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聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯,又稱做壓克力或有機玻璃,香港多稱做阿加力膠(英文 Acrylic 音譯),具有高透明度,低價格,易於機械加工等優點,是平常經常使用的玻璃替代材料。





1. PMMA的密度比玻璃低:PMMA的密度大約在1150-1190 kg/m3,是玻璃(2400-2800 kg/m3)的一半;
2. PMMA的重量較輕:PMMA的密度為1.18kg/dm3,同樣大小的材料,其重量只有普通玻璃的一半,金屬鋁(屬於輕金屬)的43%。
3. PMMA的機械強度較高:有機玻璃的相對分子質量大約為200萬,是長鏈的高分子化合物,而且形成分子的鏈很柔軟,因此,有機玻璃的強度比較高,抗拉伸和 抗衝擊的能力比普通玻璃高7~18倍。有一種經過加熱和拉伸處理過的有機玻璃,其中的分子鏈段排列得非常有次序,使材料的韌性有顯著提高。用釘子釘進這種 有機玻璃,即使釘子穿透了,有機玻璃上也不產生裂紋。這種有機玻璃被子彈擊穿後同樣不會破成碎片。因此,拉伸處理的有機玻璃可用作防彈玻璃,也用作軍用飛 機上的座艙蓋。
4. PMMA的熔點較低:PMMA的熔點約240-250攝氏度,比玻璃約1000度的高溫低很多。
5. PMMA的透光率較高
1. 可見光:PMMA是目前最優良的高分子透明材料,透光率達到92%,比玻璃的透光度高[1]。
2. 紫外光:石英能完全透過紫外線,但價格高昂,普通玻璃只能透過0.6%的紫外線,但PMMA卻能透過73%。PMMA在 does not filter ultraviolet (UV) light. PMMA transmits UV light, at best intensity, down to 300 nm. Some manufacturers[2] coat their PMMA with UV films to add this property. On the other hand, PMMA molecules have great UV stability compared to polycarbonate.
3. 紅外線:PMMA allows infrared light of up to 2800 nm wavelength to pass. IR of longer wavelengths, up to 25,000 nm, are essentially blocked. Special formulations of colored PMMA exist to allow specific IR wavelengths to pass while blocking visible light (for remote control or heat sensor applications, for example).




PMMA can be joined using cyanoacrylate cement (so-called "Superglue"), or by using liquid di- or trichloromethane to dissolve the plastic at the joint which then fuses and sets, forming an almost invisible weld. PMMA can also be easily polished to restore cut edges to full transparency.

To produce 1 kg of PMMA, about 2 kg of petroleum is needed. In the presence of oxygen, PMMA ignites at 460° C and burns completely to form only carbon dioxide and water.

The polymer of methyl acrylate, poly(methyl acrylate), is similar to poly(methyl methacrylate), except for the lack of methyl groups on the backbone carbon chain. This soft white rubbery material is softer than PMMA because its long polymer chains are thinner and smoother and can more easily slide past each other.


1902年,德國化學家 O. Röhm 合成了 PMMA。O .Röhm 開始只是想把這種材料用於黏合劑。

1936年,PMMA 開始大規模生產。
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