩和時間] relaxation time
[機械的双晶] mechanical twin
[規則置換型固溶体] ordered substitutional solid solution
[規則格子] ordered lattice, superlattice
[規則格子線] superlattice line
[規則-不規則変態] order disorder transformation
[規則-不規則変態温度] order disorder transformation temperature
[希土類元素] rare earth elements, lanthanide elements
[起伏] surface relief
[擬へき開破壊] quasi-cleavage fracture
[擬へき開ファセット] quasi-cleavage facet
[基本ステレオ三角形] unit stereographic triangle
[逆位相境界] antiphase domain boundary
[逆格子] reciprocal lattice
[キャップド鋼] capped steel
[急冷凝固粉] rapidly solidified powder
[鏡映面] reflection plane
[凝縮] condensation
[凝固] solidification
[凝固潜熱] latent heat of solidification
[共晶] eutectic
[共晶系] eutectic system
[共晶合金] eutectic alloy
[共晶点] eutectic point
[共晶反応] eutectic reaction
[共晶反応線] eutectic horizontal, eutectic reaction isotherm
[共析反応] eutectoid reaction
[共析鋼] eutectoid steel
[共軛すべり系] conjugate slip system
[共軛溶液] conjugate solution
[共役せん断応力] conjugate shearing stress
[共有結合半径] covalent radius
[極限強さ] ultimate strength
[局部収縮] local contraction
[許容応力] allowable stress
[切欠強化] notch-strengthening
[切欠脆化] notch brittleness
[切欠強度比] notch strength ratio
[キルド鋼] killed steel
[亀裂] crack
[亀裂閉口] crack closure
[亀裂先端開口変位] crack tip opening displacement(CTOD)
[均一化] homogenization
[均一核生成] homogeneous nucleation
[金属間化合物] intermetallic compound
[金属結合] metallic bond
[金属顕微鏡] metallurgical microscope
[金属組織学] metallography
[金属物理学] physical metallurgy
[空隙副格子] sublattice
[偶力] couple of force
[窪み] dimple
[クリープ] creep
[クリープ強度] creep strength
[クリープ曲線] creep curve
[クリープ速度] creep rate
[クリープ破壊] creep fracture
[クリープ破断強度] rupture strength
[形状係数] theoretical or elastic stress concentration factor, shape factor
[形状記憶効果] shape memory effect (SME)
[形状記憶合金] shape memory alloy (SMA)
[欠陥] defects, imperfections
[結晶系] system of symmetry
[結晶構造] crystal structure
[結晶構造因子] crystal structure factor
[結晶方位] crystal orientation
[結晶面(晶癖面)] habit plane
[結晶粒] crystal grain
[結晶粒経] grain size
[結晶粒界] grain boundary
[毛割れ] underbead cracking
[研削割れ] grinding crack
[原子価効果化合物] normal valency compounds
[原子空孔] vacancy
[原子濃度] atomic concentration
[原子半径] atomic radius
[原子半径効果化合物] size factor compounds
[原子パーセント] atomic percentage
[合応力] resultant stress
[高温域] upper shelf
[高温脆性] hot shortness
[鋼塊] steel ingots
[合金] alloy
[合金鋼] alloy steel
[高繰返数疲労] high cycle fatigue
[交差すべり] cross slip
[格子拡散] lattice diffusion
[格子間原子] interstitial atom
[格子欠陥] lattice imperfection or defect
[格子定数] lattice constants
[格子振動] lattice vibration
[格子点] lattice point
[格子変態] lattice transformation, allotropic transformation
[格子面] lattice plane
[剛性率] modulus of rigidity
[高速度鋼] high speed steel
[硬度] hardness
[降伏点] yield point
[降伏伸び] yield elongation
[鋼片] semi-finished products, slabs, blooms, billets, sheet bars
[高融点材料] refractory metals
[枯渇帯] depleted zone
[誤差関数] error function
[固執すべり帯] persistent slip band
[固相線] solidus
[固着] locking
[コットレル雰囲気] Cottrell atmosphere
[固溶強化] solid solution hardening
[固溶体] solid solution
[固溶度] solubility
[混合] mixing
[混合物] mixture
[混同(ブレンディング)] blending
混合機等によって粉末の純度および粒度を調整すること →混合
[再結晶] recrystallization
[最弱リンク概念] weakest link concept
[最大固溶限] maximum solubility limit
[再融反応] metatectic reaction
[再隣接原子] nearest neighbours
[SAP] sintered aluminum powder
R. Irmannによって発明されたAl-Al2O3系分散強化型合金
[サーメット] cermet
セラミック質の非金属を金属相で焼結により結合させた材料.耐熱性に優れる.非金属成分が多い. →分散強化型合金
[酸化物誘起亀裂閉口] oxide-induced crack closure
[残留オーステナイト] retained austenite
[時間硬化説] time hardening theory
[軸比] axial ratio
[時効] aging
[時効硬化] age hardening
[自己拡散] self diffusion
[絞り] redution of area
[四面体空隙] tetrahedral interstices
[シヤーリップ] shear lip
[集合組織] texture
[集中荷重] concentrated load
[自由度] degree of freedom
[重量パーセント] weight percentage
[樹枝状組織] dendrite
[樹枝状晶] dendrite skelton
[樹枝状偏析] dentritic segregation
[シュミット因子] Schmid factor
[ジュラルミン] duralumin
[準安定系] metastable system
[純鉄] pure iron
[使用応力] working stress
[小規模降伏] small scale yielding
[小傾角境界] low-angle boundary, small-angle tilt boundary
[衝撃応力] impact stress
[焼結] sintering
[照射脆化] radiation embrittlement
[照射損傷] radiation damage
[照射硬化] radiation hardening
[晶出] crystallization
[晶帯軸] zone axis
[状態図] phase diagram
[初晶] primary crystal
[蝕孔] etch pit
[蝕像] etch figure
[初析] primary
[伸長形ディンプル] elongated dimple
[侵入型] interstitial
[侵入型化合物] interstitial compound
[侵入型固溶体] interstitial solid solution
[侵入原子] interstitial atom
[浸炭] carburizing, case-hardening
[水靭] water toughening
[水素脆化] hydrogen embrittlement
[垂直応力] normal stress
[垂直破壊] rectangular fracture
[図心] centroid
[ステレオ投影] stereographic projection
[ストライエーション] striation
[ストレッチャー・ストレイン] stretcher strain
[ストレッチング] stretching
[ストレッチゾーン] stretched zone
[すべり系] slip system
[すべり線] slip line
すべり分離 slip-off
すべり方向 slip direction
すべり面 slip plane
すべり面分離 glide plane decohesion
寸法因子 size factor
寸法効果 size effect
整合 coherent
整合ひずみ coherent strain
青熱脆性 blue shortness
制御圧延 controlled rolling
脆性ストライエーション brittle striation
脆性遷移温度 ductility transition temperature
[成長] growth
静的疲れ破壊 static fatigue
成分 component
[析出物] precipitate
[析出硬化] precipitation hardening
積層欠陥 stacking fault
積層欠陥エネルギー stacking fault energy
赤熱脆性 red shortness →高温脆性
接種 inoculation
接触応力 bearing stress
接線応力 tangential stress
セミキルド鋼 semi-killed steel
セメンタイト(Fe3C) cementite
セラミックス ceramics
[セル構造] cellular structure
遷移温度 transition temperature
繊維状破面 fibrous fracture
[繊維状組織] fiber texture
遷移クリープ transient creep
線形弾性破壊力学 linear elastic fracture mechanics
線形破壊力学 linear fracture mechanics (→線形弾性破壊力学)
線形累積損傷則 linear cumulative damage law
線欠陥 line defect
せん断 shear
せん断応力 shearing stress
せん断弾性係数 modulus of elasticity in shear, shear modulus (→剛性率)
せん断角 shearing angle
せん断破壊 slant fracture
せん断ひずみ shearing strain
せん断力 shearing force
せん断力図 shearing force diagram (S.F.D.)
全ひずみ説 total strain theory
線膨張係数 coefficient of linear expansion
[全率固溶体系] isomorphous system, system of complete solid solubility
相 phase
双晶 twin, compound twin
双晶面 twin plane, twinning plane
層状すべり laminar flow
相律 phase rule
粗鋼 crude steel
粗形鋼片 shaped blooms
組織敏感 structure sensitive
組織不敏感 structure insensitive
塑性域寸法 plastic zone size
塑性拘束係数 plastic constraint factor
塑性歪み幅 plastic strain range
塑性誘起亀裂閉口 plasticity-induced crack closure
その場析出 in-situ precipitation
ソルバイト sorbite
γFeを空冷程度の速度で冷却を行ったときに得られる組織。または焼入れ鋼を焼もどした時に得られる組織。 高倍率の光学顕微鏡でαFeとFe3Cとをどうにか識別できる程度の微細なパーライト、またはαFeとFe3Cの微細混合組織
損傷許容設計 damage torelance design
帯域精製法 zone refining
大規模降伏 large scale yielding
耐久限度線図 Goodman diagram
体心立方格子(bcc) body centered cubic lattice
体積弾性率 volume modulus, bulk modulus
帯溶融法 zone melting
蛇行すべり serpentine glide
[多結晶] polycrystal
縦主軸 longitudinal principal axis
縦弾性係数 modulus of longitudinal elasticity (→ヤング率)
多重すべり multiple slip
脱酸 deoxidation
[タップ密度(タップ値)] tap density
自由充填ではブリッジングが発生する恐れがあるため,十分に粉末を震とうさせた後に測定した密度 →見掛密度
たわみ deflection
たわみ角 angle of deflection
たわみ曲線 deflection curve
[単位胞] unit cell
[単結晶] single crystal
[短周期] short periods
単純曲げ pure bending
単純立方格子 simple cubic lattice
弾性 elasticity
弾性体 elastic body
弾性限度 elastic limit
炭素鋼 carbon steel
炭素繊維強化プラスチック carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP)
断面一次モーメント geometrical moment of area
断面係数 section modulus
断面二次モーメント second moment of area
断面二次極モーメント polar moment of inertia of area
置換型 substitutional
チゼルポイント型 chisel point (のみの刃先型 chisel edge)
[中間相] intermediate phase
[柱状] columnar
[柱状晶] columnar grains
[鋳造] cast
[長時間均熱] soak
[長周期] long periods
[長周期規則格子] long period superlattice
[超硬合金] hard metal, cemented carbide
超強力鋼 ultra-high strength steel
超合金 superalloy
超ジュラルミン extra super duralumin (ESD)
稠密六方格子(hcp) hexagonal close packed lattice
張力 prestress
テア・リッジ tear ridge
低温域 lower shelf
低繰返数疲労 low cycle fatigue
定常クリープ steady state creep
定常クリープ速度 steady creep rate
底面 basal plane
[定融点合金] congruuntly melting alloy
[転位] dislocation
[転位蝕孔] dislocation etch pits
[転位線] dislocation lines
[転移点] critical temperature
転位密度 dislocation density
転位網 dislocation network
転位林 dislocation forest
転位ループ dislocation loop
電解鉄 electrolytic iron
[電解粉] electrolytic powder
[電気化学的化合物] electrochemical compounds
[点欠陥] point defect
[電子化合物] electron compounds
伝播 propagation
等温変態図 isothermal transformation diagram (TTT図 time-temperature-transformation diagram)
[透過電子線像] transmission electron micrograph
等軸ディンプル equiaxed dimple
動的回復 dynamical recovery
等分布荷重 uniformly distributed load
トルク torque
トルースタイト troostite
[内部エネルギー] internal energy
梨地 orange peel
軟鋼 mild steel
2次硬化 secondary hardening
2重カップ型 double cup
2重交差すべり double cross slip
2重すべり duplex slip
ぬれ wettability
ねじり torsion
ねじり角 angle of torsion, twisting angle
ねじり剛性 torsional rigidity
ねじりモーメント twisting moment (→トルク)
ねじり力 twisting force (→偶力)
[熱影響部] heat affected zone(HAZ)
[熱応力] thermal stress
[熱処理] heat treatment
[熱電対] thermocouple
[熱疲労] thermal fatigue
[熱膨張計] dilatometer
[配位数] co-ordination number
[パイプ拡散] pipe diffusion
バウシンガー効果 Bauschinger effect
破壊 fracture
破壊靭性 fracture toughness
バーガースベクトル Burgers vector
鋼 steel
白点 flake
[刃状転位] edge dislocation
[波状面] corrugated surface
破断点 breaking point
[八面体空隙] octahedral interstices
ばね定数 spring constant
破面あらさ誘起亀裂閉口 roughness-induced crack closure
破面解析 fractography
破面遷移温度 fracture appearance transition temperature
パーライト pearlite
はり beam
反力 reaction force
微小空洞 microvoid
ひずみ strain
ひずみ幅 strain range
ひずみ時効 strain aging
ひずみ硬化 strain hardening
ひずみ硬化説 strain hardening theory
ひずみエネルギー解放率 strain energy release rate
非線型破壊力学 non-linear fracture mechanics
引張強さ tensile strength
非破壊検査 non-destructive inspection
標準組織 normal structure
平等強さ uniform strength
比例限度 proportional limit
疲労限 fatigue limit
疲労強度 fatigue strength
疲労破壊 fatigue fracture
疲労亀裂伝播下限界応力応力拡大係数 threshold stress intensity
フェライト(αFe) ferrite
[不規則置換型固溶体] random substitutional solid solution
[不均一核生成] heterogeneous nucleation, catalyzed nucleation
復元 reversion
複合材料 composite materials
腐食疲労 corrosion fatigue
普通鋼 ordinarily steel
不動転位 sessile dislocation
部分転位 partial dislocation
[ブリッジング] bridging
ブルーイング blueing
[フローティング・ダイ] floating die
分解せん断応力 resolved shear stress
[粉砕粉] pulverized powder
[分散強化型合金] dispersion strengthened alloys
硬く微細な粒子を金属(または合金)中に分散させることにより強化された合金.熱間強度に優れる →SAP,サーメット
[分布荷重] distributed load
[粉末] powder
[粉末冶金] powder metallurgy
[噴霧粉] atomized powder
[平衡状態図] equilibrium diagram, phase diagram, constitutional diagram
[ベイナイト bainite]
[Bain格子変形] Bain distortion
平面ひずみ破壊靭性 plane strain fracture toughness
へき開破壊 cleavage fracture
へき開ファセット cleavage facet
へき開面 cleavage plane
変形双晶 deformation twin
偏晶 monotectic
偏晶温度 monotectic temperature
[偏晶系] monotectic system
偏晶点 monotectic point
偏晶反応 monotectic reaction
[偏晶反応線] monotectic horizontal, monotectic reaction isotherm
[偏析] segregation
平均の結晶粒径(grain size)をlとしたときの、塑性応力τfを与える式。
ポアソン比 Poisson's ratio
ポアソン数 Poisson's number
[方位] orientation
[包液] syntectic
[包液温度] syntectic temperature
[包液系] syntectic system
[包液点] syntectic point
[包液反応] syntectic reaction
[包液反応線] syntectic horizontal, syntectic reaction isotherm
放射状破面 radial fracture
[包晶] peritectic
[包晶温度] peritectic temperature
[包晶系] peritectic system
[包晶点] peritectic point
[包晶反応] peritectic reaction
[包晶反応線] peritectic horizontal, peritectic reaction isotherm
[包析] peritectoid
[包析温度] peritectoid temperature
[包析点] peritectoid point
[包析反応] peritectoid reaction
[包析反応線] peritectoid horizontal, peritectoid reaction isotherm
[蛍石(CaF2] fluorspar
骨組構造 frame work
ポリゴニゼーション polygonization
ホワイトメタル white metal
曲げ bending
曲げ応力 bending stress
曲げ剛性 flaxural rigidity
曲げモーメント bending moment
曲げモーメント図 bending moment diagram (B.M.D.)
摩擦応力 frictional stress
[俣野界面] Matano interface
[マルエージング maraging]
[マルエージング鋼 maraging steel]
マルクエンチング marquenching
[マルテンサイト martensite]
[マルテンサイト変態] martensitic transformation
[見掛密度] apparent density
粉体を一定容積のシリンダ状容器に一定の方法で自由に落下充填させた場合の重量と体積とから求められる密度 →タップ密度
[ミラー指数] Miller indices
[無拡散変態] diffusionless transformation
無酸素銅(OFHC) oxygen free high conductivity copper
無析出帯 precipitation free zone
無特徴 featureless
芽 embryo
面心立方格子(fcc) face centered cubic lattice
面積モーメント moment of area
[面間隔] spacing
面欠陥 surface or plane defect
モールの応力円 Mohr's circle for stress
[焼入] quenching
焼入性 hardenability
焼入強さ severity of quench
焼なまし annealing
焼なまし双晶 annealing twin
焼ならし normalizing
焼もどし tempering
焼もどし脆性 temper brittleness
山形模様 chevron pattern
ヤング率 Young's modulus
有限要素法 finite element method (FEM)
横弾性係数 modulus of transverse elasticity (→せん断弾性係数,剛性率)
容易すべり領域 region of easy glide
[溶解度曲線] solvus, solubility curve
[溶体化処理] solution treatment
[溶質原子] solute atoms
[溶媒原子] solvent atoms
[ラーベス相] Laves phases
[ラスマルテンサイト] lath martensite
理想臨界直径 ideal critical diameter
リップル ripple
リバーパターン river pattern
[リミングアクション] rimming action
[リムド鋼] rimmed steel
[粒界拡散] grain boundary diffusion
粒界破壊 intergranular fracture
粒界反応 grain boundary reaction
粒子分散強化 dispersion hardening
粒状破面 granular fracture
[リューダース帯] Luders band
粒内破壊 transgranular fracture
臨界直径 critical diameter
臨界分解せん断応力 critical resolved shear stress
累積損傷則 cumulative
レーデブライト ledeburite
連続転位 continuous dislocation
連続冷却変態図(CCT図) continuous cooling transformation diagram
歡迎來到Bewise Inc.的世界,首先恭喜您來到這接受新的資訊讓產業更有競爭力,我們是提供專業刀具製造商,應對客戶高品質的刀具需求,我們可以協助客戶滿足您對產業的不同要求,我們有能力達到非常卓越的客戶需求品質,這是現有相關技術無法比擬的,我們成功的滿足了各行各業的要求,包括:精密HSS DIN切削刀具、協助客戶設計刀具流程、DIN or JIS 鎢鋼切削刀具設計、NAS986 NAS965 NAS897 NAS937orNAS907 航太切削刀具,NAS航 太刀具設計、超高硬度的切削刀具、醫療配件刀具設計、汽車業刀具設計、電子產業鑽石刀具、木工產業鑽石刀具等等。我們的產品涵蓋了從民生刀具到工業級的刀 具設計;從微細刀具到大型刀具;從小型生產到大型量產;全自動整合;我們的技術可提供您連續生產的效能,我們整體的服務及卓越的技術,恭迎您親自體驗!!
BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 TEL:+886 4 24710048 / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch
Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy users’ demand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting tool、aerospace tool .HSS DIN Cutting tool、Carbide end mills、Carbide cutting tool、NAS Cutting tool、NAS986 NAS965 NAS897 NAS937orNAS907 Cutting Tools,Carbide end mill、disc milling cutter,Aerospace cutting tool、Фрезеры’Carbide drill、High speed steel、Milling cutter、CVDD(Chemical Vapor Deposition Diamond )’PCBN (Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride) ’Core drill、Tapered end mills、CVD Diamond Tools Inserts’PCD Edge-Beveling Cutter(Golden Finger’PCD V-Cutter’PCD Wood tools’PCD Cutting tools’PCD Circular Saw Blade’PVDD End Mills’diamond tool ‘Single Crystal Diamond ‘Metric end mills、Miniature end mills、Специальные режущие инструменты ‘Пустотелое сверло ‘Pilot reamer、Fraises’Fresas con mango’ PCD (Polycrystalline diamond) ‘Frese’Electronics cutter、Step drill、Metal cutting saw、Double margin drill、Gun barrel、Angle milling cutter、Carbide burrs、Carbide tipped cutter、Chamfering tool、IC card engraving cutter、Side cutter、NAS tool、DIN or JIS tool、Special tool、Metal slitting saws、Shell end mills、Side and face milling cutters、Side chip clearance saws、Long end mills、Stub roughing end mills、Dovetail milling cutters、Carbide slot drills、Carbide torus cutters、Angel carbide end mills、Carbide torus cutters、Carbide ball-nosed slot drills、Mould cutter、Tool manufacturer.
Bewise Inc.
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(2)Carbide Cutting tools設計
BW специализируется в научных исследованиях и разработках, и снабжаем самым высокотехнологичным карбидовым материалом для поставки режущих / фрезеровочных инструментов для почвы, воздушного пространства и электронной индустрии. В нашу основную продукцию входит твердый карбид / быстрорежущая сталь, а также двигатели, микроэлектрические дрели, IC картонорезальные машины, фрезы для гравирования, режущие пилы, фрезеры-расширители, фрезеры-расширители с резцом, дрели, резаки форм для шлицевого вала / звездочки роликовой цепи, и специальные нано инструменты. Пожалуйста, посетите сайт для получения большей информации.