Bewise Inc. Reference source from the internet.

C-reactive protein test plate C反应蛋白及其检测板
C-scanner C型超声波扫描器
C9 aromatic solvent 碳九芳烃溶剂
CA alloy CA铜铝镍硅耐蚀合金
Cab-O-sil 硅石粉
cab-over-engine truck 驾驶室在发动机上部的货车
cabal glass 钙硼铝玻璃
Caball 卡巴尔牌汽车
Caballero 骑士牌汽车
cabana cloth 运动服织物
cabbage ball 椰菜
cabbage lettuce 结球莴苣
cabbage mustard 芥蓝
cabbage oil 菜油
cabbage palm 棕榈属叶纤维
cabbage 圆白菜
cabbaging press 包装压榨机
cabeca 卡比萨丝
Cabernet 解百衲葡萄酒
cabesa 卡比沙羊毛
cabicidin 杀真菌素
cabin cableway 吊舱索道
cabin hook 窗钩
cabin ration feeding machine 仓式定量给料机
cabin ropeway 吊舱索道
cabinet drier 烘箱
cabinet file 半圆锉
cabinet for television set 电视机柜
cabinet loudspeaker 箱式扬声器
cabinet makers' bar clamp 细木工棍条夹钳
cabinet mirror 柜镜
cabinet oven 柜式烤炉
cabinet panel 配电盘
cabinet plane 木工刨
cabinet rack 机箱架
cabinet scraper 木工刮刀
cabinet speaker 箱式扬声器
cabinet ventilator 箱式通气器
cabinet water-proof switch 柜式防水开关
cabinet with dragon design 云龙神台
cabinet with mirror door 带镜立柜
cabinet 机壳
cabinet-type hatcher 柜式孵卵器
cabinet-type switch 柜式开关
cabinet-working machinery 细木工机械
Cabisan 酚铵杀菌剂
cabistan 卡比斯顿地毯
cable excavator 电缆管道挖沟机
cable armour cutter 电缆钢带剥切刀
cable bearer 电缆支架
cable boring tool 电缆表面穿孔器
cable box 电缆箱
cable braiding machine 编绳索机
cable brake 缆式制动器
cable branch box 电缆分线箱
cable calibration amplifier 电缆校正放大器
cable car 缆车
cable change-over box 电缆转换箱
cable channel 电缆管道
cable chock 导缆器
cable clamp collar 电缆连接卡头
cable clip 电缆夹
cable compass 电缆罗盘
cable compound 电缆绝缘胶
cable connection panel 电缆接线板
cable connector 电缆连接器
cable conntecting plug 电缆联接插头
cable conveyer 缆索运输机
cable cord tyre 帘布轮胎
cable cord 阔条灯芯绒
cable coupling box 电缆接线盒
cable cover lead cutter 电缆破铅皮刀
cable covering machine 电缆包编机
cable crane 缆索式起重机
cable cutter 电缆剪
cable deviation equalizer 电缆偏差均衡器
cable diameter gauge 缆径测量仪
cable drag scraper 缆索拖铲
cable drilling outfit 索钻设备
cable drum jack 电缆卷盘架
cable drum trailer 电缆卷筒拖车
cable drum 电缆卷筒
cable duct tube 电缆导管
cable fault detector 电缆故障检测器
cable fault finder 电缆故障测定仪
cable fault locator 电缆故障定位仪
cable fault search set 电缆事故检查器
cable flaw detector 电缆探伤仪
cable foot engine 足踏缆车
cable for ship 船用电缆
cable gear 敷电缆机
cable grease 电缆脂
cable grip 电缆钳
cable guide 电缆引导管
cable gum 电缆胶
cable hanger 电缆吊架
cable head 电缆头
cable hoist 缆索绞车
cable hoisting pulley 钢索起重滑车
cable hook 电缆挂钩
cable in asbestos 石棉包电缆
cable in cotton 棉纱包电线
cable in lead 铅包电缆
cable in plastics 塑料电线
cable in rubber 橡皮电线
cable input plug 电缆输入插头
cable insulating paper 绝缘电缆纸
cable iron 钢绳铁
cable isolating paper 电缆绝缘纸
cable isolator 电缆隔离器
cable jack 电缆盘千斤顶
cable joint 电缆接头
cable knife 电缆刀
cable lac 电缆胶漆
cable lay wire rope 缆式钢丝绳
cable layer 电缆敷设船
cable laying ship 电缆敷设船
cable laying truck 电缆敷设车
cable length switch 电缆长度转换开关
cable lift 钢索起重机
cable lifter 起锚机
cable line tester 电缆路径测试仪
cable mark detector 电缆记号探测器
cable marking paper 电缆标记用纸
cable mattings 亚麻厚帆布
cable monitor 电缆监控器
cable net 大网眼窗纱
cable optical fiber 成缆光纤
cable paper 电缆纸
cable picking and laying machine 电缆收放机
cable rack 电缆架
cable reel 电缆盘
cable relay 电缆继电器
cable release 快门线
cable restraint 电缆限制器
cable rig 缆索凿井机
cable ring 电缆圈
cable semicontinuous casting machine 钢丝绳半连续铸造机
cable sender 电缆传送机
cable sheath 电缆包皮
cable ship 铺设电缆船
cable shoe 电缆终端套管
cable silk 饰边粗丝线
cable sleeve 电缆套管
cable stand 电缆架
cable tank 电缆槽
cable tensiometer 电缆拉力计
cable tension indicator 钢绳张力指示器
cable terminal rack 电缆转接架
cable terminating equipment 电缆终端设备
cable tester 电缆测试器
cable testing set 电缆测试器
cable thread 三股缝纫线
cable tool drill 钢绳冲击式钻机
cable trailer 电缆拖车
cable tram 缆道电车
cable transmitter 水线电报发报机
cable transporting truck 电缆运输车
cable tray 电缆槽
cable trunk 电缆管道
cable TV control system 闭路电视控制系统
cable vessel 电缆船
cable winch 钢索绞车
cable wire 钢丝绳
cable working vehicle 电缆工程车
cable wrapping paper 电缆包装纸
cable yarn 电缆纱线
cable 电缆
cable-actuated excavator 缆控挖土机
cable-covering press 电缆包皮压力机
cable-driven car 钢丝绳牵引车
cable-driven ingot buggy 钢丝绳牵引的送锭车
cable-dump truck 钢索自卸卡车
cable-former 成缆机
cable-laid rope 多股钢丝绳
cable-operated mucker 抓斗式装岩机
cable-spinning equipment 钢缆绞车
cable-suspended feeder 钢索悬吊式给料机
cable-towed machine 钢索牵引机
cabled netting twine 结网绳
cabled yarn 缆线
cablet 细缆
cableway bucket 索道吊斗
cableway carriage 架空索道车
cableway tractor 索道牵引机
cabline patchouli 广藿香
cabling machine 搓绳机
cabo negro 棕榈属叶纤维
cabochon 凸面宝石
cabots 卡博茨平布
cabretta leather 羊皮革
cabriolet 活顶小轿车
Cabstar 卡星牌汽车
cabtyre cable 橡皮绝缘软电缆
cabtyre cord 橡皮绝缘软线
cabtyre flexible wire 橡套软线
cabtyre wire 厚橡胶绝缘软性线
cabulla fibre 中美洲西沙尔麻
cabuya 卡布耶叶纤维
cacao bean cleaner 可可豆清选机
cacao bean separator 可可豆分离器
cacao bean sorting machine 可可豆分级机
cacao bean 可可豆
cacao oil 可可油
cacao paste 可可酱
cacao pigment 可可壳色
cacharado 亚麻平布
cache buffer memory 超高速缓冲存储器
cache card 高速缓冲存储卡
cache 超高速缓冲存储器
cachemire de soie 高级塔夫绸
cachemirette 仿开士米斜纹绒
cachenez 围巾
cachmire shawl 羊绒披巾
cack 小孩平底鞋
cacoclasite 钙铝黄长石
cacodylic acid 卡可基酸
cacotheline 硝基马钱子碱
cactinomycin 放线菌素C
cactus needle 仙人掌式唱针
cactus 仙人掌
CAD program of microwave circuit 微波电路计算机辅助设计软件
Cad-Trete 福钙混剂
caddis 卡迪斯斜纹呢
caddow 花式毛圈布
Caddy 卡迪牌汽车
caddy 茶叶罐
Caddy 卡迪牌汽车
Caddy 氯化镉
cade oil 杜松油
cadet blue cloth 军校灰蓝色布
cadet cloth 军校制服呢
cadet 短指手套
cadexomer iodine 卡地姆碘
cadger 小型注油器
Cadillac 卡迪拉克牌汽车
cadillo 肖梵夫花韧皮纤维
cadillon 卡迪翁斜纹呢
cadion 镉试剂
cadiz 嵌花大花边
Cadminate 丁二酸镉
cadmium acetate 乙酸镉
cadmium amalgam 镉汞合金
cadmium bearing alloy 镉轴承合金
cadmium borate 硼酸镉
cadmium bromide 溴化镉
cadmium carbonate 碳酸镉
cadmium cell 镉电池
cadmium chloride 氯化镉
cadmium copper 镉铜
cadmium filter 镉过滤器
cadmium fluoride photon spectrometer 氟化镉光子谱仪
cadmium fluoride 氟化镉
cadmium gold 镉金装饰合金
cadmium ingot 镉锭
cadmium iodide 碘化镉
cadmium laser 镉激光器
cadmium magnesium alloy 镉镁合金
cadmium mercury 镉汞
cadmium metal 金属镉
cadmium nickel alloy 镉镍合金
cadmium niobate 铌酸镉
cadmium nitrate 硝酸镉
cadmium orange 镉桔黄
cadmium oxalate 草酸镉
cadmium oxide 氧化镉
cadmium photocell 镉光电池
cadmium red 镉红
cadmium salt 镉盐
cadmium selenide 硒化镉
cadmium silicate 硅酸镉
cadmium silver 镉银合金
cadmium solder 镉焊料
cadmium standard cell 镉标准电池
cadmium stearate 硬脂酸镉
cadmium sulfate 硫酸镉
cadmium sulfide cell 硫化镉电池
cadmium sulfide detector 硫化镉探测器
cadmium sulfide 硫化镉
cadmium telluride 碲化镉
cadmium test voltmeter 镉棒测试专用伏特计
cadmium titanate 钛酸镉
cadmium tungstate 钨酸镉
cadmium vapor arc lamp 镉汽弧灯
cadmium yellow 镉黄
cadmium zirconate 锆酸镉
cadmium 镉
cadmium-copper wire 镉铜线
cadmium-covered detector 敷镉检测器
cadmium-doped germanium detector 锗掺镉探测器
cadmium-mercury excimer laser 镉-汞受激准分子激光器
cadmium-nickel storage battery 镉镍蓄电池
cadmium-nickel storage cell 镉镍蓄电池
cadmium-plated steel 镀镉钢
cadmium-selenide detector 硒-镉探测器
cadmium-selenium red 隔硒红
cadmium-telluride gamma-ray spectrometer 碲化镉γ射线谱仪
cadmium-telluride high temperature infrared fire detector 碲化镉高温红外火情探测器
cadmium-zinc eutectic alloy 镉锌共晶合金
Cadola 卡多拉牌手表
Cadon 卡唐多叶形耐纶66长丝
caen 卡昂哔叽
caesalpinia 石莲子
caesium atomic clock 铯原子钟
caesium bicarbonate 碳酸氢铯
caesium bromide 溴化铯
caesium carbonate 碳酸铯
caesium chloribe 氯化铯
caesium chromate 铬酸铯
caesium dichromate 重铬酸铯
caesium discharge tube 铯放电管
caesium fluoride 氟化铯
caesium hydroxide 氢氧化铯
caesium iodide 碘化铯
caesium laser 铯激光器
caesium nitrate 硝酸铯
caesium photocell 铯光电管
caesium sulfate 硫酸铯
caesium vapour laser 铯蒸气激光器
caesium vapour rectifier 铯蒸发整流管
caesium 铯
caesium-oxygen cell 充气铯光电管
cafedrine 咖麻黄碱
cafergot tablet 加非葛片
caffard 卡法德呢
caffeine citrate 柠檬酸咖啡因
caffeine sodium benzoate 安钠咖
caffeine 咖啡因
Cafina 克飞纳牌手表
Cafor 卡福牌手表
caftan 卡夫坦长衣
café curtain 褶裥窗帘
cage antenna 笼形天线
cage disintegrator 笼式粉碎机
cage goniometer 笼形测向器
cage hoist 罐笼提升机
cage motor 鼠笼式电动机
cage positioned ball valve 笼式定位球调节阀
cage rotor 鼠笼式转子
cage type airless shot blasting machine 鼠笼式抛丸清理机
cage type induction motor 鼠笼式感应电动机
cage type multiplier 笼形倍增器
cage-lifter 笼式升降机
Caiana cotton 凯阿那棉
Caid 氯鼠铜
cairngorm 烟晶
cajun fibre 卡琼强韧叶纤维
cake basket 饼篮
cake box 糕饼盒
cake breaker 滤饼破碎机
cake colouring 食物染色料
cake crusher 碎饼机
cake dish 糕点碟
cake finish machine 丝饼后处理机
cake fodder breaker 油饼饲料粉碎机
cake fork 点心叉
cake knife 糕饼刀
cake machine 糕点生产设备
cake mold 蛋糕模子
cake pan 饼铮
cake plate 饼碟
cake salver 糕点托盘
cake spinning machine 丝饼纺丝机
cake stand 饼架
cake tea 茶砖
cake tin 饼模
cake tongs 饼钳
cake tray 饼碟
cake turner 翻饼铲
cake washing machine 丝饼水洗机
cake winder 丝饼络丝机
cake-cooky wrapping machine 糕饼裹包机
cake-spun viscose rayon 纺成丝饼的粘胶人造丝
cake-wrapper paper 糕点包装纸
caking coal 粘结煤
caking glass wool 粘结玻璃棉
Cal-cop 10 铜铵合剂
Cala-Line 卡拉-莱恩聚丙烯或聚乙烯薄膜纤维
calabar bean 卡拉巴豆
calabar skin 灰白毛皮
calabash gourd 葫芦
calabrere 卡勒布雷尔棉布
calabria cotton 卡拉布里亚棉
Calacloud 卡拉克劳德醋酯短纤
caladaris 卡勒达里条子平布
Calais 卡莱斯牌汽车
calamacho 意大利丝缎
calamanco 卡拉曼科亚麻布
calamatta silk 卡拉马塔生丝
calamine 炉甘石
Calamite 灭螨特
calamus oil 菖蒲油
calamus 菖蒲
calan tablet 卡兰片
Calan 开兰牌手表
calandria 排管式堆容器
Calar 甲基砷酸钙
calcareous glaze 石灰釉
calcareous slate 钙质石板
calcareous spar 方解石
calcein 钙黄绿素
calcia 氧化钙
calcia-alumina-silica fibre 氧化钙-氧化铝-氧化硅纤维
calcifediol 骨化二醇
calciferol 骨化醇
calcii chloridum 氯化钙
calcii gluconas 葡萄糖酸钙
calcii lactas 乳酸钙
calcii natrii edetas 依地酸钙钠
calcimeter 石灰测定器
calcimine 白粉
calcin potassium salt 钙黄绿素钾盐
calcinator 煅烧炉
calcined bauxite in powder 矾土粉
calcined bauxite 熟矾土
calcined china clay 熟瓷土
calcined cocoon 僵蚕茧
calcined diaspore 熟水铝石
calcined dolomite in powder 白云石灰
calcined dolomite 烧白云石
calcined flint clay 熟硬质耐火土
calcined gypsum 煅烧石膏
calcined kieserite 烧水镁矾
calcined limestone 煅烧石灰石
calcined soda 纯碱
calciner 煅烧炉
calcinierite soda 无水苏打
calciparine injection 自抗栓注射液
calcite grain 方解石粒
calcite in grain 方解石粒
calcite in powder 方解石粉
calcite 寒水石
calcitonin 降钙素
calcitriol 骨化三醇
calcium acetate 乙酸钙
calcium acetylide 碳化钙
calcium alginate fibre 海藻酸钙纤维
calcium alginate yarn 海藻酸钙纤维纱
calcium alkylbenzenesulfonate 合成磺酸钙
calcium alloy 钙合金
calcium aluminate 铝酸钙
calcium ammonium nitrate 硝酸铵钙
calcium antimonate 锑酸钙
calcium arsenate 砷酸钙
Calcium arsenate 砷酸钙杀虫剂
calcium base grease 钙基润滑脂
calcium benzamidosalicylate 苯沙酸钙
calcium bicarbonate 碳酸氢钙
calcium biphosphate 磷酸二氢钙
calcium bisulfate 硫酸氢钙
calcium bleach 漂白粉
calcium borate 硼酸钙
calcium boride 硼化钙
calcium bromide injection 溴化钙针剂
calcium bromide 溴化钙
calcium butyrate 丁酸钙
calcium carbide 碳化钙
calcium carbimide 氰氨化钙
calcium carbonate stone powder 碳酸钙石粉
calcium carbonate superfine powder 超细碳酸钙
calcium carbonate 碳酸钙
calcium chloride injection 氯化钙针剂
calcium chloride powder 粉状氯化钙
calcium chloride tube 氯化钙干燥管
calcium chloride 氯化钙
calcium chromate 铬酸钙
calcium citrate 柠檬酸钙
calcium clofibrate 氯贝酸钙
calcium cyanamide 氰氨化钙
calcium cyanide 氰化钙
calcium dihydrogen phosphate 磷酸二氢钙
calcium dimetaphosphate 偏磷酸钙
calcium disodium edetate 依地酸钙钠
calcium dobesilate 羟苯硫酸钙
calcium fertilizer 钙肥
calcium fluophosphate 氟磷酸钙
calcium fluoride laser 氟化钙激光器
calcium fluoride 氟化钙
calcium folinate 叶醛酸钙
calcium glubionate 葡乳醛酸钙
calcium glucoheptonate 葡庚糖酸钙
calcium gluconate injection 葡萄糖酸钙针剂
calcium gluconate powder 葡萄糖酸钙粉
calcium gluconate 葡萄糖酸钙
calcium glycerophosphate 甘油磷酸钙
calcium hydrogen phosphate 磷酸氢钙
calcium hydrophosphate 磷酸氢钙
calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钙
calcium hypochlorite 漂白粉
calcium hypophosphate 连二磷酸钙
calcium hypophosphite 次磷酸钙
calcium iodate 碘酸钙
calcium iodide crystal 结晶碘化钙
calcium iodide 碘化钙
calcium iso-octoate 异辛酸钙
calcium lactate 乳酸钙
calcium lead 钙铅合金
calcium leucovorin 甲酰四氢叶酸钙
calcium levulinate 戊酮酸钙
calcium lignosulphonate 木质素磺酸钙
calcium lime 生石灰
calcium magnesium phosphate 钙镁磷肥
calcium magnesium silicate 硅酸钙镁
calcium mesoxalate 丙酮二酸钙
calcium metaborate 偏硼酸钙
calcium metal 金属钙
calcium metaphosphate 偏磷酸钙
calcium metasilicate 偏硅酸钙
calcium monophosphate 磷酸氢钙
calcium naphthenate 萘酸钙
calcium nitrate 硝酸钙
calcium ortho-tungstate 正钨酸钙
calcium orthophosphate 正磷酸钙
calcium orthosilicate 正硅酸钙
calcium oxalate 草酸钙
calcium oxide 氧化钙
calcium oxychloride 漂白粉
calcium pantothenate 泛酸钙
calcium peroxide 过氧化钙
calcium phenate 苯酚钙
calcium phosphate 磷酸钙
calcium phosphide 磷化钙
calcium polyacrylate 聚丙烯酸钙
calcium propionate 丙酸钙
calcium pyrophosphate 焦磷酸钙
calcium rosin soap 松脂钙皂
calcium saccharate 糖二酸钙
calcium salt of terramycin 土霉素钙盐
calcium salt 钙盐
calcium silicate board 硅酸钙板
calcium silicate 硅酸钙
calcium soap 钙皂
calcium sodium ferriclate 铁葡酸钙钠
calcium stannate 锡酸钙
calcium stearate 硬脂酸钙
calcium stearyl lactylate 硬脂酰乳酸钙
calcium sulfate 硫酸钙
calcium sulfite 亚硫酸钙
calcium superphosphate 过磷酸钙
calcium tablet 钙片
calcium thiocyanate 硫氰酸钙钛
calcium titanate 钛酸钙
calcium titanium silicate 硅酸钙
calcium trisodium pentetate 喷替酸钙钠
calcium tungstate 钨酸钙
calcium wolframate 钨酸钙
calcium yellow vinyl primer 钙黄乙烯底漆
calcium zirconate 锆酸钙
calcium 钙
calcium-aluminium-silicon alloy 钙铝硅合金
calcium-carbid furnace transformer 电石炉变压器
calcium-magnesia phosphate fertilizer 钙镁磷肥
calcium-magnesium alloy 钙镁合金
calcium-manganese-silicon alloy 钙锰硅合金
calcium-soap grease 钙皂基润滑脂
calcium-sodium base grease 钙钠基润滑脂
calcium-yttrium silicate oxyapatite laser 硅酸盐钙-钇氧磷灰石激光器
Calcofluor 卡尔科弗卢尔荧光增白剂
Calcoloid dye 卡尔科洛德染料
Calcosperse dye 卡尔科斯珀斯染料
Calcosyn dye 卡尔科辛染料
Calcotex pigment colour 卡尔科泰克斯涂料
Calcozine dye 卡尔科齐恩染料
calculagraph 计时器
calculating disk 计算盘
calculating machine 计算机
calculating punch 穿孔计算机
calculating rule 计算尺
calculating scale 计算尺
calculator table 计算器桌
calculator 计算器
calculus bovis 牛黄
Calcutta crinkle fabric 加尔各答绉布
Calcutta hemp 黄麻
Caldon 地乐酚
Caleb 卡莱布牌手表
Caledon dye 克力登染料
calendar clock 日历时钟
calendar paper 日历纸
calendar stand 台历架
calendar watch 日历表
calendar 日历
calender drier 压光干燥机
calender press 辊压机
calender roller 紧压辊
calender sized paper 压光施胶纸
calender stack 砑光棍组
calender train 砑光机
calender 压延机
calender-colored paper 压光机染色纸
calendered cloth 砑光布
calendered film 压延薄膜
calendered paper 压光处理纸
calendering machine 砑光机
calf hair 小牛毛
calf hide 小牛皮
calf leather shoes 小牛皮鞋
calf leather 小牛皮革
calf skin 小牛皮
calf-grained plastic bag 小牛皮纹理状塑胶袋
calf-skin silk 小牛皮绸
calfskin bag 小牛皮袋
calfskin belt 小牛皮带
calfskin plate in imitation of leopardskin plate 仿豹牛犊皮褥子
calfskin plate in imitation of tigerskin plate 仿虎牛犊皮褥子
Calgitex 卡尔吉特克斯海藻酸钙-钠纱布
Calgon 卡尔康六聚偏磷酸钠软水剂
calibrated attenuator 校准衰减器
calibrated detector 校准检波器
calibrated feeder 定量供料器
calibrated meter 校准仪表
calibrated oscilloscope 校准示波器
calibrated phase shifter 校准移相器
calibrated scale 分度尺
calibrating apparatus 校准仪器
calibrating device 校准装置
calibrating level meter 校准电平表
calibrating resistor 校准电阻器
calibrating set for resistance attenuator 电阻衰减器校正装置
calibrating table for tachometer 转速表校验器
calibration condenser 校准电容器
calibration device 校准器
calibration instrument 校准用仪表
calibration marker 校准指示器
calibration oscillator 校准用振荡器
calibration receiver 校准接收机
calibration suction pipet 刻度吸管
calibration tank 检定水槽
calibrator 校准器
calibre gauge 测径规
calibre square 测径尺
calibre 卡规
calico paper 印花纸
calico salmon 大麻哈鱼
calico shirting 杂色或印花衬衫布
calico 印花棉布
calicut yarn 双股椰壳纤维纱
calicut 平纹坯布
caliduct 暖气管
California cotton 加利福尼亚棉
California pants 条格纹羊毛裤
California wool 加利福尼亚羊毛
caliper depth rule 深度卡尺
caliper detector 厚度探测器
caliper dipmeter 岩层倾斜仪
caliper gauge 卡规
caliper logging 井径记录仪
caliper profiler 厚度调节器
caliper vernier 游标卡尺
caliper 卡尺
Calite 卡利特耐热镍铬合金钢
Calixin 克啉菌
calk 生石灰
calking chisel 填缝凿
calking sleeve spigot 套筒塞盖
call analyser 呼叫分析仪
call announcer 呼叫指示器
call controller 呼叫控制器
call divider 呼叫分配器
call indicator 呼叫指示器
call lamp 呼叫灯
call sequencer 呼叫排序器
Callao fleece 卡亚俄美洲驼套毛
callatome 显微镜切片器
Callaud cell 卡劳特电池
Callendar and Barne's continuous flow calorimeter 卡仑德-巴恩斯连续流动量热计
calligraphy materials 文房四宝
calling magneto 振铃手摇发电机
calloose hemp 卡卢斯荨麻纤维
Calloy 卡洛依钙铝合金
calmagite 钙镁试剂
calmande 卡尔芒德花呢
calmco cough syrup 咳宁露
calmet burner 垂直燃烧器
calmuc 卡尔马克长绒呢
calmus oil 菖蒲油
Calo-gran 双汞混剂
Calocure 升汞杀菌剂
caloee fibre 南美苎麻
calomel electrode 甘汞电极
calomel half cell 甘汞半电池
calomel 轻粉
Calomic 卡洛米克镍铬铁电热合金
calorie apparatus 量热器
calorie indicator 热量指示器
calorifier 加热器
calorimeter instrument 量热器
calorimeter of open-flow system 放流式量热器
calorimeter type powermeter 量热计式功率计
calorimeter 量热器
calorimetric flowmeter 量热式流量计
calorimetric powermeter 量热式功率计
calorimetric pyrometer 量热高温计
calorisedsteel 渗化钢
calorizer 热法浸提器
calorstat 恒温器
calotte 无边小帽
calpac [中近东的)羊皮帽
calpreta fabric 防缩有光绉织物
calquier 印经塔夫绸
Calsberg 加士伯啤酒
Calumet 卡路美特牌照相机
calusterone 卡鲁睾酮
calutron 卡留特隆重
Calvados 诺曼底果酒
calx chlorinata 漂白粉
calyx and receptacle of a persimmon 柿蒂
calyx meto 苦丁香
Calyx 卡利克斯无光粘胶纤维
cam agitator 凸轮式搅拌器
cam angle indicator 凸轮角指示器
cam axle 凸轮轴
cam case 凸轮箱
cam contactor 凸轮接融器
cam controller 凸轮控制器
cam drum 凸轮鼓
cam follower 凸轮随动件
cam for chucking stock 夹料凸轮
cam forming and profiling machine 凸轮仿形机床
cam grinder 凸轮磨床
cam grinding machine 凸轮磨床
cam holder 凸轮架
cam lever 凸轮杆
cam lock bracket 凸轮托座
cam plastometer 凸轮式塑性计
cam press 凸轮压力机
cam pump 凸轮泵
cam ring 凸轮环
cam roller 凸轮滚子
cam scale 凸盘秤
cam shaft mule 凸轮轴式走锭细纱机
cam shaper cutter 齿轮插刀
cam starter 凸轮起动器
cam switch 凸轮开关
cam type brake 凸轮式制动器
cam wheel 凸轮
cam 凸轮
cam-and-piston pump 凸轮-活塞泵
cam-controlled press 凸轮压机
cam-controlled single spindle automatic lathe 凸轮控制单轴自动车床
cam-operated press 凸轮压机
cam-ram machine 凸轮夯实机
Camargue 卡马格牌汽车
camarines hemp 卡马里内斯大麻
Camaro 卡马罗牌汽车
camas chine 印经花缎
Camay 佳美牌香皂
camayean 卡马延布
camazepam 卡马西泮
cambaye 坎巴雅粗布
cambendazole 堪苯达唑
camber jack 压弯机
cambering machine 钢轨矫直机
Cambilene 草芽平
camblet 仿驼毛呢
Cambo 卡宝牌照相机
cambodia cotton 坎博迪亚棉
camboulas 康布拉斯棉毛交织呢
cambrayon 棉坯布
Cambrelle 坎布雷尔
cambresine 细薄布
cambric grass 苎麻
cambric muslin 漂白轧光细布
cambric paper 葛纹纸
cambric shade 葛布卷帘
cambric shirting 衬衫细布
cambric tape 葛布带
cambric 细麻纱
Cambridge 剑桥牌香牌
cambré 稀薄网状亚麻布
camcorder unit 摄像机-录像机组合装置
camel hair blanket 驼绒毯
camel hair brush 驼毛刷
camel hair carpet 驼毛地毡
camel hair cloth 驼绒织物
camel hair products 驼绒制品
camel hair quilt 驼毛被
camel hair rug 驼毛毡
camel hair shawl 驼绒披巾
camel hair yarn 驼绒纱
camel hair 驼毛
camel suede 仿驼毛织物的棉布
camel wool fancy suiting 驼绒花呢
camel wool filled garment 驼毛防寒服
camel wool quilted coat 驼绒袄
camel wool sweater 驼毛衫
camel wool 驼毛
Camel 骆驼牌香烟
camel's wool garment 驼绒服
camel's wool yarn 驼绒纱
cameleon fibre 变色纤维
camelhair knitwear 驼毛衫
camelina 卡默利纳粗绒呢
cameline oil 亚麻荠油
cameline 驼绒斜纹呢
Camellia cigarette 红山茶香烟
camellia oil 山茶油
camellia 山茶
camelot baracane 家具厚呢
camelot 驼毛呢
camelteen 仿驼毛薄呢
cameo glass 浮雕玻璃
cameo 浮雕宝石
cameole 异色双面缎
camera 粗松亚麻织物
camera amplifier 摄像机放大器
camera attachment 照相机附件
camera body 照相机体
camera cable 摄像机电缆
camera control lever 摄像机操纵杆
camera control monitor 摄像系统监控器
camera control unit 摄像机控制器
camera crane 照相机三脚架
camera filter 照相机滤色镜
camera flash 闪光灯
camera for measuring cloud 测云照相机
camera gun 摄像枪
camera hood 摄像机遮光罩
camera housing 摄影机防护罩
camera lens 照相机镜头
camera masking 摄像机镜头罩
camera monitor 摄像机监视器
camera mounting bracket 摄影机固定支架
camera obscura 暗箱
camera pedestal 照相机架
camera preamplifier 摄像机前置放大器
camera recorder 照相记录仪
camera shutter 照相机快门
camera stand 摄像机支架
camera timer 摄影计时器
camera transit 摄影经纬仪
camera tripod 照相机三角架
camera tube switch 摄像管开关
camera tube with high velocity scanning beam 高速电子扫描摄像管
camera tube with low velocity scanning beam 低速电子扫描摄像管
camera tube 摄像管
camera 照相机
camera-lucida 相片转绘仪
camerahead 摄像机头
cameron tartan 苏格兰格子呢
camiknicker 连短裤背带式女内衣
Camira 卡米拉牌汽车
camisa 宽袖刺绣紧身胸衣
camisado 宽大薄袍
camise 妇女宽衬衣
camisette 短小衬衣
camisole dress 露肩吊带裙
camisole 妇女贴身背心
camlet 驼毛呢
camleteen 仿驼毛呢
camletine yarn 坎姆列廷毛纱
camomile 春黄菊
camostat mesilate 甲磺酸卡莫司他
camouflage boots 迷彩皮靴
camouflage combat uniform 迷彩作训服
camouflage fabric 伪装织物
camouflage net 伪装网
camouflage shoes 迷彩皮鞋
camoyard 卡莫亚呢
camp axe with pipe handle 铁柄野营斧
camp bed 野营床
camp chair 小马扎
camp mobile dining car 野营流动餐车
camp shorts 行军短裤
camp stove 野营用炉
camp 帐蓬
Campagnola 田野牌汽车
campanumoea 土党参
Campari 康巴利必打士酒
campatillas 粗纺毛织物
Campbell gauge 坎贝尔气压计
Campbell sunshine recorder 坎贝尔日照计
campes 康珀斯斜纹呢
camphamedrine 樟麻黄碱
camphane 莰烷
camphanic acid 樟脑酸
campheechlor 毒杀芬
camphene 莰烯
camphol 冰片
camphor ball 樟脑丸
camphor oil 樟脑油
camphor powder 樟脑粉
camphor soap 樟脑皂
camphor sulfonic acid 樟脑磺酸
camphor tablet 樟脑块
camphor tincture 樟脑酊
camphor water 樟脑水
camphor wood 樟木
camphor 樟脑
camphorated chalk 樟脑化白垩
camphorated oil 樟脑油
camphorene 樟脑烯
camphoric acid 樟脑酸
camphorwood chest in carved golden lacquer 金漆木雕樟木箱
camphorwood chest in carved lacquer 雕漆樟木箱
camphorwood chest 樟木箱
camphotamide 樟吡他胺
camping bag 露营包
camping bed 野营床
camping goods 露营用品
camping kettle 旅行壶
Campsis grandiflora lois 凌霄花
camptothecin 喜树碱
campus wear 学生装
Camry 卡姆里牌汽车
camshaft bearing 凸轮轴轴承
camshaft controller 凸轮轴控制器
camshaft eccentric 凸轮轴偏心轮
camshaft grinding machine 凸轮轴磨床
camshaft lathe 凸轮轴车床
camshaft milling machine 凸轮轴铣床
camshaft sprocket 凸轮轴链轮
camshaft timing gear 凸轮轴定时齿轮
camshaft 凸轮轴
Camus 卡米科尼亚克酒
Camy 卡美牌手表
camylofin 卡米罗芬
can bleeding tester 罐头渗漏检验机
can board 罐头包装用防潮纸板
can closing machine 封罐机
can coding machine 罐头代号打印机
can coding set 罐头代号打印机
can cooler 罐头冷却器
can cover marker 罐盖打印机
can end tool 开罐工具
can end-curling machine 圆盖机
can filler 装罐机
can filling and sealing machine 装罐封罐机
can filling machine 装罐机
can flanging machine 罐身翻边机
can labeller 罐头贴标机
can lining machine 罐头涂漆机
can making machinery 制罐机械
can opener 开罐刀
can opening key 开罐刀
can opening machine 开罐机
can packaging machine 罐头包装机
can packing machine 罐装机
can piercer 开罐器
can roving frame 头道粗纱机
can sealer 罐头密封器
can sealing machine 封罐机
can seamer 罐头封口机
can soldering machine 空罐焊锡机
can spinning frame 条筒喂入的细纱机
can testing machine 空罐检漏机
can top 油壶盖
can vacuum tester 罐头真空检测仪
can washing machine 洗罐机
can weigher 罐头称重机
can weight machine 罐头称重机
can wrapping machine 空罐包封机
can-cap dryer 罐盖烘乾机
can-cap printer 罐盖打印机
can-corrosion tester 罐腐蚀检验机
can-end press 罐盖冲床
can-lid closing machine 封罐机
Can-trol 2甲4氯丁酸除草剂
can-type generator for fumigation 筒式烟雾发生器
canadaris 条格丝缎
canadas 粗纺毛毯
Canadian Club 加拿大俱乐部加威酒
Canadian embroidery 加拿大刺绣
Canadian hemlock 加拿大铁杉
Canadian hemp 加拿大大麻
Canadian patchwork 加拿大缀花床单
Canadian shirt 加拿大衬衫
Canadian Whisky 加拿大威士忌
canal trimmer 渠槽修整机
canamazos 未漂棉布
canamo de Senegal 洋麻
canapina fibre 青麻
canapone 低级雌株大麻
canard 鸭式飞机
canary lamp 充气黄色灯泡
canary olein 油酸纤维润滑剂
canary 金丝雀
cancave lens 凹透镜
cancellation amplifier 消磁放大器
canceller 消除器
candicidin 杀念菌素
candid camera 选拍照片机
candied apple 苹果蜜饯
candied citron 柠檬蜜饯
candied citrus peel 柑桔皮蜜饯
candied coconut 糖椰子
candied date 蜜枣
candied fruit peel 水果皮蜜饯
candied fruit 果脯
candied jujube 糖枣
candied kumquat 糖金桔
candied lotus nut 糖莲心
candied lotus root 糖藕
candied mango 蜜饯芒果
candied plum 糖梅
candied rice puff 炒米糖
candied white gourd 糖冬瓜
candle bulb socket 烛泡灯座
candle coal 长焰煤
candle cotton wick 棉烛心
candle filter 烛式过滤器
candle holder for christmas tree 圣诞树用烛台
candle holder 蜡烛台
candle lamp bulb 烛形灯泡
candle lamp 烛灯
candle lantern 点烛灯笼
candle machine 蜡烛机
candle snuffer 烛花剪
candle stick fabric 烛台布
candle stick 蜡烛台
candle wick 烛芯
candle wicking 蜡烛芯材料
candle 蜡烛
candlewick chenille spread 烛心线纹毯
candlewick fabric 烛芯纱盘花簇绒织物
candlewick spread 烛芯纱盘花床单
candlewick yarn 烛芯纱
candy agate 冰糖玛瑙
candy bag paper 糖果袋纸
candy box 糖果盒
candy film 糖果薄膜
candy floss 棉花糖
candy making machine 制糖果机
candy stamping machine 糖果成形机
candy thermometer 煮糖果温度计
candy wrapping machine 糖果包装机
candytuft 屈曲花
cane shredder 蔗切条机
cane basket 藤篮
cane chair 藤椅
cane combine 甘蔗联合收获机
cane conveyor 输蔗机
cane crusher 甘蔗榨汁机
cane cutter 甘蔗收割机
cane easy chair 大藤椅
cane feeder table 喂蔗台
cane fibre board 甘蔗板
cane furniture 藤制家具
cane harvester 甘蔗收割机
cane harvesting machine 甘蔗收获机
cane lifter 甘蔗提升机
cane loader 甘蔗装载机
cane press 甘蔗压榨机
cane products 藤制品
cane shoot 茭白
cane sofa 藤沙发
cane sugar 蔗糖
cane wax 蔗蜡
cane-juice squeezer 甘蔗榨汁机
cane-lifting machine 甘蔗提升机
cane-pieces transporting machine 蔗件输送机
Canebrake cotton 坎布拉克棉
canequim 细白布
canete 单丝绢丝
caniche 卷毛呢
canister purge line 过滤器净化管
canister resistance detecting apparatus 滤毒罐阻力测量器
canister respirator 滤毒罐式呼吸器
canister 滤毒罐
canna fibre 美人蕉纤维
Cannabis indica 印度大麻
Cannabis sative 大麻
cannamasoz 未漂亚麻布
canned amber sugar coated walnutmeat 琥珀核桃仁罐头
canned amber walnut meat 琥珀桃仁罐头
canned apple jam 苹果酱罐头
canned apple 苹果罐头
canned aquatic products 水产罐头
canned arbutu in syrup 糖水杨梅罐头
canned arbutu 杨梅罐头
canned asparagus spear 芦笋罐头
canned asparagus 笋尖罐头
canned asparagus-style bean 切去两头的青刀豆罐头
canned bakery food 听装饼干
canned bamboo shoot 竹笋罐头
canned bean sprout 豆芽罐头
canned beef ham 牛肉火腿罐头
canned beef tendon soup 牛蹄筋汤罐头
canned beef 牛肉罐头
canned beer sealing machine 罐装啤酒封口机
canned beer 罐装啤酒
canned boned chicken 去骨鸡罐头
canned braised bamboo shoot 油焖笋罐头
canned braised peanut 香焖花生罐头
canned butter 罐装奶油
canned button mushroom 罐装钮扣菇
canned carambola in syrup 糖水杨桃罐头
canned cherry 樱桃罐头
canned chicken with chestnut 栗子鸡罐头
canned chicken with chili 辣子鸡罐头
canned chicken with mushroom 冬菇鸡罐头
canned chicken with salted black bean juice 豉汁鸡罐头
canned chicken 鸡罐头
canned chopped mushroom 碎菇罐头
canned clam 蛤罐头
canned coconut jam 椰子酱罐头
canned corn on the cob 玉米笋罐头
canned crab meat 蟹肉罐头
canned crab 蟹罐头
canned crushed corn 玉米碎粒罐头
canned cucumber in soy 酱瓜罐头
canned curry beef 咖喱牛肉罐头
canned curry chicken 咖喱鸡罐头
canned curry duck 咖喱鸭罐头
canned curry pork chop 咖喱排骨罐头
canned curry rabbit meat 咖喱兔肉罐头
canned cut bean 段装青刀豆罐头
canned drink 罐装饮料
canned duck 鸭罐头
canned edible mushroom and fungus 食用菌罐头
canned egg noodles with chicken slice 鸡丝炒蛋面罐头
canned fish in oil 油浸鱼罐头
canned fish pudding 鱼布丁罐头
canned fish 鱼罐头
canned flat peach 蟠桃罐头
canned food for the armed forces 军用罐头食品
canned food 罐头食品
canned fried duck with original juice 原汁酥鸭罐头
canned fried silver carp 酥炸鲫鱼罐头
canned fried young chicken 炸子鸡罐头
canned fruit jam 果酱罐头
canned fruit jelly 果冻罐头
canned fruit juice 果汁罐头
canned fruit 水果罐头
canned goose 鹅罐头
canned grape compote 糖水葡萄罐头
canned grape 葡萄罐头
canned ham 火腿罐头
canned haw compote 糖水山楂罐头
canned haw jam 山楂酱罐头
canned jam 果酱罐头
canned kiwi-fruit slice in syrup 糖水猕猴桃罐头
canned kumkwat orange in syrup 糖水金桔罐头
canned lemon juice 柠檬汁罐头
canned longan in syrup 糖水龙眼罐头
canned longan 龙眼罐头
canned loquat in syrup 糖水枇杷罐头
canned loquat 枇杷罐头
canned lotus seed compote 糖水莲子罐头
canned mandarin orange in light syrup 糖水桔子罐头
canned mandarin orange 桔子罐头
canned mango juice 芒果汁罐头
canned mango 芒果罐头
canned marine eel in tomato sauce 番茄汁鳗鱼罐头
canned meat 肉罐头
canned milk products 乳品罐头
canned mixed vegetables 什锦蔬菜罐头
canned motor pump 密封式电动泵
canned motor 密封式电动机
canned mushroom and duck wing 香菇鸭翅罐头
canned mushroom 蘑菇罐头
canned mutton 羊肉罐头
canned nut 果仁罐头
canned okra 秋葵罐头
canned orange in syrup 糖水桔子罐头
canned peach in syrup 糖水桃子罐头
canned peach 桃子罐头
canned pear in syrup 糖水梨罐头
canned pear 梨罐头
canned pet food 玩畜饲料罐头
canned pineapple filled longan in syrup 龙眼夹心菠萝罐头
canned pineapple filled lychee in syrup 荔枝夹心菠萝罐头
canned pineapple in spiral slice 菠萝旋片罐头
canned pineapple jam 菠萝酱罐头
canned pineapple juice 菠萝汁罐头
canned pineapple whole slice in syrup 糖水菠萝罐头
canned plum 李子罐头
canned pork bamboo shoot 猪肉笋罐头
canned pork cubes with bamboo shoot 猪肉笋丁罐头
canned pork leg with mushroom 香菇猪腿罐头
canned pork luncheon meat 午餐肉罐头
canned pork mince with bean paste 豆酱肉末罐头
canned pork 猪肉罐头
canned poultry meat 禽肉罐头
canned poultry 家禽罐头
canned products of preserved vegetable 干菜罐头
canned prune 李子罐头
canned pump 密封泵
canned rabbit 兔肉罐头
canned roast chicken with mushroom 香菇烧鸡罐头
canned roasted chicken 烤鸡罐头
canned roasted goose 烤鹅罐头
canned rose date jam 玫瑰枣蓉罐头
canned rose flavour salted turnip 玫瑰大头菜罐头
canned sardine in tomato sauce 茄汁沙丁鱼罐头
canned sausage 香肠罐头
canned shellfish 贝类罐头
canned short cut bean 短段青刀豆罐头
canned shrimp 虾罐头
canned silver carp with meat filling 荷包鲢鱼罐头
canned slender bamboo shoot 小竹笋罐头
canned sliced apple 苹果片罐头
canned snake soup 蛇羹罐头
canned soft-shelled turtle soup 甲鱼汤罐头
canned spaghetti 细面条罐头
canned spiced goose 五香鹅罐头
canned spiced mudskipper 五香花鱼罐头
canned spiced pork cube 五香肉丁罐头
canned spiced pork haslet 卤猪什罐头
canned spring bamboo shoot 春笋尖罐头
canned squid fish in black bean soy 豉油鱿鱼罐头
canned steamed cuttle fish 清蒸墨鱼罐头
canned steamed duck with mushroom 香菇炖鸭罐头
canned steamed shrimp 鲜制小虾罐头
canned steamed turtle 清蒸甲鱼罐头
canned steamed young pigeon with mushroom 香菇炖乳鸽罐头
canned stewed carp 红烧鲤鱼罐头
canned stewed chicken 红烧鸡罐头
canned stewed clam 红烧花蛤罐头
canned stewed duck with orange peel 陈皮鸭罐头
canned stewed duck 红烧鸭罐头
canned stewed eel 红烧鳗鱼罐头
canned stewed halibut 红烧比目鱼罐头
canned stewed pork chop 红烧排骨罐头
canned stewed pork leg 红烧元蹄罐头
canned stewed pork slice 红烧扣肉罐头
canned stewed pork with scallion 葱烧猪肉罐头
canned stewed pork 红烧猪肉罐头
canned stewed scomber 红烧马加鱼罐头
canned stewed seabream 红烧加吉鱼罐尖
canned stewed whale meat 红烧鲸肉罐头
canned stewed yellow croaker 红烧黄花鱼罐头
canned strawberry jam 草莓酱罐头
canned strawberry syrup jelly 糖酱草莓罐头
canned stringless green bean 青刀豆罐头
canned sundry fruit 干果罐头
canned tomato paste 蕃茄酱罐头
canned tuna in brine 盐水金枪鱼罐头
canned tuna in oil 油浸金枪鱼罐头
canned tuna in tomato sauce 番茄汁金枪鱼罐头
canned vegetable 蔬菜罐头
canned vertical pack bean 竖装青刀豆罐头
canned walnut meat 听装核桃仁
canned water bamboo shoot 清水竹笋罐头
canned water chestnut 清水荸荠罐头
canned whale steak 鲸鱼肉罐头
canned whole bean 整装青刀豆罐头
canned whole chicken 全子鸡罐头
canned whole duck with mushroom 香菇全鸭罐头
canned whole grain corn 整玉米粒罐头
canned winter bamboo shoot in water 清水冬笋罐头
canned winter bamboo shoot 冬笋罐头
canned yellow peach in syrup 糖水黄桃罐头
canned young corn 玉米笋罐头
canned {lychee} in syrup 糖水荔枝罐头
canned {lychee} 荔枝罐头
canned {Yunnan} ham 云腿罐头
canned-rotor pump 密封转子泵
cannel coal 烛煤
cannel 烛煤
cannele 双经棱纹绸
cannele alternatif 交替棱条绸
cannele cord 花式灯芯绒
cannele simplete 简式棱条绸
cannelle repp 细棱条绸
cannequin 漂白棉布
canner 装制罐头容器
cannetille 金银线
cannette 阔幅经棱细布
canning fish knife 罐头鱼刀
canning machine 装罐头机器
canning set 装罐器具
cannitracin 克念菌素
Cannon 佳能牌照相机
cannon 加农炮
cannula 插管
canoe 划艇
Canonet 卡侬乃特牌照相机
canopy 床篷
canotier 卡诺蒂埃哔叽或斜纹
canourge 毛哔叽
canrenoate potassium 坎利酸钾
cant hook 钩杆
cant saw blunt file 三角锯锉
cantai 坎泰细平布
cantala 坎塔拉剑麻
cantaloup 罗马甜瓜
canteen 军用水壶
Canter 奔马牌汽车
canterbury 丝经棉纬布
cantharides 斑蝥
cantharidin 斑蝥素
cantharis 斑蝥虫
cantilever beam impact tester 悬臂梁式冲击试验机
cantilever crane 悬臂起重机
cantilever platform 悬臂式平台
cantilever pump 悬臂式泵
cantilever spring 悬臂弹簧
cantilever type coordinate measuring machine 悬臂式三座标测量机
cantilever valve 舌状阀
Canton cotton 广东棉绒布
canton crane 轻便落地吊车
Canton crepe 广绫
Canton flannel 广东长绒法兰绒
Canton gauze gambiered 莨纱
Canton ivory carving 广州象牙雕刻
Canton linen 广东夏布
Canton natural steam filature 广东黄厂丝
Canton satin 广绫
Canton silk piece goods 广东绸缎
Canton silk 广东生丝
Canton white steam filature 广东白厂丝
Canton {Feng Wei} fish 广州凤尾鱼
canton 广东棉布
Cantona 坎托纳半无光粘胶丝
Cantonese sundew 锦地罗
cantoon 厚斜纹棉布
cantor tablet 康多尔片
Cantrece 肯特兰斯双组分耐纶单丝或复丝
canvas & artificial leather suitcase 人造革帆布箱
canvas bag 帆布包
canvas basketball shoes 帆布蓝球鞋
canvas bed 帆布床
canvas belt 传送带
canvas bookbag for school boy 帆布书包
canvas bucket 帆布桶
canvas canoe 帆布划艇
canvas cloth 帆布
canvas conveyer 帆布运输机
canvas cot 帆布床
canvas cover 帆布面
canvas duck 粗帆布
canvas embroidery 帆布刺绣
canvas gloves 帆布手套
canvas hood 帆布罩
canvas hose 帆布水龙带
canvas loom 帆布织机
canvas mittens 帆布手套
canvas note paper 布纹书写纸
canvas panel 帆布衬板
canvas paste paint 帆布厚漆
canvas rubber shoes 帆布胶底鞋
canvas school bag 帆布书包
canvas shoes with rubber heel 帆布胶跟鞋
canvas shoes with rubber sole 帆布胶底鞋
canvas shoes without cushioned insole 无垫帆布鞋
canvas shoes 帆布鞋
canvas sport shoes 帆布运动鞋
canvas suitcase and bag 帆布箱包
canvas suitcase with corner and edge covered with red leather 红皮包边角帆布箱
canvas suitcase with leather edged 帆布皮革镶边箱
canvas suitcase with leather-covered corner and edge 皮包边角帆布箱
canvas suitcase 帆布箱
canvas ventilator 帆布风斗
canvas weave fabric 帆布织纹布
canvas wooden folding chair 帆布木折椅
canvas 粗帆布
canvas-apron unloader 输送带式卸载机
canvas-leatheret pencil pouch 人造革文具盒
caoutchone 橡胶酮
caoutchouc 生橡胶
cap and pin type suspension insulator for high voltage 高压线路盘形悬式绝缘子
cap and pin type suspension insulator 盘形悬式绝缘子
cap blot 有头螺栓
cap key 套筒扳手
cap lifter 瓶盖提升器
cap moulding machine 鞋头成形机
cap nut 锁紧螺母
cap opener 启盖器
cap screw 有头螺钉
cap spinning frame 帽锭细纱机
cap yarn 帽锭精纺毛纱
cap 帽子
cap-box 小帽盒
cap-lamp 帽灯
cap-spun worsted yarn 帽锭精纺毛纱
cap-tightener 封盖机
capacitance altimeter 电容式测高计
capacitance box 电容箱
capacitance bridge 电容桥
capacitance comparator 电容比较仪
capacitance integrator 电容积分器
capacitance level transducer 电容式液位传感器
capacitance linear air condenser 线性电容式空气电容器
capacitance measuring instrument 电容测量仪
capacitance measuring tester 电容测试仪
capacitance meter 电容计
capacitance potentiometer 电容电位器
capacitance pressure transmitter 电容式压力变送器
capacitance probe 电容探测器
capacitance relay 电容式继电器
capacitance resistance filter 阻容滤波器
capacitance resistance oscillator 阻容振荡器
capacitance strain transducer 电容应变传感器
capacitance tube 电容管
capacitance type sensor 电容式传感器
capacitance-type regularity tester 电容式规律性度试验机
capacitance-type resistor 电容电阻器
capacitance-variable transistor 变容晶体管
capacitive approach switch 电容式接近开关
capacitive coupling amplifier 电容耦合放大器
capacitive coupling meter 电容耦合测试器
capacitive divider 电容分压器
capacitive filter 电容滤波器
capacitive micrometer 电容式测微计
capacitive position transducer 电容式位置传感器
capacitive resistance tube 电容性电抗管
capacitive sawtooth generator 电容式锯齿波发生器
capacitive transducer 电容式传感器
capacito-plethysmograph 电容脉波计
capacitor analyser 电容器分析仪
capacitor box 电容器箱
capacitor changeover contactor 切换电容器式接触器
capacitor filter 电容滤波器
capacitor firing furnace 电容器焙烧炉
capacitor for phase adjustment 调相用电容器
capacitor loudspeaker 电容器式扬声器
capacitor memory 电容器存储器
capacitor motor 电容起动电动机
capacitor paper 电容器纸
capacitor phase shifter 电容移相器
capacitor pickup 电容拾音器
capacitor shaft 电容器轴
capacitor split-phase motor 电容分相式电动机
capacitor start and run motor 电容起动行驶式电动机
capacitor start motor 电容起动电动机
capacitor starter 电容式起动机
capacitor store 电容器存储器
capacitor tachometer 电容式转速计
capacitor tester 电容器测试器
capacitor tissue 电容器纸
capacitor trigger 电容触发器
capacitor 电容器
capacitor-controlled oscillator 电容控制振荡器
capacity altimeter 电容式测高计
capacity antenna 电容性天线
capacity attenuator 电容衰减器
capacity battery 高能干电池
capacity bridge 电容电桥
capacity checker 电容检验器
capacity coupler 电容耦合器
capacity coupling measuring set 电容耦合测量仪
capacity coupling meter 电容耦合测试仪
capacity divider 电容分压器
capacity meter 电容测试器
capacity multiplier 电容倍增器
capacity probe 容量探示器
capacity relay 电容式继电器
capacity shunt ammeter 电容分路安培计
capacity tensiometer 电容式张力计
capacity-input filter 电容输入滤波器
capadyne 电致伸缩继电器
caparison 华丽的服装
cape coat 有披肩的男大衣
Cape Basuto 南非洲粗马海毛
cape bolt 固定螺栓
cape chisel 拐角凿子
Cape First 南非洲一级马海毛
Cape kids 南非洲初剪马海毛
Cape Mixed 南非洲中级马海毛
Cape mohair 南非洲马海毛
cape net 坚硬棉织网
cape overcoat 斗篷
Cape Snow-White wool 南非洲雪白美利奴毛
Cape Winter 南非洲马海冬毛
Cape wool 南非洲羊毛
cape 披肩
caped sheath 披肩罩
capejasmine 栀子
capelet 小披肩
capelin 小沙钻
capeline 柔软宽缘帽
capella 织花布头
caper seed 马槟榔
capercailzie 松鸡
capeskin belt 羊皮腰带
capeskin moctoe slippers 羊皮搭线拖鞋
capeskin snap-top cap 帽顶扣带之羊皮帽
capeskin 南非洲绵羊皮
capillarimeter 毛细管测液器
capillaroscope 毛细显微镜
capillary artemisia 茵陈
capillary detector 微管检波器
capillary electrometer 毛细管静电计
capillary flask 毛细瓶
capillary flow meter 毛细管流量计
capillary glass tube 玻璃毛细管
capillary plastometer 毛细管塑度计
capillary rheometer 毛细管流变仪
capillary tube viscometer 毛细管粘度计
capillary tube 毛细管
capillary viscometer 毛细管粘度计
capillary viscosimeter 毛细管粘度计
capillary viscosity measuring instrument 毛细管粘度测量仪
capillary wattmeter 毛细管瓦特计
capillary wormwood 绵茵陈
capillator 毛细管比色计
capillometer 毛细试验仪
capillothermometer 毛细管温度计
capister 变容二极管
Capital 卡皮塔尔牌手表
capiure 生丝扎绞线
caplastometer 毛细管粘度计
capnometer 二氧化碳检测计
capobenic acid 卡泊酸
capon 阉鸡
capot 起绒厚呢
capote 带风帽宽厚女斗篷
capoten tablet 刻甫定片
capper 压盖机
capping and sealing machine 封盖和密封机
capping crane 加盖起重机
capping machine 压盖机
capping plane 圆角刨
capraldehyde 癸醛
caprate 癸酸盐
capreomycin 卷曲霉素
Capri 卡普里牌汽车
capric acid 癸酸
Caprice 卡普里斯牌汽车
caprilate 辛酸盐
caproaldehyde 己醛
caproate 己酸盐
caproic acid 己酸
caproic anhydride 己酸酐
caprolactam sulfonate 己内酰胺磺酸酯
caprolactam 己内酰胺
caprolactone 己内酯
Caprolan 卡普鲁纶
caproxamine 卡普罗胺
caproyl 己酰
capryl alcohol 辛醇
caprylate 辛酸盐
caprylene 辛烯
caprylic acid 辛酸
caprylic aldehyde 辛醛
capryloyl 辛酰
capsaicim 辣椒素
capscrew bolt 有头螺栓
capsicum 辣椒
capstan engine 卷扬机
capstan head slide 六角头滑板
capstan lathe 六角车床
capstan motor 主导电动机
capstan roller 输带辊
capstan screw 转塔丝杠
capstan winch 绞盘
capstan 绞盘
capsulae allitridi 大蒜素胶囊
capsulae olei viticis nequndo 牡荆油丸
capsular jack 千斤顶
capsule bottle 胶囊瓶
capsule for gastropathy 707胃药
capsule for relieving gastric trouble 胃乃安胶囊
Capsule metal 卡普苏尔铅锡合金
capsule of Chinese caterpillar fungus 冬虫夏草胶囊
capsule of licorsinc 甘草锌胶囊
capsule of schisandra fruit 五仁醇胶囊
capsule press 瓶盖压入机
capsule pressure gauge 膜盒式压力表
capsule simulator 座舱模拟器
capsule tape 胶壳卷尺
capsule type vacuum gauge 膜盒式真空计
capsule 胶囊
capsule-type manometer 膜盒式压力计
capsuling machine 瓶盖压入机
captafol 敌菌丹
captamine 卡普他明
captan 克菌丹
Capthion 克硫松混剂
caption adder 字幕叠加器
caption machine 字幕机
caption moving picture camera 字幕动画摄影机
caption signal generator 字幕信号发生器
caption system 字幕系统
Captiva 凯普蒂瓦
captodiame 卡普托胺
captopril 卡托普利
capuchin cloth 僧侣外套呢
capuchin 连斗帽的女大衣
capuride 异辛酰脲
caputium 连帽短斗篷
car alarm system 汽车报警系统
car alarm 汽车报警器
car belt 汽车安全带
car body 车身
car bottom electric furnace 车底式电炉
car charger 装车机
car cleaner 车辆清洗剂
car dumper 汽车倾卸机
car for meteorological observation 气象观测车
car gasoline 车用汽油
car heater hose 汽车暖水胶管
car heater 汽车加热器
car lift 车辆提升机
car loader 装车机
car telephone 车载电话
car tipper 翻车机
car tunnel kiln 隧道式窑
car type furnace 车式炉
car visor 车用遮阳板
car wax 汽车蜡
car weigher 车辆衡器
car 汽车
car-kilometer 车辆公里计程表
car-mount radio telephone 车载无线电话机
car-type airless shot blasting machine 车式无空气抛丸清理机
caracal fur 猞猁毛
caracul cloth 仿羔皮呢
caracule 羔皮
carafe 玻璃水瓶
Caragach cotton 卡拉加棉
Caragard 甲氧去草净
caraguata fibre 卡拉瓜塔菠萝叶纤维
carambola in syrup 糖水杨桃
carambola with lemon juice and laurel 柠汁桂花杨桃
carambola 杨桃
caramel cream 焦糖膏
caramel cutting machine 硬糖切块机
caramel 焦糖酱色
caramelized sugar 焦糖
caraminiam carpet 卡腊迈尼地毯
caramiphen ethanedisulfonate 咳美芬
caramiphen 卡拉米芬
carana palm 卡拉纳棕榈纤维
Carana 卡勒纳聚酰胺长丝
caranalyzer 定碳仪
carane 蒈烷
carapax amydae 鳖甲
caravan 大蓬车
Caravan 商队牌汽车
Caravelle 卡拉维拉牌汽车
Caravonica cotton 卡拉温尼卡棉
caraway oil 页蒿油
caraway seed oil 页蒿子油
caraway seed 页蒿子
carbachol 卡巴胆碱
Carbacryl 丙烯腈
carbacrylamine resin 卡巴明树脂
carbadox 卡巴多司
carballoy 碳化钨硬质合金
Carbam 威百亩
carbamate 氨基甲酸盐
carbamazepine 卡马西平
carbamic acid 氨基甲酸
carbamide formaldehyde resin 异尿素甲醛树脂
carbamide resin 聚脲树脂
carbamide 尿素
carbamidine 胍
carbamido 脲基
carbaminate 氨基甲酸盐
carbamoyl 氨基甲酰基
carbamoylphenoxyacetic acid 卡巴芬乙酸
Carbamult 猛杀威杀虫剂
Carbamysol 福美铵杀菌剂
carbaniloyl 苯氨基甲酰
carbanolate 氯灭杀威
carbantel 卡斑太
carbanthrene blue 卡朋士林蓝
Carbanthrene dye 卡朋士林染料
carbarsone 卡巴胂
carbaryl 西维因
carbasalate calcium 卡巴匹林钙
carbaso 绢丝薄绸
carbassus 西班牙亚麻布
Carbatene 代森联杀菌剂
carbazeran 卡巴喹伦
carbazochrome salicylate 卡巴克络水杨酸钠
carbazochrome sodium sulfonate 卡巴克络磺酸钠
carbazochrome 卡巴克络
carbazole 咔唑
carbendazol wettable powder 多菌灵可湿性粉剂
carbendazol 多菌灵
carbene 碳烯
carbenicillin 羟苄青霉素
carbenoxolone sodium 生胃酮钠
carbenoxolone 甘珀酸
carbenzide 卡苯肼
carbetamide 长杀草
carbetapentane citrate compound syrup 复方咳必清糖浆
carbetapentane citrate tablet 咳必清片
carbetapentane citrate 咳必清
Carbicron 百治磷
carbide 45 cranked external turning tool 硬质合金45°弯头外圆车刀
carbide alloy 碳化物合金
carbide bit 硬质合金钻头
carbide blade 硬质合金刀片
carbide cylindrical surface cutter 硬质合金圆柱平面铣刀
carbide die milling cutter 硬质合金模具铣刀
carbide drawing die wire polishing machine 硬质合金拉丝模线抛光机
carbide drill 硬质合金钻
carbide end mill 硬质合金端铣刀
carbide end milling cutter 硬质合金端铣刀
carbide face-milling cutter with indexable insert for fine tooth 硬质合金可转位密齿面铣刀
carbide fibre 碳化物纤维
carbide fine-pitch gear hob 硬质合金小模数齿轮滚刀
carbide furnace 碳化炉
carbide gun drill 硬质合金枪钻
carbide gun reamer 硬质合金枪铰刀
carbide helical end mill 硬质合金螺旋立铣刀
carbide hob 硬质合金滚刀
carbide indexable face-milling cutter 硬质合金可转位面铣刀
carbide indexable triple side milling cutter 硬质合金可转位三面刃铣刀
carbide key way mill 硬质合金键槽铣刀
carbide lamp 电石灯
carbide machine reamer with parallel shank 硬质合金直柄机用铰刀
carbide machine reamer with taper shank 硬质合金锥柄机用铰刀
carbide miner 硬质合金采矿机
carbide rectangular threading insert for petroleum pipe 石油管螺纹硬质合金长方形刀片
carbide refractory 碳化物耐火材料
carbide rotary tool 硬质合金旋转锉
carbide scraper 硬质合金刮刀
carbide segment threading insert for petroleum pipe 石油管螺纹硬质合金扇形刀片
carbide shaver for wood working 木工硬质合金铣刀
carbide shell face milling cutter with spiral teeth 螺旋齿套式硬质合金平面铣刀
carbide side cutter 硬质合金侧铣刀
carbide skiving gear hob 硬质合金刮削滚刀
carbide skiving hob 硬质合金滚铣刀
carbide slotting cutter 硬质合金槽铣刀
carbide slotting saw 硬质合金槽锯
carbide square threading insert for petroleum pipe 石油管硬质合金方形螺纹刀片
carbide T-slot milling cutter 硬质合金T形槽铣刀
carbide taper shank endmill with helical teeth 硬质合金斜齿锥柄立铣刀
carbide taper shank endmill with spiral teeth 硬质合金螺旋齿锥柄立铣刀
carbide taper shank twist drill 硬质合金锥柄麻花钻
carbide tip 硬质合金片
carbide tipped drill 镶硬质合金钻头
carbide tipped valve seat reamer 硬质合金气门座铰刀
carbide to water acetylene gener

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