Bewise Inc.
Reference source from the internet.编号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
ANSI (NFPA)T 2.25.1 R 2-2005 | 气压传动.工业机械的系统标准.对ISO 4414-1998的补充.气压传动.与系统相关的一般规则 | |
ANSI 1-1990 | 小型锅炉的测试程序 | Mini-Rail Boiler Testing Procedure |
ANSI 13-1988 | 盒式录像磁带.2英寸四路磁带(SMPTE) | Video Recording-Cartridge Spools - 2-in Quadruplex Tape (SMPTE) |
ANSI 5609-2004 | 可转位刀片用镗杆.尺寸 | |
ANSI 5609-2004 | 可转位刀片用镗杆.尺寸 | (Boring bars for indexable inserts - Dimensions ) |
ANSI A 10.12-1998 | 挖掘的安全要求 | Safety Requirements for Excavation |
ANSI A 10.13-2001 | 钢结构构件的安全要求 | Safety Requirements for Steel Erection |
ANSI A 10.15-1995 | 建造和拆除操作.挖沟的安全要求 | Construction and Demolition Operations - Dredging, Safety Requirements for |
ANSI A 10.16-1995 | 建造和拆除操作.竖井,隧道,藻井的安全要求 | Construction and Demolition Operations - Safety Requirements for Tunnels, Shafts, and Caissons |
ANSI A 10.17-1997 | 热混合沥青建筑的安全操作规程 | Safe Operating Practices for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Construction |
ANSI A 10.18-1996 | 建造和拆除操作.临时地板孔墙开孔和楼梯口及其他无保护边界的安全要求 | Construction and Demolition Operations - Safety Requirements for Temporary Floor Holes, Wall Openings, Stairways and Other Unprotected Edges |
ANSI A 10.31-1995 | 建造和拆除操作.挖掘起重机的安全要求,定义和规范 | Construction and Demolition Operations - Safety Requirements, Definitions, and Specifications for Digger Derricks |
ANSI A 10.34-2001 | 施工现场及其邻近的公众的保护 | Protection of the Public on and Adjacent to Construction Sites |
ANSI A 10.37-1996 | 建造和拆除操作.在建造和拆除操作中的砂砾系统 | Construction and Demolition Operations - Debris Net Systems Used During Construction and Demolition Operations |
ANSI A 10.39-1996 | 健康审核程序的结构安全 | Construction Safety and Health Audit Program |
ANSI A 10.42-2000 | 建筑企业的施工资格和责任 | Rigging Qualifications and Responsibilities in the Construction Industry |
ANSI A 10.7-1998 | 建造和拆除.商业用爆炸和炸药.运输,储存,处理和使用的安全要求 | Construction and Demolition - Commercial Explosives and Blasting Agents - Safety Requirements for Transportation, Storage, Handling and Use |
ANSI A 10.9-1997 | 建造和拆除操作.混凝土和砖石工程 | Construction and Demolition Operations - Concrete and Masonry Work |
ANSI A 108.10-1992 | 灰浆固定规范 | Specifications for Installation of Grout in Tilework (included in ANSI A108.1-1992) |
ANSI A 108.11-1992 | 粘结性衬垫部件的内部装修规范 | Specifications for Inior Installations of Cementitious Backer Units (included in ANSI A108.1-1992) |
ANSI A 108.1a-1992 | 用波特兰水泥灰浆用湿固定法安装陶瓷砖的规范 | Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile in the Wet-Set Method, with Portland Cement Mortar (included in ANSI A108.1-1992) |
ANSI A 108.1b-1992 | 用干的或渍浆的波特兰水泥灰浆在弯曲的波特兰水泥灰浆凝固床上安装陶瓷砖的规范 | Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile on a Cured Portland Cement Mortar Setting Bed with Dry-Set or Latex Portland Cement Mortar (included in ANSI A108.1-1992) |
ANSI A 108.1c-1992 | 签订合同者的选择规范.用干的或渍浆的波特兰水泥灰浆在弯曲的波特兰水泥灰浆床上安装陶瓷砖或用波特兰混凝土灰浆用湿固定方法安装陶瓷砖 | |
ANSI A 108.4-1992 | 用有机粘结剂或水可清洗的环氧树脂陶瓷砖粘结剂的陶瓷砖的安装规范 | Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile with Organic Adhesives or Water Cleanable Tile Setting Epoxy Adhesive (included in ANSI A108.1-1992) |
ANSI A 108.5-1992 | 用干固定的波特兰水泥灰浆或渍浆的波特兰水泥灰浆的陶瓷砖的安装规范 | Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile with Dry-Set Portland Cement Mortar or Latex Portland Cement Mortar (included in ANSI A108.1-1992) |
ANSI A 108.6-1992 | 用耐化学药品的水可清洗釉面砖粘结的和环氧树脂的陶瓷磁砖安装规范 | Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile with Tile with Chemical Resistant, Water Cleanable Tile Setting and Grouting Epoxy (included in ANSI A108.1-1992) |
ANSI A 108.8-1992 | 用耐化学药品的灰浆和灌浆安装陶瓷砖的规范 | Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile with Chemical Resistant Furan Mortar and Grout (included in ANSI A108.1-1992) |
ANSI A 108.9-1992 | 用改良的树脂乳化的灰浆和灌浆的陶瓷砖的安装规范 | Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile with Modified Epoxy Emulsion Mortar/Grout (included in ANSI A108.1-1992) |
ANSI A 118.1-1992 | 干固定的波特兰水泥灰浆规范 | Specifications for Dry-Set Portland Cement Mortar (included in ANSI A108.1-1992) |
ANSI A 118.2-1992 | 导电的干固定的波特兰水泥灰浆规范 | Specifications for Conductive Dry-Set Portland Cement Mortar (included in ANSI A108.1-1992) |
ANSI A 118.3-1992 | 耐化学药品的水可清洗的磁砖安装和灌浆环氧树脂和水可清洗的固定磁砖粘结剂规范 | Specifications for Chemical Resistant, Water Cleanable Tile-Setting and Grouting Epoxy and Water Cleanable Tile Setting Epoxy Adhesive (included in ANSI A108.1-1992) |
ANSI A 118.4-1992 | 浸浆波特兰水泥灰浆规范 | Specifications for Latex Portland Cement Mortar (included in ANSI A108.1-1992) |
ANSI A 118.5-1992 | 磁砖安装用耐化学药品的树脂灰浆规范 | Specifications for Chemical Resistant Furan Resin Mortars and Grouts for Tile Installation (included in ANSI A108.1-1992) |
ANSI A 118.6-1992 | 陶瓷砖灌浆规范 | Specifications for Ceramic Tile Grouts (included in ANSI A108.1-1992) |
ANSI A 118.8-1992 | 改良环氧树脂乳化灰浆灌浆规范 | Specifications for Modified Epoxy Emulsion Mortar Grout (included in ANSI A108.1-1992) |
ANSI A 118.9-1992 | 粘结性衬垫部件的规范 | Specifications for Cementitious Backer Units (included in ANSI A108.1-1992) |
ANSI A 119.2-1996 | 娱乐车辆 | Recreational Vehicles |
ANSI A 119.4-1996 | 娱乐车辆的停车和停放场地 | Recreational Vehicle Parks and Campgrounds |
ANSI A 119.5-1998 | 停车拖车 | Park Trailers |
ANSI A 1264.2-2001 | 行走/工作表面的耐滑性装置 | Provision of Slip Resistance on Walking/Working Surfaces |
ANSI A 136.1-1992 | 陶瓷砖安装用有机粘结剂规范 | Organic Adhesives for Installation of Ceramic Tile (included in ANSI A108.1-1992) |
ANSI A 250.11-2001 | 推荐的钢机架建造方法 | Recommended Erection Instructions for Steel Frames |
ANSI A 250.6-1997 | 标准钢门五金 | Hardware on Standard Steel Doors (Reinforcement-Application) |
ANSI A 250.7-1997 | 钢门和钢门框架的命名 | Nomenclature for Steel Doors and Steel Door Frames |
ANSI A 92.2-2001 | 车载高架旋转架空装置 | Vehicle-Mounted Elevating and Rotating Aerial Devices |
ANSI A10.10-1990 | 建筑业用的临时及便携式采暖器件和设备的安全要求 | Safety requirements for temporary and portable space heating devices and equipment used in the construction industry |
ANSI A10.11-1989 | 修建和拆除工作期间用的安全网 | Construction and Demolition Operations - Personnel and Debris Nets |
ANSI A10.14-1991 | 供建筑和拆除工作用安全带、装具、绳索、救生索的要求 | Construction and demolition operations - Requirements for safety belts, harnesses, lanyards and lifelines for constrution and demolition use |
ANSI A10.20-1988 | 修建和拆除的瓷砖、水磨石和大理石作业时的安全要求 | Construction and Demolition - Ceramic Tile, Terrazzo and Marble Work - Safety Requirements |
ANSI A10.28-1990 | 悬吊在起重机或转臂起重机上的工作平台安全要求 | Safety requirements for work platforms suspended from cranes or derricks for construction and demolition operations |
ANSI A10.3-1995 | 修建和拆除工作中用的炸药驱动紧固系统的安全要求 | Construction and demolition operations - Safety requirements for powder-actuated fastening systems |
ANSI A10.32-2004 | 建设和拆毁工作中防人员跌落的安全要求 | |
ANSI A10.33-1992 | 多个建筑和拆除工程中的安全、卫生方面的要求 | Construction and demolition operations - Safety and health programm - Requirements for multi-employer projects |
ANSI A10.4-2004 | 载人升降机和雇员用电梯的安全要求 | |
ANSI A10.5-1992 | 运料用升降机的安全要求 | Safety requirements for material hoists |
ANSI A10.6-1990 | 拆除工程的安全要求 | Safety requirements for demolition operations |
ANSI A10.8-1988 | 修建和拆除工作用的脚手架的安全要求 | Construction and Demolition Operations - Scaffolding - Safety Requirements |
ANSI A108.1 Reihe-1992 | 瓷砖铺设的规范 | Specifications for the installation of ceramic tile |
ANSI A112.14.1-1975 | 回水阀 | Backwater valves |
ANSI A112.19.5-1979 | 厕所水浮筒、水箱及小便池的修整 | Trim for water-closet bowls, tanks, and urinals (dimensional standards) |
ANSI A118.10-1993 | 薄状瓷砖和规格石料安装中的载面、粘接、防水层 | Load bearing, bonded, waterproof membranes for thin-set ceramic tile and dimension stone installations |
ANSI A119.2-2002 | 娱乐车辆 | (Recreational Vehicles ) |
ANSI A119.5-2005 | 公园挂车 | |
ANSI A1264.1-1995 | 楼板、墙壁开口及非居住区的楼梯、围栏类的安全要求 | Safety requirements for workplace floor and wall openings, stairs and railing systems |
ANSI A135.4-2004 | 基本的硬质纤维板 | |
ANSI A135.5-2004 | 预制硬质纤维板嵌板 | |
ANSI A14.3-1992 | 固定式梯子的安全要求 | Ladders - Fixed - Safety requirements |
ANSI A14.3-2002 | 固定梯子的安全要求 | (Ladders - Fixed - Safety Requirements ) |
ANSI A14.4-1992 | 工地用木梯的安全要求 | Safety Requirements for Job-Made Wooden Ladders |
ANSI A14.9-2004 | 吊装暗式爬高系统的安全要求 | |
ANSI A161.2-1979 | 高压层压案台板的性能标准 | Performance standards for fabricated high pressure decorative laminate countertops |
ANSI A208.2-1994 | 室内用中密度纤维板 | Medium density fiberboard (MDF) |
ANSI A224.1-1990 | 钢门和门框涂底漆前的钢板表面的试验程序和验收条件 | Test procedure and acceptance criteria for prime painted steel surfaces for steel doors and frames |
ANSI A250.13-2003 | 摆动式门组件用防大风暴部件的检验和额定值 | (Testing and Rating of Severe Windstorm Resistant Components for Swinging Door Assemblies ) |
ANSI A250.2-1984 | 隔热钢门系统的术语 | Nomenclature for insulated steel door systems |
ANSI A250.4-1994 | 钢门和金属附件的耐久性的试验程序和验收标准 | Test procedure and acceptance criteria for physical endurance for steel doors and hardware reinforcings |
ANSI A250.5-1994 | 钢门、门框和吊钩的加速物理耐久性试验程序 | Accelerated physical endurance test procedure for steel doors, frames and frame anchors |
ANSI A250.6-2003 | 标准钢制门五金件(增强型) | (Hardware on Standard Steel Doors (Reinforcement-Application) ) |
ANSI A250.8-2003 | 标准钢门和门框的推荐性规范 | (Recommended Specifications for Standard Steel Doors and Frames ) |
ANSI A300 Part 2-2004 | 树木护理操作.树木、灌木和其它木类植物的维护.标准规程.第2部分:施肥 | |
ANSI A300 Part 4-2002 | 树木管理培植.树、灌木和其他树木维护.树的防电击设备 | (Tree Care Operations - Tree, Shrub and Other Woody Plant Maintenance: Standard Practices - Part 4 - Lightning Protection Installation for Trees ) |
ANSI A300 Part 5-2005 | 树木护理操作.乔木、灌木和其他木类植物的养护.标准操作规程(场地规划、开发和施工操作过程中对乔木和灌木的管理) | |
ANSI A300 Part 6-2005 | 树木维护用操作.乔木、灌木和其他木本植物的维护.标准实施规程(移栽) | |
ANSI A300-1995 | 树木防护.树、灌木和其它木本植物的防护.标准规程 | Tree care operations - Tree, shrub and other woody plant maintenance - Standard practices |
ANSI ATIS0100001-2004 | ETS用户平面安全指南和要求 | |
ANSI ATIS0152100-2005 | 与ITU-T建议G.711一起使用的包丢失隐蔽 | |
ANSI ATIS0300002-2005 | POTS服务试验用XML图解界面 | |
ANSI ATIS0300003-2005 | 缺陷管理用XML图解界面(故障管理) | |
ANSI ATIS0300202.a-2005 | 互连网操作.阐明5.3节呼叫优先策略的灾害状况下公共通信网络的网络管理指南 | |
ANSI ATIS0300276.a-2005 | 操作、管理、维护和保障.公共通信网络的安全要求:作为阻止有害通信的包过滤附加要求的管理平面用安全要求基线 | |
ANSI ATIS0322000-2005 | 信息交换用通信业制造商、供应商和相关服务公司的表示 | |
ANSI ATIS0325300-2005 | 信息交换用定位实体的识别 | |
ANSI ATIS0326600-2005 | 电信.信息交换.用于北美电信系统的电信电路的识别用结构 | |
ANSI ATIS0326900-2005 | 电信.信息交换.用于北美电信系统的追踪信息格式的结构和表示 | |
ANSI ATIS0610700a-2005 | 数字分级.格式规范(虚拟连接和LCAS) | |
ANSI ATIS0700004-2005 | 大容量-空分多路存取(HC-SDMA) | |
ANSI ATIS1000006-2005 | 信令系统No.7(SS7).应急电信服务(ETS) | |
ANSI ATIS1000111-2005 | 信令系统No.7(SS7).信息传输部分(MTP) | |
ANSI ATIS1000112-2005 | 信令系统No.7(SS7).信令连接控制部分(SCCP) | |
ANSI ATIS1000113-2005 | 信令系统No.7(SS7).综合业务数字网络(ISDN)用户部分 | |
ANSI ATIS1000631-2005 | 信令系统No.7(SS7).高完成概率(HPC)网络容量 | |
ANSI B 11.3-2002 | 动力弯板机.制造、维修和使用安全要求 | Power Press Brakes, Safety Requirements for the Construction, Care, and Use of |
ANSI B 16.18-2001 | 铸铜合金钎料接头压力配件 | Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings |
ANSI B 18.16.3M-1982 | 普通转矩式米制六角螺母和六角法兰螺母的尺寸要求 | Nuts and Hex Flange Nuts, Dimensional Requirements for Prevailing-Torque-Type Steel Metric Hex |
ANSI B 5.11-1964 | 多轴钻头用轴头和可调接头 | Spindle Noses and Adjustable Adapters for Multiple Spindle Drilling Heads |
ANSI B 5.43-1977 | 组合机床标准 | Modular Machine Tool Standards |
ANSI B 65.1-1995 | 安全标准.印刷机系统 | Safety Standard - Printing Press Systems |
ANSI B 74.16-1995 | 检验金刚石磨料粒度的尺寸 | Checking the Size of Diamond Abrasive Grain |
ANSI B 74.18-1996 | 涂有磨料的某种磨料粒度的等级 | Grading of Certain Abrasive Grain on Coated Abrasive Material |
ANSI B 74.23-1999 | 钻石立方体的硼氮磨料的相对晶体强度的测量 | Measuring the Relative Crystal Strengths of a Diamond Cubic Boron Nitride Grits |
ANSI B 92.1-1996 | 渐开线花键及其检验.英制 | Involute Splines and Inspection, Inch Version |
ANSI B 93.10M-1969 | 方头液动滚筒的静压力额定值法 | Static Pressure Rating Methods of Square Head Fluid Power Cylinders |
ANSI B 93.35M-1978 | 液动专用装置的空腔尺寸(英制) | Fluid Power Exclusion Devices (Inch Series), Cavity Dimensions for |
ANSI B 93.36M-1973 | 浮动式金属和非金属液压活塞环槽的尺寸 | Floating Type Metallic and Non-Metallic Fluid Power Piston Rings, Groove Dimensions for |
ANSI B 94.3-1965 | 车床和螺旋机械的直的切削片 | Straight Cut-Off Blades for Lathes and Screw Machines |
ANSI B 94.8-1967 | 插入式刀形铣刀体 | Inserted Blade Milling Cutter Bodies |
ANSI B11 TR 1-1993 | 机床的设计、安装和使用的人机工程导则 | Ergonomic guidelines for the design, installation and use of machine tools |
ANSI B11.1-1988 | 机床.机械动力压力机的制造、维护和使用的安全要求 | Machine Tools - Mechanical Power Presses - Safety Requirements for Construction, Care and Use |
ANSI B11.10-1990 | 机床.金属锯床的制造、维护和使用的安全要求 | Machine Tools - Metal Sawing Machines - Safety Requirements for Construction, Care and Use |
ANSI B11.10-2003 | 金属锯床的制造、维护和使用的安全要求 | (Metal Sawing Machines, Safety Requirements for Construction, Care, and Use of ) |
BW碧威股份有限公司針對客戶端改善切削方式、提供專業切削CNC數控刀具專業能力、製造客戶需求如:Cutting tool、切削刀具、HSS Cutting tool、Carbide end mills、Carbide cutting tool、NAS Cutting tool、Carbide end mill、Aerospace cutting tool、Carbide drill、High speed steel、Milling cutter、Core drill、鎢鋼銑刀、航太刀具、鎢鋼鑽頭、高速剛、鉸刀、中心鑽頭、Taperd end mills、斜度銑刀、Metric end mills、公制銑刀、Miniature end mills、微小徑銑刀、鎢鋼切削刀具、Pilot reamer、領先鉸刀、Electronics cutter、電子用切削刀具、Step drill、階梯鑽頭、Metal cutting saw、金屬圓鋸片、Double margin drill、領先階梯鑽頭、Gun barrel、Angle milling cutter、角度銑刀、Carbide burrs、滾磨刀、Carbide tipped cutter、銲刃刀具、Chamfering tool、倒角銑刀、IC card engraving cutter、IC晶片卡刀、Side cutter、側銑刀、NAS tool、DIN tool、德國規範切削刀具、Special tool、特殊刀具、Metal slitting saws、Shell end mills、滾筒銑刀、Side and face milling cutters、Side chip clearance saws、交叉齒側銑刀、Long end mills、長刃銑刀、Stub roughing end mills、粗齒銑刀、Dovetail milling cutters、鳩尾刀具、Carbide slot drills、Carbide torus cutters、鎢鋼圓鼻銑刀、Angeled carbide end mills、角度鎢鋼銑刀、Carbide torus cutters、短刃平銑刀、Carbide ball-noseed slot drills、鎢鋼球頭銑刀、Mould cutter、模具用刀具、BW微型渦流管槍、Tool manufacturer、刀具製造商等相關切削刀具、以服務客戶改善工廠加工條件、爭加競爭力。歡迎尋購~~~碧威股份有限公司