Cutter selection Part-2

Following on last introduction of end mill selection, now we continue to introduce the classification of cutter shape and application.

There are square end mill, side cutter, angle cutter, shape cutter, end mill, T-slot cutter, semi-moon key seat cutter, dovetail cutter , as well as face milling cutter.

  1. Plain milling cutter:

    Make cutting edge from a cylindrical rod to mill the plane of work piece, that we called flat cutter .. a cutting flute parallel to axis which is proper for light milling, because all the chips will be into the chip slot which will make the cutter beat, it is not suitable for heavy cutting ..) diagram and (c) diagram of the cutting edge of the spiral can have more than one cutting edge contact with the face milling cutting situation, so it’s more stable ..) diagram of the spiral angle have a better cutting effect since its helix is bigger, and it may reduce the milling vibration, resulting in a smooth surface, it can be used in heavy cutting or machining hard materials ..) helix angle is smaller, which is suitable for cutting middle amount of milling or fine cutting surface of work piece.

    (a)Light cutting
    plain milling cutter
    (b)Heavy cutting
    plain milling cutter
    (c)Finishing cutting
    plain milling cutter
    Light cutting plain milling cutter Heavy cutting plain milling cutter Finishing cutting<br/>plain milling cutter
  2. Side milling cutter:

    Side cutter names from its side with cutting edge, divided into flat side milling cutter, hemi-cutter, staggered blade side cutter and interlocking side cutter four types according to the distribution of blades, as below, The flat side milling cutter (as shown in (a)) with edges in circumference and both sides of the blade can be used to slot, mill plane and ride milling. Hemi-cutter (as shown (b) below) with edges on the circumference and single side, which is good for heavy milling.. the blade could be on the left or right, so if the left and right side of the cutter, in the middle set a flat cutter, you can make milling work. Turn staggered cutting edge on both sides of the surface, said helix angle relative staggered blade side cutter (see the (c) below), allows milling force to reduce vibration and beat, always used in high-speed groove and deep feed milling. The following diagram (d) shows the interlocking side cutter, combine the left and right side of the cutter and the blades of both sides is also relatively, which axial thrust offset each other to do right groove milling work .

    (a)Flat side milling cutter (b)Hemi-cutter (c)Staggered blade side cutter (d)Interlocking side cutter
     flat side milling cutter hemi-cutter  staggered blade side cutter interlocking side cutter
  3. Angular cutter:

    Cutting edge is neither parallel nor perpendicular to the cutter axis called the angle cutters .. unilateral angle cutters and bilateral angle cutters, as shown below, used for milling angular surfaces, such as the V-shaped groove slot, serrated, beveled and hinged blade teeth.

    Unilateral angle cutters cutting edge cutting edge of the cone surface, flat on the cutting edge is the cutter cone into perspective, but also in the left or right side (as shown in a) .. term point of view; bilateral angle cutters, cutting edge on the two intersect the cone on both sides of the angle can be equal or not equal (as shown below (b) below) .. edge angle are equal while the angle of the size of the call.

    (a)Unilateral angle cutters (b)Bilateral angle cutters
    Unilateral angle cutters bilateral angle cutters
  4. Metal slitting saw:

    For milling slots or cutting metal, shown as below:

    Metal slitting saw
  5. Formed cutter:

    According to shape of cutting edge, milling its the opposite shape of the work piece, suitable for mass production, shown three popular types as below:

    (a)Convex-type cutter (b)Concave cutter (c)Gear-type cutter
    Convex-type cutter Concave cutter Gear-type cutter
  6. End mill:

    Cutting edge on the face and on the periphery of the end mill. Just like drill bit and erection of flat end mills, hence it is often used in milling plane, groove, and contour.

  7. T-slot cutter:

    Cutting edges in the both sides and the circumferential surface, and has a standard taper shank into the connector then put into the spindle .. cutters or side cutters milling a vertical slot on the work piece, and then use the T-slot cutters at the bottom milling to create a wide horizontal slot, it’s the T-slot.

    T-slot cutter
  8. Woodruff keyseat cutter:

    Similar to the side milling cutter, but only with cutting edges on the circumferential surface, and it has a handle, used for milling half-moon shape key set of work piece.

    Woodruff keyseat cutte
  9. Dovetail milling cutter:

    For machining dovetail set and groove.

    Dovetail milling cutter
  10. Face milling cutter:

    Face milling cutter is much like the sets of shell-side cutter, face milling cutter diameter 150 nm or more sets of rods mounted in the milling machine spindle mouth, face milling cutter for milling flat similar to its work planer .. knife circle cutter for milling work on the plane cutter for fine cut light repair work.

    (a)HSS face milling cutte (b)WC face milling cutte
    HSS face milling cutte WC face milling cutte


  • General cutter materials and usage occasion as follows
    1. High-speed steel cutters:for general purposes, the most widely used.
    2. Carbide cutter:for high speed cutting.
    3. Non-ferrous metal casting alloy cutter:suitable for heavy cutting.
  • Plain milling cutter
    1. Straight shank end mill
    2. Taper shank end mill
  • Common end mills:
    1. Convex-type cutter
    2. Concave cutter
    3. Gear-type cutter
    4. Dove tailstock cutter
    5. Semi-moon key cutter
article reference - Vocational Training Council


Bewise Inc., being a professional manufacturer of various cutting tools, is endeavoring to make excellent products. We are very experienced in custom-made tools, and good at solving customers’ problems when they meet difficulties and troubles. Through everlasting research and practices, we understand thoroughly about different materials of cutters and cutting tools.


BW's popular products for tool series including circular saw, carbide cutting tool, saw blade, wood saw blade, special tool,side milling cutter, …etc; For machines we have spiral tube cooler, cutter grinder, and the latest design and advanced powder forming machine / pelletizer. Bewise is a superior manufacturer and supplier of cutter production and machinery industry.

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